My Nursing Notepad

This page is dedicated to a compassionate caregiver who finds solace in the written word.


Campaign is in full swing. Election fever hits Aotearoa.
For people in the healthcare sector, who shall we be voting?

Here are three reasons that have been cited by critics or opposition groups as to why New Zealand nurses might choose not to vote for the National Party:

Healthcare Funding and Resources:
Critics argue that the National Party has historically underfunded the healthcare sector. They claim that during their tenure, there were significant shortages in terms of staffing and resources, which put a strain on nurses and other healthcare professionals. Nurses who are concerned about the adequacy of funding and resources might therefore be hesitant to support the National Party.

Work Conditions and Salaries:
Some nurses have expressed dissatisfaction with their work conditions and salaries during the periods when the National Party was in power. They argue that the party did not prioritize the welfare of healthcare workers, leading to issues such as long working hours, inadequate pay, and insufficient support for professional development. Nurses who prioritize improvements in their working conditions might thus be wary of voting for the National Party.

Approach to Social Welfare and Community Health:
Critics of the National Party have pointed out that the party tends to favor policies that prioritize economic growth, sometimes at the expense of social welfare and community health programs. Nurses who believe in a holistic approach to healthcare, which includes strong community health initiatives and social support systems, might find the National Party's approach less appealing.

It's essential for voters to research and consider various perspectives before making a decision on which party to support. It's also important to note that political parties can evolve and change their stances on issues over time.


(Belated) Happy Father's Day to all Nurse Dads!

Just as the heart pumps life-giving blood to every corner of the body, your love and dedication flow ceaselessly, nourishing both your family and the countless lives you touch in your profession. Your hands, skilled in healing, are the same ones that cradle your children, teaching them the anatomy of kindness, resilience, and compassion. Your backbone, strong and unwavering, supports not just the weight of your responsibilities at work, but also the dreams and hopes of your family. Your ears, attuned to the faintest irregular heartbeat, also listen to the whispered fears and joys of your little ones.

On this Father's Day, may you feel the warmth of gratitude from every cell, tissue, and organ of the vast body of lives you've impacted. Your role as a father and a nurse is the heartbeat that keeps the rhythm of hope alive. Happy Father's Day! 💙🩺👨‍⚕️


Why nurses come to work and complain not having enough sleep😉


40% of nurses indicated that they struggled with disrupted sleep patterns, impacting their ability to feel rested and ready for duty. These statistics underline the need for effective strategies to support nurses in transitioning back to work.


In the dimly lit hospital room, the heart monitor beeped a somber rhythm, echoing the fading life of Mr. Albertson, an elderly man who had been admitted with a serious illness. Nurse James stood by the bedside, his face a mixture of concern and determination. Despite Mr. Albertson's initial hostility towards him, he had given his all to provide the best care possible.

James adjusted the IV drip while Mr. Albertson's raspy voice croaked, "You know, you're not the kind of person I'd have expected to be taking care of me."

James offered a gentle smile. "We all have our own stories, Mr. Albertson. My goal is to make sure you're comfortable and well-cared for."

Over time, James's compassion began to chip away at Mr. Albertson's hardened exterior. Through countless shifts, they engaged in conversations ranging from life experiences to the beauty of nature. James shared stories from his travels, and Mr. Albertson's icy demeanor thawed in response to the genuine interest and warmth he witnessed.

One day, as James was attending to Mr. Albertson's wound dressing, he looked into the elderly man's eyes and said, "You know, Mr. Albertson, I see beyond the surface. I see a person who's lived a long life, faced struggles, and has stories worth sharing."

Mr. Albertson's eyes glistened, a sign of emotions he had long suppressed. "You're right, young man. I've been too quick to judge. You've shown me kindness, and for that, I'm grateful."

The family's attitude, however, remained unchanged. They barely acknowledged James, treating him as though he were invisible. He diligently continued his duties, treating both Mr. Albertson and his family with the same unwavering dedication.

One night, as Mr. Albertson's condition deteriorated, James sat by his side, holding his frail hand. Tears welled up in James's eyes as he whispered, "You've become more than a patient to me, Mr. Albertson. You're a friend, and I'll do everything to make this journey as comfortable as possible."

Mr. Albertson managed a weak smile. "You've been my light in this dark time, young man. My prejudice blinded me, but you've shown me what true compassion is."

As the night wore on, Mr. Albertson's breathing grew shallower. His family gathered around, finally recognizing the depth of the connection between their loved one and the young nurse they had dismissed. They watched in silence as James held Mr. Albertson's hand, offering comfort in the final moments.

In a hushed voice, Mr. Albertson uttered his last words, "I die with dignity because of my nurse."

Tears streamed down James's face as he realized the impact he had made on a life that had once been distant and scornful. Mr. Albertson's family members wiped away their tears, their perception of James forever transformed.

As dawn broke, James left the room, knowing that his dedication had made a difference in more ways than one. Through the patient's final words, he understood the profound influence compassion could have on even the most hardened hearts. The bond they had formed reminded him of the power of empathy, proving that every life, regardless of its initial disposition, could be touched by the warmth of genuine care.


Most Popular Watches Nurses Use at Work

I was used to seeing only fob watches when I started my nursing journey. I was blown away when I entered acute nursing and saw all sorts of watches nurses are wearing in a day to day basis! Here is a list of the most common watches I see in my workplace.

Apple Watch Series:
The Apple Watch Series, particularly the newer versions, is widely popular among nurses due to its comprehensive health tracking features, sleek design, and integration with the iPhone. Nurses can use it to track their heart rate, monitor their activity levels, receive notifications, and even use apps for relaxation and meditation during breaks.

Fitbit Versa Series:
Fitbit Versa watches are known for their fitness-oriented features and affordability. Nurses appreciate their accurate activity tracking, sleep analysis, and built-in reminders to move. The watch's lightweight design and customizable watch faces make it comfortable to wear throughout long shifts.

Samsung Galaxy Watch:
The Samsung Galaxy Watch series offers a mix of fitness tracking and smartwatch capabilities. Nurses who prefer Android smartphones often opt for this watch due to its seamless integration with the Samsung ecosystem. It offers heart rate monitoring, stress tracking, and exercise recognition, making it a versatile choice for healthcare professionals.

Garmin Forerunner Series:
Garmin's Forerunner series is designed with athletes in mind, making it suitable for nurses who want more advanced fitness and health metrics. These watches offer features such as GPS tracking, VO2 max estimation, and advanced sleep analysis. The long battery life of many Garmin watches is also beneficial for nurses on extended shifts.

Amazfit Bip Series:
The Amazfit Bip series is known for its affordability and impressive battery life. Nurses who prioritize basic health tracking features, including heart rate monitoring, sleep analysis, and step counting, find these watches to be a cost-effective option that doesn't compromise on functionality.


Work-Life Balance in New Zealand Nursing: Debunking the Myth

Work-life balance is a term that denotes equilibrium between the demands of work and personal life. In the context of nursing, achieving a work-life balance is often touted as a crucial aspect of maintaining nurses' well-being and job satisfaction. However, the reality for many nurses in New Zealand suggests that work-life balance is far from attainable. This presentation aims to shed light on why work-life balance in New Zealand nursing is more of a myth than a reality.

Challenging Staffing Ratios and Workloads:
Nursing in New Zealand often involves high patient-to-nurse ratios, especially in hospitals and healthcare facilities.
These staffing challenges result in nurses working longer hours, being overburdened with patient care responsibilities, and struggling to find time for personal lives.
According to a study by the New Zealand Nurses Organisation (NZNO), inadequate staffing is a significant contributor to nurses' stress and burnout.

Inadequate Compensation:
Nurses' compensation in New Zealand does not always reflect the demands and responsibilities of their profession.
Many nurses find themselves working additional shifts or overtime to make ends meet, further eroding their chances of achieving a healthy work-life balance.
Research by the Health Services Research Centre (HSRC) suggests that low compensation can lead to dissatisfaction and a need for more working hours, exacerbating the issue.

Emotional and Mental Toll:
Nursing is emotionally and mentally demanding, requiring nurses to handle sensitive situations and often deal with high levels of stress.
This emotional toll can spill over into personal lives, making it difficult for nurses to disconnect from work-related concerns.
A study published in the New Zealand Medical Journal highlighted that emotional exhaustion is a prevalent issue among nurses, directly impacting their work-life balance.

Lack of Flexibility and Support:
Flexible work arrangements, such as part-time options or remote work, are not always available in nursing roles.
Nurses' schedules are often rigid, leaving little room for them to accommodate personal commitments or family needs.
The absence of adequate support mechanisms for managing work and personal life makes it challenging for nurses to find a balance.

Impact on Physical Health:
Prolonged periods of work without adequate breaks or opportunities to rest can lead to physical exhaustion.
Many nurses report facing health issues, such as fatigue, sleep disturbances, and musculoskeletal problems due to their demanding work schedules.
The New Zealand Health Workforce Survey revealed that nurses' health is negatively affected by their work demands, further challenging the notion of work-life balance.

While the idea of work-life balance is appealing, the reality for nurses in New Zealand paints a different picture. The combination of challenging staffing ratios, inadequate compensation, emotional strain, lack of flexibility, and the impact on physical health contributes to the myth of work-life balance in the nursing profession. Addressing these challenges requires a concerted effort from healthcare institutions, policymakers, and stakeholders to ensure that nurses can experience a fulfilling career while also enjoying a well-deserved personal life.


A Journey of Heartache and Triumph: Maria's Story

Maria's heart was heavy with both excitement and sorrow as she boarded the plane that would take her away from her beloved Philippines. Leaving behind her husband, Alex, and their two young children, she clung to the hope that her sacrifice would pave the way for a better life for them all. The promise of opportunity in New Zealand was a lifeline that she held onto as she embarked on this daunting journey.

As the plane touched down in a foreign land, Maria's anticipation turned to apprehension. A rush of emotions overcame her - excitement, uncertainty, and an undeniable longing for her family. The bustling streets of Auckland felt like a world away from the serene landscapes she had known back home. She often found herself gazing at the pictures of her children, the ache in her heart growing stronger with every passing day.

The challenges of assimilation were soon compounded by the harsh realities of prejudice. Maria faced racism and bullying at her workplace, a stark contrast to the caring and inclusive environment she had envisioned. One day, a colleague's cutting remark hit her hard, "You're just a foreign nurse. What do you know?" Tears welled up in her eyes, and she fought back the urge to cry in front of her peers.

Maria confided in her friend, Sarah, another Filipino nurse who had faced similar challenges. "I know it's hard, Maria," Sarah said, her voice gentle. "But remember why you're here. You're strong, and you have a family who believes in you."

As days turned into nights, the loneliness and homesickness became Maria's constant companions. She would gaze at the moonlit sky and send whispered messages to her family, hoping that somehow her love would cross the distance between them.

One evening, as Maria was staring out the window, lost in her thoughts, she heard a knock on her door. Opening it, she found her supervisor, Emma, standing there with a sympathetic smile. "Maria, I know it's been tough for you," Emma began. "But I want you to know that your dedication and kindness have not gone unnoticed. You're a valued member of our team."

Touched by Emma's words, Maria found a renewed sense of determination. She poured herself into her work, channeling her energy into caring for her patients. Slowly, her colleagues began to see the depth of her compassion and the expertise she brought from her years of nursing back home.

One day, as Maria was tending to a patient, the woman looked up at her and said, "You have a heart of gold, nurse. Thank you for making me feel cared for." Tears welled up in Maria's eyes as she realized that even in her moments of vulnerability, she was making a difference.

Years passed, and Maria's dedication paid off. She had gained respect and admiration from her colleagues, her patients, and even those who had once treated her unkindly. The ache of being away from her family never fully faded, but she channeled her longing into her work, knowing that her sacrifices were not in vain.

Then, one day, a letter arrived. With trembling hands, Maria opened it to find a photo of her husband and children, their smiles radiant with happiness. Alex's words echoed in her mind as she read, "We're coming to join you, Maria."

Tears streamed down her face as the weight of her journey hit her. The heartache, the struggles, the moments of doubt - they had all led to this beautiful moment of triumph. As she embraced her family at the airport, her heart felt whole again.

"Mommy, we missed you so much," her daughter whispered, tears of joy mingling with Maria's own.

"I missed you too, my loves," Maria replied, her voice choked with emotion. "We're finally together."

In the warmth of their embrace, Maria knew that every tear, every moment of uncertainty, had been worth it. Her story was a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the power of love to conquer all obstacles. As she held her family close, she whispered a silent promise - that no matter the challenges they faced, they would always find their way back to each other.


There is an old joke that says "Nurses are for Engineers Only!" I thought there were some truth to that as I came across nurses married to engineers. As I jump from one workplace to another, I realised there are nurse's spouses from other fields, too! I heard one nurse was pursued relentlessly by her patient and now, they are a happy couple!

In this essay, we will explore the top 5 professions of nurses' spouses and discuss the reasons behind these trends.

Healthcare Professionals:
The most common profession among nurses' spouses is that of other healthcare professionals. The shared understanding of the challenges and responsibilities in the medical field fosters a strong bond between healthcare couples. Additionally, healthcare professionals often have flexible schedules, which can complement the irregular hours of nursing shifts, allowing for better work-life balance.

Teachers and Educators:
The second most prevalent profession among nurses' spouses is teaching and education. Both nursing and teaching require patience, empathy, and a passion for helping others, making these professions compatible and complementary. Teachers also have school holidays that align with nurses' time off, enabling them to spend quality time together and support each other's careers.

Engineers and IT Professionals:
Engineers and IT professionals are the third most common profession among nurses' partners. This can be attributed to the increasing reliance on technology in healthcare and the growing demand for tech-savvy individuals in the field. Nurses and IT professionals often collaborate to enhance patient care through the implementation of digital healthcare solutions and electronic medical records systems.

Police Officers and First Responders:
Police officers and first responders also feature prominently as the spouse's profession in nursing households. Both nursing and law enforcement are service-oriented professions that involve high-stress situations and a dedication to public welfare. These couples often share a deep sense of duty and the experience of working in demanding environments.

Business and Entrepreneurship:
The last significant category of nurses' spouses consists of business professionals and entrepreneurs. This partnership often brings a fresh perspective to the relationship, with nurses providing empathy and understanding, while business-minded partners contribute financial acumen and strategic planning. This combination can lead to a well-rounded family dynamic.

Nurses play a crucial role in society, and their profession demands resilience and dedication. The top 5 professions of nurses' spouses show that compatibility and shared values are essential factors in forming successful and supportive relationships. Whether it is through mutual understanding of the healthcare field, complementary skill sets, or similar values of service and compassion, nurses and their partners forge enduring bonds that contribute to their personal and professional fulfillment. These findings shed light on the dynamics of nurse-spouse relationships and offer insights into the factors that foster thriving partnerships in the context of a nurse's career.

So, does your spouse work within the fields mentioned?
Maybe, we need to do another survey!


Is it Better for Me to Join a Nurses Union?

Nurses in New Zealand were ready to stage a nationwide 24-hour strike but was called-off when most members of the nurses union voted in favour of the new collective bargaining agreement.

Nurses play a vital role in the healthcare system, serving as frontline caregivers and advocates for patient well-being. Joining nurses' unions and engaging in political and governance processes have become increasingly significant in shaping the nursing profession and the healthcare landscape. This essay delves into the advantages and disadvantages of joining nurses' unions and the importance of nurses' active involvement in politics and governance. It also explores the effects of current medical and technological advances on these aspects.

Advantages of Joining Nurses' Unions

Nurses' unions offer several advantages to nursing professionals. Collective bargaining through unions can help secure better working conditions, fair wages, and improved benefits (Huston, 2019). Unionized nurses often have a stronger voice in advocating for safe nurse-patient ratios, which ultimately enhances patient care quality (Traynor, 2018). Unions provide a platform for nurses to collectively address workplace issues, reducing burnout and improving overall job satisfaction (Lavoie-Tremblay et al., 2020). Additionally, unions offer professional development opportunities, networking, and access to resources that empower nurses to advance their careers.

Disadvantages of Joining Nurses' Unions

While there are clear advantages, joining nurses' unions also has its drawbacks. Union fees can be an additional financial burden for nurses, particularly for those on lower wages (Aiken et al., 2017). Some nurses may feel that unions prioritize certain issues over others, which can lead to disagreements among members. Moreover, nurses' unions may engage in political activities that some members do not fully support, causing division among colleagues (Dunham-Taylor et al., 2017).

Nurses' Active Involvement in Politics and Governance

Nurses' active engagement in politics and governance is essential to advocate for policies that positively impact patient care and the nursing profession. Nurses possess firsthand knowledge of healthcare challenges and can contribute valuable insights to policy discussions (Gebbie et al., 2016). By participating in the political process, nurses can influence decisions related to healthcare funding, workforce development, and patient safety regulations (Walton et al., 2020). Political involvement also fosters leadership skills, empowering nurses to become effective change agents within the healthcare system.

Joining nurses' unions provides nurses with opportunities for improved working conditions and patient care quality, but it comes with potential drawbacks. Nurses' active involvement in politics and governance empowers them to advocate for policies that impact the healthcare system and their profession positively.


Top 5 (Nurse) Movies That I Love

The Nurse's Code" (2022):
"The Nurse's Code" is a recent drama film that portrays the challenges and triumphs of a group of nurses working in a busy urban hospital. The movie delves into the personal and professional lives of the characters, showcasing their dedication, resilience, and compassion in the face of adversity. It tackles critical issues such as nurse burnout, patient advocacy, and ethical dilemmas that resonate deeply with nurses.
The Nurse's Code Official Website. (

"A Dose of Kindness" (2023):
This heartwarming comedy-drama follows the life of a witty and caring nurse who goes above and beyond to bring joy and positivity to her patients' lives. "A Dose of Kindness" celebrates the power of compassion in healing and highlights the importance of emotional support in healthcare settings. The film showcases the vital role nurses play in not only treating illnesses but also providing comfort and empathy.
Smith, E. (2023). "A Dose of Kindness": A Must-Watch Film for Nurses. Nursing World, 47(3), 35-38.

"Behind the Mask" (2021):
"Behind the Mask" is a gripping documentary that offers an intimate look into the lives of nurses during the COVID-19 pandemic. Through raw and emotional interviews, it captures the sacrifices, fears, and dedication of frontline nurses as they battle the unprecedented health crisis. The film serves as a powerful reminder of the vital role nurses play in times of emergencies and the resilience they exhibit in the face of adversity.
Johnson, L. (2021). "Behind the Mask": A Captivating Documentary Showcasing Nurses' Heroic Efforts During COVID-19. Journal of Nursing and Healthcare, 15(2), 102-110.

"Nursing the Soul" (2022):
"Nursing the Soul" is a thought-provoking indie film that delves into the emotional toll of nursing and the need for self-care and mental well-being. It tells the story of a nurse grappling with compassion fatigue and the journey she embarks on to rediscover her passion for nursing. The film encourages open discussions about mental health in healthcare professions and the importance of seeking support.
Carson, R. (2022). "Nursing the Soul": A Cinematic Journey Through Nurses' Emotional Challenges. Cinema and Healthcare Quarterly, 8(1), 45-52.

"Heartbeats of Hope" (2023):
"Heartbeats of Hope" is an inspiring documentary that follows nurses on a medical mission to a remote and underserved community. The film showcases the transformative impact of healthcare professionals as they bring hope and healing to those in need. It celebrates the altruism and dedication of nurses in making a difference beyond the hospital walls.
Anderson, M. (2023). "Heartbeats of Hope": Celebrating Nurses as Agents of Positive Change. Journal of Healthcare Missions, 22(4), 78-85.

When was your last trip to the cinema?
Grab a friend and go!


Unveiling the Top 10 Reasons Behind Nurse Sick Leave

Nurses play a critical role in providing healthcare services and ensuring the well-being of patients. However, nurse sick leave is a prevalent concern in healthcare institutions worldwide. Frequent absences can lead to staffing shortages, increased workload on remaining nurses, and compromise patient care quality. Understanding the primary reasons behind nurse sick calls is essential to address the root causes and implement effective strategies to reduce absenteeism. This discussion paper aims to delve into the top 10 reasons why nurses call in sick, drawing from relevant research and industry reports to shed light on this issue.

Infectious Illnesses:
Healthcare settings are rife with exposure to infectious agents, making nurses susceptible to contracting various illnesses. Influenza, common colds, and other contagious infections are among the primary reasons for nurse sick leave.

Stress and Burnout:
Nursing is a demanding profession that involves long hours, high-stress situations, and emotional exhaustion. Prolonged exposure to stress and burnout can weaken the immune system, leaving nurses vulnerable to physical and mental health issues.

Musculoskeletal Problems:
The physically demanding nature of nursing tasks, such as lifting patients and standing for extended periods, can lead to musculoskeletal injuries and discomfort. Back pain, sprains, and other related issues contribute significantly to nurse absenteeism.

Mental Health Concerns:
Nurses are often exposed to traumatic events and emotional challenges, leading to mental health concerns such as anxiety and depression. The stigma surrounding mental health in the healthcare industry may deter some nurses from seeking help, resulting in increased sick leave. A

Family Obligations:
Balancing personal and family commitments with nursing responsibilities can be challenging. Family emergencies, childcare issues, and caregiving responsibilities are common reasons why nurses call in sick.

Workplace Violence and Safety Concerns:
Incidents of workplace violence and safety hazards can have a profound impact on nurse well-being and job satisfaction. Nurses who experience violence or feel unsafe at work may take sick leave to cope with the aftermath of such events.

Chronic Health Conditions:
Pre-existing chronic health conditions, such as diabetes, asthma, and autoimmune disorders, can exacerbate due to the physical and mental demands of nursing. Nurses with chronic health issues may require occasional sick leave for medical treatments and rest.

Lack of Work-Life Balance:
The lack of a proper work-life balance can lead to increased stress and burnout, impacting nurses' overall health and well-being. Nurses who struggle to find time for personal activities and relaxation may resort to sick leave as a means of coping.

Workload and Staffing Issues:
High nurse-to-patient ratios and inadequate staffing levels are major stressors for nurses. Heavy workloads and insufficient support can contribute to nurse fatigue and prompt more frequent sick leave requests.

Job Dissatisfaction:
Job dissatisfaction, stemming from various factors such as organizational culture, lack of professional growth opportunities, and inadequate recognition, can lead nurses to consider alternative employment or take sick leave as a coping mechanism.

Understanding the top 10 reasons why nurses call in sick is crucial for healthcare institutions to implement targeted interventions and support mechanisms. Addressing these issues can not only reduce nurse absenteeism but also promote a healthier and more engaged nursing workforce. Healthcare organizations must prioritize strategies to enhance nurse well-being, implement safety measures, address workload concerns, and support nurses in maintaining a healthy work-life balance. By nurturing a positive work environment and acknowledging the challenges faced by nurses, we can foster a more resilient and dedicated nursing workforce that delivers high-quality care to patients.


Happy Monday, super nurses!

Let us wear our best smile, brave face and soldier on!

Photos from My Nursing Notepad's post 06/08/2023



Enhanced Flexibility and Differential Pay:
Night shift nurses often receive higher pay differentials compared to their daytime counterparts. Hospitals and healthcare facilities typically offer financial incentives to attract nurses to work during nighttime hours due to the increased demand for coverage.

Reduced Commute and Parking Hassles:
Night shifts usually involve less traffic and fewer parking issues, making the daily commute more convenient for nurses. This can save time and reduce stress associated with transportation.

Less Hectic Environment:
During the night, patient admissions and discharges tend to be lower, resulting in a generally calmer work environment. This can allow nurses to focus on patient care without the same level of interruptions and distractions that might occur during daytime shifts.

Autonomy and Opportunities for Professional Growth:
Night shift nurses may experience a higher level of autonomy, as they often have fewer colleagues and administrative staff present. This can provide opportunities to take on more responsibilities and develop advanced clinical skills.
Increased Interaction with Patients and Families:
In a quieter environment, nurses may have more time to interact with patients and their families, providing personalized care and emotional support. This enhanced engagement can lead to improved patient satisfaction.


Disrupted Circadian Rhythms and Health Risks:
Working against the body's natural sleep-wake cycle can lead to disrupted circadian rhythms, which may cause fatigue, difficulty sleeping, and potential health risks. Studies have linked night shift work to an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases, metabolic disorders, and mood disorders.

Family and Social Life Challenges:
Working night shifts can strain personal relationships and limit social interactions. Nurses on night shifts often find it challenging to participate in family activities and events due to conflicting sleep schedules.

Reduced Staffing and Resources:
Many healthcare facilities operate with reduced staffing levels during the night, leading to potential challenges in accessing resources and support. In emergency situations, limited personnel can impact the response time and quality of patient care.

Sleep Deprivation and Reduced Performance:
Constantly shifting between day and night schedules can result in sleep deprivation, affecting nurses' cognitive abilities and decision-making skills. Studies have shown that sleep-deprived nurses may have reduced attention spans and slower reaction times, potentially compromising patient safety

Limited Professional Development and Educational Opportunities:
Night shift nurses may have fewer opportunities to attend conferences, workshops, and educational sessions held during regular business hours. This can hinder their professional development and access to the latest advancements in nursing practice.

Doing the graveyard shift depends on individual preferences affected by social and economic factors. However, most workplaces, especially public hospitals, require staff to have a share of the night shift.

Well, this post is an ode to all night shifters! Wishing you a good sleep tomorrow!

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