Komyo ReikiDo, Nepal
KOMYO REIKI DO NEPAL is the center of the people who are seeking peace and happiness with sound heal
Sensei Hakuten Inamoto, the founder of Komyo ReikiDO, turned 80 on August 19. We wish you a lot of joy and happiness. You are changing the world for all Reiki practitioners with energy and spiritual guidance. We Komyo ReikiDO Nepal team salute you for that. Happy birthday Sensei. love you.
कोम्यो रेइकिडो का संस्थापक, सेन्सेइ ह्याकुतेन इनमोतो,, आज १९ अगस्त मा अस्सी बर्षमा लाग्दै हुनुहुन्छ। यसमा हामीहरू तपाई मा धेरै धेरै आनन्द र खुशीयाली छाओस भन्ने कामना गर्न चाहन्छैां। तपाईं सबै रेकी अभ्यासकर्ताहरू को लागि उर्जा र अध्यात्मिक क्षेत्रको मार्ग दर्शक भर्इ विश्व बदल्दै हुनुहुन्छ । हामी त्यसका लागि सहृदय प्रणाम गर्दछैां ।
Happy New Year. May 2024 bring you health, happiness and many blessings.
May peace be found in your hearts and minds. May peace find its way across the world.
Translation: Happy New Year. I look forward to having a good relationship with you this year too
A new Sōjōbō (i.e. King of the Tengus) statue on Mt Kurama. Osugi gongen (the ancient sacred cedar tree) and nearby shrine gone with the wind... A different Mt Kurama after 18 years of visiting it... # Varvåra #
Greetings from Kyoto and the Monday Reiki Share with Inamoto Sensei. # Varvåra #
Carissima Comunità di praticanti Komyo ReikiDo,
Siamo lieti di invitarvi al nostro prossimo raduno con Hyakuten Inamoto
Sensei, il quarantunesimo incontro mondiale online Komyo ReikiDo, fissato per sabato 15 luglio dalle 9:00 alle 11:00, ora italiana (dalle 16:00 alle 18:00, ora del Giappone).
💖 Il nostro quarantaduesimo incontro mondiale — la celebrazione del compleanno di Inamoto Sensei è previsto per sabato 19 agosto. So che molti di voi hanno un proprio talento. Se desiderate esibirvi, condividere o creare qualcosa per arricchire questo incontro di celebrazione, vi chiedo di farmelo sapere, sarò felice di aggiungere la vostra esibizione al programma dell’incontro.
🙏 Come sempre, sarà disponibile la traduzione in italiano – gentilmente offerta da Rita Saccagno.🙏
💖 Continuiamo a dedicare i nostri incontri alla pace nel mondo, al risveglio spirituale e all'evoluzione dell'umanità, portando tutti insieme più luce Reiki, più guarigione e più amore alla Terra. Apprezziamo la tua partecipazione, l'unione delle nostre mani e dei nostri cuori nella preghiera mondiale per l'Ucraina e per tutti i popoli, ucraini e non, che in questo momento stanno soffrendo a causa della guerra. 💖
In caso di qualsiasi cambiamento, le informazioni circa tutti i nostri eventi online saranno disponibili sulla pagina Facebook ufficiale di Komyo ReikiDo Ucraina: https://www.facebook.com/KomyoReikiDoUkraine/
Sarebbe davvero un grande piacere avervi con noi. Ogni raduno internazionale e pratica di gruppo ci offre l’opportunità unica di creare legami con persone affini a noi provenienti da diverse parti del mondo, per sostenerci ed inspirarci l’un l’altro, collaborando e approfondendo insieme l’essenza del Reiki Ryoho nel nostro Dojo online. In questo modo diventiamo sempre più efficaci nel contribuire a livello globale, assisterci a vicenda per “andare placidamente nel mezzo della lode e del biasimo” ed essere la manifestazione di un mondo di unità, armonia, compassione, amorevole gentilezza, genuina felicità e amore incondizionato, per il bene di tutti gli esseri viventi e della nostra Madre Terra, affinché essa possa sopravvivere e prosperare.
🙏 Questi i nostri incontri (raduni) mondiali online con Inamoto Sensei sono gratuite e riservate esclusivamente ai praticanti Komyo ReikiDo. 🙏
🙏 Vi raccomandiamo di entrare in Zoom 5-10 minuti prima dell'inizio della pratica, incontro in modo da poterci incontrare, presentare e parlare. 🙏
🙏 Per motivi di sicurezza, Vi preghiamo di accertarvi che la vostra telecamera/video funzioni e che il Vostro nome e il Vostro paese appaiano correttamente. Vi ringraziamo per la comprensione.🙏
Ci vediamo online!
🙏 Grazie mille a Tiziana Ilaria Boccaccio per questa traduzione dall'inglese.
🙏 Con infinita gratitudine e amore universale, da cuore 💖 kokoro 心 a cuore 💖kokoro 心 .
Victoria Romanova
Komyo ReikiDo Ukraine Fondatore, Shihan 🙏💖✨
Per informazioni più dettagliate, zoom link, contattami direttamente tramite:
~ [email protected] - Victoria Romanova (scrivere in inglese, russo e italiano) WhatsApp: +380683167077
, #комиорэйкидоукраина #коміорейкідо #комиорейкидо
Carissima Comunità di praticanti Komyo ReikiDo,
Siamo lieti di invitarvi al nostro prossimo raduno con Hyakuten Inamoto
Sensei, il trentanovesimo incontro mondiale online Komyo ReikiDo, fissato per sabato 29 aprile dalle 9:00 alle 11:00, ora italiana (dalle 16:00 alle 18:00, ora del Giappone).
Durante questo incontro Inamoto Sensei condividerà con noi il significato profondo del termine giapponese Munen Musō 無念無想 — “Nessun desiderio, nessun pensiero”.
🙏 Come sempre, sarà disponibile la traduzione in italiano – gentilmente offerta da Rita Saccagno.🙏
Un'informazione circa la nostra pratica regolare online:
💖 Pratichiamo insieme una volta a settimana💖
tutti i giovedì sera dalle 20.00 alle 21.30 ora italiana.
Siete i benvenuti tutte le volte che vorrete unirvi a noi!
💖 Continuiamo a dedicare i nostri incontri (e le pratiche) alla pace nel mondo, al risveglio spirituale e all'evoluzione dell'umanità, portando tutti insieme più luce Reiki, più guarigione e più amore alla Terra. Apprezziamo la tua partecipazione, l'unione delle nostre mani e dei nostri cuori nella preghiera mondiale per l'Ucraina e per tutti i popoli, ucraini e non, che in questo momento stanno soffrendo a causa della guerra. 💖
💖 Sarebbe davvero un grande piacere avervi con noi. Ogni raduno internazionale e pratica di gruppo ci offre l’opportunità unica di creare legami con persone affini a noi provenienti da diverse parti del mondo, per sostenerci ed inspirarci l’un l’altro, collaborando e approfondendo insieme l’essenza del Reiki Ryoho nel nostro Dojo online. In questo modo diventiamo sempre più efficaci nel contribuire a livello globale, assisterci a vicenda per “andare placidamente nel mezzo della lode e del biasimo” ed essere la manifestazione di un mondo di unità, armonia, compassione, amorevole gentilezza, genuina felicità e amore incondizionato, per il bene di tutti gli esseri viventi e della nostra Madre Terra, affinché essa possa sopravvivere e prosperare. 💖
In caso di qualsiasi cambiamento, le informazioni circa tutti i nostri eventi online saranno disponibili sulla pagina Facebook ufficiale di Komyo ReikiDo Ucraina: https://www.facebook.com/KomyoReikiDoUkraine/
🙏 Questi i nostri incontri (raduni) mondiali con Inamoto Sensei e le pratiche di gruppo online Komyo ReikiDo sono gratuite e riservate esclusivamente ai praticanti Komyo ReikiDo. 🙏
🙏 Vi raccomandiamo di entrare in Zoom 5-10 minuti prima dell'inizio della pratica, incontro in modo da poterci incontrare, presentare e parlare. 🙏
🙏 Per motivi di sicurezza, Vi preghiamo di accertarvi che la vostra telecamera/video funzioni e che il Vostro nome e il Vostro paese appaiano correttamente. Vi ringraziamo per la comprensione.🙏
Ci vediamo online!
🙏 Grazie mille a Tiziana Ilaria Boccaccio per questa traduzione dall'inglese.
🙏 Con infinita gratitudine e amore universale, da cuore 💖 kokoro 心 a cuore 💖kokoro 心 .
Victoria Romanova
Komyo ReikiDo Ukraine Fondatore, Shihan 🙏💖✨
Per informazioni più dettagliate, zoom link, contattaci direttamente tramite:
(WhatsApp) : +380683167077
[email protected]
scrivere in inglese, russo e italiano
, #комиорэйкидоукраина #коміорейкідо
When easy becomes difficult
The Struggle of Everyday Gassho A Buddhist teacher begins a seemingly simple daily practice—and finds it extremely difficult.
15th February 9am Kyoto time
15th March 9am Kyoto time
For Komyo ReikiDo practitioners and Komyo ReikiDo teachers only.
This Zoom gathering is set for the Australasian and Americas time zones but it is open to all KRD practitioners worldwide.
Apart from the normal KRD practices, Sensei will share his wisdom on Japanese culture which will enhance our practice of Reiki Ryoho.
For first time attendees, a copy your Komyo ReikiDo certificate will be required. Minimum KRD Chuden Level 2. Other conditions apply.
Language: English and Spanish
Check the date and time in your time zone here https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html
***For English speakers, please email Sally Wain
[email protected]
Komyo ReikiDo Melbourne
Komyo ReikiDo Australia
***For Spanish speakers, please email Flavia Barrale
[email protected]
Komyo ReikiDo Rosario
Komyo ReikiDo Argentina
They insist to develop the Komyo power around the spiritual world in Nepal
floating nursary in Nagdaha
Translation: Happy New Year. Thank you for your support last year. We look forward to working with you again this year.
Rabbit (Year of the Rabbit).
May 2023 bring you peace, health, and happiness.
Il Rev. Hyakuten Inamoto, fondatore del Komyo Reiki, a Laboratorio Salute - Telecolor Nella puntata di Laboratorio Salute in studio il Rev. Hyakuten Inamoto, fondatore del Komyo Reiki, la disciplina che rivela la tradizionale spiritualità del metodo originario di Mikao Usui. Komyo Reiki è prima di tutto un’esperienza personale molto intensa: riuscire a percepire l’Energia Unive...
Celebrating 100 years of Usui Reiki Ryoho and the Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai.
The translation of the Usui Sensei Memorial Stone by Inamoto Hyakuten.
Memorial of the merits of Usui Sensei,
the founder of Reiho (Reiki Ryoho)
That which is attained within oneself after having accumulated the fruits of disciplined study and training is called ‘Toku’ and that which can be offered to others after having spread a path of teaching and salvation is called ‘Koh’. Only with high merits and great virtues can one be a great founding teacher. Sagacious and brilliant men of the olden time or the founders of new teachings and religious sects were all like that. Someone like Usui Sensei can be counted among them. Sensei newly founded the method based on Reiki of the universe to improve the mind and body. Having heard of his reputation all over, people crowded around to seek his teachings and treatments. Ah, how popular it is!
Sensei, commonly known by the name ‘Mikao’, with an extra name (pseudonym) ‘Gyohan’ is from Taniai-mura (village) Yamagata-gun (county), Gifu-ken (prefecture). He is descended from Chiba Tsunetane. His father’s name was Taneuji and was commonly called Uzaemon. His mother was from the Kawai family.
Sensei was born on August 15 of the first year of Keio (C.E.1865). From his youth, he surpassed his fellows in hard work and endeavour.
When he grew up, he visited Europe and America and studied in China. Despite his will to succeed in life, he got stuck and fell into great difficulties. However, in the face of adversity he strove to train himself even more with the courage never to yield.
One day, he climbed Kurama-yama and after 21 days of a severe discipline without eating, he suddenly felt One Great Reiki over his head and attained enlightenment and he obtained Reiki Ryoho. Then, he tried it on himself and experimented on his family members. The efficacy was immediate. Sensei thought that it would be far better to offer it widely to the general public and share its benefits than just to improve the well-being of his own family members.
In April of the 11th year of Taisho (C.E.1922) he settled in Harajuku, Aoyama, Tokyo and set up the Gakkai to teach Reiki Ryoho and give treatments. Even outside of the building it was full of pairs of shoes of the visitors who had come from far and near.
In September of the 12th year (C.E.1923) there was a great earthquake and a conflagration broke out. Everywhere there were groans of pains from the wounded. Sensei, feeling pity for them, went out every morning to go around the town, and he healed and saved an innumerable number of people. This is just a broad outline of his relief activities during such an emergency.
Later on, as the ‘dojo’ became too small, in February of the 14th year (C.E.1925) the new suburban house was built at Nakano according to divination.
Due to his respected and far-reaching reputation many people from local districts wished to invite him. Sensei, accepting the invitations, went to Kure and then to Hiroshima and Saga, and reached Fukuyama. Unexpectedly he became ill and passed away there. It was March 9 of the 15th year of Taisho (C.E.1926) aged 62.
His spouse was Suzuki, and was called Sadako. One boy and one girl were born. The boy was named Fuji and he succeeded to the family. Sensei’s personality was gentle and modest and he never behaved ostentatiously. His physique was large and sturdy. He always wore a contented smile. He was stout-hearted, tolerant and very prudent upon undertaking a task. He was by nature versatile and loved to read books. He engaged himself in history books, medical books, Buddhist scriptures, Christian scriptures and was well versed in psychology, Taoism, even in the art of divination, incantation, and physiognomy. Presumably sensei’s background in the arts and sciences afforded him nourishment for his cultivation and discipline, and it was very obvious that it was this cultivation and discipline that became the key to the creation of Reiho (Reiki Ryoho).
On reflection, Reiho puts special emphasis not just on healing diseases but also on enjoying wellbeing in life with correcting the mind and making the body healthy with the use of an innate healing ability. Thus, before teaching, the ‘Ikun’ (admonition) of the Meiji Emperor should reverently be read and Five
Precepts be chanted and kept them in mind mornings and evenings.
Firstly it reads, ‘Today do not anger’, secondly it reads, ‘Do not worry’, thirdly it reads ‘Be thankful’, fourthly it reads, ‘Work with diligence’, fifthly it reads, ‘Be kind to others’.
These are truly great teachings for cultivation and discipline that agree with those great teachings of the ancient sages and the wise. Sensei named these teachings ‘Mystic Art to Invite Happiness’ and ‘Miraculous Medicine to ‘Heal All Diseases’; Notice the outstanding features of the teachings.
Furthermore, when it comes to teaching, it should be as easy and common as possible, nothing lofty.
Another noted feature is that during sitting in silent meditation with Gassho and reciting the Five Precepts mornings and evenings, the pure and healthy minds can be cultivated and put into practice in one’s daily routine. This is the reason why Reiho is easily obtained by anyone.
Recently the course of the world has shifted and a great change in thought has taken place. Fortunately with the spread of this Reiho, there will be many who can be helpful to the way of the world and the minds of people. How can it be for just the benefit of healing chronic diseases and longstanding complaints?
A little more than 2,000 people became students of Sensei. Those senior disciples living in Tokyo gathered at the dojo and carried on the work (of the late Sensei) and those who lived in local districts also spread the teachings.
Although Sensei is gone, Reiho should still be widely propagated in the world for a long time. Ah, how prominent and great Sensei is that he offers the teachings to people out there after having been enlightened within!
Of late the fellow disciples consulted with each other about building the stone memorial in a graveyard at Saihoji Temple in Toyotama-gun so as to honour his merits and to make them immortalized and I was asked to write it.
As I deeply submit to Sensei’s greatness and am happy for the very friendly teacher/disciple relationships among fellow students, I could not decline the request, and I wrote a summary in the hope that people in the future shall be reminded to look up at him in reverence.
February, the 2nd year of Showa (C.E.1927)
Composed by: Okada Masayuki, Doctor of Literature
Ju-sanmi (subordinate 3rd rank),
Kun-santo (the 3rd Order of Merit)
Calligraphy by: Ushida Juzaburo, Navy Rear Admiral,
Ju-yonmi (subordinate 4th rank),
Kun-santo (the 3rd Order of Merit),
Ko-yonkyu (the distinguished service 4th class)
Happy birthday to Mikao Usui Sensei.
Komyo ReikiDo Mission, Vision & Code of Ethics
Komyo ReikiDo’s mission is to live a healthy, happy, and peaceful life through the daily practice of Komyo ReikiDo.
Komyo ReikiDo’s vision is to offer the benefits of Reiki Ryoho worldwide through the practice and teaching of Komyo ReikiDo.
Who we are
We are an international community of dedicated Komyo ReikiDo practitioners and teachers who honour and preserve the teaching of Inamoto Hyakuten Sensei, the founder of Komyo ReikiDo. We are committed to practice and teach Komyo ReikiDo, in order to improve the mind and body through the daily practice of the Japanese healing art of Reiki Ryoho.
Code of Ethics
The purpose of the Code of Ethics is to provide guidelines for responsible and competent care, appropriate and professional behaviour in all interactions.
Komyo ReikiDo (KRD) students, practitioners, teachers, and those who represent Komyo ReikiDo, are bound to follow the Komyo ReikiDo Code of Ethics for the mutual wellbeing of all we serve in the international community.
All members of Komyo ReikiDo will:
Maintain and preserve the integrity of Komyo ReikiDo teachings and practices at all levels.
Value all individuals equally and with the utmost dignity by respecting personal boundaries and cultural sensitivities, regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, social status, age, and political affiliation.
Maintain the highest level of ethical, personal, and professional conduct by acting with integrity, honesty and with open and supportive communication in all interactions.
Empower all clients and students, to encourage them to take responsibility for their own self-care, health, and wellbeing.
Offer Reiki Ryoho as a complementary, supportive modality and not as a replacement for treatments by licensed medical, healthcare and/or mental health professionals.
Not diagnose, prognose nor guarantee cures. KRD practitioners will not interfere with treatments and/or medications as prescribed by licensed healthcare professionals or operate outside their scope of practice and qualifications.
Comply with all local/state/province/national legislation including but not limited to privacy, confidentiality, copyright, and trademark laws and legislation relating to offering Reiki Ryoho to the public.
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Jaya Bina Niwas, Okhapokari Marga