One Remedy

Im a registered homeopath in both human and animal homeopathy.


Today is world gratification day- tell me what you are most grateful for

Timeline photos 14/08/2022

These breastfeeding remedies are the best! I used milk flow with my third child and had so much milk I could even express some! My first two children I had to take medication, ate heaps of milk cookies and still supplemented with formula.

It's a very special time between mum and baby, so let's not let little niggles get in the way. Natural support is only a couple of sprays away!


Research: Homeopathy for Ear Infections
Last reviewed on July 11, 2022

Have you ever had an ear infection? If so, you’ll know the urgency of treating the pain and inflammation as quickly as possible.

Fortunately, homeopathy has the answer – even during the dead of night. All you need is a little knowledge of the basic remedies traditionally used by homeopaths for the problem.

Common earache remedies
Aconite napellus (Acon.)
Useful in the early stages of an ear infection, especially following exposure to cold, dry air. Rapid onset of symptoms. Intense symptoms. Person is restless, thirsty, anxious and sometimes frantic. Ear sensitive to touch. Worse at night, especially between 12-2am.

Remember: Rapid onset; intense symptoms; restlessness; anxiety; thirst; worse after midnight.

Belladonna (Bell.)
Often the right ear. Sudden onset of intense pain that may shoot or throb. Bright red ear or ear canal. Glassy eyes or dilated pupils. High fever. Often with headache. May become delirious in sleep, with nightmares. Hot head with cold hands and feet. Prefers the dark. Better for sitting rather than lying. Pain worse with light, noise, cold air, or being bumped.

Remember: Rapid onset; intense symptoms; redness; often right-sided.

Calcarea carbonica (Calc.)
Earache or glue ear that follows colds. Child is usually obstinate, pale and pudgy with a large head that sweats easily, especially during sleep. Anxious on thinking about unpleasant things. Often craves eggs and sweets or is sensitive to milk.

Remember: Obstinate; timid; pudgy; sweaty head or neck (in sleep).

Chamomilla (Cham.)
Unbearable pain. Anger and impatience with the pain. Demand many things but push them away when offered. Can’t be pleased – nothing will satisfy. Cannot be comforted except by being carried or rocked briskly. One cheek red, the other cheek pale. Earache may occur with teething. Worse at night and for warmth.

Remember: Cannot be pleased; anger and impatience; better when carried briskly.

Hepar sulphuris (Hep.)
For chronic ear infections rather than in first stage. Ear is extremely sensitive to touch of any type and cold air. May cover head or lie on affected side to keep ear warm. Pain often sharp like a splinter. Irritability or tantrums. Thick discharge from nose or ear smells like old cheese. Pain worse at night. Remedy may be needed to finish a cure started by Mercurius solubilis.

Remember: Older infection; irritable; sensitive to cold and touch; ‘old cheese’ odour.

Kali bichromicum (Kali-bi.)
Sharp, stitching or stinging pains. Intense itching or tickling inside ear. Thick, yellow and foul smelling discharge, often stringy. Irritable. Sweaty. Feels cold.

Remember: Itching; stringy or offensive discharges; sweaty; irritable; chilly.

Mercurius solubilis (Merc.)
For chronic ear infections rather than the first stage. Often right sided. May be discharge of pus that will be thick, burning, and have an offensive odor. Pus usually green though sometimes yellow. Thirsty. Bad breath. Salivation. Perspiration. Tongue flabby with imprint of teeth on edges. Glands or tonsils may be swollen. Sensitive to extremes of temperature. Pain worse at night.

Remember: Older infection; bad breath; flabby tongue; salivation; offensive discharges (if present).

Pulsatilla (Puls.)
Clingy. Seeks sympathy, company, and reassurance. Ear pain worse at night and in a warm room, better in open air. Worse for warm applications. Little or no thirst. Changeable moods. Thick, yellowish-green, bland discharge from nose if a cold is present or from the ear in advanced stages.

Remember: Clinging, desires sympathy and comfort, thirstless, worse for warmth.

Silicea (Sil.)
Difficulty in hearing that often improves with blowing the nose, yawning, or swallowing. Discharge of blood and pus. Smelly discharge. Dried crusts within the ear canal. Itching. Children bore their finger into the ear. Head sweats during early sleep.

Remember: Itching; difficulty in hearing; sweaty head in sleep.

A note of caution on antibiotics
The pain from ear infection and inflammation often starts in the middle of the night, limiting conventional treatment options – and should you eventually obtain some antibiotics, you might be in for a disappointment. Recent research indicates they are no more effective than simply waiting for the infection to pass.[1]

Research: A safer and more effective alternative
Four studies showed that homeopathic remedies relieved earaches and infections, and worked faster than antibiotics. Symptoms improved rapidly, often within hours of the remedy being given and without the introduction of new problems. One of the trials also showed that children whose earaches were treated with homeopathy were less likely to have their infection return.[2] [3] [4][5]

So what can you do in the middle of the night?
With a simple range of homeopathic remedies – all found in basic homeopathic home-use kits – a lot of pain and discomfort could be avoided. Parents and carers could learn to safely treat many simple acute problems such as ear infections, even in the middle of the night – and families would get a lot more sleep.

Some of the common remedies for earaches and ear infections are listed above. A link to instructions on how often to give a homeopathic remedy has been placed at the end of the list.

If you are unsure …
If none of these remedies seem to suit you or your child’s symptoms, please see a qualified homeopath for a better-matching remedy, and if there is any indication that the problem is more than just a simple ear infection, please see a healthcare practitioner for further advice.

Other resources
1.Learn how often to use homeopathy with acute problems such as an uncomplicated ear infection by reading How Often Should I take a Dose of My Remedy.

2.Read accounts of children treated at the Homeopathy Plus clinic for their ear (and other) problems.

1. McCormick, D.P, Chonmaitree, T, Pittman, C, Saeed, K, Friedman, N.R, Uchida, T, Baldwin, C.D. Nonsevere acute otitis media: a clinical trial comparing outcomes of watchful waiting versus immediate antibiotic treatment. Pediatrics June 2005; 115(6):1455.

2. Frei, H, and Thurneysen, A. Homeopathy in Acute Otitis Media in Children: Treatment Effect or Spontaneous Resolution? British Homeopathic Journal, October, 2001,90:180-182.

3. Friese, KH, Kruse, S, Moeller, H. Acute Otitis Media in Children: A Comparison of Conventional and Homeopathic Treatment,‖ Biomedical Therapy, 1997,15,4:113-122 (reprinted from Hals-Nasen-Ohren (HNO), August, 1996:462-66.

4. Jacobs, J, Springer, DA, Crothers, D. Homeopathic Treatment of Acute Otitis Media in Children: A Preliminary Randomized Placebo-controlled Trial, Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal, 20,2 (February 2001):177-183.

5. Randomized controlled pilot study to compare Homeopathy and Conventional therapy in Acute Otitis Media

NZ Homeopathic Society 27/07/2022

NZ Homeopathic Society Homeopathy Resources - Books and Articles


With flowers in bloom for spring means bees are out as well. Remember this remedy if you get stung!


This remedy is great for those mucus type coughs


I’m going to do a remedy a week that should be in everyones homeopathic kit. If you would like to order these remedies, send me a message. They can be purchased in liquid, tablet, or spray form for $25 each. There are 36 in total. If you want them all but dont want a large amount, I can organise a kit for you.
Remedy of the week: Aconite

Timeline photos 15/09/2021

This is my little angel with her favourite remedy!

Another precious addition to our Naturo Pharm family, Daisy arrived just before lockdown as well. Poor wee girl has been struggling with reflux, but fortunately her mum (our lovely rep Tiffany) is also a homoeopath and started giving her the remedy Aethusa Cynapium and she was smiling again in no time! How cute!


WELCOME TO WELLNESS WEDNESDAY. Try Homeopathy; Cinna is indicated for worms, given by pillute or through water supply and is safe for our FUR BABIES. Homeopathy can be used for acute and chronic health conditions in animals.

Disclaimer: Please remember your Scope of Practice, if you are ever in doubt, please contact your local GP or Qualified Homeopath. 

We are the grassroots one-stop-shop for Homeopathy books! Have you checked out our awesome collection of Homeopathy books for sale? See what books resonate with you! We have memberships too, it's easy, head over to our website and join us!

Have you been thinking about studying Homeopathy? Did you know the College of Natural Health in Homeopathy offers NZQA Accredited and Approved Diplomas in Homeopathy, studying is done online and part-time! To find out more head over to their website or enrol for Semester One of their NZ Diploma in Acute Prescribing with Homeopathy!

Picture credit: unknown



This is great info for parents!

Hello Friday! 

Did you know....? 

RSV is hitting New Zealand preschoolers pretty hard at the moment, our Homeopath of the Month from March has written a great article about RSV. If you or anyone you know who is suffering from this, contact Baraba Roberts directly to book an appointment! 

Head over to Barbara's website, where you can read this brilliant article.

Or here is the link to her page

📸credit: unknown

Disclaimer: Please remember your Scope of Practice, if you are ever in doubt, please contact your local GP or Qualified Homeopath.



Dr Lyn Thomson from Raw Essentials spoke about her views on diet and in particular, raw food for animals. Lyn explained that the food our pets eat may become an “Obstacle to Cure” in their overall response to treatment and general health. Lyn drew our attention to how trends have changed dramatically in the food choices we make, not only for ourselves and our children, but for our pets and the animals we care for.

The processed foods that most people feed pets is a relatively new trend; long before the introduction of canned and dried foods, cats and dogs survived unaided by humans. Cats and dogs, historically gained gained all the nutrients they required through consuming raw meat and bones, and by ripping and tearing at such food, they were able to clean and floss their teeth while they ate.

Lyn recommends a species appropriate diet as essential to the health and wellbeing of every animal.
While canned and dried foods are practical and convenient for pet owners, they also introduce grains into their diets. Cats and dogs struggle to digest grains and they don’t require them as they get all their energy from protein and fat. Many of these foods are also easy to chew and swallow, meaning cats and dogs don’t get the same dental benefits as a natural diet.

Lyn presented cases of animals whose health issues were varied and ranged from skin problems, gum disease, allergies, gut and digestive issues, cystitis, and arthritis. Many animals with these issues frequently display dramatic improvement after changing to a species appropriate raw food diet. Recent research confirms this trend and attributes many of the illnesses seen in cats and dogs today to low quality, biologically inappropriate commercial pet food formulas.

Feeding cats and dogs raw meaty bones as close as possible to their natural diet resolves many health issues and provide maximum health benefits. Lyn and the team at Raw Essentials offer pet owners uncooked meat that is both seasonal, and in the case of possum meat, has the added bonus of protecting our forests.

NOTE: While raw food diets are great for your pet, please ensure that you are purchasing diets that have been well tested and say that they meet AFCO requirements. While making your own diets can be more affordable, our pets do have many nutritional requirements that are not thought about. For example, did you know that wolves in the wild will eat berries? Things like cranberries can help to prevent cystitis.


Very good question!

On July 15th we’re launching a free short film telling the story of homeopathy, Cuba and leptospirosis - so you can find out more about the story everyone should be talking about.


So true

Did you know that homoeopathy is not only effective and risk-free, but also the GREENEST form of medicine on the planet? Tiny amounts of original undiluted substances, purified water and naturally fermented alcohol is all that is needed to make thousands of doses of homeopathic medicine. Furthermore, no animal testing is done in homoeopathy. This means that homeopathy’s impact on the environment is minute.


Allergies are Nothing to Sneeze at… with Homeopathic Remedies Allergies are Nothing to Sneeze at… with Homeopathic Remedies As we are settling into our autumn allergy season, and to most allergy sufferers freedom from this dread condition is literally


Great book for all the animal lovers!

👋 Monday Magic!

Here is our BOOK OF THE WEEK! "Homeopathic Remedy Pictures for Animals". 📖

This is a wonderful book by Vicki Mathison is only $90, and one to add to your collection, so be quick! 🏎

Includes, 60 homeopathic remedies for animals, portrayed with delightful cartoons and trenchant keynotes - studying remedy pictures has rarely been such fun! The New Zealand veterinary homeopath Vicki Mathison combines in this work a fine artistic talent with profound sensitivity for the nature of the animals and the remedies they require... 🐎

Head over to our website, join us today, and explore our wonderful range of books! 📚



Worth watching Vaxxed 2 (FULL-DOCUMENTARY 2020)


College of Natural Health & Homeopathy

♥️ Love Homeopathy? ♥️

Did you know ANYONE can become a member of the New Zealand Homeopathic Society? 🙌🏻

For just as little as $45 NZD, look at what benefits you get! 🙏🏻

Head over to there website and register today. 📚



Couldn’t have made it more simple!

Very useful little list for injuries!
Go sign up for my Can I Treat It Myself course to learn how to use remedies like these. :-)


Miranda Castro's Shop

Very interesting! Need to get mine to get over my lingering flu

a chemical compound in elderberries (aka sambucus) immobilizes the flu virus 😮 clever research study didn't use animals or people |


A great remedy and used in my house quite a bit

Pulsatilla - Pulsatilla Pratensis (Puls.) 🌸

The typical Pulsatilla clients have changeable moods, they tend to be soft, timid, sensitive, gentle, weep easily and often ask their spouse if “do you love me”, they can be dependent and easily influenced by others while craving attention, sympathy, desires and ameliorated by consolation. On the physical side, they have general aggravation from heat but crave for fresh open air breezes. They are generally worse between 2pm and 4pm. Headaches related to menstrual flow. A popular remedy for conjunctivitis, greenish nasal discharge. Fun fact, they crave buttery foods like whipped cream, cheese, cold food.
Plus so much more!

Disclaimer: Please remember your Scope of Practice, if you are ever in doubt, please contact your local GP or Qualified Homeopath.

Do you have a passion and desire to learn more and study homeopathy?

Head over to our website and apply today!


I’ve had people asking me what to have on hand if the Corona virus makes it to NZ- here are some options

This is Part 2 to my post.. link to Part 1 is at the bottom. READ THE ENITRE POST! Genus Epidemicus update! In this post, I share info from both sides of the globe! Keep in mind that homeopaths around the world are in the early stages of identifying the symptom pattern associated to Corona virus. The first reports are looking at the remedies summarized below. But we are still in early stages, and I will update as I hear of progress to the Genus Epidemicus.

👉🌏 I recently got an update from >>Prof. Aaron To (aka 杜家麟), president of the Hong Kong Association 🇭🇰 of Homeopathy and the Macau Association of Homeopathy.>Posted with permission from Aaron and his colleagues!>Since homeopathy highly individual, you should not rely on general statements about it's effect but should only rely on statements from your qualified health practitioner based on your personal health history.


Homeopathy works great for our pets and no placebo effect!

It's all about choices, but we've made it easy for you to select the right product for your pet's needs. Check with your local health food store or pharmacy today.


Merry Christmas everyone! Stay safe and remember Nux Vomica for when you eat and drink too much tonight!


For all the animal lovers out there! Here is great remedy for any rescue pet

Remedies in Animal Homeopathy Series

#2 – Staphisagria

The wait is over! I am excited to share the next remedy in the series from an amazing animal homeopath and teacher here at the college. See the link below to read more!


This remedy converts all the non believers when they see how well it works for their hangover!

Nux Vomica 🎄

A fun fact, this remedy is a great hangover remedy! With us getting closer to Christmas we are all overindulging in foods, alcohol, and coffee to get us through. If you are overworked but super competitive and driven. Your mental state is irritated, intolerant, and generally, have a short fuse with people. This leads to difficulty in sleep and causing you to be sensitive. This is also a go-to remedy for gastro cases, headaches, fevers, and flu. Plus so much more!

Disclaimer: Please remember your Scope of Practice, if you are ever in doubt, please contact your local GP or Qualified Homeopath.

Do you have a passion and desire to learn more and study homeopathy?

Head over to our website and apply today!



Our household recently had the dreaded experience of nits! It was first noticed in my daughter then we all suddenly became very itchy. Not sure if the other three in the house actually had them but we all went through treatment. I knew of a few homeopathic remedies that were known to help but I had also heard of essences working well. While my husband uses homeopathy, this was an area that he said “get the chemicals.” I couldn’t think of anything worse than putting terrible chemicals on my daughters head so I told him I did (nothing wrong with a bit of a fib).

I did a bit of research into essences and found that most were recommending tea tree oil mixed with a bit of lavender and added to a base of something like extra virgin olive oil. So I did this: 6 drops tea tree oil with 4 drops lavender mixed into 20ml extra virgin olive oil (the oil designed for essences, not the grocery store stuff, although this might have worked just fine.) I put this on my daughters head then wrapped it with plastic wrap and used my unicorn shower cap for a bit of style on top. We left this for 3 hours (recommendation is minimum 3 hours and up to 8!).

After the 3 hours was up we went to the shower and washed it out. We then applied conditioner and combed through her hair with a nit comb. I couldn’t believe the numbers of nits falling out of her hair, and some of them were so big! She had only started complaining of an itchy head and yet they were out of control! I gave her Staphysagria 200c morning and night for 1 week which is a remedy known to get rid of nits. I also applied tea tree oil, 1 drop, behind each ear for 2 weeks. Luckily we managed to get rid of our problem. The rest of the family used tea tree oil behind the ears for the 2 weeks and nothing else. Fingers crossed we never have this problem again but knowing how my daughter likes everyone elses hair accessories, we will be doing this treatment quite often!


Great poster!

There must be hundreds more. But here's 10 reasons to use homeopathy.


This is a great remedy for all our anxious pets around fireworks!

It's that time of year again that can often be more fun for us than it is for our furry companions. Be prepared. Supporting pet during times of stress, anxiety and fear. Has calming and settling properties.


Now this remedy I have used several times! It will be used a lot more with Christmas and New Years coming!

Hope everyone had a great labour weekend, rugby aside. Often the long weekends and various holidays lead to overindulgence in varying degrees, so be sure to have Digest-med in your first aid kits. It assists the body’s response to digestive disturbances and overindulgence while supporting normal healthy bowel function, so we can get back on track in no time.


Great turn out at Foxton Spring Fling! Would be better if the wind was gone but still a good day.

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