Elemental Nature

Elemental Nature empowers you to discover how to heal yourself. Learn how to relax into each moment


Love the research coming out about the role of our Microbiomes!

A brand new study has shown that children with an autism spectrum disorder can be identified with an astonishing 91% accuracy rate by analysing their gut microbiome.

Children on the autism spectrum have distinctly different gut flora compared to neurotypical children; they also have a high risk of gastrointestinal issues like constipation, diarrhea, and abdominal pain, which can cause malabsorption of nutrients, leaky gut, and pain. In children who cannot speak, the pain can be expressed as irritability, crying, night-waking, or even self-harm. In a previous study, researchers induced autism-like behaviours in rats by transferring the microbiome from an autistic rat to a neurotypical rat.

The gut and gut flora play a huge role in autism and should be part of any thorough assessment and treatment plan.

doi: 10.1038/s41564-024-01739-1.

3-Days Free Screening - Microbiome 30/06/2024

I have watched this course twice now. Such a great overview of gut health... the complexity and the simplicity of presentation and solutions. A must for anyone wanting to establish depth of health and healing as you age!

3-Days Free Screening - Microbiome It's time to stop treating symptoms - and start healing the cause.


We cannot wind back the hands of time -
however we can choose to spend it wisely.
Taking the time to listen to ourselves, reflect and act is the


A feast for your body to rehydrate deeply, get a hit of minerals, vitamins and all those amazingly powerful raw enzymes to clean up and clear out each and every day.

Sure, I know it takes time to juice and clean up... but what better input to give your body to keep up with your pace and stage of life. Raw, fresh, vege juice as the first item on the menu for your body each day will reward you with a lighter, cleaner and healthier body... come on you know your bodies talking to you.

Get started by either dusting off that juicer in the back of the cupboard, borrow one from a friend or grab one second hand to try it for yourself.

RECIPE (per person)
3 carrots
1/4 beetroot
Thick slice of ginger
1 clove garlic
A green handful from the garden... parsley, mint, lemon balm, spinach, kale
A few sticks of celery
1/2 a lemon or grapefruit
An apple
And enjoy!!!


Hey Conscious peeps, as I am new to town... do we know of a Naturopath that does Genetic testing here in Taranaki?
The combination is such a valuable touchstone for understanding people's bodies when those Anti oxidant or detox pathways are compromised.
Keen to know who is in the hood!

The Need To GROW | Watch the full film – free! 20/03/2023

Real medicine!

The Need To GROW | Watch the full film – free! Can we feed the world without destroying it?! Rosario Dawson’s award-winning film The Need To GROW shows the SOLUTIONS — and the real stories of the game-changing innovators behind them.


Come and experience what a session can offer you and prepare for Labour in a way that drops you into your body, connects you deeply with baby and helps you use your breath in an easy and potent way.


Whats Ap me here...


Hey Guys and Girls, I still have a few weekend spots available this Saturday for Acupuncture. Check out my website and book online.


Hey New Plymouth theres a new Acupuncturist in town
Check me out and book online on
I look forward to meeting you!


Think of emotions as energy in motion. Something so powerful we feel it in our bodies, it affects our thoughts, actions and even our outcomes.
If you imagine conducting energy what do sense? Movement, flow a force that is in you yet moves through you?
So now imagine emotion, what would it take to conduct emotional energy?
Feeling and breathing are the vehicles for your consciousness to travel the terrain of any emotion. Be it reactive or creative.
Feeling allows us to go beyond our minds interpretation, to witness more of ourselves than what we may know.
When we are able to feel and breath freely we are able to conduct any emotional pressure and heal as we live.
I invite you to check out next level coaching. Discover how to economise in your process and use the moment to learn, grow and be free in yourself to create your life.


Kia Ora,

Elemental Nature is moving to New Plymouth...

New clinic location is

Vivian St Osteopaths
128 Vivian St
Central City
New Plymouth
06758 7078

To book online from Monday 25th July 2022...




Tell me, what are you attending to?

Each day we make choices about where we put our energy. With the repetition of these choices we are creating a habit of attention, we are building a momentum. A momentum that is self generating, self perpetuating and fed by our creative energy.

Now that momentum can in turn be influencing us in an expansive way; that is opening our awareness, providing insights and helping us to develop ourselves.

Or it can be devitalising us; reinforcing stuck patterns that reflect in a loop style dialogue, our behaviour choices, in our bodies condition and the life that shows up for us. This trajectory is ultimately disempowering us.

So what are you feeding? What are you generating? Exploring? Focused on? Developing? Creating?

What are you attending to in your day?

By becoming conscious of the areas and aspects of our life we wish to heal and expand we can set intentions to do so. This is not a Santa’s wish list of ‘Universe come and sort my life out for me please’. Although every now and then, a general cry for help is just the ticket!

Setting an intention and inviting change is a more conscious approach to attending to your life. By noticing the areas that are reflecting stagnation or issues you can make a choice to attend to them.

The best way I have discovered to set an intention is to reflect on my up to date ‘now’ moment of greatest clarity and insight, bringing the best of my noticings to the table, as though I was deep in conversation with my higher self, simultaneously asking for what I need, honestly recognising the full spectrum of where I am at and open to receiving insight and healing to arrive at my ‘now’ Intention.

This Intention is like a seed of change, potent in your consciousness. You will need to nurture it, to allow it to take hold… by guess what… attending to it. By putting your attention on it and listening and learning how to attend to that aspect/ area of your life.

Happy exploring, redesigning, discovering and recognising this life we share and are all blessed to be a part of.



This is the most commonly asked question in an Akashic Record Reading.

As I understand it, before we incarnate into a life, our Soul decides what it desires to learn and therefore create. Designing our life with the potential for experiences, for us to learn lessons that will expand our potential and refine our creative abilities. During this designing of our lives, our Soul chooses who to make contracts with to potentially play certain roles in our life. And I say potentially, as incarnating in the same age bracket doesn’t always line up. Where and when we will be born. And causing us to be attracted to the people and energies that will help set us on our path of learning this lifetime… ie the book that we found, the Country we just had to visit, the new friend we made out of the blue or the interest in ethnic music we have.

So what’s it all about?

This idea of lessons might need a Spiritual reframe... Consider life in and beyond our Universe is Infinite Consciousness. And we are arising in this Infinite Consciousness, as an Individual expression of what is possible. Our Soul behind the scenes holding all of our awareness gathered from experiences over and between lifetimes. And us, the incarnation of our soul being born... and oh dear, what was that I was going to remember... coming in for landing and for some of us, feeling like we are questioning what is going on here?

Put your hand up if that’s you?

Some of our knowing stays intact when we are born, some awakens as we go through our lives in the case of Near Death Experiences, major trauma, being in nature, learning through books, courses or in relationship with people we meet along the way... for some it may be more sudden in the form of a spontaneous awakening.

The lessons we are to learn, may seem to elude us, but if we reflect truthfully on the flow and themes of our life, patterns emerge, like a map of where we have been and where we are yet to go. Because the stage is set to perfectly cultivate an unavoidable issue with our lessons. Our Soul is designing our lives to realise our potential and explore creation. And if we are stuck in the creation that we are unworthy, unacceptable or damaged goods, then we are going to hold the handbrake on our potential and our creative experience.

Our Soul is waking us up, and dear reader it’s no holds barred!

So back to this purpose business... there is an overall purpose for most of us, which is to experience life so we may expand into more of our potential as creators. Creating from the infinite sea of possibilities in alignment with our heart/ Soul while in incarnation… in a body, in a lifetime using all the faculties of human awareness- intention, thought, emotion/feeling, speech and action… viola embodyment! Sounds a bit dry doesn’t it… especially when compared to our more personal mission, now that really puts some colour on the page!

In amongst this overarching purpose is our Souls 'to do list', our personal purposes, for this lifetime. You may be able to look back at your life and recognise those moments, experiences or people that changed the course of your life... these are your life lessons coming up for an intensive. The timing of conditions in these moments for us to make a breakthrough and free up our creative potential and fulfill a purpose are ripe. And so life suddenly seems to speed up and intensify. WIth the unfolding of forces converging, we either resist or step into our potential and create a new chapter in our life.

It's this level of personal purpose that people tend to be seeking... often prompted by feeling unfulfilled, lacking in direction, potency or passion.

Having witnessed Akashic Record readings for myself and others, it has become clear to me, that we bring certain memories of trauma and relationships into this life from other lifetimes. These memories can be experienced as thought, feelings or physical sensations and often don't make sense in our current life context.. but pervade our life as though that’s the way it is for us, no matter how hard we try to change. These are part of the package of our lessons. The potential locked up in these patterns is needed to realise our purpose.

Thankfully we also bring specific qualities and awareness into our lives, that we have cultivated over other lifetimes... maybe a talent, a natural confidence or an affinity, an understanding of life. These abilities are often a piece of the expression our purpose, requiring us to realise our potential to really blossom into the fullness of our purpose.

There’s one thing I need to add to the picture at this stage, that is free will... while your Soul has a wish list for this life... the ways of going about achieving a desired outcome are many and varied... so your question of what am I here to do, really does come down to you. Clues to being on track with the expression and nature of your purpose are those are the moments where you feel so filled up and alive… you feel like you are shining. Or so at peace and in the flow it feels almost too easy. Or so happy and full that you completely give of yourself.

So don't be disheartened that it’s not a simple one liner that will turn your world around. It is a really is a meeting of the personality and the Soul... and depending on how well you know yourself, you will most likely have some idea of where you feel you have natural talent, understanding and confidence. You will also probably know the amazing feeling of freedom and joy when you do something you love. And you will possibly even be aware of the voice of fear that stops you in your tracks with doubt, disempowerment and criticism aka the lesson.... am I painting a clear picture here?

So when you come to me for an Akashic Record Reading and say what is my purpose? If your life is mostly ruled by fear, doubt and confusion, these limits may have made a complication around your potential and passion. Being able to recognise these limits allows you to connect and feel of your natural talent, deep understanding and confidence, which was present all along but just covered over as the carefree imaginations of the child found its way into the adult world. Finding what is attractive gives you energy, and will naturally have you expressing your purpose(s). Oh and by the way, these purposes don't always look like a job... it may be the way you parent, an artistic exploration, a social, environmental or educational contribution. But when you are living it, it will light you up, feed your heart and contribute something unique to you in this world.

And what I have to share with you from my own experience is, if you truly say yes, you will not be disappointed.



Early in my adult life, I had a clear sense that we are all on a Spiritual journey. Curiosity lead me to be an explorer, an experimenter and more recently a treasurer of the wondrous deepening of my inner relationship. Growing my ability to make sense of and engage with, what some refer to as the still small voice within. What really excites me about this, is while there is a vast amount on what to do and how to do it when it comes to personal growth and transformation… it’s when you are in the throws of fear or confusion, this, this is the opportunity to meet and really make a lasting difference in your inner world. When we can engage in the moment AND stay connected with our Soulful depth, it’s the relationship with our depth and our pain in the same moment that allows our awareness to be grown out of the darkness of pain and confusion and into the light of peace and understanding.

What strikes me about the authenticity of this process, is there are so many layers of life that we weave together, wrapped over time to keep us safe. Each thread a part of our consciousness arising to be woven out of the past and into our present, if we can just allow it safe passage to the light of our conscious mind.

It is from witnessing my clients and students discover for themselves, their deepest inner stories from a place of connection, and then experience the melting away of layers of self judgment in an instant, that has inspired me to develop a Spirituality 101 course. This course is being designed to help people EMBODY their own Spiritual Practise. So that no matter what is arising, in any moment we are able to feel alive and connected. To go beyond technique as a way to manage our pain and distress and discover that your own inner connection is indeed the most potent guide of your inner terrain, more than a mountain of self help books and courses can ever be.

Allow me to shed some more light on the subject…

If you have that inner knowing that life is inherently Spiritual, then learning how to integrate this knowing in your life can be like travelling along a path ... when we are connected and paying attention the way is smooth, the signposts are obvious and we feel like we are on track... however when our focus is diverted in trying to get our fix via the outer world, we can often feel the stress of the search - the path then seems to be paved with the fears of limit, lack, scarcity, comparison and many of the other usual day to day presumptions of ‘the way life is for us’. I know for myself, that even though I was earnest and invested in my Spiritual journey, some years ago now, I discovered that I had lead myself into a cul de sac of avoidance and resignation. And now I meet so many beautiful people with awareness - they know about themselves and spirituality. But who confess they are stuck or lost... knowing about these pieces but not being able to make sense of the life living within them. This disconnect tends to show up in our beautiful loyal bodies, our work life satisfaction and growth, relationships and intimacy and in the background hum of feelings and thoughts that play and colour our view of ourselves and our life.

A Spiritual Practise is a way of showing up and connecting with the Sacred in our lives, in ANY moment. It is the establishment of a relationship, one that with experience, naturally replaces the beliefs and presumptions held by our childhood self. This growing understanding of life gives rise to our own unfolding Inner Wisdom and Inner Nature!

Most of us have gathered our own touchstones of Spiritual Practise... engaging with our breath, self healing, yoga, wise foods choices, listening to insights that arise, and most importantly all those moments when we stop DOING and surrender into BEING, to be recharged and replenished from within.

The potential of an ENGAGING Spiritual Practise, is that your life becomes the place where you show up and invite the Sacred in.

I can only speak for myself, of a life aligned to my Spiritual Practise and the deeping that this has gifted…

The freedom and peace to enjoy simply being

A relationship with my body of care and respect

Feeling alive and on purpose each day

Following the outer ripples of my growth with understanding and integration

Feeling inspired in any and all aspects of my life, knowing I can say yes to those inner prompts, as I will be guided each step of the way

AND most importantly; to live any moment I choose in the depth of my Sacred relationship, which grows me more and more each day.

So dear ones, what is a Spiritual Practise? This is what I am going to teach; the touchstones to enliven how we live in our world with our bodies and all that we inherit and create. Teaching the foundations of awareness so that Spirituality becomes your Spiritual Relationship...




If you are curious and wish to be posted updates about this up and coming course, please get in touch, and please feel free to share with me your own experience and what you would want out of a course such as this.

Email me from my website


Until next time, may your breath flow through you like a fresh breeze unfurling your body into the blissful recline of relaxation.

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128 Vivian Street
New Plymouth

Opening Hours

Monday 10am - 6pm
Tuesday 10am - 6pm
Wednesday 10am - 6pm
Thursday 10am - 6pm
Friday 10am - 6pm
Saturday 10am - 1pm

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