Poulpharm Nepal

A laboratory to diagnose Poultry Diseases


Vetworks Poultry Training in 2024
(Online participation available)
1. Breeder Management

2. Parasitology Training

3. Field Sampling, Prevention & Treatment

4. Responsible use of Antimicrobials

5. Breeder Management

6. Respiratory Training

Note: Online participation is also available.
Further details: https://vetworks.eu/technical-trainings/trainings/


गर्मीयाममा अण्डा पार्ने लेयर्स कुखुरालाई जतिसक्दो बिहान सबेरै दाना खान दिन किन आवश्यक छ?

HOME - Int. Conference on Poultry Intestinal Health 25/03/2024

8th International Conference on Poultry Intestinal Health

HOME - Int. Conference on Poultry Intestinal Health HOME Partners of 8th International Conference on Poultry Intestinal Health, Manila 2024     Welcome to the 8th Edition of the International Conference on Poultry Intestinal Health! It is with great pleasure that we announce the 8th International Conference on Poultry Intestinal Health, to be held ...

Photos from Poulpharm Nepal's post 31/01/2024

Common Egg Shell Quality Problems🥚🥚🥚

1. Pale- shelled eggs
The degree of brown color in egg shell is dependent on the quality of pigment in the cuticle deposited into the shell.

Infectious Bronchitis
Bird age: higher incidences in older hens
High stress on the flock
Egg drop syndrome 76
Use of chemotherapeutic agents such as sulfonamides and nicarbazin

2. Lilac/pink eggs
The egg appears to be pink or lilac colored due to an association between the cuticle and extra calcium layer.

Stress in the flock
Excess calcium in the feed

3. Dirty eggs
If the egg shell is stained by f***s, it is important to avoid feed ingredients which cause wet and sticky droppings.

Wet droppings
Large amounts of indigestible compounds in the feed
Poor gut health
Electrolyte imbalance/saline water

4. Blood stained eggs
Usually from pullets in early lay, eggs are contaminated by smears of blood from a pr*****ed cloaca, vent, pecking or cannibalism

Overweight pullets
Pullets coming into lay
Sudden, large increases in day length
Poor hygiene : Cage, trays, belt-pick up system

5. Shell-less eggs
Laid without a shell layer. These eggs are only protected by the shell membrane.

Immature shell gland
Diseases: Avian Influenza, NDV, Infectious bronchitis, Egg drop syndrome 76
Inadequate nutrition : Calcium, Phosphorus, Manganese, Vitamin D3

6. Soft-shelled eggs
Laid with an incomplete shell, only a thin layer of calcium is deposited on the shell membrane.

Excessive Phosphorus consumption
Heat stress
Bird age (older hens)
Saline water

7. Cracks
This problem include hair line cracks, star cracks or large cracks that result in a hole in the shell.

Heat stress
Saline water
Bird age (older hens)
Inadequate nutrition: Calcium, Vitamin D3

8. Corrugated eggs
Characterized by a very rough , corrugated surface . These eggs are produced when plumping is not controlled and terminated

Heat stress
Saline water
Bird age (older hens)
Poor nutrition especially Calcium and Vitamin D3

9. Wrinkled eggs
Eggs with thinly creased and wrinkled surfaces

Infectious bronchitis
Defective shell gland

10. Pimpled eggs
Classified by small lumps of calcified material on the egg shell, the severity of pimples depends on the foreign materials present during the calcification process.

Bird age
Strain of bird
Inadequate nutrition

11. Calcium coated eggs
An extra layer of calcium can be seen all over the egg or on just one end.

Excess calcium in the diet
Defective shell gland
Disturbances during calcification

12. Calcium deposits
These eggs are classified by white, irregularly shaped spots deposited on the external surface of the shell.

Excess calcium in the diet
Defective shell gland
Disturbances during calcification

Dr. Bibek B Regmi, MVSc
Area Manager, Newhope Nepal


Essential Guidelines for Maintaining Optimal Temperatures in Chick Rearing

1. Preparation is Key: Ensure the house is at the desired temperature at least 24 hours before the chicks arrive. Aim for a floor temperature of 28-30°C and a house temperature of 34-36°C.

2. Monitoring Litter Temperature: Upon receipt, the litter should be at 30-32°C. It's crucial to check and adjust this before the chicks arrive.

3. Humidity Control: Maintain a relative humidity of 50-60% for optimal chick comfort and health.

4. Space Management: Initially, give the chicks access to 25-30% of the total house area, keeping them close to feed and water. Use lighting adjustments or fencing to manage their movement.

5. Temperature Adjustments: Do not lower the room temperature until the average body temperature of the chicks reaches 40.5°C. Adjust house temperature based on chick temperature, not just the calendar.

6. Regular Checks: Especially in the first 2 days, regularly check the chicks' body temperature. It should be between 40-40.5°C. Adjust environmental conditions accordingly.

7. Understanding Chick Development: Chicks are ‘cold-blooded’ for the first 5 days, relying on environmental temperatures. Maintain air temperatures at 33-35°C day and night during this period. Increase this for smaller chicks.

8. Transition Period: Around 5 days old, chicks begin to regulate their own body temperature, transitioning from 'cold-blooded' to 'warm-blooded'.

Remember, the well-being of chicks in the early stages is crucial for their development. Proper temperature and environmental control can lead to healthier, more robust chicken.


Job! Job! Job! A Poultry Veterinarian Job!!
We are looking for a Poultry Veterinarian to work in Poland.
Please note: this is not a position with expat benefits. You must be ready to move to Poland permanently.
If you have:
- veterinary medicine degree from well recognised university
- minimum 5 years field experience in broilers
- experience in cooperation with slaughter house
- experience in cooperation with laboratory
- knowledge about FSQR
- excellent communication skills in English ( polish will be an advantage)
- driving licence valid in EU
- experience in analyzing data
- experience in using Office 365 and PowerBI

and you are ready to relocate to Poland, please send your CV to [email protected]

(Copied from Radek Bozek)

Antimicrobial resistance - WOAH - World Organisation for Animal Health 06/12/2023

The World Organization for Animal Health (WOAH) is calling on its member states to restrict the use of antimicrobials solely to veterinary medical use and to achieve a total ban on their use as growth promoters, starting with drugs that are critically important for human health.

Almost 20% of WOAH participating countries still report using antimicrobials for growth promotion. Of these, it is estimated that 76% have not carried out any preliminary risk analysis, said the global entity. More worryingly, no less than 11% of WOAH Members still use at least one of the highest priority critically important antimicrobials for human medicine such as colistin as growth promoters.

In some countries, the labels of certain feed additives intended to increase productivity do not mention the presence of low doses of antimicrobials, which are then unknowingly administered to animals by veterinarians and farmers. Such practices do not comply with WOAH international standards or the Global Action Plan on AMR.

WOAH standards distinguish between veterinary medical use of antimicrobials – limited to the treatment, control and, where appropriate, prevention of infectious diseases – and non-veterinary medical use. The administration of antimicrobials for growth promotion in animals is a non-veterinary medical use, and it must not be assimilated to disease prevention use, which requires animals to be at a proven risk of disease if the medicine is not administered.

Are you involved with the global Animal Health industry and want to take action against antimicrobial resistance (AMR)? Visit the WOAH's AMR portal to learn how you can join the fight: https://www.woah.org/en/what-we-do/global-initiatives/antimicrobial-resistance/

Antimicrobial resistance - WOAH - World Organisation for Animal Health Antimicrobial resistance leads to life-saving drugs losing their efficiency as microbes become resistant. How can we fight this global threat?


Five-year growth projection of Animal Feed Probiotics market growth in different EME countries (Europe, Middle East & Africa)
With a CAGR of 9.10%, the global market for probiotics in animal feed is projected to reach 5.99 billion euros by 2027 (3.88 billion euros in 2022). Likewise, the market in Germany is expected to rise from 137.04 million euros in 2022 to 161.96 million euros by 2027. With a CAGR of 3.74%, France's animal feed probiotics market is projected to reach 161.48 million euros by 2027 from 134.40 million euros in 2022. The 5-year growth projection for the market of probiotics in animal feed in different EME countries is in the table below.


to increase awareness regarding the strategy to maximize protection of dairy animals against this disease
Zoom ID: 894 4143 8723
Passcode: VetNepal


" Enzymes in Poultry Feed "

🔹️ Adding enzymes to poultry feed leads to an improvement in production performance in terms of weight gain and an increase in nutritional efficiency as well as an improvement in meat qualities and an increase in liver weight, and the bird’s body is unable to digest all the nutrients, so adding enzymes improves the digestive value It gives freedom to replace the other sources in the fodder.

🔹️The role of enzymes in the bird’s body:

It works to generate energy by accelerating the chemical reactions that occur to release energy.

▪️ Reduces fat deposition in the bird's body.

▪️ Increases the digestible energy in the ration and improves the productive performance of poultry.

▪️ Reduces the viscosity of the digestive mass, which improves the quality of the mattress and reduces the problems of leg and chest infections.

▪️ Reduces environmental pollution, especially phosphorous pollution.

🔹️How does the enzyme work inside the bird’s body🤔?

▪️The enzyme binds with the substances involved in the reactions to release the products and then binds to another substance to complete the reactions.

▪️Improving digestion by breaking the bonds in certain compounds such as glucan, and forming gelatinous substances that increase the viscosity of the digestive mass and impede the digestion and absorption of food.

▪️ Increasing the utilization of organic phosphorous found in plant sources by adding the enzyme phytase, which breaks the bonds of this substance and releases phosphorus to benefit from it and create the necessary energy.

🔹️Factors affecting enzyme activity:

🔸️ Concentration: depends on the concentration of the enzyme and the concentration of the substances involved in the reaction, and the higher their concentration, the faster the reaction.

🔸️Inhibitors: There are two types of them:

1-Competing inhibitors: compete with the reactant for binding to the active site of the enzyme and inhibit its activity.

2- Non-competing inhibitors: they combine with the enzyme at other inactive sites besides the enzyme uniting with the reactant, thus reducing the rate of reaction.

🔸️ Temperature: affects the rate of the reaction, at 50 degrees the enzyme activity increases and the enzyme is completely demolished at 100 degrees.

🔸️ pH: The enzyme works efficiently at pH 7, but some enzymes added to feed have maximum activity at pH 3, and then the enzyme activity decreases.


Causes of Feed Pollution


The causes of pollution are fish meal, meat, bone and blood, all raw materials subject to bacterial contamination and their ability to rapidly multiply and produce dangerous types of toxins, especially salmonella, which can contaminate the feed during any stage of the manufacture or storage of feed or processing systems and it is bacteria.
It is very durable and difficult to kill once it enters a poultry operation.
In addition to its presence in feed and litter, it also lives on surfaces, and increased temperature and humidity can activate dormant Salmonella and other intestinal germs.
Changes in temperature and humidity can be dangerous at any stage of the production process, including raw material storage, milling halt and production; This allows the metabolism of inactive salmonella and other microorganisms to reactivate and multiply.


Mycotoxins are chemical compounds produced by fungi in the air, in the ground, on plants and feed materials. The most famous of these are aflatoxins. They are the most common and most harmful as a result of poor storage for long periods and an increase in the percentage of breakage in grains, causing ulcers on the mouth and intestines and damage The bird's immune system, lack of egg production, lack of food consumed and low weight.

▪️Rancidity or oxidation:

Most of the feed materials that contain a high percentage of oils are exposed to oxidation, whether the raw materials themselves or the feed after its manufacture, and the environmental conditions of heat and high humidity help the feed rancid with oxidation.

▪️Insects and Rodents:

Causes the destruction of the outer cover of the grain and penetrates to the part rich in nutrients, causing the grain to be contaminated with toxins and is considered a mechanical vector for diseases, especially bacterial.


Diarrhea in Poultry :

🔸️Complaints about the occurrence and recurrence of diarrhea in the herd, which affects the efficiency of production, weight and food conversion rates, and also leads to an increase in the humidity of the mattress and increases if the environment temperature in the atmosphere of the amber is low and the ventilation is insufficient, and the increase in humidity encourages the occurrence of microbial fermentation and transforms the environment The mattress is alkaline from 5 to 8.5, so it becomes a suitable environment for the transformation of uric acid into ammonia, which affects the respiratory function of birds and prepares for the emergence of viral and bacterial respiratory diseases besides intestinal diseases and problems with the skin of the feet.

🔸️The occurrence of diarrhea is due to many factors, the most important of which are:

▪️ Infectious diseases: Some types of colon bacteria such as: E-coli, Salmonella, Cholestridia and Campylobacter, as well as parasitic diseases such as coccidiosis, and viral diseases such as Newcastle, Marek, Gamboro, Rio and Adeno virus all cause intestinal infections beside diarrhea.

▪️ Nutritional factors: An imbalance in the proportions of minerals, especially potassium, sodium and chloride, or an increase in salts leads to an increase in water consumption rates and the occurrence of diarrhea, as well as high levels of protein and vitamins increases water consumption, poorly digested carbohydrates, fermentation and rancidity of oils and fats in feed lead to a large number of glaucoma fluids.

▪️ Other factors: The presence of fungal toxins in the feed increases the incidence of diarrhea, as well as the weakening of the bird's immunity and resistance to diseases.

▪️ Poor quality of water used for drinking and its contamination with microbes and the high percentage of salts and minerals in it causes diarrhea.

🔸️Prevention and treatment:

✅ Ensure the quality and efficiency of the mattress and not increase the humidity in it.

✅ Balance the proportions between the components of the feed and its free from rancidity or toxins, ensuring the quality of the water 💦 and following up on the daily consumption rate.

✅ Rapid intervention to facilitate early diagnosis and reduce the exacerbation of the problem under the supervision of the doctor.

✅ Follow the biosecurity procedures in the farms and take into account the rules of disinfection and hygiene.


Normal chicken droppings can be multi-colored at times depending on what they have been eating so do not be concerned unless there are other things going on too. Below we have listed dropping colors and possible causes for the color:

Brown 🟤:
This is the normal color of chicken dropping. If you find a huge pile of brown droppings that smell to high heaven you probably have a broody hen. Loose brown droppings can be cecal droppings and these smell really bad.

Brown Colored Water🟤:
Normally a sign of diarrhea. It is usually caused by a higher water intake, but can be caused by bacterial infections.

This can be caused by eating wood ash, blackberries or blueberries. With a sick chicken this can mean there is blood in the droppings.

Red and orange🔴🟠:
This is usually caused by intestinal lining which has been shed – this is normal. It can also indicate fresh blood as in coccidiosis and (rarely) lead poisoning.

The most common cause of green p**p is their diet. Things such as beet greens and broccoli will cause bluish green colored p**p.

Can be caused by yellow corn in the feed. It can also be a sign egg yolk peritonitis – this is a common egg laying problem.

White or creamy⚪:
This is normally a sign of vent gleet. Vent gleet is a discharge from the cloaca vent, but it is not diarrhea.


Ascites in Poultry.

Possible causes :

▪️ Mycotoxin fungal poisoning or the presence of toxic substances in the ration.

▪️ Table salt in the ration exceeds 15%.

▪️ If the birds have access to some insecticides, bacterial pesticides, disinfectants or wood paints and consume them.

▪️ When breeding birds in countries that are above sea level more than 2000 m, this condition has been seen in Central and South America countries as well as South Africa, and this is called Altitude Disease, and the reason is attributed to the lack of oxygen at these high altitudes.

▪️ It was also found that any lung injury such as aspergillosis, or when the flock is exposed to stressful factors, the stressed lung does not perform its function in taking oxygen to purify the blood, and this disease is called .

▪️ If the percentage of carbon dioxide or harmful gases increases in the farm as a result of oxygen combustion From heating devices, or increasing ammonia as a result of the reaction of blue with organic materials with limited ventilation and lack of fresh air in sufficient quantity.


The affected bird becomes lethargic, unable to move, the abdomen is filled with fluid, and the abdomen drops down

Photos from Poulpharm Nepal's post 11/05/2022

Summer Management in Poultry simple , easy and practical tips.👌

1. Heat stress can be a major environmental challenge in the poultry industry.✅💯


3. Spread the Grass/Agro waste/Thatches/asbestos of about 3 inches thickness on roof to lower the temperature from 5°F to 9°F inside the shed.✅

4. White wash the tiles to reduce the temperature to 9°F with 25 liter of water + 10 kg limestone + 2 kg cement.💯

5. Fix the curtains with gap of 1 to 1.5 feet from the top mesh for good and free air circulation in brooding time and maintain a temperature of 90°F.

6. Shades from tall trees and plantations around the sheds can reduce the radiant heat.

7. The plantation of trees should be such that trees will be leafy during summer and bald during winter.

8. Roof overhangs should be sufficient (3-5 ft) to protect the birds from strong sunrays.


a) Cover the main water tank with thatched roof, whitewash, clean it and monitor periodically. ✅

b) The water in the drinker must be maintained at 2/3rd level and pH of 5.5 to 6.5.💯

Effects of heat stress on the gut health of poultry.

10. Gut microbiota in poultry birds are significantly affected when exposed to high ambient temperatures (heat stress).

11. Heat exposure may influence the microbial population, abundance, distribution and functioning within the gut segments.

12. Probiotics in water and feed will help to maintain Gut health:

13. Supplementation of probiotics in the diet can improve animal health and performance, through contributions to gut health and nutrient use.

14. Please use Probiotics, Bacillus Subtilis water soluble in water at 20 gms for 1000 birds for two weeks during heat stress followed by
5 gms for 1000 birds continuously to maintain gut health and to prevent heat stress.

15. Bacillus subtilis has been a popular bacterium used within the industry and was shown to improve intestinal villus height.

16. Increasing the villus height and structure of the crypts in the GIT allows for the improvement of nutrient digestion and absorption.

17. The above simple practical tips are known to everyone but posted to refresh, revitalise and to give new strength to your past memories.😍




a) Chicken is a lean meat that contains little fat and is concentrated in easily identifiable places.

b) Skin is the tissue where it accumulates the most.

c) On the contrary, the thigh and the breast are the two pieces with the least lipids, the latter with only 60 milligrams of fat per 1 gram of meat.


a) With 20 grams of protein per 100 grams of meat, the chicken provides a remarkable amount

b) and is perfect for children, helping them in their growth, or if you want to gain muscle.


a) Vitamins such as A, B6, B12, niacin, thiamine or rivoflabin, or minerals such as iron, zinc, magnesium, potassium or phosphorus are present in this delicious meat.

b) It is also low in sodium, so it can be consumed by those suffering from hypertension.

c) As if that were not enough, its cholesterol content is low (except in the skin)

4. Vitamins such as A, B6, B12, niacin, thiamine or rivoflabin, or minerals such as iron, zinc, magnesium, potassium or phosphorus are present in this delicious meat. It is also low in sodium, so it can be consumed by those suffering from hypertension.

a) As if that were not enough, its cholesterol content is low (except in the skin)


a) However, chicken meat is very easy to digest while still being one of the tastiest foods.

a) This is mainly because it doesn’t contain as many purines as other meats.


a) In addition to being very healthy thanks to its properties, chicken meat stands out for its flavour, versatility and texture in the culinary universe.

b) There are countless different recipes and preparations: roast, pickled, fried… all delicious 😋 and very healthy in essence.

7. If this article has whetted ( tempted) your appetite and you want to taste this tasty meat, Rush to your nearest chicken meat outlet.👏


Simple tips to Combat Heat Stress in Chickens:👌

1. First and foremost, make sure your flock has access to clean, cool water at all times! This is crucial!✅

2. Supplement lost electrolytes. 👍

3. Please give immunomodulater in water for immunomodulation.💯

4. Provide protection from the sun. ...

5. Don't crowd your flock. ...

6. Feed during the cooler times of the day. ... 👏

7. Keep your birds calm.


Flush water pipes.👌

1. Summer temperatures soaring above 40 C across India.

2. Poultry farms should be well equipped to combat heat stress.✅

3. To keep your flock in safe and comfortable zone at this point is the need of hour for poultry producers .💯

4. Drinker line should be flushed two to three times till we feel chill on our hand.

5. It’s helpful to cool the drinking water by flushing lines in the afternoon. ✅

6. Cool water helps bring down the birds’ core temperature. If the water is below 77° F (25° C), birds will drink more. 💯

7. Water over 86° F (30° C) will reduce their water intake, further reducing feed intake.

8. Water flow should be greater than 70 ml per minute per ni**le.

9. If it isn’t, the lines need to be checked for flow restriction. If there’s a buildup of iron and other minerals - Biofilm.

10. Read the article below about the need for water quality and pipe cleaning in poultry sheds.👏


Steps to prevent heat stress in Poultry and Feeding time in Summer.👌

1. Gunny cloth with drip water system is set up in extreme hot climate and make use of green net/ thin gunny bags that provide cooling effects to the birds.

2. Gunny cloth along with drip 💧 water # at the side of poultry shed gives 🐦 birds cool breeze in summer.

3. Keeping birds cool during summer is important as,✅

4. Higher temperature in summer leads to summer stress due to the absence of sweat glands in poultry, as birds can’t dissipate heat.💯

Feeding time:👌

5. Adjusting feeding times can support birds in a hot climate.

6. Feed 1/3 of the daily feed between 6:00 and 10:00 o’clock in the morning.👌

7. Take the food away during the hottest period of the day (10 to 18) in the afternoon.

8. Feed 2/3 of the daily feed between 18. 00 and 21:00 o’clock in the evening.👍

9. Increased availability of antioxidants through the diet such as vitamin C and E in feed.👏


Water system maintenance during summer.👍

1. Heatwave conditions across India are continuing and temperatures raising by two to three degrees in many states.✅

a) it is important for Poultry producers to keep their flock in comfortable zone.💯

Here are few tips:

2. In Poultry shed please use foggers at 5 to 6 feet # reduce inside temperature at 28 to 30 *C make birds 🐦 enjoy summer.👌

a) Fogging System Keep your Poultry farm Cool & Keep your birds away from extra heat.

b) So Mortality due to heat stroke gets very less.💯

c) Generator back up is must, because birds get habitual of favourable environment,

3. At normal temperatures, 10,000 layers will drink 2,000 liters of water daily, ✅

4. but their intake will increase by 50% if house temperature rises to 90° F (32° C) — and that’s when you’re likely to have a problem with wet litter and soiled eggs. 💯

5. There should be adequate drinker space and more drinkers if layers are floor-reared.

6. Maintenance of the water system for cleanliness and function is another critically important chore if heat stress is to be prevented in layers. ✅💯

7. It’s easy to overlook a nonfunctioning drinker here and there; drinkers must be systematically checked to make sure they’re all working.

8. During periods of heat stress, birds will deplete electrolytes faster than usual.

a) Potassium is usually depleted the most but sodium and chlorides levels can also rapidly fall.

b) Providing birds electrolytes in the drinking water will replenish those that have been lost and encourage the birds to drink.

9. Immuno modulators and probiotics in water will give immense boost and broad support for immunity and gut integrity simultaneously in your flock during heat stress.👏


Effects of storage conditions on egg quality.

1. Eggs are one of nearly perfect protein foods, offering nutrients of great biological value.

2. However, during storage, egg albumen and yolk components may alter and deteriorate egg quality.

3. Refrigerated raw shell will keep without significant quality loss for about 4 to 5 weeks beyond the pack date or about 3 weeks after you bring them home.

4. PCA suggests that better egg quality (first week) was associated mainly with higher egg weight and its specific gravity, Haugh unit and albumen height.

5. Eggs stored at room temperature should be consumed
in 3 weeks

a) or refrigerated until 8 weeks, preserving internal quality from farm to retail.

b) By the end of 9-week storage period, eggs kept under refrigeration presented similar quality parameters to eggs stored at room temperature for only 3 weeks.

c) No differences on egg quality parameters were noticed between white and brown shells eggs.

d) Eggs stored under refrigeration had lower variability on quality parameters than eggs stored under room temperature.( Vivian Feddern1
Ciênc. agrotec. vol.41 no.3 Lavras May./June 2017)


Simple tips for Poultry sustainability.👌

1. Many flocks are affected with LPAI which is common in many farms across Nepal.✅

2. It is better to control , prevent and treat with Mycoplasma
MG & MS infections right from chick stage as flocks are more susceptible with respiratory diseases ie : ILT, ND, LPAI etc.💯

3. Co-infection with LPAI H3N8 virus thus enhanced pathogenesis of M. gallisepticum infection significantly.( Laszlo Stipkovits et al. Avian Pathol. 2012.)

4. ILT is prevalent in some parts of Nepal and it is not prevalent in few areas.👌

5. What could be the reason?

a) Is it human error for prevalence of ILT in some parts.

6. or sensible thoughts and actions by few Poultry consultants and Poultry producers in preventing ILT in few areas.👏

7. Such brainstorming thoughts needs introspection for fine tuning of the poultry farming operations for its sustainability.✅💯


Heat stress- Solving the problem.👌

1. Ventilation should be provided # Poultry shed on roof top to remove hot air from the shed.👍

2. Feeding :

Most often, birds are hungriest in the morning and will tend to fill up.

3. This will make them more prone to heat stress in the afternoon.

4. Withdrawing feed birds six hours before peak warm temperatures in the afternoon can lower the risk of heat stress.✅

5. Providing sodium bicarbonate
Sodium bicarbonate in the feed is especially useful for hens in egg production. 💯

6. Panting and carbon dioxide release can change the acid-base balance in poultry, but also the bicarbonate available for egg shell formation.

7. Thus sodium bicarbonate can help lessen these changes.

8. I’ve been asked just how long it takes for a hen to recover her performance after heat stress.

8. This also depends on how long the stress lasted.

9. The usual problem is that hens don’t eat, and the reduced nutrient intake leads to smaller yolks and eggs.

10. If they’re off feed only for 1 day, the reduction in yolk size may be minimal and go unnoticed,

11. but if they are off feed for any prolonged period of time, the reduction in yolk development will be more severe and prolonged.

12. Immuno modulators and probiotics along with electrolytes in water will be of much great help to mitigate heat stress and will save your flock in Summer.👏

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Rawol Mauri Palan tatha ghaar nirman shrot kendra Rawol Mauri Palan tatha ghaar nirman shrot kendra
Rawol Chock Devhuli 9, Bisaltar
Nawalparasi , 33004