Heart Focused Coaching, Cambridge Videos

Videos by Heart Focused Coaching in Cambridge. fear, frustration, a sense of hopelessness? How good would it be to talk it over in confidence?

Ants can be so persistent! My suggestion is to say stop πŸ›‘ by stamping your foot 🀣 it displaces them.

It’s a bit like another 🐜 I know and he’s called Automatic Negative Thoughts - ANT.
I can stamp my foot and say πŸ‘‹ Nope, I choose another positive thought.

Courageously now Colleen is at choice!

Other Heart Focused Coaching videos

Ants can be so persistent! My suggestion is to say stop πŸ›‘ by stamping your foot 🀣 it displaces them. It’s a bit like another 🐜 I know and he’s called Automatic Negative Thoughts - ANT. I can stamp my foot and say πŸ‘‹ Nope, I choose another positive thought. Courageously now Colleen is at choice!

The life of bees

Louise Hay is living proof if you love yourself you will have ...
third and final video before I hunker down for My Time in the month of May - you might not hear from me much in May, I'm taking time out to spend more time in nature and by the beach..doing exactly what I love to do surrounded by my treasures that is my gorgeous family and children! I might gather a few nuts, practise a little yoga, meditate, write a little, listen more than talk, drink less or no wine...my question is what's next apart from loving myself more...I'm definitely going to get creative <3 there are so many more free full videos, intereviews, book reviews ect when you sign up. Do it now and have a glorious Month of May - love to you all. https://www.hayhouseworldsummit.com/?a=5389&c=4562&p=r

this one touched my <3 actually I cried, is that why my hubby Bruce survived a death sentence? He's had skin cancer and for four years battled it having been told many times he would die within a year...do you know what that does to a person - I do! ...and then I remember my Dad also in 1999 was given 7 years, 7 months or 7 days to live...I have seen and felt the immediate reaction in his body and the power of a "specialists" words...those words that make us feel powerless! :( I am in Health and Wellness - and I love what Hay House can provide FREE each year and so I share this link with you all. Enjoy your day! <3 https://www.hayhouseworldsummit.com/?a=5389&c=4562&p=r

The Shift
Considering a change? Want to renew and stimulate your mind, body and spirit? Anyone wanting to make a shift, changes in their lives will love this movie...watch this trailer. The world's largest health and wellness event is about to happen at Hay House! Join me, on the 6th May, in receiving lessons from the world's leading experts that can empower, heal and transform your life. Register now and receive pre-event bonus lessons to enjoy for FREE! https://www.hayhouseworldsummit.com/?a=5389&c=4562&p=r #hhworldsummit