Healing Your Relationship with Food

Healing Your Relationship with Food

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Becoming your best whole self, from the inside out

Photos from Healing Your Relationship with Food's post 07/11/2023

Before we head into the busy Christmas season we’re going to squeeze in one more in-person workshop 😍 Save the date - Sun 3 December, from 1.30-3pm.

This is an opportunity not only for us to come together to celebrate the end of another year but to pause and reflect, before we launch into and take hold of the new - 2024 ✨ How has this year grown, shaped, and built us? What are our main priorities and focuses heading into 2024? And, what shifts and adjustments might we need to make in order to run in 2024 well?

Love to see you there! Just like last time, food and refreshments will be provided ☺️ Please feel free to msg me if you’d like more info! ❤️

Photos from Healing Your Relationship with Food's post 02/10/2023

Connection is vital - none of us were created to do life alone. Connection gives us compassion and understanding, love and support (whether that’s emotional or meeting a physical need), encouragement, truthful correction, and of course happiness and joy. But in a generation that is more connected than ever - through social media and technology - we’re also more disconnected than ever. Join us for this in-person workshop, as we come together and remind ourselves of the importance of real connection, community, and unity.

Please don’t hesitate to message or comment below to jump on board or if you’d like more info. Cost is $20 per person, which will cover our snacks (yes snacks 👀👏🏽) and resources x


Priorities and focus 🎯
We live in a generation of distractions. From the moment that we wake up there are so many things that fight for our attention - our phones/social media, our lingering to do lists, and people who want and need us. In general our lives are always on the go, and so we’ve got to be intentional to draw away and disconnect. Whether that looks like one day a week, a set afternoon, or in small pockets throughout the day. We need space to realign and refocus, and to keep our priorities in check ✔️

Something that I’ve been sitting on when it comes to focus, is the importance of getting beyond ‘self’. As valuable and worthy as we are, life is not all about us. It’s not about ‘becoming something’, proving ourselves, or being better than others. We don’t live in competition with each other. We’re meant to live in unity, community, and connection 🫶🏽

So every day, how can we use what’s in our hands (our time, words, resources, and abilities) to bless and encourage someone else? The best way to live is in service to others ☺️

Photos from Healing Your Relationship with Food's post 22/08/2023

Excited for another workshop (it’s been a while) ☺️ - this one, on valuing the mind 💭 There is so much that we’ve been entrusted with - skills, abilities, passions, opportunities, and (a big one) time - but in order to make the most of these things & to put them into action we need to be intentional to cultivate some focus 🎯

Love for you to join me on Mon 4th September from 7-8.30pm on Zoom for this session! Please feel free to comment below or PM to sign up 🙏🏽😊


Give yourself permission to be the REAL you ❤️

I read something the other day that said that we each have 3 images - our perceived image (the way that others see us), our projected image (what we want and allow others to see), and our actual image (which is, of course, our real self). Often we try and hide behind a ‘perceived image’, in an attempt to cover up any weaknesses or downfalls but the reality is, every single one of us is flawed. While we each have strengths and things that we’re good at, we also have weaknesses, things that don’t come naturally, and areas that we’re working on, and that is OKAY.

None of us have been created to do and be everything, so instead of masking those areas that aren’t quite polished or “up to scratch”, let’s give ourselves permission to be real - to be ourselves. Because in doing so, not only do we remind ourselves that our value is not based on what we do or what others see, but we also create space and give others permission to be their real authentic self ☺️


The most valuable part of you is your heart ♥️ because this is the place that you live from.

✨ It’s the place that we speak from (“from the heart the mouth speaks”) - the words that we speak reveal the condition of our heart.

✨ It’s also the place that we perceive and respond from - whether that’s a place of love, joy, contentment, and gratitude or hurt/pain, trauma, rejection, loneliness, and unforgiveness.

Protect this part of you - we don’t need to give everybody and everything full access to it - seek support to heal it if it needs healing, take note of how it’s truly doing, and take care of it ♥️


Enjoy your season 🍂
Every single season of your life has purpose. Not just the seasons where things seem to be going well, where you can see and feel purpose through what you do, or when you feel like you’re “on the mountain top”. Every single season.

Something that we shared in the last workshop is how we often don’t take the time to stop and reflect on our seasons - “what does our season look like?, “what are we learning?”, and what are our opportunities to grow and give?”. Instead, we’re often more focused on what’s next - the next ‘new’ thing - or perhaps on the things that we don’t yet have.

Reminder today to appreciate and seize your now because not only does every season (both the enjoyable and challenging) come to an end but it’s in your now where you’ll discover the opportunity to be prepared, refined, and ready to carry and walk into whatever is next.

Photos from Healing Your Relationship with Food's post 02/06/2023

Something that I’ve been thinking about in my two days (so far 😂) of rest, is the importance of balance. Yes we are to do the mahi. We need to be intentional with stewarding our time, energy, resources, and abilities - we only reap what we sow and so we have a responsibility to wisely use all that we’ve given. But our lives and all that we get to do are also meant to be enjoyed ☀️

We are to ENJOY the people in our lives, the abilities that we’ve been given, and the opportunities and things that we get to do. But to enjoy all this we’re going to have to be intentional to create balance and rest. We need to create space and draw away from the busyness of our lives and routines to breathe, to reflect, and to recharge - so that we can continue to do everything with a full cup, so that we have the headspace, and so that we can ENJOY everything that we get to do 🍃

This might look like saying no to a few things, reading/journaling/relaxing by yourself, getting outside in nature for a walk, disconnecting from your phone, or taking yourself out for a coffee. Reminder today that we don’t need to wait until we’ve ‘hit the wall’ to realize that we need rest ✨

Photos from Healing Your Relationship with Food's post 02/06/2023

Something that I’ve been thinking about in my two days (so far 😂) of rest, is the importance of balance. Yes we are to do the mahi. We need to be intentional with stewarding our time, energy, resources, and abilities - we only reap what we sow and so we have a responsibility to wisely use all that we’ve given. But our lives and all that we get to do are also meant to be enjoyed ☀️

We are to ENJOY the people in our lives, the abilities that we’ve been given, and the opportunities and things that we get to do. But to enjoy all this we’re going to have to be intentional to create balance and rest. We need to create space and draw away from the busyness of our lives and routines to breathe, to reflect, and to recharge - so that we can continue to do everything with a full cup, so that we have the headspace, and so that we can ENJOY everything that we get to do 🍃

This might look like saying no to a few things, reading/journaling/relaxing by yourself, getting outside in nature for a walk, or taking yourself out for a coffee. Reminder today that we don’t need to wait until we’ve ‘hit the wall’ to realize that we need rest ✨


Reminder today that what makes you valuable is not what people see. Your value is not determined by your achievements, the clothes you wear, or even how much you can do. What makes you a person of strength, dignity, and value is your heart and character; the ‘why’ behind what you do. All that is worthy of recognition and praise comes from within 💎


Time doesn’t heal, doing the internal mahi does 💎
I don’t know about you but I grew up on this idea that ‘time heals’, that with enough time the things that once hurt us no longer will. When I look back on my journey I realise that this couldn’t be any further from the truth.

Whether it’s childhood trauma, unhealthy behaviours or thinking, addictions that we’ve battled, or relationship hurt/scars, time alone will not heal. Things do not simply heal by themselves. We have a responsibility to put in the internal mahi. This might look like opening up to a trusted friend, seeing a counsellor (which there is absolutely no shame in), self-reflection and awareness to see where changes need to be made, learning about what it is that you’re going through, being intentional with what we absorb (what we read, listen to, conversations we engage in) and who we hang around.

This is so important that we do this because without change not only do we remain in bo***ge to whatever this thing may be but we also pass on our dysfunction, unhealed patterns of thinking, and our perspectives to the next generation. What has happened to us may not of been fair and it may be hard to unravel but we alone hold the responsibility and power to partner with change.

Photos from Healing Your Relationship with Food's post 08/05/2023

Valuing Your Life Zoom Workshop ✨

Just as each of us have been created uniquely - with different skills, abilities, and strengths - each of us have different paths & journeys. Sometimes however, we can find ourselves comparing, & measuring the ‘success’ and value of our journey, against somebody else’s.

Really want to encourage us through this session to embrace and value our lives, in particular the season that we’re in now (whatever that may be). Because it’s in the season that we’re in now, that we’re pruned, refined, and prepared for what is next; and that we discover and experience real contentment and joy.

Love for you to join me for this next workshop on Tuesday 30th May from 7-8.30pm. Please msg if you’d like more info or to jump on ☺️


Do you know what I love about this photo? This is women encouraging women, and this is something that is so rare to see ♥️

One thing that happens when you start to value who you are - when you begin to appreciate the gifts & passions that you’ve been gifted, and you begin to value YOUR design - is that you’re able to genuinely encourage and champion others in THEIR lane. You realise that another persons growth doesn’t need to leave you feeling less than, and it in no way takes away from or leaves less room for you because there is enough room for us ALL ✨


6 years ago, almost to the day ☺️

When this photo was taken I was just starting to discover things that I was good at and that I liked, and for once I was beginning to feel a real sense of purpose - purpose that went beyond me.

I remember at the time being encouraged that I was capable of even more than I was currently doing, which I quickly brushed off because I simply couldn’t see beyond who and where I was. When I look at this photo now and think about all that God has done in and through my life since then, I’m simply blown away 😅

You may not be able to see potential beyond who you are right now but believe me when I say that who you are now, is NOT who you have to remain to be - there is more. More potential, more capacity, more to offer, more to give. Sometimes you’re going to step out feeling unequipped (feeling like they’ve asked the wrong person 🙋🏼‍♀️) and questioning if you’ve got what it takes, and that is okay. We don’t have to wait until we feel like we’ve got it all together to start because growth happens along the way.

Let’s start by getting into alignment today with the fact that each of us (no matter where we’ve come from or what we’ve done) are capable of so much more 💎


You are more than what people see.
More than you even see 💎

Really had it on my heart this week to encourage us that we don’t need to strive to make or find our ‘image’. It’s emotionally tiring and draining when we act out of a place of doing things in order to be seen, known, or approved of by others.

Each of us have already been created with an image and design in mind - abilities, skills, passions, and dreams - so instead of worrying about what others think or see, let’s focus on unpacking, valuing, and walking in what’s already within 💎


Health - looking after our physical body, mind, and well-being - is a forever thing 🍃

It’s not something that’s limited to a one-hour workout at the start or end of our day, it’s not something that we invest into only when we feel ourselves beginning to run on empty 🪫, and it’s most definitely not something that we pick up and put back down, as if it has a start and an end date. It’s ongoing.

Our health is so much more than scrubbing up the outside and having the ‘best body’ because even a body that looks it’s best on the outside can be in dire need of love, attention, and healing on the inside. Caring for ourselves starts from within.

Reminder today that these bodies of ours are the one place that we get to live and that we have the privileged responsibility to continually care for them well 💎

Photos from Healing Your Relationship with Food's post 03/04/2023

Valuing YOUR Body 🍃
New workshop: Tues 25 April, from 7:00 - 8:30pm on Zoom

We can spend so much time hating on and mistreating our bodies just because they don’t LOOK the way that we think they should. But have you stopped to realise that you only get one? Let’s flip that switch and not only appreciate our responsibility to look after and nourish the bodies that we’ve been given but also appreciate our unique design and look. We get one body to live in, so let’s treat it well.

Love for you to join me for this next workshop! Please comment or message to jump on board ☺️ There is no pressure to share or speak. This is about us being encouraged and taking away whatever we need for the season that we’re in ☺️

Photos from Healing Your Relationship with Food's post 14/03/2023

Thank you to everyone who came along to this workshop on Monday night ☺️

Opening up one more session for this topic (self-worth and value) on Monday 27th March, before we move onto the next topic. So if you didn’t make the first one or you know of somebody who may appreciate this topic in their current season, then please msg me 🙏🏽☺️ We’ve got a couple signed up already!

There is no expectation to talk or share. This is about you taking away what you need for your current season 🍃

Photos from Healing Your Relationship with Food's post 19/02/2023

Self-worth and value - two things that often get overlooked but determine absolutely everything. Our self-worth and value are the platform, the lens through which we live our lives. This includes our health journey and the way that we see and treat our body 🍃

Love for you to join me for a one-off workshop around this topic on Monday 13th March from 7-8.30pm. There is absolutely no pressure to share or talk, you’re more than welcome to simply sit in and take away whatever nugget that you need for your journey 🥰

Please pm me if you’d like to jump on. Would love to have you there!

Photos from Healing Your Relationship with Food's post 06/02/2023

We are a continual work in progress. Who you are today is not all that you can or will be 💎

Looking at these photos from over the weekend and I’m reminded just how much growth has taken place in my life over the past few years (all glory to God). Not necessarily in what is seen but on the inside - my perspective, mindset, and heart.

I’m reminded that nothing is more freeing and important than knowing our worth - it seriously unlocks everything - knowing that we’re already valuable and enough, that our imperfections don’t need to be hidden but should be embraced, and that we have absolutely nothing to prove to anybody else.

Reminder today that who you are today is not all that you will be - you are a continual work in progress - but… WHILE you are growing… right this very second… you are enough 🍃


It took a long time to realise and appreciate in my own journey that we are about so much more than how we look! 🙅🏼‍♀️ We get one life and one body to live it in, and so it’s our job to value and treat this vessel right 🍃

If you’re wanting to take the first steps towards creating a healthier relationship with food and your body, and to implement some healthy lifestyle choices that'll work for YOU in the long run look no further ☺️ Nutrition consults are available and I’d love to work with you! 🙋🏼‍♀️☺️ Consults can be either in person or through zoom, and are centred around your goals and where you are in your journey. PM for more info ☺️

Photos from Healing Your Relationship with Food's post 01/02/2023

You were not created to be a replica of anybody else.
You were created to be YOU.

I don't know about you but I have had my fair share of struggles with this 😮‍💨 I have at times admired other people so much - wanting their looks, their abilities, their accomplishments, and their confidence - to the extent that I’ve felt like who I am is completely lacking and flat out not enough 👎🏽 There would have been many times growing up (and even in more recent years) where if I had been given the opportunity to ‘trade places’ with somebody else and be them instead of me, I would of in a heartbeat.

If you’ve at any time felt like this then I hope you’re reminded today that who YOU are, right here and now, is enough. You aren’t lacking. You have your own set of gifts, talents, skills, and abilities, within you and they’re just waiting to be discovered and unpacked. And guess what, they’re not going to be like everybody else and that is a good thing. There is only one of you ♥️


Humility is not thinking less of yourself but thinking of yourself less 🤍

Sometimes, it can be second nature to deflect or dismiss compliments - as if accepting them will make us prideful. But this isn't humility. We don't need to downplay, dismiss, or hide who we've been created to be - the abilities, gifts, talents, and personalities that we've been given. We can accept and receive compliments and still walk with an attitude of humility.


Do you love yourself? Do you like the person that you are today? Not the person that you want to be in the future but the person that you in this very season ♥️

These questions might feel selfish or self-absorbed but without a love and appreciation for ourselves, we not only find ourselves in a place of discontentment and comparison but we’re unable to truly love others ✨

Photos from Healing Your Relationship with Food's post 28/12/2022

Do you find it hard to rest? 🙋🏼‍♀️🍃
Over the past couple of weeks I’ve had a much slower schedule and pace, and honestly, it’s been such a struggle to embrace the rest.

I’ve been reflecting on how being ‘busy’ can often be a way that we find worth and value (perhaps we feel more ‘of value’ when we do more), and it can also be a way (without even knowing) that we can mask or try to ‘patch up’ how we’re really feeling inside.

We may not have the privilege of stopping work altogether over this holiday season (rent don’t pay itself 😆) but we can still, and should still, intentionally find pockets of rest - however that may look in our season and… enjoy it guilt free. Whether thats getting out for a walk by ourself, reading a book, or carving out time to simply be. This is actually a way that we appreciate and acknowledge our value.

You’ve probably heard the saying that “you can’t pour from an empty cup” and we also “can’t love others as we love ourselves” if… we’re not truly loving and caring for ourselves first.


We live in a day and age where time is a real thing - we want things fast and we want them now. In essence, we’ve lost sight of the joy of the process.

I was reminded this morning, as I sat (slightly frustrated and impatient) thinking about the areas of my life that I think need to grow and change asap, that God delights in our journey. He delights in our process. And if HE delights in our journey - if He isn’t tapping his foot and instead is joyfully sitting and moving with us - how much more should we? 🍃

So if there are areas of your life that you’d like to see change in, take heart. Don’t stress, don’t beat yourself up, and don’t strive to rush the process because the point of this journey is not getting from A to B as quickly as we can, it’s about who we are becoming along the way ✨


I always used to think confidence meant being loud and bold, and that anything less meant a lack of. Being more reserved and quiet in nature, this always left me feeling like I needed to change.. like there was something wrong with my default, which constantly left me feeling ‘less than’.

It’s taken me a long time to realise that confidence isn’t about what is SEEN on the outside because it comes from within - it comes from a person seeing, valuing, and appreciating who THEY are 🥰 It comes from a person knowing their value and worth.

So if you’re a quiet one like me 🙋🏼‍♀️ don’t ever think you need to change - that gentle quiet spirit you have is 💎🔥

Photos from Healing Your Relationship with Food's post 26/11/2022

A few thoughts as I near turning 33 in a couple of weeks 😅 I’ve been sitting in a bit of disbelief this week (thinking about how old I am 😂) but it’s also been challenging me with a bit of clarity, to realise how short and precious life is ✨


“Be yourself, everybody else is already taken.”

People pleasing is such a thing and very much still a part of my journey. But all that we do - when we suppress, hide, or change ourselves to ‘please others’ - is devalue the person that we have been created to be.

Reminder today that who you are is enough, and that the validation and approval that you desire comes from within ✨


This one’s been sitting on my heart for a while - “what is it all for?” ✨

We have been blessed to be a blessing. While it can easy to make things all about ourselves - the gifts, talents, good and bad experiences that we have are actually things that we have been given to give away - they’re things that we can use to encourage and build up others ✨

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Heart check - Quick thought ✨In this next workshop we’re touching on that desire that we all have to do ‘more’ with our ...
It’s more than about us 🍃Encouragement today that none of the internal mahi and growth that we do in our lives is in vai...
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Perfection ✨Our goal is never to be perfect or without flaws, our goal is to grow 🌱 Every single one of us are on a jour...
Really had it on my heart this past week to encourage us that growth isn’t all about what others see ☺️ Just like a tree...
Humility is not thinking less of yourself but thinking of yourself less 🤍Sometimes, it can be second nature to deflect o...
Do you love yourself? Do you like the person that you are today? Not the person that you want to be in the future but th...
How are you feeling heading into 2023? 🍃I’ve been blessed & privileged to have some time away this past week, which has ...
Who do you want to be in 2023? ✨Encouraging us, as we head into a new year, to set goals with an external focus - how ca...
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The ladies, back again with one thing they have learnt for 2022 💎 What has this year taught you?As a reminder as we list...





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