Greenlight Nutrition & Wellness

Tania is a Registered Clinical Nutritionist and Health Coach focused on women's health and wellness. I love food, especially green food!

My mission is to guide and support women to achieve their health and wellness goals and live vital, empowered lives. I offer a holistic approach to health and meet the client where they are at, providing a welcoming and non-judgemental environment. When clients book in for a nutrition consultation, we start with a full case take to understand their goals in the context of their medical history, cu


Looking forward to diving into this!

Photos from Cell-Logic's post 21/05/2024

More great reasons to focus on a whole food diet 💚


How easy and delish are sautéed brussel sprouts? Nothing like their mushy boiled cousins, that’s for sure. I simply cut these into quarters, sautéed in olive oil with some garlic for 5-10 mins until browned, then topped with salt, pepper, parsley and pine nuts.


I was so dreading getting professional headshots done, but you made it super fun and so happy with the results! Thanks Sharlene 💫🪄


Have you tried guava berries? Yum! They are delicious!

I’m not sure how I’ve through life this far not tried the fresh fruit before, but I just met a very kind lady who gave me some from her tree.

With guava being high in antioxidants, vitamin c, potassium and fibre, it made me think how clever nature is in giving us the foods we need to support our health as the seasons change.

They are incredibly versatile fruits and can be enjoyed just as they are or in smoothies, salads, pastes, chutneys and jams, baking, dips, sauces and desserts.

If you’ve got any recipes you’ve tried with guava I would love to hear about them?!


Dreamy creamy vege curry 😋 I’m always trying to find ways to get lots of veges in to our day, in the yummiest ways possible. Consuming a diet high in a variety of non starchy veges is so beneficial for our health and it’s a core aspect of the GEMM protocol that I offer to clients wanting to improve their gut health and overall health.

This curry is just onion, ginger and Indian spices fried for a few minutes, then tinned tomatoes and coconut milk added and brought to a simmer, sliced carrots added and cooked for 5 mins, then the rest of the veges (mushrooms, eggplant, cauliflower, beans, courgette) added and cooked for around 15mins - so easy!

I’ll add chickpeas to boost the protein content for my pescatarian hubby and the kids will have it alongside a lamb curry (but could easily just do some grilled fish or chicken for them as instead).


Some of the best that Aotearoa has to offer….so so spoilt and so so grateful ❤️


I so love a simple tray bake for busy week nights 💚

This terakihi bake was so quick to prepare, really tasty and hardly any dishes to clean up at the end.

I started with a drained and rinsed tin of chickpeas, finely red sliced onion and capsicum, cherry tomatoes and paprika all tossed together with olive oil, salt and pepper. Baked it for 15-20 mins until tender, then added fish on top and baked for a further 10 minutes. Beautiful served with a green salad, fresh herbs and a squeeze of lemon juice.


Have recently been recommended this free online pain management course, which can be used combination with clinical nutrition and other modalities. May be of interest to those living with chronic pain, or those who have friends and family living with chronic pain.

Check it out at


March is Endometriosis Awareness month

🩸Endo is characterised by tissue similar to the lining of the uterus, forming outside of the uterus. It varies in the severity of pain experienced and the degree of infiltration into and distortion of surrounding organs.

Despite endo being a fairly common and serious condition, there is still a lot that is unknown about it and it can be difficult for those living with the condition or with undiagnosed pelvic pain, to get the support they need.

Endo is a complex condition and the best treatment options vary from person to person. A multi disciplinary, holistic approach may help to optimise positive outcomes, as this allows management to be considered from many different angles.

For example, a recent systematic review found that nutritional interventions such as a focus on polyunsaturated fats and a gluten free diet had a positive impact on pain perception among women with endo.

I love that holistic clinical nutrition, health coaching techniques and lifestyle support and advice can make such a difference to a potentially debilitating condition such as endo.


Feeling so blessed to have seen this magical place! What a wonder it is to spend time in nature, surrounded by fun and uplifting people.

After three days hiking this incredible trail, I felt humbled at the beauty surrounding me, the diversity of plants and fungi and the simple pleasures of a hot shower, clean clothes, crisp fresh vegetables and a comfy bed waiting for me at the end!


Happy International Women’s Day! Hope you’ve found a little bit of time today to do something special for you 💚


Mmmmm chia pudding 🤤 such a delicious and healthy way to start the day. Simply soak one tablespoon of chia seeds with 1/4 cup of milk overnight, then in the morning add your favourite toppings and devour! My current favourite add ons are high protein vanilla yoghurt, vanilla essence, sliced plum, almonds, pumpkin seeds and rose petals. A beautiful blend of fibre, protein, essential fats, vitamins and minerals to get the day started ☀️⚡️


On Tuesday I attended the Healthy and Active Female Panel featuring Dr Lara Briden, Dr Nicky Kay and Dr Stacey Sims - what a treat! These inspirational women are all experts in hormone health and are helping to raise awareness and understanding about menstrual and hormonal health, dispelling myths and misinformation and shining a light on the huge gaps in scientific research in these areas.

Massey University are undertaking world first research into menstrual fluid and what it can tell us about a persons health, starting with their iron status. How exciting is that?

For more info click below:

Symptoms of low iron include fatigue, dizziness, headaches, shortness of breath on exertion, heart palpitations, poor concentration and lowered immunity.

Iron rich foods include red and organ meats, poultry, mussels and oysters. Vegetarian sources of iron such as eggs, nuts, beans and lentils should ideally be consumed with good source of vitamin c to enhance absorption. 🥩🍗🦪🍊

Always seek a diagnostic blood test to confirm iron status, before supplementing with iron. 🩸


I just love this simple Mediterranean vegetable mix, the aromas waft through the house and make your mouth water! Really yummy for lunch the next day as well 🤤

Photos from Greenlight Nutrition & Wellness's post 17/12/2023

So blessed to share this amazing kai with friends last night, and pretty proud of my festive salmon dish which tasted divine. Leftovers made into a salad for lunch today really hit the spot 🤤😋.

Recipe :


Back from the most glorious weekend hiking with friends - breathtaking scenery, gorgeous food, fresh air, green light, vitamin d, cold swims, stars, belly laughs - so refreshed!


November is Diabetes Action Month and it's a perfect time to familiarise ourselves with risk factors for developing this condition.

The transition through peri-menopause and menopause involves reduced production of estrogen and progesterone which can reduce the insulin sensitivity of our cells, resulting in increased insulin resistance.

Insulin resistance increases systemic inflammation, abdominal weight gain and worsens menopause symptoms.

Left unaddressed, insulin resistance can develop into type II diabetes and is a high risk factor for the development of cardiovascular disease.

The good news is that there is a lot you can do to counteract insulin resistance such as enjoying regular movement / exercise, ensuring consumption of adequate lean protein and plentiful and varied non-starchy veges, minimising / releasing refined sugars, avoiding late night snacking, prioritising sleep, making time for fun and finding effective ways to reduce stress.

If you'd like some support to achieve your health and wellness goals, please message me. I'd love to work with you!


More reasons to 💚 vegetables and fruits!

New research has provided the first evidence that
bacteria from fresh fruit and vegetables directly and positively contributes to the composition of microbiota in the human gut. Further the diversity of the vegetables and fruits that one consumes, increases the richness of the diversity of the microbiota.

The health and diversity of our gut microbiome directly influences our digestive and immune function, our hormone function and impacts the health of virtually every other system in our body. For example, the health of the gut microbiota has been linked to gut disorders, obesity, type I and type II diabetes, asthma, mental illness, cancer, heart disease, allergies, skin conditions, ASD and chronic fatigue.

This latest research highlights the importance of
introducing a wide variety of fresh vegetables and fruits in the first few years of life, to establish good digestive and immune health and also shines a light on the impact of food production, storage and handling procedures on preserving the bacterial richness that these plant foods provide.

Wisnu AW et al (2023) The edible plant microbiome:
evidence for the occurrence of fruit and vegetable
bacteria in the human gut, Gut Microbes, 15:2, DOI: 10.


Anyone else planning to tune in to this tonight?

So pleased to see that topics like menopause are being talked about more openly.

The more we can generate interest, understanding and communication on topics such as this, the more women can be empowered to get the information and support they deserve.

Menopause. I am embarrassed by how little I knew about menopause before this incredible episode that we have done especially for World Menopause Day tomorrow (Wednesday).

Get this: 1 in 12 Kiwi women quit their jobs because of the symptoms of menopause. Personally, I find that shocking! It is just one of the reasons that menopause is one of the biggest issues we face.

Kate Rodger has led the most amazing investigation. And we are joined by Jenna Scullin who has been so brave in telling her story about hitting menopause in her early 30s. And a big thank you to menopause advocate Linda Dear whose amazing survey found that 1 in 12 women were quitting (and much more).

Everybody should watch this episode! We need to talk about menopause, we really do. 💜

📺 “Menopause”: Paddy Gower Has Issues. Wednesday, 18 October (World Menopause Day) 7.30pm on Three & ThreeNow.


Are you struggling with gut, hormonal, immune, metabolic, skin, cardiovascular, muscular or other health issues?

The G.E.M.M protocol is an innovative approach to improving overall health using nutrigenomic principles. Both gentle and effective, G.E.M.M. aims to restore and maintain the inbuilt defensive mechanisms within every cell of the body, progressively improving organs and systems that have been functioning poorly.

For more info about G.E.M.M. and how it could help you, visit or send me a message.


**Survey Invitation**
Endometriosis Research Priorities in New Zealand

Those living with endometriosis, their whanau and friends are invited to participate in the following survey for Endometriosis New Zealand. The survey findings will be used to align Endometriosis New Zealand's research priorities with the priorities of those most affected by the condition.

Participants can enter a draw for one of five $50 grocery vouchers.

Please visit the following link for further information and to access the survey

Qualtrics Survey | Qualtrics Experience Management The most powerful, simple and trusted way to gather experience data. Start your journey to experience management and try a free account today.


Kia ora koutou katoa

I've been meaning to create my Pepeha for a while, and what better time to do it than Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori?



Feeling a surge of energy and excitement with the start of Spring?

Research suggests that by initiating positive changes at key times that we associate with fresh starts (e.g. start of a new season, new job, new year, new day of the week etc.), we generate higher levels of enthusiasm, motivation and commitment to that change.

It's been coined the "fresh start effect" by behavioural psychologist Katy Milkman and you can find out all about it in her super inspiring book "How to change: the science of getting from where you are to where you want to be".

Keen to leverage off this new season energy buzz and make some positive health changes?

Send me a message or visit to find out more about health coaching, clinical nutrition or to book a free discovery call.

‎Natural Allergy Treatment: All about Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) on Apple Podcasts 17/08/2023

For anyone curious about MSG and whether it might be an issue for them, this interview with Jenny Bates (Naturopath, Nutritionist & my friend 🥰) is a fascinating listen. It beautifully exemplifies the value of a whole, natural, unprocessed foods based approach.

‎Natural Allergy Treatment: All about Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) on Apple Podcasts ‎Show Natural Allergy Treatment, Ep All about Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) - 7 Aug 2023


It's that time of year that breast health is particularly on my mind, as I've recently had my annual mammogram and ultrasound (how wonderful the kind and caring team at Auckland Breast Centre in Takapuna are!) 💚

I lost a very special aunt to breast cancer seven years ago, and it's this time of year that I also reflect on my beautiful memories of her💚

So I'm inspired to share a few reminders..

It's a good idea to perform self-examination at home once a month, below is a link to a helpful guide:

In New Zealand mammograms are funded from age 45yrs, although the Breast Cancer Foundation of New Zealand recommends having regular scans from the age of 40yrs (and maybe earlier depending on advice from your medical professional).

Ultrasounds are not funded, but can provide useful additional information, so this may be something you wish to find out more about and consider.

Nutrition and lifestyle factors that may protect against the development of breast cancer include:
- a whole foods diet (non-processed)
- low refined sugar
- high fibre diet (e.g. vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes)
- healthy fats (including omega 3 and olive oil)
- herbs & spices (e.g. ginger, turmeric, parsley)
- fermented foods (e.g. kimchi, sauerkraut, miso, yoghurt)
- reducing/avoiding alcohol
- regular exercise
- avoiding smoking
- maintaining a healthy body composition
- breastfeeding (at least 6mths if possible)


Struggling to make progress with your health and wellness goals?

Taking a little bit of time to plan meals for the week ahead is one of the best places to start.

During the week collect any yummy looking or inspiring recipe ideas and also start your grocery shopping list early in the week, so you can jot down things as you think of them or run out of them.

Towards the end of the week, check your schedule for the week ahead and match up recipes / meal ideas accordingly. Some days you might want to cook two meals knowing the next evening is going to be a busy one, or alternatively cook a large meal that can work for two nights.

Once you have your meals planned, check the pantry/fridge/freezer for what you already have, and complete your shopping list.

Organising the list into meats, vegetables, fruits, pulses/grains, herbs & spices etc can help you easily identify if anything is missing and help you get around the store more efficiently. Alternatively shopping online can be a great option for saving time and avoiding unplanned purchases.

Putting a little bit of time into planning for the week ahead can reduce stress and overwhelm, save time and money, minimise unplanned eating out and improve the nutritional quality of your diet. Having a plan might also make it easier for other members of your household to take turns cooking on some nights.

If you want personalised support to achieve your health and wellness goals, please visit to book a free discovery call or an appointment with me.


Are fidgety legs at night driving you nuts?

Restless leg syndrome (RSL) is characterized by the overwhelming urge to move your legs and can involve pain, throbbing and other unpleasant sensations that severely impact sleep quality and length.

RSL affects up to 15% of the population, with twice as many women affected as men and increasing prevalence with age.

Iron deficiency is a common factor in RLS, so accurate assessment of iron status and supplementation if required, is very important.

Pregnancy, thyroid dysfunction, rheumatoid arthritis, kidney disease, peripheral neuropathies and medications may also be contributing factors to RLS.

Magnesium is an important mineral for muscle relaxation and may be beneficial for reducing RLS symptoms. It can be found in dark green leafy veges, nuts and seeds, oily fish, legumes and bananas or taken in a bioavailable supplemental form.

Lifestyle approaches that may reduce RLS symptoms include:
- Warm baths (with epsom salts)
- Massage Regular moderate exercise
- Avoiding / reducing caffeine
- Adopting regular relaxation techniques (e.g. meditation)
- Gentle stretching before bedtime
- Establishing a regular sleep routine

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Videos (show all)

More reasons to 💚 vegetables and fruits!New research has provided the first evidence thatbacteria from fresh fruit and v...
Feeling a surge of energy and excitement with the start of Spring? Research suggests that by initiating positive changes...
It's that time of year that breast health is particularly on my mind, as I've recently had my annual mammogram and ultra...
Struggling to make progress with your health and wellness goals?Taking a little bit of time to plan meals for the week a...
Why visit a Clinical Nutritionist? 🤔



North Shore

Opening Hours

Monday 9:30am - 2pm
Tuesday 9:30am - 2pm
Friday 9:30am - 2pm

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