
Mindfulwell™ Platform for your mental health & wellbeing.


MinfulWell is pleased to announce some upcoming features for our users. We are dedicated to caring for our clients and want to better understand the outcomes of our courses as well as providing a clinical approach to outcomes. We have a questionnaire that will be accessible and be taken freely, alongside this we will use this tool to screen you before the course and after the course and you should notice a decrease in your score on the questionnaire! This questionnaire screens depression, anxiety and stress as well as psychological distress levels.


Remember that wellbeing is a journey, not a destination. It’s about understanding and nurturing your mental, physical, social, and spiritual health. Self-care is not about quick fixes, but instead, each small step you take on this path is a step closer to understanding and accepting your journey. Keep going, you’re doing great!


The foundation course created by MindfulWell is The MindfulWell program, this is a transformative online program designed to enhance well-being, manage trauma, anxiety, depression, and stress, and foster emotional regulation. This evidence-based course integrates mindfulness, cognitive therapy, positive psychology, and trauma-informed modalities to provide a comprehensive learning journey for individuals seeking to cultivate holistic learning for their mental health and wellbeing.


👥We are committed to fostering a supportive environment for tamariki and rangatahi through a range of innovative mental health & wellbeing programs online. Mental health, health and more.

Photos from MindfulWell's post 21/04/2024

📚Book Spotlight

"What Happened to You?" is a deeply thought-provoking and insightful exploration into the powerful role that past trauma and adverse experiences have in shaping and defining our lives. This groundbreaking book deftly delves into the sophisticated science behind how trauma fundamentally changes the brain's structure and the body's functions, often leading to a wide array of physical, emotional, and mental health issues that can persist long after the traumatic event has passed.

In an enlightening and educative manner, the book also explores the transformative process of healing and recovery. It proposes that true recovery can only begin when we start to fully understand and acknowledge the profound impact of our past experiences and make a conscious effort to work towards resilience, growth and ultimately, healing.

Through weaving a narrative that combines deeply personal stories with scientific explanations, "What Happened to You?" provides a compassionate, empathetic, and insightful look into the lifelong effects of trauma. It does not shy away from the harsh realities but instead offers a beacon of hope, showing the path towards healing and recovery. It is an indispensable resource for anyone looking to understand the complex effects of trauma and the journey towards healing.

By: Bruce Perry and Oprah Winfrey


Breathe take a break and check in with yourself. 😮‍💨


MindfulWell is a platform dedicated to promoting wellbeing. We combine scientifically supported strategies with practical application to provide a transformative learning experience. We are underpinned by the foundations of Te Whare Tapa Whā, a model developed by leading Māori health advocate Sir Mason Durie in 1984.

At MindfulWell, we understand that when the four pillars of wellbeing - spiritual, mental and emotional, physical, and family and social - are in balance, we thrive. Our mission is to facilitate this balance for individuals through evidence-based programs and comprehensive courses all in one place by having all areas of health work together for overall wellbeing.

About 15/04/2024

Are you a clinician wanting to share your courses or programs online and be apart of a community hub with on demand mental health and wellbeing care all in one place? This is an exciting opportunity to keep up with a fast paced world and demand while being apart of the change.

Mindfulwell is looking for:

Natural therapists
Fitness instructors
Psychoseducation facilitators

Contact mindfullwell for more

[email protected]


Photos from MindfulWell's post 04/04/2024

Subscribe to the list through course in bio!

Coming soon 👀 Mindfulwell new and improved online course. The MindfulWell Course is a comprehensive programme that focuses on anxiety, depression, emotional regulation and stress management through a trauma informed practice. This evidence-based course integrates mindfulness, CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy, and positive psychology while being trauma informed to provide a structured and progressive learning journey. The modules consist of pre-recorded video-led sessions and mindfulness assignments that can be practiced daily at the your convenience.

The 12-Week MindfulWell Course is delivered entirely online, offering participants the flexibility to engage with the course materials at their own pace. Each module consists of video lectures, guided mindfulness practices, interactive exercises, and downloadable resources. Participants will have access to a dedicated online platform where they can engage in discussions, ask questions, and receive support from me and fellow participants. Look forward to working with you on your mental health journey! ✅


Bruce D. Perry beautifully encapsulates the transformative power of therapy with the quote, “Therapy is more about building new associations, making new, healthier default pathways. It is almost as if therapy is taking your two-lane dirt road and building a four-lane freeway alongside it. The old road stays, but you don’t use it much anymore.”

This metaphor paints therapy as a process of construction, not demolition. It’s not about erasing our past or invalidating our experiences, but rather building new and healthier ways of navigating life’s complexities. We construct these fresh pathways by forming new associations and responses to situations that previously led us down more destructive routes.

The old dirt road, representing our past experiences and coping mechanisms, still exists. It’s a testament to our resilience and survival, a path that has served us in the past. But as we work through therapy, we are able to construct a more efficient freeway, a set of healthier responses and coping strategies that serve our present and future selves better.

It’s a journey that requires patience, understanding, and compassion towards oneself. Remember, the goal of therapy isn’t to change who we are, but to enhance our understanding of ourselves and to provide us with tools to navigate life’s challenges in healthier and more adaptive ways.


“Remember, you’re enough just as you are. Even through the toughest times, when you’re feeling low and it seems like everything is falling apart, know that it’s okay to not have everything figured out. You’re enough. Your strength lies in your ability to navigate through adversity and come out the other side stronger. So, when the going gets tough, remember to be gentle with yourself, to breathe, and to keep going. You’re doing the best you can, and that’s more than enough.”

Photos from MindfulWell's post 29/02/2024

❌✅ Repressing and regulating emotions are two different approaches to dealing with emotions.

Repressing emotions involves trying to push away or ignore unpleasant emotions, essentially pretending they do not exist. This can often lead to these emotions resurfacing later, sometimes in more intense or uncontrolled ways. Repressed emotions can also contribute to physical stress, psychological distress, and can even manifest as physical symptoms over time.

Regulating emotions, on the other hand, involves acknowledging and understanding your emotions, and then managing how you respond to them. This could include strategies like deep breathing, mindfulness, or cognitive restructuring. Emotion regulation allows you to experience your emotions without letting them control your behavior, and is generally considered a healthier and more effective approach to dealing with emotions.


Attachment styles refer to the way individuals form emotional bonds and connections with others, particularly in close relationships. These styles are influenced by early experiences and can have a significant impact on one's behaviour and interactions throughout life. Over a series of posts each attachment style will be discussed, .

There are four main attachment styles:

Secure Attachment: Individuals with a secure attachment style feel comfortable with emotional intimacy and are able to trust and rely on their partners. They have a positive view of themselves and others and are generally more satisfied in their relationships.

Anxious-Preoccupied Attachment: People with an anxious-preoccupied attachment style often worry about their partner's availability and fear rejection or abandonment. They seek reassurance and validation from their partners and may exhibit clingy or needy behaviors.

Dismissive-Avoidant Attachment: Individuals with a dismissive-avoidant attachment style tend to avoid emotional closeness and suppress their feelings. They value independence and self-reliance and may struggle with intimacy and vulnerability.

Fearful-Avoidant Attachment: People with a fearful-avoidant attachment style have conflicting desires for both closeness and distance. They may fear rejection and intimacy, leading them to avoid or sabotage relationships.

Understanding attachment styles can provide insights into relationship dynamics and help individuals navigate their emotional connections with others. It is important to note that attachment styles can evolve and change over time with self-awareness and personal growth.


🧠The human mind can be understood as consisting of three interconnected components: the wise mind, the emotional mind, and the logical mind. Each of these stages plays a unique role in our decision-making processes and overall cognitive functioning.

1️⃣ The Emotional Mind: This stage of the mind is driven by our emotions and instincts. It is responsible for our immediate reactions and impulsive behaviors. The emotional mind is heavily influenced by our past experiences, learned behaviors, and deeply ingrained patterns. It often operates on a subconscious level, leading us to make decisions based on our emotional responses rather than rational thinking.

2️⃣The Logical Mind: In contrast to the emotional mind, the logical mind operates on rationality, reason, and critical thinking. It is associated with conscious thought processes, problem-solving, and analytical skills. The logical mind helps us analyze situations objectively, weigh pros and cons, and make decisions based on evidence and facts. It enables us to think logically, consider long-term consequences, and plan ahead.

3️⃣ The Wise Mind: The wise mind represents a balance between the emotional mind and the logical mind. It integrates both emotional and rational aspects of decision-making to arrive at wise and adaptive choices. The wise mind combines our intuitive feelings and emotions with logical reasoning and cognitive insight. It allows us to tap into our inner wisdom and make decisions that align with our values, goals, and overall well-being.


🙈Sensory seeking VS sensory sensitive. At times these can also cross over or be a bit of both.

Photos from MindfulWell's post 31/01/2024

✔️ 4 tips to help you with managing your mental health


😫TRIGGER'S What Are They?

Triggers are psychological or environmental stimuli that can evoke intense emotional or behavioral responses in individuals. They can vary from person to person and are often associated with past traumatic experiences or unresolved emotional issues.

Triggers can manifest in different forms, such as sights, sounds, smells, or even certain words or phrases. They have the power to elicit strong emotional reactions, including fear, anger, sadness, or anxiety.

Understanding triggers is an essential aspect of psychotherapy. By working with individuals to identify their triggers and develop strategies to manage and cope with them effectively can increase a sense of understanding about thier triggers. By exploring the underlying causes and associations of triggers, individuals can gain insight into their emotional responses and work towards healing and growth.


The Need for Control⁉️

It stems from a fundamental desire to feel secure, competent, and capable of managing one's life and surroundings. While a certain degree of control is necessary for personal well-being and success, an excessive need for control can have detrimental effects on individuals and their relationships.

When the need for control becomes excessive, it can lead to:

1️⃣ Anxiety and Stress: Constantly striving to control every aspect of life can create a heightened sense of anxiety and stress. The fear of uncertainty and the inability to accept situations beyond one's control can lead to chronic worry and emotional distress.

2️⃣ Micromanagement: An intense need for control can result in a tendency to micromanage, both in personal and professional settings. This can strain relationships, as it may convey a lack of trust in others' abilities and limit individual autonomy.

3️⃣Perfectionism: The need for control often accompanies a desire for perfection. The relentless pursuit of perfection can be emotionally draining and prevent individuals from embracing imperfections and learning from mistakes.

4️⃣ Interpersonal Conflict: Excessive control can create power struggles and conflicts in relationships. The need to control others' actions and decisions can erode trust, breed resentment, and hinder effective communication and collaboration.

5️⃣ Limited Adaptability: A strong need for control can restrict an individual's ability to adapt to changing circumstances. The rigid mindset may hinder problem-solving skills and prevent the exploration of new possibilities and opportunities.


✨Looking after yourself from every aspect is important for overall health✨


💭In order to prioritise your overall well-being, it is important to create a wellness routine that encompasses various aspects of your life. Here are some key steps to help you cultivate a well-rounded wellness routine.


🧠Trauma is a complex and deeply personal experience that can have profound and lasting effects on an individual's well-being. To better understand the process of healing from trauma, we can turn to the phase-oriented framework developed by Dr. Pierre Janet and Dr. Judith Herman. This framework identifies three key phases: Safety, Processing, and Integration. We can better support individuals on their journey towards healing and recovery.

🌻Phase 1: Safety
The first phase of trauma healing is establishing safety. This involves creating a secure and supportive environment where individuals feel physically and emotionally safe. Safety can be achieved through various means, such as ensuring stable housing, access to healthcare, and building a strong support network. Establishing safety is crucial as it provides a foundation for individuals to begin their healing journey.

🌻Phase 2: Processing
The second phase focuses on processing the trauma. This involves exploring and working through the emotions, memories, and beliefs associated with the traumatic experience. Processing trauma can take many forms, including talk therapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy and reprocessing (EMDR. It is during this phase that individuals begin to make sense of their experiences and develop coping mechanisms to manage the emotional impact of trauma.

🌻Phase 3: Integration
The final phase is integration, where individuals work towards integrating the traumatic experience into their overall life narrative. This involves reconciling the trauma with one's sense of identity, values, and beliefs. Integration is a deeply personal and ongoing process that varies for each individual. It may involve finding meaning and purpose in the face of adversity, rebuilding relationships, and cultivating resilience.

✨The healing process is nonlinear and can vary in duration for each person. Some individuals may move through the phases more quickly, while others may require more time and support. Additionally, individuals may revisit certain phases as new challenges or triggers arise.


Empaths are individuals with a unique psychological trait characterized by a heightened ability to deeply understand and connect with others on an emotional and energetic level. This phenomenon is of interest in the field of psychology due to its implications for interpersonal dynamics and emotional well-being. Empaths can be classified into three distinct categories based on their empathic abilities:

1. Physical Empath: These individuals possess a remarkable capacity to perceive and absorb the physical symptoms experienced by others. They exhibit a heightened sensitivity to the physical sensations of those around them, enabling them to provide comfort and support to individuals experiencing physical discomfort.

2..Emotional Empath: Emotional empaths exhibit a heightened sensitivity to the emotional experiences of others. They have an extraordinary ability to pick up on the feelings and moods of individuals in their environment. This empathic trait often leads emotional empaths to feel deeply affected by the joys and sorrows of those around them, sometimes likened to being an emotional sponge.

3. Intuitive Empath: Intuitive empaths possess an innate ability to tap into the unseen and perceive subtle cues and energies. They often exhibit heightened intuition and extraordinary perceptions, enabling them to access information and insights that may go unnoticed by others. This intuitive empathic trait allows them to navigate social situations with heightened awareness and make connections that others may miss.

While being an empath is regarded as a valuable trait, it can also present challenges. Empaths are more susceptible to emotional exhaustion and may struggle with setting boundaries to protect their energy. Practicing self-care and establishing healthy boundaries are essential for the well-being of empaths.

Photos from MindfulWell's post 17/01/2024

🧠All new programs are well underway. Head to the course page in the bio and subscribe to find out more through the mailing list ✔️

At MindfulWell, Empowering individuals in their pursuit of mental health and welbeing through evidence-based mindfulness programs is the main focus and outcome of the programs and sessions provided. The Mindfulwell comprehensive course (individuals) and Trauma Aware Facilitation training (Professionals) are designed to enhance well-being, manage anxiety, depression, and stress, and foster emotional regulation. By combining scientifically supported strategies with practical application to provide a transformative learning experience for life long outcomes.


✨ The nervous system plays a crucial role in regulating our body's functions and responses. It is like the command center of our body, sending signals and coordinating actions. From breathing to moving, the nervous system controls it all. Understanding how the nervous system works can help us better understand our body and take care of our overall well-being.


The relationship between anxiety and performance. 🧠

Anxiety can have a profound impact on our ability to perform at our best. It starts with a normal level of nervousness, which can actually enhance our performance by keeping us focused and alert. However, as anxiety intensifies, it can reach a tipping point where it starts to negatively affect our daily functioning. Let's explore this journey, from the start point to when anxiousness starts to interfere with our everyday lives. 🎢

1️⃣Relaxed: At the start, anxiety may manifest as a sense of nervousness, which is a normal response to new challenges or situations. It provides an energy boost, sharpens focus, and motivates individuals to perform at their best.

2️⃣ Starting Symptoms: As anxiety intensifies, it reaches a tipping point where it may start to interfere with daily functioning. Racing thoughts, difficulty concentrating, and physical symptoms like rapid heartbeat or sweating may appear. These symptoms can make it challenging to focus, make decisions, or perform tasks efficiently.

3️⃣ Peak: In the optimal performance zone, anxiety can be beneficial. It keeps individuals engaged, enhances attention to detail, and helps achieve goals. There is a sense of excitement and accomplishment when successfully navigating challenging tasks.

4️⃣ Too Anxious Symptoms Appear: However, if anxiety continues to escalate, individuals may become too anxious, which can lead to symptoms that interfere with daily life. Simple tasks become more difficult, and individuals may avoid situations that trigger anxiety. It can affect relationships, work, and overall well-being.

5️⃣ So Anxious Unable to Function Normally: When anxiety reaches an extreme level, individuals may find it difficult to function normally. They may experience overwhelming symptoms that make it challenging to carry out daily tasks. Seeking support and strategies to manage anxiety effectively becomes crucial in these situations.


📣 Many of us may tend to think of mental and physical health as separate entities, but they are deeply interconnected. Our thoughts, emotions, and mental state can influence our physical health, and vice versa. So, let's explore this connection and discover why taking care of both aspects is crucial for overall well-being.

🧠 The Mind-Body Connection

The mind and body are not isolated entities but integral parts of a complex system. Stress or anxiety can manifest as physical symptoms like headaches or muscle tension. Similarly, physical ailments can impact mental well-being, leading to frustration or depression.

🌞 Boosting Mental Health to Enhance Physical Well-being

Strategies to boost mental health:

1️⃣ Prioritise Self-Care: Engage in activities that bring joy and relaxation. Practice self-compassion and make time for rituals like meditation or exercise.
2️⃣ Nurture Supportive Relationships: Cultivate healthy connections and share thoughts and emotions with trusted individuals.
3️⃣ Manage Stress: Find effective techniques like deep breathing or mindfulness.
4️⃣ Get Quality Sleep: Prioritise good sleep hygiene for cognitive function and emotional well-being.

💪 The Physical Impact on Mental Well-being

Physical health's impact on mental well-being:
1️⃣ Regular Exercise: Engage in physical activity to release endorphins and reduce stress.
2️⃣ Healthy Eating: Nourish the body with a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins.
3️⃣ Adequate Rest and Recovery: Allow time to rest and recover after physical exertion.
4️⃣ Connect with Nature: Spend time outdoors to reduce stress and improve overall mental health.


😅 let's dive headfirst into the captivating realm of human interaction!

Stage 1: The Entrance Dilemma
Picture this: you approach a gathering, your heart pounding with anticipation. A myriad of scenarios floods your mind. Should you make a grand entrance that commands attention or blend in seamlessly with the crowd? It's natural to feel a twinge of nervousness, but remember, my friend, to embrace your authentic self and stride in with an air of confidence that radiates from within.

Stage 2: The Conversation Catastrophe
Ah, engaging in conversations, a true art form that can sometimes make your overthinking brain go into overdrive. Every word, every gesture analyzed with meticulous precision. Did you make enough eye contact? Should you have laughed at that joke? Take a deep breath and surrender to the ebb and flow of the conversation. Remember, active listening and genuine curiosity are your secret weapons to unlock meaningful connections.

Stage 3: The Awkward Exit
Time flies, my friend, and when it's time to bid farewell, a new wave of overthinking crashes upon the shores of your mind. How should you gracefully exit this social realm? A warm hug? A firm handshake? For goodbyes can be a tad awkward for everyone involved. A heartfelt smile and a sincere "It was an absolute pleasure talking to you" will effortlessly seal the encounter with a touch of elegance.

Stage 4: The Post-Social Analysis
Ah, the aftermath of social encounters, where our minds become the stage for countless replays and reflections. Did you say something wrong? Did you come across as too eager or too reserved? Ah, the quirks and occasional slip-ups that make us beautifully human. Embrace your unique self.


Hey everyone! 👋 Today, let's talk about a topic that is often overlooked: masking in ADHD. 🎭 this one i have experoneced and seen time and time again through my clients and my own son.

Masking refers to the coping mechanisms individuals with ADHD develop to hide or compensate for their symptoms. It's like wearing an invisible mask to fit into a neurotypical world. But what does masking look like? Let's dive in! ⬇️

1️⃣ Hyperfocus: People with ADHD can hyperfocus on tasks they find stimulating, making them appear highly productive. However, it's temporary and can lead to neglecting other important tasks.

2️⃣ Impression Management: Individuals may go to great lengths to appear organized and "normal" in social situations. They meticulously plan conversations, monitor their behavior, and avoid situations that expose their difficulties.

3️⃣ Exhaustion and Burnout: Constantly masking ADHD symptoms can be mentally and emotionally exhausting. It can lead to chronic stress, anxiety, and burnout.

It's important to understand that masking comes with its own set of challenges. While it may help navigate certain situations, it can also lead to frustration, shame, and a lack of self-acceptance. Let's create a more inclusive and understanding world for everyone! 💙


"Water is the mirror of nature, reflecting the essence of life. Just as water flows and adapts, so must we navigate the currents of our own journey, embracing change and finding harmony in the ebbs and flows." - Amy Reis Williams


When it comes to our daily interactions and experiences, how we respond and react can greatly influence the outcomes and the overall quality of our lives. By incorporating mindfulness and being aware of what might trigger us, we can cultivate a more conscious and intentional approach to our actions.

Mindfulness allows us to pause and observe our thoughts, emotions, and bodily sensations without judgment. It provides us with the opportunity to create space between what happens to us and how we choose to respond. Instead of reacting impulsively based on our automatic patterns, mindfulness empowers us to make conscious choices.

One technique that can help us respond mindfully is the practice of box breathing. Box breathing involves inhaling, holding the breath, exhaling, and holding the breath again, each for an equal count of time. This technique helps regulate our nervous system and brings a sense of calmness and clarity.

😮‍💨Here's how you can practice box breathing:

1️⃣ Find a comfortable and quiet space where you can sit or lie down.
2️⃣Close your eyes and take a moment to settle into your body.
3️⃣Inhale slowly through your nose to a count of four, allowing your belly to rise as you fill your lungs with air.
4️⃣ Hold your breath for a count of four, feeling the stillness within.
5️⃣ Exhale slowly through your mouth to a count of four, releasing any tension or stress.
6️⃣ Hold your breath again for a count of four, experiencing the emptiness before the next inhale.
7️⃣Repeat this sequence for several minutes, focusing on the rhythmic pattern of your breath.

As you practice box breathing, you might notice that it brings a sense of centeredness and clarity, allowing you to respond rather than react. By incorporating this simple exercise into your daily routine, you can enhance your mindfulness practice and become more aware of your triggers.

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The mindful psych.

♡ A. Williams △ Psychology △ Mental health advocate
✨Published Author - thought catalog
✨Author of the art of being you “ A collection of essays for self-growth and self-discovery” thoughtcatalog.com/amy-reis-williams

Amy is a health science student majoring in clinical psychology and psychotherapy; she writes in her spare time and teaches mindfulness for all ages while raising a family, inspiring others through words and supporting mental health with topics that you can relate to. Amy is a published author on thought catalog and Medium.

Classes run for:

  • Adults mindfulness
  • Videos (show all)

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    😬Your body is constantly shifting between two states: “fight or flight” and “rest & digest.” It cannot be in both states...
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