DEANZ - Doughnut Hub's

A network of community-based compost & garden facilities established and managed by
DEANZ DEANZ was first established in 2020.

Doughnut Economics Advocates New Zealand (DEANZ) is a charitable trust that is constantly striving towards meeting the needs of all, in a fair, equitable and environmentally sustainable way. Based on the concept of Doughnut Economics, we are actively pursuing practical and tangible solutions to our ever changing environmental and social needs. Being a fairly young organisation, we have grown rapid

Photos from DEANZ - Doughnut Hub's post 01/08/2024

Kia Ora

Wow, we had such a productive working bee last Saturday at the Rangeview Doughnut Hub, even with just a small team of workers. Thank you for coming along and putting in the mahi! We got so much done, including:

🍀 We took away the weeds along the front of the mara kai (they will be included in our 'hot compost factory'!)

🍀 We chopped and dropped the cover crop patch (was a bit overdue), then spread compost all over it, planted nearly half the donated seedlings (Thanks to Kingsa Plantbarn Henderson!), and covered them with fresh netting. We do love birds, but ...

🍀 We gave The CarbonCycle Co Ltd compost boxes a "once over" of care and attention - they're looking pretty fresh & clean!!

🍀 We reduced the 'weeds' between the vege beds (chopped and dropped them between the vegetables, to keep the soil covered.. Very important!)

🍀 we harvested some GINORMOUS carrots! (see the amazing pics below) and assessed the thriving kale, some red chard, celery, flatleaf parsley and small cabbages that are coming along nicely.

🍲 and lastly, we made some delicious home made pumpkin soup from the large harvest at the DEANZ Royal Oak Doughnut Hub. Thank you Sarah and Krstine! We love the cross pollination of food from one Doughnut Hub to another - it's a beautiful thing!!

For anyone who’s keen and available, the next Working Bee will be on Saturday 17th August, 10 am-12.00 pm at Rangeview Intermediate. Hope to see you there!

Photos from DEANZ - Doughnut Hub's post 22/07/2024

Hey Folks - just a wee reminder about the Rangeview Doughnut Hub working this Saturday, the 27th from 10am -12pm.

Please follow the link & RSVP on the event listing if interested -

This a great opportunity to engage with the community but also to learn more about natural, healthy organic composting and gardening. The plan will be to tidy up and prep some of the garden beds - ready for the new seedlings to be planted. We'll even have some lovely soup and bread to help nourish us after the hard mahi.

Feel free to come down and get stuck in! In the meantime, enjoy a few teaser shots of previous working bees.

Hope to see you there!!


Hey All

Bit of an update for the Rangeview Doughnut Hub - we've locked in two community working bees for winter:
- Saturday, July 27th and
- Saturday, August 17th
Check the event link for the July session:

Save the date, come along and join us - you'll learn about the magic of composting, you'll help to develop the gardens with other like-minded volunteers and you'll learn a bit more about our Doughnut Hub's and the positive impact they're having on the community.

There'll even be some delicious soup at the end of it - mmm, yum!!

PS. Did you know that we have another Doughnut FB page - checkout the Rangeview Doughnut hub page here:


Here's a cool, inspiring story about bokashi, featuring our friends at Collective. Well done Pip!!

Photos from DEANZ - Doughnut Hub's post 16/05/2024

What is a Doughnut Hub?

Doughnut Hubs are composting and garden facilities which are set up as collaborations between DEANZ, local schools and the community. Based in Auckland, the hubs are highly functioning and inclusive projects, bringing together the community to engage in composting and gardening practices.

We currently have Four Doughnut Hubs in place:
1. Te Uru Karaka - Newton Central School, in Grey Lynn
2. Fruitvale School New Zealand in New Lynn
3. Rangeview Intermediate in Te Atatu South
4. Royal Oak Intermediate, in Royal Oak

Each Doughnut Hub is managed and maintained by a hub manager, who liaises and manages the food scrap collections within the school, with other schools and with local businesses and apartment units.

As a community hub program, our outreach goes far beyond the school gates. Through public education and exposure, we endeavour to inspire and teach volunteers, students and community advocates about food waste processing and the carbon cycle - teaching people that food waste is actually a fuel to be valued and embraced.

Please follow our journey and stay tuned to watch these hubs evolve and prosper.

DEANZ would like to thank The Trusts Community Foundation, Lotteries Commission and the Auckland Council for their ongoing support and genuine belief in the Doughnut Hub project!!

DEANZ would also like to thank our friends at EcoMatters Environment Trust, The CarbonCycle Co Ltd and Tāmaki WRAP - Waste Reduction Action Project for their involvement and generous support so far.

If you love the idea of these Doughnut Hubs and want to contribute somehow, consider doughnating.
Click the donation link here:

Photos from DEANZ - Doughnut Hub's post 14/05/2024

DEANZ and our Doughnut Hub collaborators would like to take this opportunity to thank The Trusts Community Foundation and the Lotteries Commission for their ongoing support and genuine belief in the Doughnut Hub project!!

We can't thank you enough for helping us get to where we are now! Your contribution and support has made a huge difference in the development of this community initiative!!

Photos from DEANZ - Doughnut Hub's post 07/05/2024

Many hands make light work! - Another awesome Doughnut Hub update, this time from the Royal Oak Intermediate Doughnut Hub.

Our 2 hub managers, Sarah and Kristine had 10 eager volunteers at one of their recent working bee's. As Sarah put it "The potato digging was a smash hit with the younger volunteers, it was like a lolly scramble as everyone tried to find the beautiful golden agrias"

Awesome work team - so good to see some of these younger ones getting stuck in, learning about the carbon cycle process and how to grow food with the valuable compost!!

Big thanks for the support from The Trusts Community Foundation, Tāmaki WRAP - Waste Reduction Action Project The CarbonCycle Co Ltd and Tony and the school for their ongoing support - Thank you.

There's definitely more exciting things to come with this evolving hub.

NOTE: If you love the sound of the 'not for profit' Doughnut hub initiative and want to contribute somehow, consider doughnating. Your doughnation will go directly towards the operating expenses of the hubs including buying tools and basic consumables, such as gardening gloves for the students.

Follow the link:

Photos from DEANZ - Doughnut Hub's post 15/04/2024

Hey community, bit of an update at the Fruitvale Doughnut Hub at Fruitvale School New Zealand.

Although we've been a tad quiet on here, we're building momentum and making progress at this community hub; the compost bins are full of healthy, clean compost, the gardens are starting to flourish and we've just started creating some banana Swales on the bank - check out the work in progress pics.

A big thanks to EcoMatters Environment Trust who we've just started collaborating with. Their wisdom, support and can-do attitude has been immeasurable.

Extra thanks to the team at the The CarbonCycle Co Ltd, Donal and the school for their ongoing support, and to one of our key supporters, The Trusts Community Foundation - thank you.

Stay tuned, there's more exciting things to come for this hub.

Photos from DEANZ - Doughnut Hub's post 12/10/2023

Happy Friday everyone

Last weekend we held a small but productive working bee at the Newton Central Doughnut Hub.

We were fortunate to collaborate with an energized and eager group of volunteers from ISACA, who helped us with some garden prep. The working Bee worked out perfectly as it fell on a Saturday, which happened to be their annual global volunteer day, called (on 7 October).

Even though the weather was pretty grey and occasionally wet, there was plenty to get stuck in to. We refurbished and extended the garden in preparation for seedling plantings and we shifted the planter boxes closer to the fence, allowing us to build a continuous row of gardens, stretching from the fence to just past our shed - it’s all coming together nicely!!

The event was such a success, and we really appreciated the work of the volunteers - thank you. We invited them back to see the hub in a few months time to check out the progress.

Thanks Team

Climate Commons — Screening and Panel - Auckland Climate Festival 07/09/2023

Kia ora everyone

On behalf of Climate Commons, we'd like to share with you the screening of the documentary film Climate Commons, next Tuesday, the 12th of September as part of the Auckland Climate Festival.

This important documentary features DEANZ initiatives among other inspiring groups and solutions to climate change.

Feel free to share with your contacts - hope to see you there!!


ACF listing:

Ticketing page: Climate Commons Documentary Screening and Panel Discussion | Humanitix

Climate Commons — Screening and Panel - Auckland Climate Festival

Photos from DEANZ - Doughnut Hub's post 24/08/2023

Last month the Newton Central School Doughnut Hub had a special visit from some of the students from Waiheke High School. Anna, the Doughnut Hub manager, showed them around the site and took them through the composting process using the carbon cycle bins as a guide.

The students from the Waiheke High sustainability group learnt heaps and saw first-hand how we process food scraps and then use this processed fuel to plant garden beds.

This crosspollination of knowledge sharing is vital to growing this sector….....and it's super fun too.

Thanks to the Waiheke Resources Trust & Sustainability Centre, Waiheke High School and the TMCN (Tāmaki Makaurau Composters Network) for helping to initiate these awesome educational field trips.

Hopefully we’ll get more visitors in the coming months.


Up for an inspiring NZ composting story? - Lock this into your diaries, it looks awesome!!

Trailer here:

Get your tickets from Humanitix -

If the weather is nice there'll be a network catch up/picnic at 12 noon - Park TBC but close by.

Supported by Waiheke Resources Trust & Sustainability Centre and Tāmaki Makaurau Composters Network.

Photos from DEANZ - Doughnut Hub's post 24/07/2023

Just an update from the Fruitvale Doughnut Hub. We've just installed the Carbon Cycle Bins and we're ready to start composting - yahh!!

Check out some of the work-in-progress shots from the installation day - thanks to the weather for playing its part.

First, we had to clear the site of weeds and a few shrubs, then we had to level the ground and lay the base framing out......from there, it went up quickly and smoothly.

It was fantastic having both the volunteers and the school children getting involved in the build. We love this part, as it's educational and inspiring for the students to see how these composting units, supplied by the The CarbonCycle Co Ltd are actually assembled.

For many, the concept of composting and gardening is really new to them!!...let's get involved and spread the word.

Thanks to Fruitvale School New Zealand , the volunteers and Tim and Richard from the Carbon Cycle Co for overseeing the build.

Photos from DEANZ - Doughnut Hub's post 16/06/2023

Hey everyone

We've been a bit quiet lately but it doesn't mean we haven't been super busy. Over the last few months DEANZ has been researching, planning and organizing the expansion of the Doughnut hub project.

We're super excited to let you know that we're setting up THREE more Doughnut hubs across Auckland.

To get things started, the first hub which is about to launch, is the Fruitvale Doughnut hub, which is based at Fruitvale school, in New Lynn.

DEANZ are working closely with the school, the community and surrounding businesses to make this composting and garden facility a big success - so stay tuned!

Here's a few pics of the garden shed installed and the Doughnut hub committee - deciding where exactly to put the Carbon cycle bins (composting bins).

Keep an eye out of more progress posts!!

DEANZ would like to thank Fruitvale School New Zealand and the The CarbonCycle Co Ltd for supporting this special project and collaborating with us. We'd also like to thank the Lotteries commission for the ongoing support.


Some of the DEANZ members were excited to be part of the Tāmaki Makaurau Community Composters Hui last Thursday.

This was such a great opportunity to connect and share knowledge with other likeminded groups, businesses and organizations.
We left the Hui feeling inspired and energized to be involved in this space for the upcoming future.

Thank you to the Waiheke Resources Trust & Sustainability Centre, EcoMatters Environment Trusts The CarbonCycle Co Ltd Compost Collective and to the Auckland Council, for funding and supporting this event.


To all the green thumbs out there, we're expanding and setting up 3 more Doughnut hubs.

That means we're hiring - check the job link for all the details. =c34fc86e6b632566d6950775e66fb1762781355b

Ponsonby News - New Zealand 04/04/2023

Thank you Ponsonby News for the recent article about the Doughnut Hub working Bee - Have a read if you get a moment!

It's really nice having a community based news platform supporting our efforts in trying to spread the word about the hub - we appreciate it.

Ponsonby News - New Zealand Ponsonby News is produced by a small enthusiastic team, along with a number of local columnists and advertisers. We cover local news, views and events, personalities, celebrities and local people, shopping, fashion and gifts, food, wine, cafes, restaurants and bars, relaxation, arts, theatre, music....

Photos from DEANZ - Doughnut Hub's post 23/02/2023


There was a great turnout of nineteen people at the first working bee for the Doughnut Hub at Newton Central School on Sunday 19th February. It was smoothly organised by Hannah McDonnell-Buwalda, DEANZ’ Doughnut Hub Manager. With the soft opening in October 2022, and the official opening in December at a special school assembly on site, the Hub was ready to move into phase two.

Phase One was the installation of the state-of-the-art Carbon Cycle compost bins. The working bee was all about laying the groundwork for Phase Two – the community gardens.

The people who laid down the garden beds included parents of children attending the school, people from the local community who donated food scraps to the compost bins, as well as the school Principal Bryan Rehutai and the Deputy Principal Josephine McKendrey, the Chair of DEANZ James Watson and
Hannah, the Doughnut Hub Manager

Everyone threw their backs into making the “lasagne garden”: putting down layers of hessian bags, cardboard and woodchips, topped with the first beautiful, rich compost produced by the Doughnut Hubs’ compost bins.

The creation of the garden beds involved shifting the enormous pile of woodchips that Hannah got delivered, taking plastic tape off the cardboard boxes and laying them flat, removing the plastic ties from the hessian bags (you don’t want plastic in the garden) and moving the compost from the compost bins.

An enormous amount was able to be achieved in just two hours because so many people put up their hands up to be involved.
After all that hard work, the delicious spread provided by Josephine was a welcomed reward. But the best part was how much everyone enjoyed the day – the smiles and laughter and camaraderie that comes from doing good together. Thanks to all that helped out.

Thanks also to the Auckland Council for supporting us with this important initiative.

For more information go to:


Hello everyone

Doughnut Economics Advocates New Zealand is having a WORKING BEEE coming up next Sunday, 19th February from 10am - 12pm and we'd really appreciate some extra help from the community!!

The working bee will be held at Newton Central School, at the end of Waima Street before the walking/cycling overbridge. The main task will be creating new vegetable gardens at the school, as part of our next phase of developing the hub. You can read all about it here -

Please RSVP us at [email protected] if you
think you can join us - we'd love to see you there!

Photos from DEANZ - Doughnut Hub's post 22/12/2022

A few weeks ago we were honoured to officially open the first Doughnut hub at Newton Central School in Grey Lynn. The ceremony was a huge success, which included a warm welcome by the school and outgoing Principal Riki Teteina, lots of singing in Te Reo and of course, the unveiling of our new sign which explains doughnut economics and how it relates to the composting & garden hub.

Checkout some of the awesome pics of the event below.
DEANZ wishes to express its gratitude to our funding sources and to the organisations whose support has made this project possible.

Thank you to Newton Central School, The Compost Collective, The CarbonCycle Company, Waitemata Local board, Auckland City Council (WMIF), and The Trusts Community Foundation.

Ponsonby News - New Zealand 14/12/2022

Another informative article for your reading pleasure.

Thankyou Ponsonby News for capturing and explaining all the hard mahi that Doughnut Economics Advocates New Zealand (DEANZ) has been doing behind the scenes to get our first (Doughnut Hub) community composting and garden facility up and running.

Ponsonby News - New Zealand Ponsonby News is produced by a small enthusiastic team, along with a number of local columnists and advertisers. We cover local news, views and events, personalities, celebrities and local people, shopping, fashion and gifts, food, wine, cafes, restaurants and bars, relaxation, arts, theatre, music....

Photos from DEANZ - Doughnut Hub's post 13/11/2022

Check out the four compost bins we had installed at Newton Central School in mid-September. These beautiful bins are made by The Carbon Cycle Company and we are very excited to be using this state of the art composting infrastructure. The clever design of these bins makes composting all the more fun! 🪱🍂🌱🍁

Also a big shout out to our funding sources and organisations whose support has made this project possible. Thank you to Newton Central School, Auckland City Council, The Compost Collective and The Trusts Community Foundation.

Compost hub at central Auckland school a hit 07/11/2022

Hello All, welcome to the dedicated DEANZ Doughnut hub page. Please support us by liking and following us - thank you.

What is a 'doughnut hub' you might be thinking?

We are on a mission to divert as much food waste in our community away from landfill and into compost bins. Our aim is to transform household and commercial food scraps into a valuable resource to help grow vegetables and promote a more circular system of food production.

To get the ball rolling, Doughnut Economics Advocates New Zealand (DEANZ) have teamed up with Newton Central School to set up a compost hub for the local community.

The Doughnut Hub is a tangible example of Doughnut Economics at work – helping the environment, educating young and old, and creating social connection.

To find out more, listen to this fantastic interview with James Watson, the Chair of Doughnut Economics Advocates New Zealand (DEANZ)

Compost hub at central Auckland school a hit Doughnut Economics Advocates NZ have launched a number of sustainable initiatives over the years. Their latest project is a community compost hub which has been set up in partnership with Newton Central School in Grey Lynn.

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