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Loabay LGN Online provides specialised community support and business support services for its target audience of more than 500,000 Samoans & Pacific Islanders in NZ & globally. Through the bilingual Samoan-English language broadcasts & our specialised community and business support services, we can assist YOU with the marketing & promotion of YOUR brand, event, product and/or service to our t






It is with profound sadness and heavy hearts 💔 that the Samoa Police, Prisons & Corrections Services (SPPCS) mourn the sudden passing of Senior Sergeant Iosua Samia, who passed away on September 5, 2024. Senior Sergeant Samia was a dedicated member of our force, having been appointed to service on March 1, 1991. For over three decades, he exemplified the values of duty, integrity, and service to our nation 🇼🇸, most recently serving in the Community Engagement Unit (CEU).

Senior Sergeant Samia’s steadfast commitment to fostering relationships between the police and the community 🤝 will be deeply missed. His legacy is one of unity, compassion, and leadership—qualities that touched the lives of many and left an indelible mark on those who had the honor of working alongside him.

As we mourn his passing, we extend our heartfelt condolences to his family, friends, and colleagues. His dedication to his role and his unwavering service to Samoa will be remembered with gratitude and respect. 🙏🏼

Rest in eternal peace, Senior Sergeant Iosua Samia. 🕊️ Your contributions will never be forgotten.

With deepest sympathy,
Samoa Police, Prisons & Corrections Services


Matuai malepelepe le Wallabies i le latou taaloga ma Argentina i Santa Fe i totonu o Argentina.


E le o mafai lava e le All Blacks ona maua se auala, e mafai ai ona manumalo i le Springboks.O le 4 ai lea o taaloga sosoo a le All Blacks ma le Springboks,e le i manumalo lava All Blacks.


📣Episode 1; Le Moana Sausau Podcast Series; .. Streaming Live at 6PM tonight ☺️🤝 Please tune in then👌

Fa'afetai tele & manuia le Sapati 🙌


Team for game two 🫡

Saturday 5pm SAST
Sunday 3am NZT

*Ethan Blackadder & Caleb Clarke are unavailable due to injury


Ua faa*olosolo lava ina manaia le a'u lakapi a Ausetalia.


Full Time
Springboks 31
All Blacks 27

Malo le Springboks i minute mulimuli o le taaloga,faatasi ai ma le faaletonu o le a'u official(TMO)


✍️Reconciliation and harmony without truth and integrity is the curse of a nation🇼🇸

A recent public apology from a New Zealand-based online company in connection with a high-profile murder case in Apia and allegations against a senior member of the Human Rights Protection Party is troubling many Samoans.

The apology has derailed the allegations and testimony of key witnesses in the case, who are affiliated with the Faatuatua I le Atua Samoa ua Tasi Party.

This case was brought to national attention after a senior member of the FAST Party used his online appearances to repeat the allegations made against our HRPP member.

A few weeks ago, the Samoa Court of Appeal decided to defer consideration of that murder case indefinitely.

What troubles Samoans is that the opportunity did exist to resolve, once and for all, a case that was forced upon the nation's attention through the actions of a senior politician who must be held accountable for his actions.

It was also an opportunity to hold online commentators accountable for their actions.

This case also questioned the professionalism of our Police Department and wasted taxpayer resources.

It raised the expectations of the victim's family.

It deeply hurt the families and reputations of the HRPP member and a prominent business owner who were accused.

Worst of all, this case has sent a clear message that the political elite and supporters are free to destroy reputations and hurt families without any accountability.

The senior FAST Party Member and followers must follow the example of the on-line company by taking responsibility for their role in this shameful abuse of power and apologize to the families and the nation.

But that will require honesty and moral courage.

Until there is truth and integrity, there can be no harmony and reconciliation.

Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi
Leader of HRPP

[- Letter to the Editor; (1) Saturday 31 August 2024 -]


Taaalo le Manu Samoa ia manumalo, ona e faigata le alolofa i le tapuaiga a nai o latou aiga ma uō.


BIG TOPIC.(editorial)

O le a*o Sa lenei o le a*o Sa e faapitoa mo Tamā i NZ. (Fathers day)E tatau ai i fanau ona faimeaalofa i o latou tamā ua aulia mai lo latou a*o faapitoa.E toatele tamā e maliliu i tausaga uma,e te le ma iloa po o le toe pau lenei o le a*o Sa o tamā e aulia e si ou tamā?.


O le tusitusiga a le nusipepa o le NZ Herald ile taeao nei na fa'ailoa fa'alaua'itele mai ai suafa ma le alalafaga i Samoa, o i latou e to'atolu ua maliliu i le fa'alavelave tau ta'avale i le aai o Ramarama, i Aukilani i Saute.

Ta'ua ile tala a le Herald o lo o iai pea ile falema'i le isi to'atolu oi latou e to'aono, na malaga fa'atasi mai ile ta'avale (van) lea na a'afia ina ua fetoa'i ma le loli na afua ai lenei fa'alavelave mata'utia.

O le tatalo ma fa'amaseiga ina ia utupūpūina pea e le mana ma le filemū o lo tatou Atua Silisili'ese loto ma agaga fa'avavau o aiga ma nai matua pele o lo o tapua'i mai, ona o lenei tala fa'anoanoa.

**O lo o ua fa'atino fo'i le galuega fesoa*oani e se tasi o tamali'i o Samoa i Aukilani nei, Li'amanaia Kaisara, e ala ile tu'ufa'ataasia o le foa'i e tauala atu ile polokalame o le 'Give-a-Little' (please see comments field for the link) mo tapenaga uma mo le toe auina atu i Samoa, o tino maliliu o alo ma tamafanau a Samoa ua a'afia i lenei fa'alavelave ogaoga.


Manumalo le Manu Samoa i le afa muamua o le taaloga.O le afa mulimuli na manumalo ai Fiji.O lenei taaloga sa faia i Fiji,o le mafuaaga lea o le malo o Fiji(home advantage) O le isi taaloga a le Manu Samoa ma Fiji e faia i Samoa,o le a manumalo ai le Manu Samoa.


Fa’afetai mo le update . 🙌🫶


Ta’aloga kirikiti; manaia le taumafaiga a lenei alo/tamafanau a Samoa 👏



"RIP Dad... ofa lahi atu" 💔


O le totogi fa’atapula’a (threshold) e amata tipi ai lafoga (PAYE income tax) a le tagata faigaluega i Samoa o le totogi SAT$15,000 ile tausaga (approximately SAT$7.22 per hr… ⬇️please refer to the income tax brackets in the comments field).

🤔Na sii ile $4 ile itulā (from the 1st July 2024) le minimum wage i Samoa (approx. $8,230 per annum)
Lona uiga e le o mana’omia ona tipi se lafoga auā la ei lalo o le $15k le totogi aofa’i.
🤔 O le isi polōmisi tele lea a le FAST ina ua tulai mai, o le fa’aāuāu lea ona lē tipiina ni lafoga a le aufaigaluega o le talalelei po’o faifeau (tulou ao o fa’alupega o lo o fa’ali sa’o lava lo’u manatu).

O lona uiga, e moni ma fa’amaoni le fa’a*oa e ala ile Tusi ile Fa’atonu mai ile afioga ile Ta’ita’i o le HRPP, o le ‘au togi lafoga (individual taxpayers earning more than $15k per annum & tax resident commercial entities and most likely the foreign donors) that are funding the fa’atigā ulu million talā
over-promised but way
under-delivered ROAD TO NOWHERE 👀🙄

Fa’afetai mo le fa’a*oa Papa Stui, blessed Sunday all 💙💙🇼🇸⬇️

🇼🇸 The road to nowhere! ✍️

Recent media stories of collusion between suppliers and contractors to inflate project costs and or divert supplies for unauthorized purposes is cause for national concern.

The scale of alleged abuse in the Government's million tālā scheme is reaching alarming levels.

This scheme will cost the Samoan taxpayer and donors a total of $255,000,000 tālā!

Reports of wheelbarrows and farming equipment being resold and unused are spreading all over the social media.

It has been made worse by the lack of transparency in the Government's reporting of the use of the millions of tālā that have been paid out to date.

It is a well-known audit principle that any well-planned financial control system cannot function when there is a collusion amongst the top executives of any organization.

The Government's anti-corruption strategy that was recently launched is unable to stop this flood of abuse of public funds.

It looks good in theory but has been ineffective in delivery.

Discovering a fraud is not enough!

What is needed is the courage to take bold remedial action against any offender, regardless of their position and status.

The Government has yet to show us any convincing sign of a return on investment directly related to the $255,000,000 tālā to date.

All we are seeing is Samoa taxpayers and donor money being spent with minimal return except for a few "millionaires-for-a-day" and project accounts that are not properly disclosed.

In fact it is not clear which Government Ministry is accountable for the use of these funds.

The Minister of Women is approving projects, the Minister of Finance is disbursing funds, and the Minister of Agriculture is happily giving out farming equipment through local hardware companies.

There is a famous saying in politics that describes such gimmick projects as roads to nowhere.

Samoa now has its very own $255,000,000 tālā road to nowhere!
These are the same destructive economic and political policies that drove the Samoan economy into the ground prior to 1982.

History is repeating itself.

Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi
Leader of HRPP

[- Letter to the Editor; (2) Saturday, 17 August 2024 -]


The first one of 2 Letters to the Editor from Papa Stui this weekend. 🙌💙

✍️The waste of taxpayer and donor funds to relegate the LTC and
Samoan cultural rights to second-class status 🇼🇸

The proposed amendments to our Court structure being spearheaded by the Ministry of Justice (MJCA) should be of great concern to all Samoans as these amendments will relegate the Land and Titles Court (LTC) back to its second-class status.

It is also a waste of the precious taxpayer funds that was spent on the extensive public consultations of 2016 to 2020, which was the basis for the elevation and advancement of the LTC to its current status.

The Parliamentary Inquiry Committee 2016 was a response to the numerous public concerns with the LTC and people’s access to justice regarding their customary rights.

The Parliamentary Special Committee 2020 considered the LTC bills drafted in response to the recommendations of the Parliamentary Inquiry Committee 2016.

Most notably, the current LTC structure reflects its important status as a Court that deals with disputes pertaining to our Samoan customary lands and chiefly titles.

In the eyes of ordinary Samoans, the LTC reforms protect their indigenous rights and heritage.

This cultural significance is completely lost on the conformists who are desperately trying to uphold a foreign-designed court system that has neglected the customary rights of the Samoan people.

For the current MJCA consultations, it should be simple common sense to objectively consider the dialogue and outcomes from the 2016 to 2020 consultations before initiating a misinformed and misdirected process wasting our limited public funds.

It is professionally embarrassing for the MJCA to now push for the demotion of the LTC to its inferior status when just a few years ago, the same MJCA with the offices of the Attorney General and the Samoa Law Reform Commission were at the forefront of the reforms.

Such fickle approaches to governance are the hallmarks of banana republics whose laws are subject to the whims of short-sighted politicians and mindless bureaucrats.

The data shows that (1) the elevation of the LTC recognizes the importance of our customary rights and the need to address its related issues, and (2) the option of another appeal opportunity in the LTCAR was supported by 82% (201 villages) of the 246 villages that appeared and made submissions to the Parliament Special Committee 2020 (Suaga Vaatele: Final Report).

And for the 6 submissions from the Judiciary, 5 supported the reforms and only 1 opposed the reforms.

The HumanRights Protection Party’s mandate compels it to protect every Samoan’s right including their customary rights now enshrined in the Constitution by the 2020 reforms, therefore, HRPP will never support any proposed amendments that will return the LTC back to its second-class status.

Such a return is an insult to the proficiency of our people, and the investment in sending them on academic scholarship to fulfil our forefathers' dreams that one day Samoans can, for themselves, constitutionally elevate our customs and usages.

This vision for Samoa is reflected in the records of our leaders debate during the Constitutional Convention of 1960.

One must not forget that the majority of our people live in villages under the direction of the village chiefs and orators who govern under our customary laws to keep the peace in the everyday life of the majority of our people.

It is this peace and stability that provided the backbone for sustainable rural development under 40 years of HRPP leadership.

The 2020 Constitutional amendments elevated our LTC with all due recognition in the Constitution equal to that of the Westminster Court system for civil and criminal matters.

The removal of the current LTC structure will deny Samoans equal ‘access to justice’ and their customary rights. Such rights are accessible to criminals in the District Court and Supreme Court.

The new structure pushed by the MJCA removes the second tier for appeal that is available through the Land and Titles Court of Appeal and Review (LTCAR).

This means that criminals will have more opportunities and access to justice than Samoans seeking to defend their customary rights!
In June 2024, in the Supreme Court’s decision regarding the Prime Minister’s removal of the former LTC President Fepuleai from office, the Honourable Justice Whitten found that “the treatment of Fepuleai has been extremely poor,” echoing the Court of Appeal decision of July 2023 that expressed “discomfort at the notion that a senior judge (Fepuleai) can be removed from office in the way contended for, both generally, and particularly without compensation.”

In withdrawing their expressed intention to appeal the Supreme Court’s decision, the Office of the Attorney General on behalf of the Prime Minister and the Government have accepted the decision.

I fully support the Prime Minister for honourably conceding, and saving public funds spent on these expensive and unnecessary court cases.

Nonetheless, the removal of the LTC President was a Faatuatua i le Atua Samoa ua Tasi (FAST) Party campaign promise that was promoted in their 2020 roadshow.

In addition to FAST’s unfounded 2020 campaign claims that HRPP and its leader were selling customary lands to the Chinese, the FAST Party also promised to abolish the LTC reforms and remove the LTC President.

The FAST Government have now acknowledged that our customary lands are safe but pursued their promise to remove the former LTC President.

Interestingly, they did have an opportunity in the LTC Amendment Act 2022 to save him but deliberately opted to save all the LTC Judges except for the LTC President.

Such discrimination against a senior Samoan judge has left a negative impression on the minds of our citizens.

The forced removal of experienced Samoan public servants has become a specialty of the FAST Administration.

These are trained experts in whom the country has invested to take Samoa forward.

Which brings me back to the proposed demotion of the LTC to its former ineffective status as opposed to the important work that it dealt with.

If this is being done to simply fulfil a campaign promise, then I sincerely urge the FAST government to reconsider.

It is rational to understand that not every campaign promise can be delivered, especially after careful reflection.

Our LTC should not be about HRPP or FAST, or any personal agenda whatsoever.

The LTC is inherently about our measina, identity, heritage and the Samoan way of life. It is our calling as leaders of Samoa to ensure that our measina is safeguarded for future generations.

Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi
Leader of HRPP

[- Letter to the Editor; (1) Saturday 17 August 2024 -]


Manumalo South Africa ia Ausetalia,ae le tele ni ai.O se tulaga lelei tele lea mo le au a Ausetalia.


Full Time
All Blacks 42
Argentina 10
Leai se te'i i le iuga o le taaloga lona 2.O le tulaga lava lea e tatau ona i ai,e manumalo le All Blacks.


Re Run


Maimoa i le Taamilosaga o le Pacific Nations Cup 2024 i luga o lau ala ata o le TV1 Samoa.





Photos from HRPP's post 12/08/2024



"...The Faatuatua i le Atua Samoa ua Tasi government needs to raise its game, beginning with their roadside decorations that are now becoming an eyesore.

The national flags that they used in their roadside campaigns three years ago are starting to fade and fall apart, just like their promises. .."
👁⬇️Papa Stui's latest Letter to the Editor ✍️💙.

⁉️The state of preparations for the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting ✍️🇼🇸

We are now just two short months away from the Commonwealth Heads of Government (CHOGM) meeting in Apia.

According to the irregular updates from Government, everything is OK, thank you for asking, FULL STOP!

Even Cabinet Ministers have been enquiring amongst themselves about the latest status of the preparations.

The Faatuatua i le Atua Samoa ua Tasi government needs to raise its game, beginning with their roadside decorations that are now becoming an eyesore.

The national flags that they used in their roadside campaigns three years ago are starting to fade and fall apart, just like their promises.

The FAST Party practice of using our national flag as a beautification and a campaigning tool diminishes its significance.

Samoans look at their flag as a banner of pride, freedom and liberty. To see our beloved fu’a tattered and hanging on fences, rooftops and trees is a national shame.

As its contribution to the CHOGM beautification campaign, the leadership of the Human Rights Protection Party recommends that the FAST Government clear all rubbish on our streets, trim tall trees and w**d grass along the roads.

They should repair or demolish houses in disrepair along our main streets and repaint government and commercial buildings in Apia.

They can even line the road from Faleolo to Apia with giant size photos of King Charles and other world leaders in attendance, posted on every coconut tree or electricity pole.

What a unique sight that would be!

Everyone knows that CHOGM will take place in the middle of the Palolo sea*on.

That is when we usually experience extra powerful thunder and lightning, heavy torrential rain, mountain slips and roads gets washed away.

The flooding in Apia causes destruction to public infrastructure and private property, as we saw with Aggie Greys Hotel in 2012.

We hope the FAST Government already has contingency plans B, C, D, E, F to Z in place.

It is going to be quite interesting if these weather calamities occur when King Charles and the CHOGM nobility are on the island.

They will experience these catastrophic weather events themselves and have a greater appreciation of the devastating impact of climate change, which is our reality.

We all know the causes of climate change and the solutions that are needed.

More importantly, we need world leaders with the moral courage, foresight and conscience to protect and care for our planet which God gifted to humankind.

Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi
Leader of HRPP

[- Letter to the Editor; Saturday 10 August 2024 -]

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Videos (show all)

📣Episode 1; Le Moana Sausau Podcast Series; .. Streaming Live at 6PM tonight ☺️🤝 Please tune in then👌Fa'afetai tele & ma...
Lauga faafetai ma le fa’amālōsi’au  a le Peresitene o le MBOPA,le afioga i le Tuatagaloa Aumua Ming Leung  Wai i le 100t...
Ona faaiu ai lea o le po o le 100th Marist Old Pupils Asociation i le lìu o tagata.
Honourable Laauli sa fai ma sui o le Malo,o ia foi o se tama tuai o le Malisi.Sa avea foi o ia ma ta'ita'i ulu(headboy) ...
Lauga Autu o le afiafi sa saunia lea e le Sui Ao le Afioga ia Tapusatele Dr. Lemamea Ropati.
Taualuga le tufatufaina o faailoga tauoloa i le tautua a tama tuai a le Malisi,i le Susuga; Rt. Honourable  Tuila’epa Dr...
Maoae matatia o aoaoga ma galuega sa faatinoina e nisi o tama tuai o le Malisi.Ua faailoa ma amanaia i le 100th Marist O...
O i latou sa aoaoina i le Malisi ua màua o latou pine tauoloa,ona o le latou tautua i galuega ma taaloga i le faamanatui...
Tama tuai o le Malisi ua loa lo latou tautua ia Samoa i le 100th Marist Old Pupils Asociation.
Faailoa le tautua a nisi o tama tuai o le Malisi e ala i taaloga ma galuega eseese i le 100th Marist Old Pupils Asociati...
Amanaia le tautua a nisi o tama ma teine tuai o le Malisi,i le 100th Marist Old Pupils Asociation.
Otootoga o nisi o polokalame i le Corporate  Table i le 100th Marist Old Pupils Association.


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