Nepal Red Cross Society, Kaski

Nepal Red Cross Society is an international humanitarian organization, established in 1963 A.D. The This Chapter has equipped Training Hall.

Nepal having affirmed its commitment to reduce human suffering pursuant to the noble efforts of the founder of the Red Cross Great Jean Henry Dunant, and with the spirit of universal fraternity, and being a signatory to the Geneva Conventions of 1949 A.D., with the objective of serving humanity, Nepal Red Cross Society, confirming its belief in the principles of the International Humanitarian Laws

Photos from Nepal Red  Cross Society, Kaski's post 04/09/2020

५८ अाै नेपाल रेडक्रस दिवस मनाउदै ,कास्की शाखामा । कार्यक्रममा केन्दिय अध्यक्ष डा.नेत्रप्रसाद तिम्सेना ज्युले शुभकामना दिदै ।


🙏तपाईले दान गरेको रगतले कसैको अमूल्य जीवन बचाउन मद्धद पुग्छ । आउनुहोस् १८ बर्ष उमेर पुगेका सबै स्वस्थ व्यक्तिले रक्तदान गरौं । 🙏

Photos from Nepal Red  Cross Society, Kaski's post 17/08/2020

नेपाल रेडक्रस सोसाइटी कास्की उत्थानशिल नगर प्रवद्र्धन र सहभागीता कार्याक्रम अन्र्तगतको जेष्ठ नागरीक समुहका अगुवा कार्याक्रता सीता सुवेदीले समुदायमा कोभिड १९ को वारेमा जनचेतना सहित व्रोसर वितरण गर्दे ।

Photos from Nepal Red  Cross Society, Kaski's post 16/08/2020

नेपाल रेडक्रस सोसाइटी कास्की उत्थानशिल नगर प्रवद्र्धन सहभागिता कार्यक्रम अन्र्तगत पोखरा महानगरपलिका भित्रको क्वाररेन्टाइन र आसपासका क्षेत्रहरुमा निशंक्रमणका केहि झलकहरु

Photos from Nepal Red  Cross Society, Kaski's post 16/08/2020

नेपाल रेडक्रस सोसाइटी कास्की शाखा उत्थानशिल नगर प्रवद्र्धन र सहभागीता कार्यक्रम अन्र्तगतका गतिविधिहरु


कोभिड-१९ बाट उत्पन्न महामारी नियन्त्रण गर्न हामी सबैको सामुहिक साझेदारीको आवश्यकता छ । यसका लागि हामी सबैले ...


बेलुन उडाउँदै विविध कार्यक्रसहित विश्व रेडक्रस दिवस मनाइयो | HOTLINEKHABAR बेलुन उडाउँदै विविध कार्यक्रसहित विश्व रेडक्रस दिवस मनाइयो bannerताजासमाजMay 8, 20160 2 काठमाडौं । रेडक्रसका संस्थापक जँ हेनरी ड्युनाको जन्म दिन मे ८ विविध कार्यक्रम गरी मनाइएको छ । विश्व रेडक्रस दिवस आज ‘रेडक्रस : सबै ठाउँमा, सबैका लागि’ नाराका साथ नेपालमा विविध कार्यक्रम गरी मनाइएको हो । विश्वका १...


Nepal Red Cross Society

ट्राफिक अनुशासन तथा जनचेतनाको लागि !

यस भिडियोमा अमेरिका र भारतमा ट्राफिक नियमहरु कसरी पालना गर्छन भनेर देखाउन खोजिएको छ ! हामी नेपालीको बानी कस्तो रहेछ, आफै छुट्याउनु होला :)


Nepal Red Cross Society
World First Aid Day Report
12th Sep 2015
Nepal Red Cross Society (NRCS) marked World First Aid Day- 2015 with various programs throughout the country. This year the day was observed on 10th, 11th and 12th of September, 2015 with the main theme "First Aid and ageing population". NRCS organized various activities at central and district levels to observe this day. Activities like First Aid demonstrations, First aid training to senior citizens, meet the press, First Aid competition, Learn First Aid in fifteen minutes, rally, reward to first aid volunteers and trainers and Mass Meeting were carried out to raise public awareness about First Aid skills and knowledge. NRCS believes that First Aid day can play vital role to promote the importance of first aid activities. The main objective of marking the World First Aid Day is to create awareness in general people about the importance of First aid and to disseminate the first aid activities of NRCS at large as well as focusing to Recognize older people as an important resource for society to strengthen social inclusion and make older people aware about how to prevent accidents. To make the event a success, national level activities held in Kaski district.
36 Districts reports that they have organize different activities in the district promoting awareness on road safety for the ageing people providing sessions on road safety and first aid skill demonstration on fracture, bleeding and head & spinal injuries. On this auspicious day districts chapters rewarded best first aid volunteers throughout the country who has contributed to the humanitarian works by providing first aid services. Through the different activities carried out in the districts, first aid message have been reached to eighty six thousand people by the different means such as direct observation, radio program, leaflets, simulations, speech, orientations, training , competitions and mass meeting.
In this connection, National level ceremony has been held in Pokhara, Kaski in the participation of different stakeholders, PNS and RC volunteers. National ceremony comprises traditional show (Jhaki) during the rally throughout the city. In the closing ceremony best trainers and volunteers have been honoured with the trophy and the certificate.


प्राथमिक उपचार र जेष्ठ नागरीकनाराका साथ विश्व प्राथमिक उपचार दिवस विविध कार्यक्रमका साथ मनाइदै ः(First Aid and Ageing Population) World First Aid Day 2015, 12th Sept, Saturday
— celebrating World First Aid Day 2015 with various activities.


ऐतिहासिक अवसरमा सम्पूर्ण महानुभावहरुलाई हार्दिक निमन्त्रणा गर्दछौं :


Restoring Family Links - Home

ICRC News Release No. 15/00328
3 September 2015

Nepal: Nine years into the peace process, relatives still in the dark about the fate of their missing members

Kathmandu (ICRC/Nepal Red Cross Society) – The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), Nepal Red Cross Society and Nepal Society of Families of Disappeared and Missing Nepal(NEFAD) will come together to mark the 32nd International Day of the Disappeared, tomorrow 4September 2015 in Kathmandu.

Every year August 30 is marked worldwide as International Day of the Disappeared. On this occasion the ICRCwishes to emphasize the need to do more to document and clarify the fate and whereabouts of people who have disappeared in conflicts or other circumstances and give stronger support to the families left behind on the part of governments and civil society.

“Although the fate and whereabouts of hundreds of people have been established, it is a painful fact that 1343 people are still missing in Nepal,almost nine years after the end of the conflict,” said DraganaKojic, head of the ICRC delegation in Kathmandu. “The families of the missing persons need, above all, to know what happened to their missing relatives. The right of a family to know is enshrined in international humanitarian law and human rights law and it must be respected. We strongly hope that the recently createdCommission of Investigation on Enforced Disappeared Persons will respond to the families’ needs and relieve their long lasting anguish, added Kojic.

The ICRC and the Nepal Red Cross Society have published the names of the missing persons since 2007 in a common list. The 8th edition of this publication, entitled: “Missing Persons in Nepal: Updated list 2015”is available, in English and Nepali, on ICRC’s website

“The volunteers of Nepal Red Cross Society are in close contact with family members of missing persons and supporting them in one or the other way,” said Dev RatnaDhakhwa, the Secretary General of the Nepal Red Cross Society.

In the past five years in Nepal, the ICRC has implemented a comprehensive psychosocial accompaniment program – Hateymalo. While providing psychosocialsupport to the families of the missing, the ICRC, in collaboration with national non-governmentalorganisations and the Nepal Red Cross Society, delivers psychological, economic, legal,administrative and socio-cultural support to them. Since the beginning of the Hateymalo programme, more than 90% of the families of themissing have benefitted from this supportin 43 districts.

Ashort film“A Life on Hold: Addressing the needs of families of the missing” will be screened during the event in Kathmandu. The film shows three people from different corners of the globe, Uganda, Mexico and Georgia, each with a unique story of a missing relative, evidencing this universal and tragic phenomenon.

Along with the members of the families of the missing, over 100 persons representing government and non-governmental agencies, security forces, civil society organizations, media and Red Cross volunteers will attend the event.

For further information, please contact:
Binod Kafle, ICRC Kathmandu, tel: +977 9851074295 or +977 1 4107285
Dibya Raj Paudel, Nepal Red Cross Society Kathmandu, tel: +977 9841699068 or +977 1 4285089
or visit: or

To preview and download the latest ICRC video footage in broadcast quality, go to

To find out what the ICRC is doing to put an end to attacks on health workers and patients, go to

Follow the ICRC on and Through the Restoring Family Links programme the ICRC and National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies work together around the world to locate people and put them back into contact with their relatives.


News ReleaseNo. 15/00327
2 September 2015

Nepal: Another Red Cross ambulance vandalised on its way to evacuate the injured

Kathmandu(Nepal Red Cross Society/ICRC) – The Nepal Red Cross Society (NRCS) and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) are dismayed with the incident that happened on 1 September 2015 at Choharba of Siraha district, where a group of people threw stones on an ambulance SA 1 Cha 513 marked with distinct Red Cross emblem that was heading towards Birgunj.Four Red Cross ambulances, as well as a number of ambulances operated by other services providers, have beenvandalized in Terai / Madhes in relation with ongoing demonstrations in the past three weeks.

"The NRCS operates its ambulance service from 173 stations throughout the country. They must be able to move unobstructed and securely at all times. The ambulance services being operated by other agencies should receive the same treatment. Any misuse of the Red Cross emblem must be prevented" said Dev Ratna Dhakhwa, Secretary General of the NRCS.

“We are extremely concerned about the consequences of the recent violence,” said Dragana Kojic, the ICRC’s head of delegation in Nepal. “We call on all parties to exercise restraint and urge them to allow ambulance services to carry out their tasks during demonstrations and strikes (bandh).

According to both national and international norms, medical personnel, ambulances and other means of medical transport must be respected and protected, and their work must be facilitated. Efficient delivery of health care and access to it need to be ensured in all circumstances.

The NRCS and the ICRC appeal to all concerned parties on the ground to respect the neutral and impartial work of the Red Cross and the health care and emergency services for the people in need.

For further information, please contact:
Dibya Raj Paudel, NRCS Kathmandu, tel: + 977 9841699068
Krishna Chalisey, ICRC Kathmandu, tel: +977 1 4107285 or +977 98510 00602


रेडक्रसको स्वर्ण जयन्त्रिमा मैत्रिपूर्ण फुटवल रेडक्रसको स्वर्ण जयन्त्रिमा मैत्रिपूर्ण फुटवल Posted on September 2, 2015 by adarsha आदर्श नेपाल संवाददाता Share पत्रकार महासंघ ५–४ गोलले विजयीभाद्र १६, पोखरानेपाल पत्रकार महासंघ कास्की र रेडक्रस कास्कीबीच बुधवार भएको मैत्रीपुर्ण फुटवल खेलमा पत्रकारको टोली ५–४ ले विजयी भएको छ । नेपाल रेडक्रस सोसाइटी…


“वेपत्ता पारिएकाहरुको अन्तराष्ट्रिय दिवस” विविध कार्यक्रमहरुका साथ मनाइयो :


Dear All
Following is detail update from NRCS Kaski on landslide Kaski.

Lumle ward # 4 and 6

· 14 HH completely swept out by land slides

· 20 HH are at risk

· Death: 32 people

· 3 people injured and under treatment in Manipal hospital

· Some people are missing

· Water tank-completely damage and lack of safe drinking water

Bhadaure ward #5 and Dhikur Pokhari
· 91 HH are at risk
· 7 death reported
· Some people are missing
· 15 severely injured
· Water tank and drinking water pipes collapsed and lack of safe drinking water

NRCS, Kaski has provided support food and Non Food items (Rice, Potato, Pulse, Salt, Oil, Tarpoline, blanket and Baltin to 43 HH)


२०७२ श्रावण १३ गते रातीवाट परेको अविरल वर्षाका कारणले कास्की जिल्लाका विभिन्न भागहरुमा वाढी पहिरोको गएको छ सो को अवस्था बारे संक्षिप्त जानकारी ः

१. लुम्ले गा.वि.स. वडा नं ४ र ६ मा
– १३ घर पूर्ण नष्ट
– स्थानीय २९ र वाहिरका ३ गरी ३२ जना वेपत्ता जसमा १२ वटा लास प्राप्त २० हराईरहेको
– ३ जना घाइतेलाई प्राथमिक उपचार गरी थप उपचारको लागि हेलिकप्टर मार्फत पठाइएको
– ५ वटा चौपायको क्षती
– वाग्लुङ पोखरा राजमार्ग अवरुद्ध
– पहिरो करिव १ किलोमिटर क्षेत्रमा फैलिएको

२. भदौरे गा.वि.स. वडा नं.
– १७ घर पूर्ण नष्ट
– ९ जना वेपत्ता मध्ये ५ को लाश मृत्यु
– १५ जना घाइतेलाई प्राथमिक उपचार गरी थप उपचारको एम्वुलेन्स मार्फत अस्पताल पठाइएको

हालसम्म भएका कार्यहरु ः
– वाढि तथा पहिरोले पारको प्रभावको वारेमा स्थलत गत अध्ययन तथा उद्धारको लागि टोलि परिचालित (नेपाली सेना, प्रहरी, रेडक्रस कर्मी तथा स्थानीयहरु परिचालित)
– भदौरे तमागी गा.वि.स.का १७ घर परिवारलाई खाद्यन्न तथा गैरखाद्यन्न सामग्रीहरुको वितरण
– घाइतेहरुलाई प्राथमिक उपचार गरि थप उपचारको लागि अस्पतालमा पठाइएको ।


रक्तदातालाई धन्यवाद अभियान सञ्चालन हुने काठमाडौं, साउन ९ - नेपाल सरकारबाट प्रस्तावित रक्त सञ्चार ऐनले नेपाल रेडक्रसले रक्त सञ्चार क्षेत्रमा पर्‍याउदै आएको अतुलनीय कार्यको पहिचान र स...


‘वर्षाबाट जोगाउन थप सहयोगको खाँचो’ - BBC नेपाली रेडक्रसले दातृ संस्थाहरुलाई भनेको छ- सहायता बढाउ, नत्र दशौं हजार भूकम्प पीडितहरुलाई बासको समस्या पर्नेछ।


Red Cross increases aid for Nepal quake victims to $93 mn - The Economic Times The Red Cross today more than doubled its emergency assistance to USD 93 million for the quake-hit Nepal to help the victims rebuild their lives as quickly as possible.


Living with uncertainty: Life in the Nepal quake aftermath Dragana Kojic, head of the International Committee of the Red Cross Nepal delegation, gives a first-hand account of life in Kathmandu in the aftermath of the Apr 25 earthquake.


NRCS helping people after Tuesday-quake Immediately after the 7.3 magnitude quake struck on May 12, the Nepal Red Cross Society (NRCS) mobilised medics to the most affected...


Shattered dreams and spiraling debt. Nepal’s earthquake survivors struggle to make ends meet - IFRC Narayan Karki’s dream was to become an accountant and earn enough money to support his family in the district of Sindhuli.


Nepal Red Cross Society expresses serious concern over the use of the logo of Red Cross Society of China in the imported commercial materials from China. It was found that in addition to relief materials received from china to the earthquake affected population, other commercial supplies were marked with the Red Cross logo that do not appear in the NRCS consignment. Such use of the Red Cross logo is clearly a misuse of the emblem and the NRCS requests the concerned authority for further investigation.
NCell, a private company, has already accepted that those materials belonged to the company. Like wise, ZTE HK company, the supplier to NCell, has also released a press note. Components of the international Red Cross Movement are gathering further information on the case.
According to International Humanitarian Law (IHL), the Components of the Red Cross Movement are entitled to use the Red Cross emblem for indicative and protective purpose while carrying out its humanitarian activities. Indicative and protective value of the emblem cover RC personnel, vehicles, buildings and materials. We make an appeal to all to help us to ensure proper use of the Red Cross emblem that indicates independent, humanitarian, impartial and neutral services to be carried out by the Red Cross Movement.


In Chautara, Sindhupalchowk district, Nepal Red Cross Society volunteer and nurse Alina Shaestha, 21, treats people who were injured in the recent earthquake, which here destroyed more than 90% of homes. Alina is one of the over 4,000 volunteers who have so far taken part in the humanitarian response across Nepal. (Photo: Palani Mohan/IFRC)


Nepal Red Cross Our mission is to relieve human suffering and to reduce vulnerability through mobilization of volunteers and participation from communities, governments and non...


रेडक्रसको सहयोग जारी : एक लाख १६ हजार मास्क, ४२ हजार जीवनजल, १५ हजार साबुन वितरण काठमाडौँ- नेपाल रेडक्रस सोसाइटीले गत शनिबार आएको विनाशकारी भूकम्पको उद्धार तथा राहतका लागि काठमाडौँ उपत्यकाका तीन जिल्लासहित नुवाकोट, सिन्धुपाल्चोक, काभ्रे, गोरखा, धादिङ, रामेछाप, दोलखा, लमजुङ र रसुवा गरी १२ वटा जिल्लामा राष्ट्रिय विपद् प्रतिकार्य टोलीहरु थप परिचालन गरेको छ ।


मृत शरीर (शब) को व्यवस्थापन
सबैका लागि मूख्य सन्देशहरु
पहिचान नभएका कुनैपनि शबहरु नजलाऔं÷नगाढौं
अज्ञात शबहरुको पहिचान खुलाइनुपर्छ र प्रथा अनुसार अन्तिम संस्कार गर्न निजको परिवारलाई शब बुझाइनुपर्छ ।

मृत शरीर÷शब बाट कुनैपनि व्यक्तिगत सरसामाग्रीहरु निकाल्नु हुँदैन किनभने यी सामाग्रीले शबको पहिचान गर्न सघाउँछन् ।

शबबाट रोगब्याधी वा महामारी फैलँदैन ।
विपत्का बेला गम्भिर चोटपटक लागेर, डुबेर, थिचिएर वा आगलागी जस्ता कारणबाट मानिसहरुको मृत्यु हुन्छ । मृत शरीरबाट रोग सर्दैन ।

अपरिचित शब भेट्टिएमा स्थानीय प्रहरीलाई खवर गर्नुहोस् वा नेपाल प्रहरीको फोन गर्दा पैसा नलाग्ने हटलाइन नम्बर १४१४ मा डायल गर्नुहोस् ।


Key messages for public communication
The unidentified dead must be identified and returned to their families so that customs and rites can be performed according to their tradition.
• DO NOT remove personal belongings from any unidentified dead body as it may help for future identification.
• Dead bodies DO NOT spread disease or cause epidemics.
In a disaster, people die as a result of traumatic injury, drowing or fire. Dead bodies do not cause disease.
• If an unidentified dead body is discovered, inform the local police or call the toll-free Nepal Police hotline 1414.
• Unidentified dead bodies of foreigners and Nepalis are to be managed equally and without discrimination.


Over 5000 Red Cross volunteers are providing help across Nepal, with the support of International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement.


“It’s important for us to show our support and to empathize with the coming to Europe. They have been through a lot and are often traumatized by their experiences” says Simona Migliore, Italian Red Cross - Croce Rossa Italiana doctor who coordinates the health activities in a reception centre near Catania, Sicily, which hosts almost 4,000 migrants.
This Friday, World Day, join us in celebrating :


Muna Thapa Magar

जनचेतनामुलक संदेश : सबैले बिचार गरौ ।।

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Opening Hours

Monday 10:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 10:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 10:00 - 17:00
Thursday 10:00 - 17:00
Friday 10:00 - 15:00
Sunday 10:00 - 17:00

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