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Winette is a Clinical Nutritionist, specializing in gut health, weight management & overall health.


Creamy Tomato Basil Dip🍅


1 cup cherry tomatoes (or 2-3 medium-sized tomatoes), chopped
1/4 cup sun-dried tomatoes (if using dried, rehydrate them in hot water for 10-15 minutes, then drain)
1/4 cup fresh basil leaves, chopped
1/4 cup Greek yogurt
1 clove garlic, minced
1 tablespoon olive oil
Salt and pepper to taste
Optional: Red pepper flakes for added heat


In a food processor or blender, combine the tomatoes, sun-dried tomatoes, basil leaves, minced garlic, and olive oil. Pulse or blend until the mixture reaches your desired consistency—smooth for a creamy dip or slightly chunky for texture.

Transfer the blended mixture to a mixing bowl. Stir in the Greek yogurt until well combined.

Season the dip with salt, pepper, and red pepper flakes (if using). Adjust the seasoning according to your taste preferences.

Cover the bowl and refrigerate the dip for at least 30 minutes to allow the flavors to meld together.

Serve the creamy tomato basil dip with your favourite crackers, vegetable sticks, or as a spread for sandwiches and wraps.


Tomatoes — a remarkably versatile ingredient🍅

These vibrant fruits offer a wealth of essential nutrients crucial for your wellbeing.

* a good source of vitamin C, potassium, vitamin K1, and folate.

* rich in antioxidants like lycopene, beta-carotene, and naringenin. Lycopene, in particular, is known for its potential to reduce the risk of certain chronic diseases.

* antioxidants and potassium in tomatoes are associated with heart health benefits.

* lycopene, present abundantly in tomatoes, has been linked to a reduced risk of certain types of cancer.

* high content of vitamins A and C in tomatoes supports healthy skin.

* contain beta-carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthin, which are beneficial for eye health.

* are low in calories and high in water content, making them a great option for those aiming for weight management or weight loss.


Smart Festive Food Hacks🎄🍾🎉

The holiday season is swiftly approaching, bringing with it office Christmas parties and the temptation to overindulge.

- Be conscious of portion sizes to avoid overeating.
- Drink water before meals to help control hunger.
- Choose healthy snacks like fruits, vegetables, or nuts.
- Enjoy holiday sweets in moderation to manage sugar intake and maintain energy levels.
- Incorporate physical activity into your holiday; walks along the beach, cycling, swimming etc.
- When tempted with platters and tables full of food, take a moment to decide what you really want to eat.
- Eat a healthy snack before you go to the office party or dinner.
- Choose reduced calorie alcoholic beverages.
- Drink a glass of sparkling water with lime in between alcoholic drinks.
- Limited alcohol intake.



Magic Mineral - Magnesium🥑🍌🥦

☑️Essential for maintaining healthy bones
☑️Magnesium is important for heart health
☑️It plays a key role in the body's energy production processes
☑️Helps regulate blood sugar levels
☑️Supports immune system
☑️Magnesium can help reduce stress and promote relaxation
☑️Help reduce the frequency and severity of migraines
☑️Muscle cramp relief
☑️Magnesium can have a mild laxative effect, which can aid in relieving constipation
☑️Improving mood and reducing symptoms of depression
☑️PMS relief

Foods to include in your diet: nuts and seeds, legumes, green leafy vegetables, dairy, whole grains, seafood




What is "leaky gut?"

"Leaky gut," also known as increased intestinal permeability, is whereby the lining of the small intestine becomes more porous.

It potentially allows substances such as toxins, undigested food particles, and bacteria to pass through the intestinal wall and enter the bloodstream.

In a healthy gut, the intestinal lining acts as a barrier to prevent harmful substances from escaping into the bloodstream.

"Leaky gut" may play a role in a range of health issues, including autoimmune diseases, allergies, and certain digestive disorders.

Contact info@NutriWel-C if you wish to get your health back on track.

NutriWel-C 07/10/2023

🧠How can a healthy gut improve your mood?

☑️The gut-brain axis is a bidirectional communication system that links the gut to the brain.
☑️It involves a complex network of signals and interactions between the gut microbiota and the central nervous system.
☑️This axis plays a crucial role in regulating digestion, mood, and immune function.
☑️A healthy gut can positively impact your mood.
☑️ The gut houses a diverse community of gut bacteria that produces chemicals that influence brain function.
☑️These chemicals can help regulate mood and reduce inflammation, potentially leading to improved emotional well-being.

Contact Winette at [email protected] to discuss your health and wellness journey.

Tel: 022 524 5142

NutriWel-C ​ ​Registered Clinical Nutritionist


💛Let's talk gut well-being💛

What is our gut microbiome?

☑️It is a complex community of microorganisms, including bacteria, viruses and fungi that lives in the gastrointestinal tract of humans and animals.

☑️It plays a crucial role in digestion, nutrient absorption, and the regulation of the immune system.

☑️Imbalances or disruptions in the gut microbiome have been linked to various health conditions, including digestive disorders, autoimmune diseases, and even mental health issues.

Contact Winette at [email protected] to discuss how to improve your gut health.

Tel: 022 524 5142

NutriWel-C 29/09/2023

Exclusive offer - 15% discount in October
Contact Winette at [email protected]
Online consultations and in person consultations available at Riverhead Physiotherapy & Pilates

NutriWel-C ​ ​Registered Clinical Nutritionist


🥗Seeds are highly nutritious and packed with a variety of health benefits. Incorporate linseed/pumpkin/sunflower/chia seeds into salads, wraps, smoothies, yoghurt etc.

☑️Seeds are rich in vitamins, minerals and healthy fats.

☑️Many seeds are a good source of dietary fiber.

☑️Seeds are rich in antioxidants.

☑️Vitamin E in sunflower seeds is known for its skin-nourishing properties.

☑️Seeds are a source of plant-based protein, making them a valuable addition to vegetarian and vegan diets.

It's important to note that while seeds offer numerous health benefits, portion control is key, as they can be calorie-dense.


Bedtime Wellness⏰

Sleep is not a luxury but a biological necessity. Prioritizing sleep is essential for maintaining good physical and mental health, improving cognitive function, and enhancing overall quality of life. It's crucial to aim for a consistent and sufficient amount of sleep each night to reap these benefits.

* Have a regular nighttime routine. Consistency helps regulate your body's internal clock.

* Create a relaxing bedtime routine. This could include activities like reading, taking a warm bath, or practicing relaxation techniques.

* Ensure your mattress and pillows are comfortable and supportive.

* Keep your bedroom cool, dark, and quiet.

* Remove electronic devices that emit blue light, such as smartphones and computers, from your bedroom.

* Limit exposure to screens before bed. Ideally stop using phones and computers at least 1-2 hours before bedtime.

* Avoid or limit caffeine and alcohol intake.

* Exercise regularly, preferably not too close to bedtime.

* Manage stress and anxiety.

* Limit fluid intake before bed to avoid waking up in the middle of the night.

* Exposure to natural light during the day helps regulate your body's internal clock.


Healthy snacking ideas🍏🥚🥕

While it's recommended to have three balanced meals each day, there are occasions when we may crave snacks.

Here are some nutritious snack ideas:

* Greek Yogurt with berries. Add a drizzle of honey for sweetness.
* Hummus with sliced cucumbers, bell peppers, carrots, or cherry tomatoes.
* A small handful of unsalted mixed nuts (almonds, walnuts, cashews). Be mindful of portion sizes to control calories.
* Apple Slices with Peanut Butter. Choose natural peanut butter without added sugars or oils.
* Whole Grain Crackers with Cottage Cheese.
* Hard-Boiled Eggs.
* Sliced Avocado on Whole Grain Toast.
* Greek Yogurt with granola and fresh fruit.
* Cherry Tomatoes with Mozzarella.
* Smoothie with fruit, vegetables, Greek yogurt, and a touch of honey.
* Sliced Cucumber with Tuna.

🍌Remember that portion control is key when it comes to snacking. Be mindful of your portion sizes to avoid excessive calorie intake.

🍅Additionally, try to choose whole, unprocessed foods whenever possible to maximize the nutritional value of your snacks.


🌸As nature comes alive with the arrival of a new season, take advantage of the chance to rejuvenate your well-being.

Springtime offers us the perfect opportunity to reconnect with the great outdoors and let the sun replenish our vitamin D levels, enhancing your immune system and mental wellness.

It also grants us the long-awaited chance to partake in outdoor activities like hiking, swimming and cycling, which can improve cardiovascular fitness, while nature work wonders in reducing stress.

Let this season serve as a reminder of hope and fresh beginnings.🦋

If you are looking for a fresh start to your wellness, please contact me on [email protected]

Best regards


🍋Secure your spot now for the 6 Week Slim & Shape Challenge

With December approaching quite quickly, let us get your body summer ready with the 6-week slim and shape challenge!

🍓8 spaces available
☀️$265 for the 6 weeks
🧘‍♀️Starting 2 October 2023

▶️The 6-week weight loss challenge is focused to making healthier lifestyle choices to promote weight loss and ultimately change your lifestyle in the long term. Whether you're looking to shape up and slim down, or simply feel your best, I'm here to support you every step of the way.

- We will define specific, measurable, achievable, and relevant goals for your weight loss.

- The focus will be on eating wholesome and nutritious foods and enjoying healthy meals.

- There will be no calorie counting or weighing of food.

🍉I believe that nutrition is not about restriction or deprivation. It's about nourishing your body, enjoying food, and finding a balance that works for you. My approach is rooted in science, compassion, and a deep understanding of the individual needs of my clients.

🤸‍♂️For $265 the following is included in the 6-week journey.
- 60 minute initial consultation where we will discuss your current diet and lifestyle; discuss your goals; starting weight and measurements
- Week 1: 15 – 30-minute call / online meeting or in person consultation to discuss your first week and if we need to adjust your meal plan
- Weekly follow up / accountability calls
- 30-minute final weight and measurement check in, discussing your 6-week journey and future goals
- You will receive a personalized meal plan
- You will receive weekly recipe ideas
- Access to email and WhatsApp for on-going support and questions during your journey
- Lifestyle recommendations
- Supplement recommendations (if required) and access to practitioner only supplements

🏝How it will work:
- Contact me now to secure your spot
- Initial consultations will be from 11 – 23 September
- Consultations can be done via Zoom / Teams / Google Meet (whereby you would need to weigh and measure yourself)
- In person consultations are available on a Saturday at Riverhead Physiotherapy & Pilates from 9:00 – 13:00
- 6-week journey will start on 2 October and run until 12 November
- Final weigh in and measurements will be the week of the 13th of November
- Along the way we will celebrate small wins as well; sleeping better, having more energy, glowing skin, cm’s lost etc
- There is an East Day Spa voucher up for grabs for the person who has the highest overall % weight and cm loss.

🥝Other details
- Southern Cross, NIB and Accuro Health Insurance members can claim back on their nutrition consultation. Please check with your Health Insurance provider if you are eligible to claim
- Supplements are not included in the $265
- Full payment must be made at the first appointment
- The package is non-refundable unless a medical certificate is presented to state that you are unfit to continue with the program
- If you have underlying health conditions, it's wise to consult with a healthcare professional before participating in a weight loss program

Please reach out if you have any questions or would like to join the 6-week challenge.

Kind regards

Email: [email protected]
WhatsApp / Message only: 022 524 5142

NutriWel-C Winette is a Clinical Nutritionist, specializing in gut health, weight management & overall health.


Sunshine and Vit D and its benefits 🌞

☑️Sunlight is the primary source of vitamin D. When your skin is exposed to sunlight, it synthesizes vitamin D.

☑️Vitamin D helps regulate calcium and phosphorus levels in the body to maintain strong and healthy bones.

☑️Vitamin D is important for immune system function.

☑️ Vitamin D assists with healthy insulin regulation.

☑️Sunlight helps stimulate the production of the happy hormone, serotonin that contributes to feelings of happiness and well-being. Sunshine is good for your mood.

☑️ Studies have shown that Vit D plays a role in reducing heart disease risk.

☑️Research suggest that vitamin D might have a positive impact on cognitive function and a reduced risk of cognitive decline in older adults.

☑️Some sun exposure can have beneficial effects on certain skin conditions, such as psoriasis, eczema, and acne. However, it's essential to balance sun exposure with proper sun protection to prevent skin damage.

🌞Please note that while sunlight is a natural source of vitamin D and has many benefits, excessive or unprotected sun exposure can lead to skin damage, including sunburn and an increased risk of skin cancer.

🌞It is important to find a balance between enjoying the sun for its benefits and protecting your skin against sun damage.


Quenching your thirst can sometimes feel mundane when you're sipping on plain water.

If you're looking for a more delightful and refreshing way to stay hydrated, consider indulging in a glass of Red Bush (Rooibos) or Honey Bush ice tea.

It not only satisfies your hydration needs but also adds a flavorful twist to your beverage choice and you can enjoy all the benefits from Red Bush and Honeybush tea.

4 cups of water
4 tea bags of Red Bush / Honeybush
1-2 tablespoons of honey (add Manuka Honey for its health benefits)
Squeeze of fresh lemon juice
2-3 mint leaves (optional)
Ice cubes

- Heat the water until the water is nearly boiling.
- Place tea bags in water and allow to steep for 5-7 minutes (you can do longer, depending on how strong you want the tea)
- Remove the tea bags and add the lemon and honey and stir well
- Add the mint leaves
- Put the tea in the fridge to cool down, 30-60 minutes
- Serve over ice cubes
- Keep the tea in the fridge and use within 3 days


🍉Staying hydrated🍓

- kickstart your day with a glass of water
- always carry a water bottle with you
- add flavour to your water (Vital Zing Waterdrops) or some fruits like lemon, strawberry, cucumber etc
- eat foods high in water content - melons, strawberries, pineapple, peaches, oranges, capsicum, broccoli, celery

🍋Why is it important to stay hydrated?

- When you're properly hydrated, your body can function more efficiently, which can help increase your energy levels

- Hydration can help improve endurance, reduce muscle cramps, and enhance recovery during exercise

- Water supports the digestive system by helping break down food and promoting regular bowel movements

- Your brain needs adequate hydration to function optimally

- Hydrated skin looks healthy and vibrant

- Water helps regulating body temperature


NutriWel-C Winette is a Clinical Nutritionist, specializing in gut health, weight management & overall health.


🍋6 Week Slim & Shape Challenge🍋

After a very long, wet and cold NZ winter (and summer), we can only but hope for a lovely warm summer ahead. With December approaching quite quickly, let us get your body summer ready with the 6-week slim and shape challenge!

🍓8 spaces available
☀️$265 for the 6 weeks
🧘‍♀️Starting 2 October 2023

- The 6-week weight loss challenge is focused to making healthier lifestyle choices to promote weight loss and ultimately change your lifestyle in the long term. Whether you're looking to shape up and slim down, or simply feel your best, I'm here to support you every step of the way.

- We will define specific, measurable, achievable, and relevant goals for your weight loss.

- The focus will be on eating wholesome and nutritious foods and enjoying healthy meals.

- There will be no calorie counting or weighing of food.

🍉I believe that nutrition is not about restriction or deprivation. It's about nourishing your body, enjoying food, and finding a balance that works for you. My approach is rooted in science, compassion, and a deep understanding of the individual needs of my clients.

🤸‍♂️For $265 the following is included in the 6-week journey.
- 60 minute initial consultation where we will discuss your current diet and lifestyle; discuss your goals; starting weight and measurements
- Week 1: 15 – 30-minute call / online meeting or in person consultation to discuss your first week and if we need to adjust your meal plan
- Weekly follow up / accountability calls
- 30-minute final weight and measurement check in, discussing your 6-week journey and future goals
- You will receive a personalized meal plan
- You will receive weekly recipe ideas
- Access to email and WhatsApp for on-going support and questions during your journey
- Lifestyle recommendations
- Supplement recommendations (if required) and access to practitioner only supplements

🏝How it will work:
- You can sign up from 11 – 23 September and book your initial consultation
- Consultations can be done via Zoom / Teams / Google Meet (whereby you would need to weigh and measure yourself)
- In person consultations are available on a Saturday at Riverhead Physiotherapy & Pilates from 9:00 – 13:00
- 6-week journey will start on 2 October and run until 12 November
- Final weigh in and measurements will be the week of the 13th of November
- Along the way we will celebrate small wins as well; sleeping better, having more energy, glowing skin, cm’s lost etc
- There is an East Day Spa voucher up for grabs for the person who has the highest overall % weight and cm loss.

🥝Other details
- Southern Cross, NIB and Accuro Health Insurance members can claim back on their nutrition consultation. Please check with your Health Insurance provider if you are eligible to claim
- Supplements are not included in the $265
- Full payment must be made at the first appointment
- The package is non-refundable unless a medical certificate is presented to state that you are unfit to continue with the program
- If you have underlying health conditions, it's wise to consult with a healthcare professional before participating in a weight loss program

Please reach out if you have any questions or would like to join the 6-week challenge.

Kind regards

[email protected]
WhatsApp / Message only: 022 524 5142

NutriWel-C Winette is a Clinical Nutritionist, specializing in gut health, weight management & overall health.


Zinc - Unleash the Power of this Essential Mineral🥚🥩🥜🍤🥛

- immune system support
- tissue and cell growth
- wound healing
- reduces severity of colds and flu
- maintains healthy skin
- enhances carbohydrate metabolism and insulin sensitivity

You will find it in:
red meat, organ meat (liver, kidney), seafood, poultry, dairy, whole grains, nuts, seeds, eggs


🍎Managing stress with food

During times of elevated stress, it is important to replenish nutrients to ensure overall well-being.

- Vitamin B: whole grains, eggs and leafy greens
- Omega-3 fatty acids: salmon, mackerel, sardines, flaxseeds, chia seeds, and walnuts
- Vitamin C: citrus fruits (oranges, lemons), strawberries, kiwis, capsicum
- Magnesium: spinach, kale, almonds, cashews, and pumpkin seeds
- Probiotic-rich foods: yogurt (with live cultures), kefir, sauerkraut, cabbage and kimchi

🍏When you include these nutrient-rich foods in your diet during periods of high stress, you can provide your body with the support it needs to navigate through challenging times.



Pumpkin Muffins

⅓ cup melted coconut oil or extra-virgin olive oil
½ cup maple syrup or honey
2 large eggs
1 cup pumpkin purée (Steam the pumpkin until soft, peel and seed it, then cut into evenly sized cubes. Put the cubes in a steamer or colander set over a pan of simmering water and cook for 10 mins. Mash the pumpkin or put in a blender to make the puree)
¼ cup milk (dairy or plant based)
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon, ½ teaspoon ground ginger, ¼ teaspoon ground nutmeg, and ¼ teaspoon ground allspice
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
½ teaspoon salt
1 ¾ cups whole wheat flour
⅓ cup rolled oats, plus some extra for sprinkling on top of the muffins

1. Preheat oven to 165°C.
2. Grease a 12 cup muffin pan with non-stick cooking spray.
3. Whisk the oil and maple syrup or honey together.
4. Add the eggs, and mix well.
5. Add the pumpkin purée, milk, spices, baking soda, vanilla extract and salt.
6. Add the flour and oats to the bowl and mix until combined.
7. Pour batter into muffin pan (about 3/4 full).
8. Sprinkle the tops of the muffins with about a tablespoon of oats.
9. Bake muffins for 22 to 25 minutes.
10. Leave muffins to cool down in the muffin pan.
11. Only remove muffins from pan when they have cooled down as they are very delicate and might break.
12. Enjoy within 2-3 days.
13. Can be frozen in a freezer safe container.
14. Serve with butter, honey or cheese or enjoy as is.


Pumpkin! It's not just a Halloween decoration, but also a nutritious food.

🎃Nutrient Powerhouse: Pumpkins are packed with essential nutrients like vitamins A, C, and E, as well as minerals like potassium and magnesium.

😷Immune Boosting: Pumpkin contains beta-carotene, a powerful antioxidant that converts to vitamin A in the body.

🤓Eye Health: The high levels of beta-carotene in pumpkin are also known to support good vision and eye health.

💩Digestive Health: Pumpkin is an excellent source of dietary fiber, which aids in digestion and promotes a healthy digestive system.

🧡Heart Health: The fiber, potassium, and vitamin C found in pumpkin can all contribute to a healthy heart. They help regulate blood pressure, reduce cholesterol levels, and support overall cardiovascular health.


The importance of protein

🧀help to build and repair tissue
- building and maintaining muscle mass
🥚aiding in the production of enzymes and hormones
🥩help to regulate blood sugar levels
- promoting feelings of fullness
😷maintaining a healthy immune system
🍗help support weight loss goals by decreasing appetite and increasing metabolism

For basic protein production in the body, you need to consume between 1.4 to 2.0 g protein / kg body weight per day


Protein Bliss Balls

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Opening Hours

Monday 5pm - 8pm
Tuesday 5pm - 8pm
Wednesday 5pm - 8pm
Thursday 5pm - 8pm
Saturday 9am - 1pm

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