YES-a charitable org-est.in1995 toreduce avoid'bl blindness.To serve visually impaired poor/disadv'g

Photos from YOUTH EYE SERVICE (YES)'s post 29/04/2024

Discover heartwarming moments from the recent Kirtipur Free Clinic(2081-01-08), where our dedicated team offered free services with joy and compassion. Join with us every first Sunday of the Nepali month to be a part of this community initiative, where everyone can find support and benefit from our camp.


देश बिदेशमा बस्नुहुने सम्पुर्ण नेपालीलाई यो नया बर्ष को हार्दिक मंगलमये शुभ कामना |

Photos from YOUTH EYE SERVICE (YES)'s post 02/04/2024

आजको दिन खुसीको,
आँखाको अव्यवस्था हटाएर।
हाम्रो चेहरा रमाइलो,
हामी आब्दुली हासिल गरेका।

तपाईंको आशीर्वादले,
हाम्रो जीवनमा उज्यालो ल्यायो।
धन्यवाद, धन्यवाद तपाईंलाई,
सुख भरिएको हृदयमा आज।

Nameste गत चैत्र १८ गते भयेको निसुल्क आँखा शल्यक्रिया शिविरको कहि सम्झनाका दृश्यहरु।
Once again, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to all members of YES, Cup of Tea members, and every team member who contributed directly or indirectly to this journey. Your support has been invaluable and deeply appreciated. Thank you for being a part of this endeavor.

Photos from YOUTH EYE SERVICE (YES)'s post 31/03/2024

Happy Cup of Tea Day to everyone! Yesterday, YOUTH EYE SERVICE (YES) successfully celebrated Cup of Tea Day. This time, it was a bit different from previous years, as it was a simple celebration. Taking a break and experiencing something new was refreshing for all of us(YES team). No matter what it was, we extend our utmost respect to those who contributed and help make this journey possible.

Today 31th March and it's 14th Cup of Tea Day.🎉🎉
We kindly request you to share a photo and video of yourself raising a cup of tea wishing everyone a happy "Cup of Tea Day" on social media. Thanks you once again for your continuous support.


Hello Everyone!
We hope this notice finds you in good health. We kindly remind you that "A Cup of Tea Day" is just around the corner. We extend our heartfelt gratitude for being a part of Youth Eye Service and for your invaluable contribution in helping those in need see the world. We will be celebrating "A Cup of Tea Day" on March 31, 2024. We humbly request you to share a photo and video of yourself raising a cup of tea and wishing everyone a happy "Cup of Tea Day" on social media. Thank you once again for your ongoing support, and we look forward to your continued assistance in the days to come.

Photos from YOUTH EYE SERVICE (YES)'s post 25/03/2024

गत शनिबार चैत्र १० गते ढांडागाउँ सामुदायिक स्वास्थ्य केन्द्र मण्डनदेउपुर-१, मा आँखा जाँच कार्यक्रम सफालता पुर्वक सफल भयेको जानकरी गरौना चाहाँछौ |
साथै यसरी नै हजुरहरुको निरन्तर साथ र सहयोग को आशा राख्छौ
धन्यवाद |


होलीको पवित्र अवसरमा हामी सबैको सुख समृद्धिको कामना गर्दछौं।
अन्तरिक दुख र झगडा लै बिसेर माया सहयोग अनि सद्भाव विकास गरौ।
होलीको शुभकामना |

Photos from YOUTH EYE SERVICE (YES)'s post 23/03/2024

कृपया हाम्रो नयाँ कप अफ चिया सदस्य Nishu Shakya लाई स्वागत गर्नुहोस्।

यदि तपाईं पनि यो कप चिया कार्यक्रममा सामेल हुन चाहनुहुन्छ भने तपाईंले टेकुमा रहेको हाम्रो YES कार्यालयमा सम्पर्क गर्न सक्नुहुन्छ।
आउनुहोस् एक अर्कालाई सहयोग गरौं।
Moving towards brightness

Photos from YOUTH EYE SERVICE (YES)'s post 21/03/2024

March 23,2024 (up comming Chaitra 10). We are pleased to announce the hosting of a free eye camp at Dhada Goun Health post , 1 Mandan deupur.
Join us in spreading smile and bring clarity to vision together!

यहि चैत्र १० गते ढाडागाउँ सामुदायिक स्वास्थ्य चौकीमा निःशुल्क आँखा शिविर सञ्चालन हुन गईरहेको जानकारी गराउँदछौ ।

स्थान काभ्रे १, मण्डन देउपुर समयः बिहान १०:०० बजेदेखि।
आउनुहोस् समयमै आँखा जाँच गरी आँखा सम्बन्धि रोगको निवारण गरौं ।
मुस्कान फैलाऔं र सँगै दृष्टिमा स्पष्टता ल्याऔं!"

Photos from YOUTH EYE SERVICE (YES)'s post 15/03/2024

Hello everyone! As you may know, we conduct regular free eye check-up program in Kritipur. We're excited to announce that our next free eye check-up camp will be held on 16th March 2024(Tomorrow) Come join us, check your eyes conditions and benefit from this camp!
सबैलाई नमस्कार! तपाईलाई थाहा होला, हामीले कीर्तिपुरमा नियमित नि:शुल्क आँखा जाँच कार्यक्रम सञ्चालन गर्छौं। हामी हाम्रो अर्को नि:शुल्क आँखा जाँच शिविर मार्च सोह्रमा आयोजना हुने घोषणा गर्न पाउँदा उत्साहित छौं। आउनुहोस् हामीसँग सामेल हुनुहोस् र यस शिविरबाट फाइदा लिनुहोस्!

Photos from YOUTH EYE SERVICE (YES)'s post 15/03/2024

14th March 2024 .
Greatful for a visit Ms Christa Drigalla, a valued cup of tea member, all the way from Germany

Photos from YOUTH EYE SERVICE (YES)'s post 13/11/2023

We're thrilled to share that our Eye Screening Camp at Teku Pachali on 11th November 2023 was a tremendous success! 👁️✨

Thanks to Pachali Bhairab Tol Sudhar Samaj, Teku-12 and dedicated YES team members, we were able to provide crucial eye screenings to promote better vision and overall eye health.

Photos from YOUTH EYE SERVICE (YES)'s post 13/11/2023

🎉👏 A Heartfelt Congratulations to our esteemed YES advisor, Er. Bharat Lal Shrestha, on his well-deserved promotion to Colonel! 🌟 Congratulation & Appreciation Program. 10th November 2023 at YES office, Teku

Photos from YOUTH EYE SERVICE (YES)'s post 02/11/2023


Date: 2080 Bhadra 24 (September 10, 2023)
Location: Shree Shila Devi Basic School, Shankharapur-3, Dhoksan
Sponsored by: Go Green Homestay
Total Patients: 88
Medicines and Eye Glassed Distributed as well.

Photos from YOUTH EYE SERVICE (YES)'s post 05/10/2023

सूचक प्रकाशनको १५ औं वार्षिकोत्सवको अवसरमा यही २०८० असोज ११ गते बिहीवार दिन नेपाल प्रज्ञा प्रतिष्ठान, कमलादीमा विभिन्न १० विधाका प्रतिभाहरुलाई सम्मान स्वरुप क्याप्टेन रतन बहादुर लामिछाने पुरस्कार तथा सूचक सम्मान समर्पण कार्यक्रम आयोजना गरिएको थियो जसमा युवा नेत्र सेवाको अध्यक्ष श्री सिद्धार्थ रञ्जितज्यूले आँखा स्वास्थ्य क्षेत्रमा पु¥याउनुभएको योगदानको कदर गर्दै सम्मान पत्र ग्रहण गर्नुभएकोमा सम्पूर्ण युवा नेत्र सेवा परिवार बधाई ज्ञापन गर्दछौं ।


हाल काठमाण्डौं उपत्यकामा आँखा पाक्ने रोग व्यापक रुपमा फैलिरहेकोले यसको रोकथामको लागि युवा नेत्र सेवाबाट सर्वसाधारणमा जारी सन्देश

आफू पनि सचेत होऔं । अरुलाई पनि जानकारी गराऔं ।

Photos from YOUTH EYE SERVICE (YES)'s post 13/02/2023

Successful eye screening camp that was conducted at Bosigaun, Chandragiri Municipality-10 on January 30th, 2023. A total of 205 patients underwent eye checkups during the camp. The patients were also given free medicine as a part of the camp. We would like to extend our thanks to all the volunteers and staff who worked tirelessly specially Co-organizer Bhairabnath SACCOS team to make this camp a success.

Photos from YOUTH EYE SERVICE (YES)'s post 24/11/2022

Youth Eye Service successfully conducted 'Free Eye Screening Camp' on 24th September 2022, Saturday in coordination with Balambu Chyau Cooperative Limited, Mahila Friends Club, Namaste Eye Centre at Balambu, Chandragiri Municipality-12, Kathmandu. Around 130 patients benefitted from this screening camp. We would like to thank the Womens' Friends Club & team, Balambu Chyau Cooperative, Retina Specialist Dr. Reeta Rajbhandari, Dr. Sandeep Shrivastava, YES General Secretary Roshan Raj Maharjan, YES General Members Sita Maharjan, Raj Maya Maharjan, and Agraj Ranjitkar for their involvement and contribution to make this camp successful.

युवा नेत्र सेवाले काठमाडौंको चन्द्रागिरि नगरपालिका–१२ बलम्बुमा बलम्बु च्याउ सहकारी, महिला फ्रेन्ड्स क्लब, तथा नमस्ते आई सेन्टरसँग समन्वय गरी २०७९ असोज ८ गते शनिबार सफलतापूर्वक 'नि:शुल्क आँखा जाँच शिविर' सञ्चालन गरेको छ। यस शिविरबाट करिब १३० जना बिरामीले लाभ उठाएका छन् । यस शिविरलाई सफल बनाउनमा संलग्न तथा योगदान गर्नुभएका बलम्बु च्याउ सहकारी, महिला फ्रेन्ड्स क्लब र टोली, रेटिना विशेषज्ञ डा. रीता राजभण्डारी, डा. सन्दीप श्रीवास्तव, रोशनराज महर्जन, सीता महर्जन, राजमाया महर्जन, र अग्रज रञ्जितकारप्रति हार्दिक कृतज्ञता आभार गर्दछौँ ।


भावपूर्ण श्रद्धाञ्जली


सूचना! सूचना!! सूचना!!!

निःशुल्क आँखा शिविर
मिति: २०७९/०६/१५ गते (शनिबार)
स्थान: कालिका शरण मा. वि. शंखरापुर-३, जहरसिं पौवा
समयः बिहान १० बजेदेखि दिउँसो २ बजेसम्म
आयोजक: युवा नेत्र सेवा र लप्सीफेदी सवस्थय केन्द्र, काठमाडौँ

कृपया यो सूचनाको बारे सबैलाई जानकारी गराइदिनु होला।

थप जानकारीका लागि सम्पर्क:


नोट: विशेषज्ञ डाक्टरहरु द्वारा जाच गराइनेछ।


Rest In Peace !!!


Congratulation !!!
यस युवा नेत्र सेवाका सदस्य तथा बहुप्रतिभाका धनी सुश्री सुनिता डंगोलज्यूले २०७९ को स्थानीय चुनावमा काठमाडौं महानगरपालिकाबाट उपमेयर पदमा अत्यधिक मतले बिजयी हुनुभएकोमा बधाई सहित उहाँको कार्यकाल पूर्ण रुपले सफलहोस् तथा राजनैतिक र व्यक्तिगत जीवनपनि उदाहरणिय होस् भनि सम्पूर्ण युवा नेत्र सेवा परिवार हार्दिक शुभकामना व्यक्त गर्दछौं ।

Photos from YOUTH EYE SERVICE (YES)'s post 27/04/2022

Successfully organized ONE DAY EYE SCREENING CAMP At Matragaun, Ranipouwa, Nuwakot. Specially thanks to Chandra Naraya Shrestha and Bishnu Shrestha to coordinate with Newakot ward office and entire team to success the program.


Happy New Year B.S. 2079 !!!

Photos from YOUTH EYE SERVICE (YES)'s post 22/03/2022

Primary Eye Health Education for Local Volunteer
11 volunteers from different place participated at the training program. program sponsored by: S.S. Hospitality.

Photos from YOUTH EYE SERVICE (YES)'s post 22/03/2022

Late Post

25th Free Eye Cataract Surgery Camp completed successfully at Namaste Eye Center, Teku
total 27 patients from Dhadagaun, Thecho, Kirtipur and other place done cataract surgery. also completed Follow up visit after 1 week and 1 month. all the patients got good vision. thank you all well wishers for your kind support.

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