ChildFund Nepal, Lalitpur Videos

Videos by ChildFund Nepal in Lalitpur. Improving the lives of children in Nepal.

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Child Safeguarding is everyone's responsibility. Let us stand together to safeguard children's innocence, nurture their dreams, and provide a safe environment where they can thrive and grow. #children #ChildFund #childrights #safeguarding #protection

Keeping children safeguarded from any forms of harm is everyone's responsibility. #children #safeguarding #childprotection #ChildFund

Here is a fun clip of children putting on their dancing shoes to entertain themselves and keen watchers during their recess at school. Happy watching! #children #dancing #school #childrights #childprotection #safeguarding

"Nothing is pleasanter than exploring a library" – Walter Savage Landor Bagheswori Basic School has newly organized the school library for their enthusiastic readers👏 The little readers are unable to contain their excitement and have been visiting the new library regularly👧👦📚 ChildFund Nepal hopes that students can increase their knowledge by enhancing their creativity and exploring new ideas through their school libraries😊 #children #students #schools #schoollibrary #library #education #books #ChildRights #ChildProtection #Gorkha

Today we celebrate #InternationalDayofEducation to recognize the power of education in creating opportunities and shaping lives of individuals and communities. Let’s do our bit “to invest in people, prioritize education." #children #childrights #childprotection #education #educationmatters #qualityeducation #QualityEducationForAll

Child Rights Promotion Exhibition
Education for Hope project was initiated to address the educational challenges children have been facing in Sindhupalchok. The project through its interventions has successfully established and strengthened child rights system in Sunkoshi Rural Municipality. To celebrate this success, a Child Rights Promotion Exhibition was organized on 21st December 2022 at Baghbhairab Secondary School where students and teachers of the project working schools along with distinguished guests participated in this grand event. The exhibition had stalls where teachers from different schools displayed education related materials created by them during the project’s tenure. The active participation of children is a major component of the project, therefore, the performances by students were an integral part of the event. We hope to share glimpses of the event though this video with you. Happy watching!😊