Happy In Health

Happy In Health

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Simply Massage
Simply Massage
Papakura, Auckland

Combining Naturopathy, Massage, Herbs and Nutrition to bring health and happiness together.


We often trip ourselves up on the road to recovery. It takes perseverance before it becomes habit. Triumph is made up of two little words. Try and Oomph. All you have to do today is TRY. Oomph can wait until tomorrow.

Winter Solstice Forest Bathing Immersion, Auckland, 19th of June | Humanitix 12/06/2022

Watch out for my interview with this lovely lady. I'm trying to get her to do a ceremony out in Waiuku. Will be a fabulous experience.

Winter Solstice Forest Bathing Immersion, Auckland, 19th of June | Humanitix The longest night of the year is a time celebrated by ancient peoples since time gone by. Come and commune in the majesty of nature during this Forest Bathing experience, led by Certified Guide Hannah McQuilkan. We will leave the busy mind and life behind as we meet the bare oak trees basking in the...


Happiness is just what we make it.


Fibromyalgia is a painful exhausting condition. There is a link between microbiome (gut bacteria/good bacteria) and whilst it's not the only issue it certainly is a big part of the picture.
Calling for people with Fibromyalgia for a study looking into the link between gut biome and Fibromyalgia symptoms.


Preparing Cinnamon for a Tibetan medicinal formula …

Cinnamon has a helpful supportive action on the digestive, nervous, respiratory, circulatory, urinary and reproductive systems. It also acts as an antimicrobial and antiviral. It’s warming and comforting, as well as being delicious.

In this post I want to outline how it’s viewed in Tibetan medicine. It’s known as Shingtsa (which literally means ‘Hot wood’). In Tibetan script this is written ཤིང་ཚ།

Its energetic properties are that it’s sweet, hot and astringent, as well as a little salty. It has a warming effect on the body and is especially helpful to counteract cold disorders of the stomach and liver. Its astringency makes it a good choice in cases of cold diarrhoea but it also means that too much of it should be avoided in those prone to constipation.

It’s a herb that may be included in prescriptions for patients with cough, asthma, toothache and nerve pain. It’s a specific to counteract the Rlung (Air) and Péken (Earth and Water) humours. It increases Tripa (Fire).

I’ll talk more about the western herbal medicine view on Cinnamon in another post. Cinnamon really has an enormous number of medicinal virtues!


The female body was never supposed to be smooth, firm and flawless. It was designed to create life, to host life, to feed life.

Yes there are many other amazing aspects to us all but underpinning our fight to retain a ‘figure’, is a whole network of genetics, science and an entire evolutionary process which wants to create, store and produce fat for protection and hormonal health. If you are losing a battle for slimness, do not for a moment think this is your fault. You are trying to blow away the wind.

Feed yourself well, physically, mentally and spiritually, and then enjoy your life with the vessel you inhabit. It’s a one shot only thing. Peace, laughter and acceptance are the best medicines around.

Author : Donna Ashworth


My husband sent me this. It's the only healthy food he will talk about. Not eat mind you. How do you get someone to eat healthy when they are hell bent on doing the complete opposite? Eating problems are on the agenda next month so stay tuned!


Mobile uploads 08/03/2022

Today's top tip!


Try it ... it works!


For the love of a tree..
She went out on a limb.
For the love of the sea..
She rocked the boat.
For the love of the earth..
She dug deeper.
For the love of community..
She mended fences.
For the love of the stars..
She let her light shine.
For the love of spirit..
She nurtured her soul.
For the love of a good time..
She sowed seeds of happiness.
For the love of the Goddess..
She drew down the moon.
For the love of nature..
She made compost.
For the love of a good meal..
She gave thanks.
For the love of family..
She reconciled differences.
For the love of creativity..
She entertained new possibilities.
For the love of her enemies..
She suspended judgment.
For the love of herself..
She acknowledged her worth.
And the world was richer for her.

Author: Charlotte Tall Mountain
For the Love of the World

Photo Artist:

Sister on Photo:


Just because.



1. Most of our life is spent chasing false goals and worshipping false ideals. The day you realise that is the day you really start to live.
2. You really, truly cannot please all of the people all of the time. Please yourself first and your loved ones second, everyone else is busy pleasing themselves anyway, trust me.
3. Fighting the ageing process is like trying to catch the wind. Go with it, enjoy it. Your body is changing, but it always has been. Don’t waste time trying to reverse that, instead change your mindset to see the beauty in the new.
4. Nobody is perfect and nobody is truly happy with their lot. When that sinks in you are free of comparison and free of judgement. It’s truly liberating.
5. No one really sees what you do right, everyone sees what you do wrong. When that becomes clear to you, you will start doing things for the right reason and you will start having so much more fun.
6. You will regret the years you spent berating your looks, the sooner you can make peace with the vessel your soul lives in, the better. Your body is amazing and important but it does not define you.
7. Your health is obviously important but stress, fear and worry are far more damaging than any delicious food or drink you may deny yourself. Happiness and peace are the best medicine.
8. Who will remember you and for what, become important factors as you age. Your love and your wisdom will live on far longer than any material thing you can pass down. Tell your stories, they can travel farther than you can imagine.
9. We are not here for long but if you are living against the wind it can feel like a life-sentence. Life should not feel like a chore, it should feel like an adventure.
10. Always, always, drink the good champagne and use the things you keep for ‘best’. Tomorrow is guaranteed to no one. Today is a gift that’s why we call it the present. Eat, Drink & Be Merry.

Author: Donna Ashworth Words

Artist : Bernadett Bagyinka


Let's change the narrative and make health our focus.
I have people that come to my clinic and it's the first thing they say. I have people struggling with Eating disorders to those that have a phobia around losing weight. I think I have seen it all. Life is there to be lived not to constantly struggle with what others see.
I would love to see people seeing the best of them not a ridiculous stereo type brought on by those that don't even matter.

JK Rowling // "Fat’ is usually the first insult a girl throws at another girl when she wants to hurt her.⁣

I mean, is ‘fat’ really the worst thing a human being can be? Is ‘fat’ worse than ‘vindictive’, ‘jealous’, ‘shallow’, ‘vain’, ‘boring’ or ‘cruel’? Not to me; but then, you might retort, what do I know about the pressure to be skinny? I’m not in the business of being judged on my looks, what with being a writer and earning my living by using my brain…⁣

I went to the British Book Awards that evening. After the award ceremony I bumped into a woman I hadn’t seen for nearly three years. The first thing she said to me? ‘You’ve lost a lot of weight since the last time I saw you!’⁣

‘Well,’ I said, slightly nonplussed, ‘the last time you saw me I’d just had a baby.’⁣

What I felt like saying was, ‘I’ve produced my third child and my sixth novel since I last saw you. Aren’t either of those things more important, more interesting, than my size?’ But no – my waist looked smaller! Forget the kid and the book: finally, something to celebrate!⁣

I’ve got two daughters who will have to make their way in this skinny-obsessed world, and it worries me, because I don’t want them to be empty-headed, self-obsessed, emaciated clones; I’d rather they were independent, interesting, idealistic, kind, opinionated, original, funny – a thousand things, before ‘thin’. And frankly, I’d rather they didn’t give a gust of stinking chihuahua flatulence whether the woman standing next to them has fleshier knees than they do. Let my girls be Hermiones, rather than Pansy Parkinsons."⁣


By Author : Sahara Rose


Naturopathy, or naturopathic medicine, was previously referred to as an “alternative medicine”. However, if you were to ask any qualified naturopath of current, you may likely hear it more described as adjunctive rather than alternative.

Amongst practitioners, naturopathy is defined as a health care system that practices holistic medicine. Meaning, it considers all body systems and underlying causes and influences of disease alongside all aspects of the person – body, mind, spirit, and emotions.

Modern naturopathy is a very much evidence-based practice, and most studies are focused on health sciences and highly research subjects. Naturopaths practice to the best standards and treatment of care in addition to ongoing professional development throughout their career.

For some, the premise of naturopathy may be difficult to comprehend, and this is often because of its encompassing nature. Naturopaths are guided by the six underlying principles underpinning the practice of naturopathy:

Vis Medicatrix Naturae – The healing power of nature
Primum Non Nocere – First do no harm
Tolle Totum – Treat the whole person
Tolle Causum – Treat the cause
Docere - Naturopath as teacher
Preventare – Prevention

We hope you will come along to journey and better understand what these principles mean and what naturopathic medicine is really all about...

To find out more about our courses feel free to check us out at www.spcnm.ac.nz or contact us at [email protected]




If only we had separate schools all teaching kids the way they learn.

Mullein For Lungs 14/07/2021

Mullein For Lungs The silvery green leaves and bright yellow flowers of mullein have been utilized for thousands of years in traditional herbalism. This gentle herb has been used extensively in European and North American folk medicine and thus has a plethora of folk tales associated with it. Mullein has been used tr...


If only it was that simple to go on holiday without your mind. I bet there's more than a few of you who agree.
If only it was that simple. Mindful or Mindfull?
My daughter would quote this little saying on a regular basis. It's what we say in our household when the world becomes a little crazy to remind us to slow down an just BREATHE.


We can use three statements to help understand working with and overcoming trauma;

1. 'There is trauma' - terrible things happen to human beings.

2. 'We can overcome trauma' - we are wired to survive. We would not be here as a human species unless we had evolved ways of recovering from that lion attack (or sudden loss of a loved one, or being abused, or being in an accident...).

3. 'Healing trauma is about meeting the body' - in trauma, old parts of the brain change how the body works. By paying attention to feelings in the body and learning to self-regulate we can reboot the brain.

The central message from trauma research is that humans are very resilient. We can, and frequently do, emerge stronger and wiser after being overwhelmed.



