Ryan Bennett - Naturopathic Wellness Coach

Ryan Bennett - Naturopathic Wellness Coach

Ryan is a Naturopathic Wellness Coach & Breathwork facilitator, who works to empower & educate clien


Who's interested in 4 Weeks of FREE Health & Wellbeing coaching to kickstart 2024?
to join!

Bader Product Launch 09/01/2023


During this event we will have you tap into your energetic state of wellbeing, using the breath and other innovative wellness tools to identify and let go of self limitations, self sabotaging thoughts & connect with your own inner strength. Setting you and the communitas up to make 2023 a power year for us all!

🎪Event Information:
🗓️Date: Saturday 21st January 2023
⏰Time: 12pm- 4pm
📍Location: Kawai Purapura Retreat Centre 14 Mills Lane, Albany, Auckland 0632 - Whare Kahikatea Room
🎟️Ticket Info: In Link Below - Book Higher Purpose Donation

We are so excited to be sharing this event with everyone that has made a pledge to the High Purpose Donation in support of what we are curating at Bader. This is our way of saying thank you to the community, as we are deeply grateful for your support.

To book tickets we ask that you click the link below, and pledge to our kickstarter.

The Higher Purpose Donation, will give you access to the event,a Bader brander drink bottle, while also receiving a pre-purchase of a month's supply of our flagship Sleep Formulation & Focus Formulation. Which will be dropping in February.

Bader - An innovation company with purpose! On a mission to impact and enhance humanity's natural state of being. We aim to bring innovative products and lifestyle enhancement tools into the homes, offices and lives of every human being, making optimal health and wellbeing accessible to all.

The Founders, Ryan and Mike, are certified Rebirthing Breathwork Facilitator and will be guiding you through a 4 hour process of identifying self limiting energies that are trapped in the body and mind, then guiding you through a Rebirthing breathwork experience to shift through these lower energies and find you enhance you natural state of being.

We are so excited for this first Bader event of the year, if you have any questions please feel free to reach our to us.

Here’s to Enhancing Humanity's Natural State of Being.

Ryan & Mike, Bader.

Bader Product Launch We are an innovation company on purpose, With a range of Wellness supplements launching in February and we need your help to build.



We all have our own ability to let go of self limitations & connect with our own inner strength, that is being genuinely under-utilised.⁣

That ability is through THE BREATH.⁣

Breathwork is quickly being recognized as one of the most powerful wellbeing tools that we have. It is a powerfully transformative tool that allows us to balance our physical, mental, emotional energetic and spiritual wellbeing.⁣

Breathwork aids in the release of old energies, memories and tensions in the body and mind. It is a way to clear unresolved issues, to dissolve limiting beliefs and to free ourselves from the unhealthy hold that some past events have on us.⁣

With all of this resulting in more freedom and clarity to move forward & discover you own inner strength.⁣

If you are in the garden city, come along!⁣

Comment “breath” & I’ll send you the link🙏⁣



Breath Day Out 16/05/2022

Breath Day Out is only 4 weeks away & we're giving away a free double pass to one lucky breather!

Its simple, Just comment, tag a friend & share!!

Then Just kick back & BREATHE!🙏

Breath Day Out Dive deep into the world of breathwork and expand your awesome. Sunday 14 November 2021 | Zealong Tea Estate, Hamilton.

Timeline photos 05/05/2022

Remember, if you are not speaking it, you are storing it & that s**t gets heavy!

I always thought it was strange that as children we are never really taught how to fully express how we feel, how to talk about emotions & how to tell others what we need.⁣

We are taught & shown however how to battle it up. Swallow it down. Pretend like things are all good.⁣

To bottle up the things that make us most human… emotions!⁣

To bottle up your emotions means suppressing your innermost feelings.⁣

In doing so we suppress who we are, how we feel & what is important to us. ⁣

There is the fear that you may appear weak, that something wrong with you, or that you are exposing too much of yourself.⁣

“Suppressing your emotions, whether it's anger, sadness, grief or frustration, always tend to harm our long term wellness.⁣

Bottling emotions can be dire and even life-threatening. ⁣

In a study conducted by psychologists from Harvard School of Public Health and the University of Rochester, researchers found that suppressing emotions might make you more likely to die from heart disease and some forms of cancer….⁣

So how can you stop bottling up your emotions & find safety in self-expression:⁣

Acknowledge them - Naming & acknowledging emotions is one of the first ways to deal with them and make them shift peacefully.⁣

Write a journal entry. - Research has shown that journaling can: reduce stress levels, help you problem-solve more effectively & improve your mental and physical health.⁣

Talk to someone. - This one may not come naturally to introverts. However, talking through your emotions with someone helps you sort through the problem & see the situation from a different perspective. ⁣

Take a walk, exercise or dance it out - According to the American Physiological Association, even five minutes of moderate-intensity exercise will improve your mood. ⁣

Breathwork - has been proven to aid anxiety, PTSD, depression, insomnia, respiratory and digestive issues. Over time, this practise will help you to calm your mind & connect further to yourself and your intuition, leading to a deeper inner awareness, a sense of clarity and peace and self-empowerment.⁣

Remember, Emotions are energy in motions. When we acknowledge them we can move through them, when you are storing it & that s**t gets heavy!

Ryan - I know this can be heavy, so if you need support DM!

Timeline photos 03/05/2022

When I'm working with a new client I have this mental check-list that runs through my mind when they tell me that their struggling with anxiety.⁣⁣⁣⁠
Because there is more than just one reasons they have these feelings of anxiety.⁣⁣⁣⁠

That is because, anxiety is as much of the body, brain & gut (Physiological Causes), as it is of the mind (Psychological Causes)...
Here is several Physiological Causes, I find with clients regularly, that you may not have considered:⁣⁣⁣⁠
• Adrenal dysfunction⁣⁣⁣⁠
• Low vagal tone⁣⁣⁣⁠
• Gut dysbiosis⁣⁣⁣⁠
• Inflammation⁣⁣⁣⁠
• Magnesium, folate, iron, zine, vitamin D or B12 deficiency⁣⁣⁣⁠
• Neuro Inflammation⁣⁣⁣⁠
• Hormonal imbalance⁣⁣⁣⁠
• Genetic mutations causing issues⁣⁣⁣⁠ processing neurotransmitters I.e methylation⁣⁣⁣⁠

With there also being several Psychological Causes I find with clients that may resonate with you:

• Lacking of purpose
• Lacking of resilience
• Victim mentality
• Fear based decision making
• Self limiting beliefs
• Isolation and laking Community
• Unresolved Trauma
• Lacking of gratitude
• Lacking Safety & Security.

Generally there isn’t just one reason we develop anxiety; it’s usually a perfect storm of emotional, mental, spiritual and physical factors.⁣⁣⁣⁠
That’s why there isn’t just one magic bullet(pill), treatment or form of therapy that is right for everyone’s anxiety.⁣⁣⁣⁠
Treating anxiety holistically means acknowledging the impact that all of these things listed can have on our mental health, and addressing these root causes.⁣⁠
I combine Naturopathy, somatic, shadow and Breath-work to target anxiety for this very reason.⁣⁣⁠

If you want a holistic approach to your mental health, book a complimentary discovery call with me via the link bellow.⁣⁣⁣⁠




Ok… so this is something that I have NEVER DONE BEFORE & may NEVER DO AGAIN!!⁣

Yet it is my mission in 2022 to support 70+ people to overcome anxiety through making their physical, mental & emotional wellbeing a priority!!! ⁣

I know that the biggest barriers preventing you from taking action and getting the support you deserve is TRUST & CONFIDENCE.⁣

This can be a lack of trust in yourself, just as much as it is trusting someone to work with that is going to do what they say and provide you with the tools, support & solution you need.⁣

I know that if you suffer from anxiety there is an immense amount of internal pressure to be perfect, fear of failure, apprehension about asking for support, and doubt of you abilities to put yourself first!⁣

So after some thought, I have decided to alleviate and remove some of your biggest fears, barriers and self-limiting beliefs!!!

So, here’s the deal: ⁣

For the first time EVER, we will be offering a full no questions asked PEACE OF MIND GUARANTEE ! If after 90 days you are not feeling happier, healthier and have more peace of mind I will keep working with you till you do! GUARANTEED PEACE OF MIND!!! T&C Apply*
This offer is only valid till Sunday 13th March 8pm EST.
So what are you joining & why can I offer this Guarantee???⁣

The Mind-Body Wellness Mentorship is 90 days of 1:1 coaching that will give you the space, support, guidance & tools to overcome anxiety & find more confidence in who you are!⁣

It is a holistic program that in the last 2 years has helped over 100 people to do just that, through making their physical, mental & emotional wellbeing a priority!!
I can make this guarantee because I know the process work, I know you will find some peace of mind!⁣

So why should you join?….
Because you are worthy⁠⁠⁣⁠⁣ embracing yourself fully.⁠⁠⁣⁠⁣
Of no longer be ruled by fatigue, anxiety, depression, self-sabotage or self-limiting beliefs.⁠⁠⁣⁠⁣
Of investing the time in prioritising your mental, physical & emotional wellbeing - to find more peace, joy, resilience & self-confidence!⁠⁠⁣⁠⁣
You, Will, Learn How To:⁠⁠⁣⁠⁣
✅ Live By Your Unique Values & Overcome The Resistance to Change⁠⁠⁣⁠⁣
✅ Set Boundaries & Say YES To & show up for YOU!!⁠⁠⁣⁠⁣
✅ Identify Triggers & Increase Resilience to Stress⁠ & Anxiety⁠⁠⁣⁠⁣
✅ Optimise Gut Health & Nutrition For Optimal Mental Wellbeing⁠⁠⁣⁠⁣
✅ Balance Hormones To Overcome Fatigue, Improve Sleep & Enhance Energy.⁠⁠⁣⁠⁣
✅ Keep Promises & Make Your Physical Wellbeing A Priority.⁠⁠⁣⁠⁣
✅ Heal Your Inner Child & Learn To Overcome Past Trauma.⁣
✅ Let Go Over The Need To People Please & Be Perfect⁠⁠⁣⁠.⁣
✅ Cultivating More Joy, Through Showing Up In The World Unconditional As You.⁠⁠⁣⁠⁣
To overcome anxiety & find peace, joy, & self-confidence in life, you must be resilient - Physically, Mentally & Emotionally.⁠⁠⁣⁠⁣
This is what this program will give you.⁠⁠⁣⁠⁣
The confidence to stave anxiety of what it craves so you can show up in the world unconditionally as you.🤟⁠⁠⁣⁠⁣
So again I share with you the offer!⁣

For the first time EVER, we will be offering a full no questions asked PEACE OF MIND GUARANTEE ! If after 90 days you are not feeling happier, healthier and have more peace of mind I will keep working with you till you do! GUARANTEED PEACE OF MIND!!! T&C Apply*
Space is limited... Only 6 spots remain.⁠⁠⁣⁠⁣

You have nothing to lose & everything to gain!⁣

It's time to get your life back, it's time to do the work, it's time to get support & it's time for you to make yourself a priority!⁣
DM me “ Peace of Mind” to Apply. We will book in a call & make sure the program is right for you!
Ryan Bennett - This Journey Is Possible For Everyone - Including you!


Breathwork has been proven to aid anxiety, PTSD, depression, insomnia, respiratory and digestive issues.


Healing has many, many layers,

There are many aspects to discover.

Healing isnt always easy,

It can be a complex process.

Healing takes acceptance of crying, screaming, laughing & everything in between…

Sometimes it won’t makes any sense,

Sometimes it will give you all of the answers.

Healing takes being dedication, disciplined & rigid,

Yet being free, flowing & full of self compassion.

Healing is a process of unlearning & rediscovery.

A process that is always worth it 🤟.

Yet you must always trust.



It is exhausting trying to constantly change, mold & manipulate yourself to match your surrounding.⁣⁣⁣
I know because it is a shield that I wore for years.⁣⁣⁣
I would go out drinking with friends multiple times a week, fully aware that I didn’t want to & that it wasn’t good for the anxiety.⁣⁣
but I felt as if I “had to” in order to “fit in”⁣.⁣⁣
I would wake up the next day an anxious wreck, trapped in a mind fulled with worry & shame. Wishing I had the inner strength to simply say “no”.⁣⁣
I wasted so much time in my life in the endless pursuit of acceptance.⁣⁣⁣
So much so that I lost who I truly was.⁣⁣⁣
I overthought & second guessed everything.⁣⁣⁣
Living with the constant tightness in my chest.⁣⁣⁣
Feeling like everyone was always talking about me, and I was never good enough, regardless of who I showed up as.⁣⁣⁣
If you struggle with anxiety you know the pressure we put on ourself to be everything for everybody else, while we keep neglecting ourself.⁣⁣
Yet the paradoxes is that this is the very reason you experience high levels of anxiety.⁣⁣⁣
Think about it.⁣⁣⁣
You wake up everyday trying to be, act & sound like somebody that you are not.⁣⁣⁣
Forcing yourself to be productive, when your body & mind just wants to rest.⁣⁣⁣
Over time it feels fake, yet you are consumed by the need to be perfect.⁣⁣
⁣⁣You see, perfectionism is like a shield.⁣⁣⁣
It protects you from having to be yourself.⁣⁣⁣
Something I want you to ask yourself, what if others did like the “real you”?⁣⁣⁣
What if the “real you” or your “true self” was more than enough?⁣⁣⁣

What if these thought when simply just thoughts that where trying to stop you from getting hurt or build again?⁣
Because the truth is you are enough, you always have been enough and always will be enough.⁣⁣
The journey of overcoming anxiety is about getting to a place where you believing deep within yourself that you are enough.⁣⁣⁣
It is about rediscovering who you are and show up in life unconditionally as you, regardless of what other people think.⁣⁣⁣
So I wonder what would you do with your life if you never again questioned your own worth?⁣⁣⁣
I would love to hear your response, send me a DM and share whatever came up for you.⁣⁣⁣
Ryan - It's time to be you - unconditionally.

Timeline photos 16/11/2021

An anxious mind will often overcomplicate life...

Yet, for most people life is simple,

Breath in,

Breath out,

Walk on.


For an un-anxious or healed mind/body this is true.

Yet for those of you with an anxious or healing mind/body, I know, you know, it’s simply not that simple.

If it was we wouldn’t be chasing to struggle every day.

I also know why it is not that simple…

You're overstimulated nervous system is so aroused that the tinniest stressor sends you into a spine.

While the critical thinking aspects of the brain will often shut down in moments when we feel these familiar feelings of the past.

You can feel so heavy & trapped in the dark hole that even the thought of trying to get out can bring on even more anxiety.

You see for most people it is easy too,

Finding joy in the mundane & embracing the peace that is in the calm.

To simply get on with life.

Yet for those that are hurting or healing, it can seem impossible.

Yet it is possible, I know because I’ve worked through it & I’ve helped many clients to do the same.

Although it does take work.

Work that you are worthy of doing.

Because you are, worthy of the simple things in life!

Ryan - DM if you are ready to do the work to over come anxiety!

Timeline photos 10/11/2021

Yesterday I got off a final coaching call with a client who I’ve been supporting in getting to the root cause of her 25-year struggle with Rheumatoid arthritis & to help her let go of a lot of past pain, worry & suffering.

There was a moment in the call when we were talking about the journey we guided her on to self-acceptance.

At one point in the call, she broke down in tears & said “ I didn’t love myself ever, & now I finally do, Ryan”.

This moment for me made the work that I do SO FREAKIN WORTH IT!.

To guide people back to a place of self-love & self-acceptance is the only work to be done because from this place I know everything else will fall into place.

From this place the resistance to not nourish yourself, to not make time for yourself & to not realise that you focusing on yourself ISN'T SELFISH, it all falls away!

When clients fall in love with themselves they effortlessly start to make time for themselves & make time for their health.

They set & stick to boundaries.

They Nature lean towards eating more whole foods.

They move their body in a way that brings them joy.

They make peace with food & their body.

They make time for meditation, journaling & introspection.

They listen to their bodies & slow down when they need to.

They are more open to communicating what they want & need.

They trust themselves & take responsibility for their role in life.

They do the work to let go of past hurt/ trauma, question their thoughts, stop worrying about the future & embrace where they are, in the present moment.

This is self-love... not that fluffs self-love BS!

Now everybody’s road to self-love will be different.

It may start with a mantra, for some, it will be proven in the way they keep the promises they make to themselves.

In others, it will come through letting go of the subconscious belief that they are not worthy of love.

For some it is some with forgiveness, of others & ourselves.

We all have past hurts, we all have some work to be done & we all deserve to love ourselves.

The work is n't in bridging this gap.

& I simply love supporting people over that bridge!

Here is what my client had to say about the program: “I now trust myself, forgive myself & love myself which I could not testify before this program! Ryan guided me to do the work I’ve needed to do for years to free my mind, body & spirit!! “

When you are ready to overcome anxiety, let go of fatigue, fix your gut, heal your relationship with food & body & simply love yourself, I'm here, & have several open spaces in my 1:1 90day Mind-body wellness coaching program to help you do all of this…..& so much more!

Message me to learn more!


Timeline photos 04/11/2021

🤟 Comment "Mind-body🌱" To Apply🤟⁠⁠⁣
Why should you join?….Because you are worthy⁠⁠⁣
Of embrace yourself fully.⁠⁠⁣
Of no longer be ruled by fatigue, anxiety, depression, digestive issues or self-limiting beliefs.⁠⁠⁣
Of investing the time in prioritising your mental, physical & emotional wellbeing - to find more peace, joy, resilience & self-confidence!⁠⁠⁣
Over 12 weeks "Mind-Body Wellness Mentorship" will give you the space, support, guidance & tools to do just thats.⁠⁠⁣
You, Will, Learn How To:⁠⁠⁣
✅ Live By Your Unique Values & Overcome The Resistance to Change⁠⁠⁣
✅ Set Boundaries & Say YES To & show up for YOU!!⁠⁠⁣
✅ Identify Triggers & Increase Resilience to Stress⁠ & Anxiety⁠⁠⁣
✅ Optimise Gut Health & Nutrition For Optimal Mental Wellbeing⁠⁠⁣
✅ Balance Hormones To Overcome Fatigue, Improve Sleep & Enhance Energy.⁠⁠⁣
✅ Keep Promises & Make Your Physical Wellbeing A Priority.⁠⁠⁣
✅ Heal Your Inner Child & Learn To Regulate Emotions⁠⁠⁣
✅ Let Go Over The Need To People Please & Be Perfect⁠⁠⁣
✅ Cultivating More Joy, Through Showing Up In The World Unconditional As You.⁠⁠⁣
To overcome anxiety & find peace, joy, & self-confidence in life, you must be resilient - Physically, Mentally & Emotionally.⁠⁠⁣
This is what this program will give you.⁠⁠⁣
The confidence to stave anxiety of what it craves so you can show up in the world unconditionally as you.🤟⁠⁠⁣
Because if not now when???⁠⁠⁣
Space is limited... Only 7 spots remain.⁠⁠⁣
DM me "Mind-body🌱" to lean in, show up for you & take up your space.⁠⁠⁣
Ryan Bennett - This Journey Is Possible For Everyone - Including you!⁠


Dudri started working with us because da said it was “ exactly what I needed at exactly the right time. I wanted to be resilient!”⁣

Yet she didn’t simply just jump right in, she had some fears & was afraid of all the feelings she may have to face and work through.⁣

Yet her desire to have less anxiety and to be able to let her emotions flow instead of bottling them up, which was making herself unwell, was grated then the fear.⁣

She wanted to be strong, she wanted to be resilient, yet little did she know by signing us she was already proving to me, & showing subconsciously to herself that she always was!⁣

Over the program I watched here develop so much!⁣

When I asked “Whats was your biggest take away from the program?”⁣

She said “ The insight to myself. I have loved and learned more of myself and the amount of judgement that has melted away is extraordinary. I feel so much lighter and going through life is not so hard anymore. Im growing and growing and growing 🙂 “⁣

For me this is my ultimate focus, to help clients realise that they can feel light, they can love who they are & they are worth so much more!⁣

Thanks again for taking the leap & investing the time & energy into you dudri!!

Timeline photos 03/11/2021

To me, being a coach means I am choosing to be a guide, a mentor & a fellow human who is committed to helping others grow.⁣
In the traditional Coaching, the "Coach" tends to set themselves apart.⁣
The Coach is considered the “Leader”, the “Healthy”, or “Healed” person who the client should aspire to be.⁣

While the client is considered to be the one who’s “broken”, doesn’t have the “willpower” and needs to be “fixed”…⁣
I strongly believe this is the reason why people find it so hard to overcome that which no longer serves them.⁣

The person feels as though they are broken.⁣.

Yet I feel this way of coaching is the thing that is broken.⁣

I believe that traditional coaching is actually doing more harm than good.⁣

I believe the need to make something work for you that worked for someone else, is actually take away from your own journey and halting your own growth.⁣

I believe this model is outdated and coaching calls for more compassion, embrace & understanding.⁣
As a coach, I see that we are all equal in the eyes of a higher power, and we all have out own strengths.⁣

As a coach, I aim to see the person for exactly where they are “now”. ⁣

From here we can define where they want to be.⁣
Yes, some of us need some guidance for sure, but this does not mean we’re broken or less than.⁣
Many of you know what it feels like when someone talks down to you, when you get that disappointed look or conversation that you NEED to do better.⁣

That makes us believes we are inferior.. it reinstated the pain & deepens the feeling of worthlessness.⁣
Such an attitude does not create the ideal conditions for true growth.⁣
It fails to inspire or uplift.⁣
Being a coach is also a way to leverage all of one’s life experience to help others.⁣
Meaning, yes, it’s important to have training and education as a coach, and it’s also imperative that we acknowledge all the lessons we’ve learned in the school of life and the experiences we have had, too bring this knowledge to the table when working with clients.⁣

For my clients this is my past experience as a stressed out civil engineer⁣

My past experience of anxiety and depression,⁣

My past experience of traveling,⁣

My past experience with breathwork and release my own limiting beliefs,⁣

My past training with kinesiology,⁣

My past experiences as a boxer and as a boxing trainer,⁣

My past experiences as a Meditation Teacher,⁣

My past training with Plant Based Nutrition,⁣

My past training as a Rebirthing Breathwork Pratitionor,⁣

My past experiences as a client being coached,⁣

My past education as a naturopathic student,⁣

My current experiences as a coach,⁣

And my current experiences as fellow human,⁣

All of this has shaped me to show up in the way I do, for clients.⁣
But for me “coaching” will always come from the place of an equal, a mentor, a guide for this part of their life. ⁣

With the aim to empowering & educate clients to take their power back, so they can creating an idea of what "healthy" means to them.⁣
Whats has you past experiences be like working with a coach or trainer? Was it conducive or detrimental to your long term growth⁣
Ryan - here to help you grow…. What ever that means to you. SImple DM to learn how!

Timeline photos 28/10/2021

🚩 🚩 🚩 🚩 🚩 🚩 🚩 🚩 🚩 Overcoming anxiety isn't found at the bottom of a pill jar.⁣🚩 🚩 🚩 🚩 🚩 🚩 🚩

It is found in the depths of accepting who you are & knowing that you are worthy of so much more!⁣

Overcoming anxiety, it a journey of Self Acceptance …

This can be a hard pill to swallow, yet it’s the on pill you will ever need🤟

You see, anxiety is steeped in not trusting the flow & process of life.⁣

AKA.... living in fear & worry.⁣

A constant state of fear of the future and consuming worry about the past…⁣

When we suffer from anxiety our thought take over and consume our lives.⁣

They take us away from the gift that is the present moment.⁣


The big payoff of worry is that it gives us the illusion of control.⁣

The mind thinks that if it can imagine everything under the sun that could go wrong……we can prevent it.⁣

This worry, in the moment, may seem justified because the mind often acts based on past experiences, trauma & our childhood, not based on what is happening in the present moment.⁣

We often inadvertently keep the anxiety alive by trying so hard to create the conditions to calm it!⁣

Trying to give it what need… we comfort it though staying in our comfort zone.⁣

We give it certainty through planning life down to a tee.⁣

& we give it control, by letting it dictate the way we live our life. ⁣

Although it turns out we’re pretty bad at predicting what will actually happen.⁣

A psychologist from the University of Pennsylvania had patients with generalised anxiety disorder, which is characterised by widespread anxiety, recorded all of the everyday worries, for 10 days straight⁣

Then they watch for the next 30 days to see which of their fears came true.⁣

On average 91.4% of worries did not come true and for most participants, 0% of the things they were worried about came true.⁣

It can be hard to comprehend as when we worry our anxiety initially drops because we think we’re doing something to control our future. ⁣

When we manage to stop worrying, anxiety can skyrocket…⁣

Whats we don’t realise is that worry fuels anxiety.⁣

Fear of the future doesn’t protect you.⁣

It distracts you from creating a powerful present, which actually prepares you for the uncertain future.⁣

The key to overcoming anxiety is found in the present moment.⁣

It comes in sitting in the discomfort of staving the anxiety of comfort… certainty & control…⁣

It comes from finding safety in your body.⁣

It comes through healing your gut.⁣

It comes through nourishing your body.⁣

It comes through rewriting the way we see & experience the past hurts.⁣

It comes through making yourself a priority.⁣

Overcoming anxiety, it a journey back to the self that isn't found at the bottom of a pill jar.⁣

It is found in the depths of accepting who you are & knowing that you are worthy of so much more!⁣

It is a powerful journey ...⁣

One I look forward to guiding you on.⁣

If you are wanting to start or complete this journey DM me" Overcome Anxiety" & we can support you on this journey.

Ryan Bennett - Naturopathic Wellness Coach

Timeline photos 27/10/2021

To see a client grow in front of my own eyes is one of the most profoundly beautiful experiences, to not only observe but also be a part of.. again & again.⁣

It is an experience that will never get old.⁣

An experience that takes my breath away, every...single...time!⁣

To see the resistance, unworthiness & anxiety slowly stripped away as they start to show up in the world unconditionally as them.⁣

To witness the energy shift, as the blinders come off as they start to perceive the world through fresh eyes.⁣

To notice the confidence in the way they start to talk, hold themself & the openness to the new possibilities that are now in front of them.⁣

The permission, The freedom, The joy, The playfulness that starts to ooze from their aura, as they choose to wear a simile & simply embrace being.⁣

In that moment,⁣
I meet them,⁣
They meet themselves,⁣
And everyone else in their life gets to meet them too.⁣

Then the real fun begins⁣
In their business, relationships, health, in all of it.


Most practitioners won’t tell you this... you spend most of your time in you head because you don't feel comfortable in your body.


Ellen reached out to me as she had been struggling with social anxiety and general anxiety for about 10 years….⁣

She was in a much better place when she came across the course but she was scared of going back to where I was before & wanted new tools to be able to speak with people without feeling inferior and to overcome the overwhelming sense that she wasn't enough.⁣

Before joining the programme her biggest fear was living! She lived a lot of her life not wanting to die, but not particularly caring much if I did. She felt trapped, alone and not good enough.⁣

When asked “ Did you achieve your goal throughout the program?”⁣

Ellen Said “ I feel like I've come out of my shell a-lot! I have a new goal to always be my authentic self! I don't feel I have to be someone else to be worthy of being spoken to!.” So that is a big YES!⁣

It was such a pleasure to work with you Ellen & I'm so excited to see what the future holds for you!⁣

If you can relate to any of Ellen story & you want to overcome anxiety, overwhelm & simple feel good enough, then message me "Resilience" & we can chat about how I can help.⁣

I currently have 2 spaces open in October for 2 humans ready for the space, guidance & support to heal, inside & out!

Videos (show all)

Anxiety feels like it comes out of nowhere, but does it?⁠⁣⁠⁣In fact, there’s always a reason.⁠ ⁣⁣Now the reason may be d...
Anxiety Crave 3 Things...Comfort.Certainty.Control. We often inadvertently keep the anxiety alive by trying our hardest ...
Jessica's Journey In The Mind-Body Wellness MentorshipThe power of the right protocol & meeting the clients where they a...
Melissa Pruestel started in the “Mind-body Wellness” Mentorship as she wanted to learn more about an holistic approach t...
✨FREE 5 Days To Overcome Anxiety - Day 5 - 8 Drug-Free Ways to Battle Anxiety
✨FREE 5 Days To Overcome Anxiety Day 4 - The Power of Breath & Mind-Body Medicine - Overcoming a Anxiety in the moment. ...
✨FREE 5 Days To Overcome Anxiety Day 3 - Neurological & Biochemical Imbalances  Thats Effect Anxiety✨
✨FREE 5 Days To Overcome Anxiety - Day 2 -  Leaky Gut = Leaky Brain ✨
✨FREE 5 Days To Overcome Anxiety -Day 1 A holistic perspective on anxiety✨
How we got to the root cause of Katie's PCOS, Bloating & Brain fog!!In her own words 12 weeks ago Katie was, “miserable,...
How Britany Got off her antidepressants, reduced sever PMS, improved her eating habits & built an effortless relationshi...



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