Dakpa Tamdin Incense

Dakpa Tamdin Incense

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We make 4 of the 5 original incense produced by our grandfather namely Shingkham Kuenkhyap, Ribo San Ven. Mindrolling monastery made their incense (tib.

With the blessings of Dukpoema; goddess of incense

The purpose of incense is to provide an aromatic environment to purify our thoughts of conflicting emotions, calm the body and mind, sharpen our senses, help focus and concentrate; as an aid to meditation and prayer and bring vitality and inner peace to oneself. To provide you with products based on this theme as a companion in your solitude is o

Photos from Dakpa Tamdin Incense's post 17/09/2020

Celebrating Vishwakarma, the divine mechanic 🛠 He is the chief architect of the palaces of many devas and the mechanic of their vehicles and weapons. Vishwakarmaya Namo Namaha 🙏

Photos from Dakpa Tamdin Incense's post 16/09/2020

Packing our 1st order of Dakpa Tamdin incense powders. 🤗 Featured in the photos are Juniper and Cedarwood. Inbox to order! More powders coming soon 😃


Work in progress of our new products 🤗 Dakpa Tamdin Incense powders coming soon!!!

Photos from Dakpa Tamdin Incense's post 10/07/2020

Today marks Kusho Dakpa Tamdin's (1925- 2017) 3 year anniversary. He passed away peacefully at the age of 92, on the 20th day of the 5th month lying down on his right side like he said he would and asked his wife not to touch his body.

Kusho Dakpa Tamdin grew up as a monk in his family owned labrang of the Phumar Samcho in Sakya, Tibet. In his early thirties, after his fathers passing when he had only recently taken over as the head of his labrang, the Communists raided and destroyed his newly renovated monastery. He fled to Kalimpong, India with his older sister and some nuns from his labrang.
In exile, he married and got two daughters. Looking for options to make a living, he asked his lama Kyabje Dudjom Rinpoche for advice. Rinpoche instructed him to make incense, the རི་བོ་བསང་མཆོད་ Ribo Sangtsoe in particular. Dakpa Tamdin's first ever order came from Kyabje Dudjom Rinpoche. Soon, with his quick wit and diligence, orders flocked in from all parts of the world. From the small town of Kalimpong he asked English speaking friends to translate order letters and responded to the growing demand at the dawn of Tibetan Buddhism's spread to the west. Many great figures like Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, Sogyal Rinpoche, Kangyur Rinpoche, Bhutanese princesses, to name a few, visited his humble incense making shed. His name became synonymous with incense.

Popola led a simple, disciplined life of an avid businessman and dharma practitioner. He was a devoted head of a household, strict father and a loving grandfather. After going through the loss of his newly built monastery in Tibet, he realised the futility of grand buddhist structures and did not establish one in exile but he sponsored and supported many dharma activities and monasteries in Kalimpong. He was so full of knowledge and well versed in the scriptures, all of which has gone with him leaving only the legacy of authentic Tibetan incense.

He passed away on this day 3 years ago and Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche with a retinue of khenpos arrived at our door, by coincidence or his good karma, to perform his last rites of phowa. A beautiful rainbow showed up on his cremation day.


Cant get over this black beauty 😍


Herbs for minling surpoe ready for kneading

Timeline photos 17/06/2020

🕊We are open for orders now 🕊 .

Photos from Dakpa Tamdin Incense's post 12/06/2020

Thankyou Fakhr Laure for these beautiful pictures of our incense 😁🌻🌻🌻

Timeline photos 18/05/2020

नयाँ वर्ष २०७७ को शुभकामना। wishing everyone a happy Nepali new year 2077. Stay safe and light your incense 😉

Timeline photos 18/05/2020

Stay home, stay safe 💜

Timeline photos 18/05/2020


꾸띠의 향생활

은 향로 안, 금빛 연꽃으로 피우는... 🪔

-Dakpa Tamdin Incense : Ribo Sangtoe
-Sliver Incense burner
-Lotus Incense holder
-사계칠보 Incense case

📌Dakp Tamdin Incense 설명
수많은 향 제조법과 문헌들 가운데 닥빠 땀딘Dakpa Tamdin인센스는 1대 잠곤콩뚤 (Jamgon Kongtrul) 린뽀체가 저술한 라는 책에 쓰인 제조법을 따른다.

티베트의 모든 주요한 사원들에서는 자신들만의 특별한 재료로 만든 독자적인 향을 가지고 있었다.
한 예로, 티베트의 수도 라싸의 포탈라궁에서는 싱캄꾼캽 이라는 향이 있다. 겔룩파의 대사원중 하나인 따시훈뽀 The Tashi Lhunpo 사원에서는 최뾔(Tsopoe)라는 향을 만들었다. 싸꺄파에서는 싸뾔 Sapoe, 그리고 닝마파의 6대 승원중 한 곳인 민돌링사원 Mindrolling 에서 만드는 민링술뾔 Minling Surpoe 등의 향이 티베트에서는 가장 대중적으로 인기있었다.

싸꺄파의 닥빠땀딘 스님은 젊을 때부터 자신의 사원에서 존경받는 스승들에게 향을 제적하는 방법을 배웠다.
중국의 침공 이후 그는 티베트를 떠나 인도의 칼림퐁 Kalimpong에서, 닝마파의 최고 지도자였던 뒤종 린뽀체 (Dudjom Rinpoche, 1904-1987)의 지도하에 향을 만들기 시작했다. 닥빠땀딘 스님은 곧 뒤좀 린뽀체의 애제자 중 하나가 됐으며, 린뽀체는 그에게 향의 가장 중요한 재료 중 하나인 ‘탐째 녜와 꾼쎌(Thamdze Nyewa Kunsel)’이라는 환약을 주면서 모든 향에 조금씩 섞을 것을 지시했다. 이 전통은 지금까지 내려오며 이로써 향을 축복하는 ‘진랍 밥따(Jinrab Babta)’의식은 지금까지 한 번도 끊어지지 않았다.

뒤좀 린뽀체는 닥빠땀딘 스님의 향을 가장 선호했고, 또 자신의 일상적인 개인수행에 항상 그의 향을 사용했다. 이로 인해 닥빠땀딘의 향에 대한 명성이 알려지면서 그 수요가 전 세계적으로 늘어났다. 닥빠땀딘 인센스는 현재 많은 가정과 아시아, 유럽, 미주의 주요한 불교센터들에서 사용되고 있다.

수요가 증가하면서 가짜 닥빠땀딘 인센스도 등장해 현재까지 시중에 돌고있다. 닥빠땀딘 스님은 70대 후반까지 계속해서 손수 향을 제작했고, 최근 은퇴하여 카트만두에 거주하고 있다. 그는 그의 비법과 기술을 딸과 손녀에세 전수했지만. 여전히 생산과정을 지켜보며 최고의 품질이 유지되도록 하고있다. 닥빠땀딘의 딸인 데첸 최댄 우꺕(Dechen Choden Ukyab)과 그의 손녀들은 이제 카트만두에서 4종류의 향을 생산하고있다.

📌DakpaTamdin 향제품은📌
☝️국내에는 꾸띠에서만 판매하는 제품으로
✌️ 네팔/인도에 망명한 티벳 난민과의 공정거래를 통해 입고됩니다.

Photos from Dakpa Tamdin Incense's post 05/04/2020

Don't forget to cleanse your homes with sang

Timeline photos 24/03/2020

Lockdown day 1. Stay safe everyone 🙏🏻 . .

Timeline photos 04/03/2020

Happy Wednesday everyone!

Photos from Dakpa Tamdin Incense's post 10/06/2019

Dakpa Tamdin Incense is now available at Back to Nature, Shop number 251, Chhaya Center, Thamel, Kathmandu.
@ Chhaya Center

Photos from Dakpa Tamdin Incense's post 18/02/2019

Anniversary or Jetsun Milarepa (1040-1123)

In the darkness of the lands to the North
Is one just like a snow-capped peak in the rising Sun,
He who is known as T**a Ga, 'Joyous to Hear, '
To that great being, I pay homage!

- Naropa's praise to Milarepa

བྱང་ཕྱོགས་མུན་པའི་སྨག་རུམ་ན། །

གངས་ལ་ཉི་མ་ཤར་འདྲ་བའི། །

ཐོས་པ་དགའ་ཞེས་བྱ་བ་ཡི། །

སྐྱེས་བུ་དེ་ལ་ཕྱག་འཚལ་ལོ། །

Sharing old photos of our visit to Jetsun Milarepa's caves in Sankhu, Nepal.

Timeline photos 07/02/2019

Hong Kong actor/ singer Wong He approves of our gift pack 😉

Timeline photos 06/02/2019

Prayer before eating by Traktung Dudjom Lingpa

Om rang luy jungwa nga po ni
Yumchen nga ru ye sanggye
Phung kham shegpa shegma dang
Wangyul sempa semma sog
Sh*thro dorje ying kyi lha
Til gyi gongbu chur zhin sal
Om ah hung za tung tsog kyi khorlo ni
Yeshe dudtsi ngowor ne
Tsog nyi dzog chir chodpa zhey
Ah la la tey gye par rol
Maha ganachakra pancha puja ho

Timeline photos 05/02/2019

Happy Losar 2146, year of the Earth Pig.
Tashi Delek to all 🙏

Timeline photos 25/01/2019

Thank you for an insight into the Nepali incense industry. incense featured in the Sunday Perspective. .

Photos from Dakpa Tamdin Incense's post 23/01/2019

Anniversary of Kunkhyen Longchenpa 🙏🏻 འཛམ་གླིང་མཛེས་པའི་རྒྱན་དྲུག་མཆོག་གཉིས་དང༌། །
ཐུགས་རྗེ་ལུང་རྟོགས་མཉམ་པའི་མཐུ་མངའ་ཡང༌། །
ནགས་ཁྲོད་དམ་པར་སྦས་པའི་བརྟུལ་ཞུགས་ཀྱིས། །
འཁོར་འདས་ཆོས་སྐུར་རྫོགས་པའི་ཀློང་ཆེན་པ། །
དྲི་མེད་འོད་ཟེར་ཞབས་ལ་གསོལ་བ་འདེབས། །
སེམས་ཉིད་གནས་ལུགས་རྟོགས་པར་བྱིན་གྱིས་རློབས། །

Photos from Dakpa Tamdin Incense's post 12/01/2019

Off to Singapore ✈

Photos from Dakpa Tamdin Incense's post 12/01/2019

Consecration and Inaugural of Chogye Trichen Rinpoche's memorial stupa. We rejoice for the meritorious activities of the Sakya lineage and the Tsarpa branch in particular.
ས་སྐྱ་པ་ཡི་བཏན་པ་འབར་གྱུར་ཅིག །
@ Kathmandu, Nepal

Photos from Dakpa Tamdin Incense's post 12/12/2018

Dakpa Tamdin Incense is now available at Druk Amitabha, Swayambhu
@ Druk Amitabha Monastery


Shingkham Kuenkhyap contains all the requisite herbs and substances required to worship the Buddhas and is made up of carefully selected, superior quality ingredients.


Ribo Sangtsoe means mountain smoke offering. This incense can be used to cleanse and purify our minds of all impurities, misgivings, stress and be filled with satisfaction and happiness. It can be used for prayer, meditation and while hoisting prayer flags (lungta)

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Cant get over this black beauty 😍.................#incense #dakpatamdinincense #nepalincense #tibetanincense #himalayan ...
Herbs for minling surpoe ready for kneading ................#dakpatamdin #incense #dhoop #nepal #tibet #tibetanincense #...





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