PhysioFit, Cambridge Videos

Videos by PhysioFit in Cambridge. PHYSIOFit: clinical fitness testing, exercise therapy, health maintenance and return to work programs

I have been working with this MS champ since the end of last year. In that time she has experienced a LOT of education about how to get the best out of her body and why certain methods trump others.

Jumping, hopping, skipping, quick reaction explosive type skills are advanced for the best of us. Imagine what it feels like when the messages are slower to get through!
That's why I took this video. First time trying to skip holding the TRX and BAM she got it.

Quick actions require speed of information to send and receive as well as coordinating the response ie. becoming airborne. That's the neurological requirement, not to mention what the muscle actions are required to do as well!

Not only that since December she has increased her high knee stepping rate 125%!!!

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Other PhysioFit videos

I have been working with this MS champ since the end of last year. In that time she has experienced a LOT of education about how to get the best out of her body and why certain methods trump others. Jumping, hopping, skipping, quick reaction explosive type skills are advanced for the best of us. Imagine what it feels like when the messages are slower to get through! That's why I took this video. First time trying to skip holding the TRX and BAM she got it. Quick actions require speed of information to send and receive as well as coordinating the response ie. becoming airborne. That's the neurological requirement, not to mention what the muscle actions are required to do as well! Not only that since December she has increased her high knee stepping rate 125%!!!

Had some space between clients today so decided to stay in house and chip away at my own program. Have recently fallen in love with weighted pull ups. Can't do many consecutively yet but 4 sets of 4 is a good place to start.

Wednesday night 5.30 is for STRENGTHFit! Little mate Jase has a pull up goal and likes to do workouts similar to Bruce Lee....why not?! For the adults, being able to hold a dead hang is one thing, let alone pull up as well! But with lastnight we had 2 woman perform both. What were their feelings.......they felt taller afterwards hahaha High 5 ladies 🫸

Peter, beast #2. Very proud. Well worth it for his smile.

Strength testing tonight for the STRENGTHFit clan. And wow boy we landed so big achievements tonight YEEEHHA! This crew experienced the psychology behind pure strength and really got into a space where I CAN was everything. Massive congrats to Gordo who had been strength training once per week for 12 months and a long history of back issues landing 150kg deadlift. Peter who is 60+ also achieving 150kg deadlift, always been afraid of how deadlifts can go wrong. This is a bucketlist achievement for Peter!!!! MEAN! Kathryn 50+ who never thought of pulling 90kg off the floor. Has been strength training less than a year. OMG. It goes on. Fab night. Fab achievements. Let's knuckle down for the next cycle and see what those numbers do next time 😉

Over the school holidays PhysioFit gives classes a holiday. Why??? Because these guys work hard. Classes are humming with progress and new attendees in all. SPARKFit: neurological. ie, MS, minimally impaired Stroke, EDS, chronic pain. SENIORFit: strength and movement tolerance for 70+ PROSTFit: Prostate cancer any stage of treatment STRENGTHFit: solely strength protocols for all Recent attendee to the SPARKFit group below, really enjoys recieving and giving support in the group setting. He has been working on dynamic balance, such as the bosu inchworm (never attempted before), skipping and has even given running a go! In a group setting you never feel like your alone and feel more confident to push that little bit harder to try new things. Well done!!

Here are a couple of participants in my STABLE Seniors class that decided to face in to a challenge during cool down in group today. Bird dog on a bosu!!!! I had to mute my excitement as I recorded this because this is advanced and look how amazing they are!!! Some serious control and awareness going on here. I dare you to try it. Don't cheat, make sure your bottom foot is not touching the floor!!!! #physiofit #balance #bosu #seniorfitness #exercisephysiology #rehabgym #bodyperformance #cambridge

#physiologyfitness #physiofit #prostfit #prostatecancer #cancerrehab Prostate Cancer Foundation of New Zealand PhysioFit #survivors #prevention

Sweeeeeet little set up with Blaze Pods reflex lights for a stroke client in the standing position. Sensory training involves processing and organizing information accurately. This can be challenging following a stroke especially paired with postural control. It can make the client very tired. This all star is hemiplegic and has gained a huge amount of arm function over the last few months. Now being able to lift his arm and apply pressure to the light at this height. In one minute he went from 12 strikes to 18 strikes using 4 lights, weight-lifting and coordinating perfectly 🙌. Proud trainer moment! #blazepods #physiofit #strokerecovery #bodyperformance #rehabgym

SUPER PROUD moment for this 60+ year old. This is his 6th set at 100kg for 3. First time! Howd he get here?! 8months ago this All Star could squat 20kgs for 8 reps with 3mins to recover with his heart rate maxing out....once! His body did NOT like exertion due to long covid. He was patient and trusted the structure of 3 phases of graded programming. Inside those phases his recovery time reduced and volume increased. Then, boom 💣 each session was highly varied because he had tolerance, muscle and respiratory/circulatory. We tested deadlift and squats only once per month, everything else was single leg work....a million type of lunges and unilateral accessory exercises. He now has normal spirometry and likes to play around with functional fitness formats. Totally amazing 💥 N.B. posted with permission

This all star has been with me for nearly 2years. Originally started with a conservative neaurological programme series called MS Get A Head Start (multiple sclerosis). We often look back a appreciate how far shes come, now able to run short spurts on the sand, skip and hop! Now the mid 70 year young lass is performing kicksits and devils presses in a programme that uses strength and conditioning protocols as well as a functional metabolic sessions with no adverse post exercise response. There is no stopping this one

Staying true to the challenge. Decided to turn it up a tad to keep it interesting. Had the pleasure of my SPARK (neuromuscular) group perform their share yesterday at the end of their session, with no worries might I add!!!

The PSS (Press up, Squat & Sit up) Challenge is about to commence in March. It is a project announced at the 2020 World Economic Forum which aims to plant one trillion trees worldwide by the end of the decade. This campaign provides support to the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration (2020-2030), led by UNEP and FAO. ✔ Improve your health and wellbeing ✔ Restoring wildlife habitat ✔ Reducing global average temperatures My partner and I are apart of team called Amazon, who are a group of stunt people supporting the cause. Below is Dayna White, NZ acclaimed stunty and Wonder Woman double. We are registered with a goal to raise $400 and would love your support by way of donation. We also invite you to join if you wish. If 30 reps of each is challenging for you, flick me a comment and I'll demonstrate alternatives, easy! We will post the odd video demonstrating our creativity in completing the movements too.