Tainui School - Dunedin, Dunedin Videos

Videos by Tainui School - Dunedin in Dunedin. A caring community where everyone learns and flourishes. Opened 1929

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Lost Property Video #3 ... odds and ends!

Lost jackets, tops and sweatshirts!

LOTS OF LOST PROPERTY! Despite everyone walking past the misplaced items last week, we still have a mountain of clothing and other items in our lost property baskets. The baskets will be out on our front steps tomorrow (Tuesday) between 7:30 and 12:30, and again on Thursday from 7:30 - 12:30. Watch the three videos to see if you can spot your child/ren's item/s. The first video in the post shows hoodies. The second in the next post features other tops, jackets and sweatshirts, and the third in yet another post shows odds and ends, including shoes and drink bottles.

LOST PROPERTY VIDEO: Please let us know a.s.a.p. if you need to reclaim any of these items before we send them off to a local charity at the end of the week.

Does any of this clothing belong to you?