The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

We are a diverse community of followers of Jesus Christ and welcome all to worship here. We fellowship together as well as offer youth and children’s programs.

*By Appointment Only Monday through Saturday*

No matter your story, we welcome you to join us as we all try to be a little bit better, a little bit kinder, a little more helpful—because that’s what Jesus taught. Jesus Christ can make you a better person. You can make us a better community. Come worship with us. Church services are held every Sunday. Visitors are always welcome.


We all have friends we’ve lost track of over the years. Is there one person who keeps popping into your mind? Sometimes that’s God’s way of telling us someone might need our help. You’re invited to reach out to that one person to share a memory, a joke, or just a hello.


“The Lord’s saving mercy is not dependent on lineage, education, economic status, or race. It is based on being one with Christ and His commandments” (Elder Quentin L. Cook, “Be One with Christ,” general conference, Apr. 2024).

Artwork: “They Were All Filled,” by Walter Rane


“My mom and dad both died of cancer two years apart. I was the only one left at home and felt very lonely and sad.

“I cried a lot and I remember thinking that I should pray to find friends to help me not feel lonely. I would go through my contact list and call people and pray that someone would answer and talk to me so I wouldn’t feel lonely. Heavenly Father answered prayers as friends from my church, my high school, and my childhood would answer and talk to me. They would also take turns taking me to dinner and plays and hangouts with friends.

“I ended up moving in with my sister and her family and my brother and his family. They are not my parents, but they treat me like one of the family and help me get to my job and other activities.

“Heavenly Father hears our prayers and doesn’t want us to be alone. He has brought friends into my life that means everything to me. I now try to be that friend. If I think of someone, I call them or text them. I tell people I love them. When I help others who may be lonely, it makes them happy and it makes me happy.” —Dustin


Even when we feel help is beyond reach, Jesus Christ never is. No matter what you’re going through, He can still the storms in your life and calm your troubled heart. As you let Him in, He’ll illuminate the darkness and replace pain with peace.

If you want to feel the relief that only our Savior can give, visit with missionaries from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints who can help you come closer to Him:

Photos from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints's post 05/07/2024

Sometimes we know someone who is feeling lost or lonely, but we’re not sure how to help. Swipe for thought starters on how to reach out to “the one.” And remember President Nelson’s words: “The Lord loves effort” (in Joy D. Jones, “An Especially Noble Calling,” general conference, Apr. 2020). Whatever you decide on, trust that God will help you in your efforts.


The Savior’s perfect love can magnify our efforts. As we strive to become like Him, we can consistently rely on His boundless grace.

“I know that when the Lord sees even a spark of desire or a flicker of righteous effort in our willingness to center our lives on Him and on the ordinances and covenants we make in His house, He will bless us, in His perfect way, with the miracles and tender mercies we need” Ulisses Soares (general conference, Apr. 2024).


“Ever since I got home from my mission, I really felt a desire to create places where people could feel right. I started a school because I wanted to create a place where everyone felt loved and wanted. The goal of our school is to give high school students an experience where they know they’re loved, part of a community and needed.

“The gospel allows me to say, ‘OK, this is the Savior’s job, and this is my job. My job is to love them no matter what, and the Savior’s job is to right all the wrongs.’” —Tyler


“We ‘hear Him’ in the words of scripture, but do we let them just sit on the page, or do we recognize He is speaking to us? Do we change? …

“I promise that if we ‘feast upon the words of Christ’ [2 Nephi 32:3] … the words of Christ will tell you all things what ye should do.’ We are Heavenly Father’s children and He is our God.” —Elder Ronald A. Rasband , general conference, Apr. 2024

Artwork: “And a Child Shall Lead Them,” by Michael Malm


There are times when we may face trials that lead us away from those that love and care about us. It is during those times when we feel the most alone that we can know with certainty that God never leaves us alone. For God is always there for us.

In Mosiah 23:10 we read, “After much tribulation, the Lord did hear my cries, and did answer my prayers.”

God, our Heavenly Father, is a loving and merciful God. He wants to hear from us, and He wants to help us. When we turn to God and allow His hand in our lives, He provides answers and blessings to all of our prayers. He knows us. He cares for us. And He loves us.

In what ways has God answered your prayers recently?


“A few years ago, I found myself struggling with loneliness. It felt like I wasn't living the life I truly wanted. I knew I needed to reconnect with my faith and bring Jesus Christ back into my life, so I turned to the Bible and explored different churches in search of spiritual nourishment.

“But nothing seemed to resonate with me until I traveled to Australia as part of a graduate program. A friend in my program sent a text to our group inviting us to church. Through a simple text invitation, I felt a sense of hope.

“Attending church and being surrounded by fellow believers felt like a breath of fresh air. I met up with two sister missionaries, and from that day forward, I found a deep connection with the congregation. They became my second family, providing me unwavering support and love throughout my time in Australia.

“Their presence was instrumental in helping me navigate the challenges of that year, and I will always cherish the profound impact they had on my life.” —Chelsea


President Russell M. Nelson is getting closer to his 100th birthday. Some have wondered about a gift. To this, he responded, “At age 99, I have no need of physical gifts. But one spiritual offering that would brighten my life is for each of us to reach out to ‘the one’ in our lives who may be feeling lost or alone” (Facebook, June 1, 2024,

You’re invited to reflect on the parable of the shepherd who leaves the ninety-nine sheep to find the one as you prayerfully look for ways to bring light into the life of someone who may be struggling. And to help inspire others, share a story of when you were the one and someone helped you, using the hashtag .


“It all began when I was diagnosed with a progressive lung disease. We were living in Mexico City at the time. Dealing with the diagnosis meant moving our family back to the States and trying to maintain as much normalcy as possible for our four children.

“It seemed like we were adapting to our new situation when, after a particularly busy time at work in early 2022, one of my lungs collapsed. Several doctor’s appointments later, and after a lot testing, I made the transplant list for a double lung transplant.

“I’ve always believed life is better when filled with experiences. This belief was really being tested by something I would have never chosen for myself or my family. However, through it all, God sent His angels in the form of the people around us. I saw God’s hand in my life, in how my wife, Anne, was supported, in how our entire community came together to rally around our family.

“I am a private person and didn’t want to draw on collective faith, but I learned that we all have our moments to be the one people pray for—that is what life is all about.

“Once, before the transplant, I went to the dentist. I briefly told the hygienist what was going on with my health. She stopped what she was doing and said, ‘Troy, can I pray for you?’ Slightly surprised, I said yes. I thought she meant when she got home that night. Instead, she started praying for me right then and there. I felt her faith lift me and comfort me.

“My double lung transplant was rough and scary. I am still not sure I fully understand the significance all of the support had, but I know my family and I needed it. Now, almost two years post-surgery, I am determined to seek the one, encourage optimism and faith for others, and give back to as many people surrounding me as I can. We are God’s hands.”—Troy


“As followers of Jesus Christ, we often feel the weight of representing something greater than ourselves, whether we’re in the spotlight or just navigating daily interactions. The pressure to be an adequate representative of the Savior can leave us feeling like we’ll never be good enough to properly share His light.

“My journey, particularly through serving as Miss Utah, has taught me profound lessons about Jesus Christ’s atonement. I’ve witnessed His enabling power give me courage when I feel inadequate. The Saviors atoning sacrifice has equipped me to use my platform to share the gospel, even when I was full of fear.

“Fear truly is the antithesis of faith. Being afraid can stop us from taking important risks. Sharing the gospel can feel risky. Making a covenant can feel risky. But Jesus Christ has shown me that His atonement is a divine hedge against anything we may lose as we take risks for His sake. God doesn’t mind if I’m imperfect. It’s my imperfection that lets me savor what it feels like to be redeemed.

“Because of Jesus Christ, I never have to wonder if I’m good enough. I know I’m not. And I know He always makes up the difference.” —Sarah


“When I was a teenager, I never fantasized about being a dad. I never thought that the greatest thing that would happen to me was because of my children.

“The love I feel from them is constant, it’s always there, which to me is how God loves us.” —Trevor


“When you bless a woman, you bless a family, a community, a nation. When you bless a child, you bless the future, you bless generations” — Camille N. Johnson, Relief Society General President

The Church has gathered eight organizations with expertise in child nutrition and maternal health. The Relief Society is leading the effort starting with this global collaboration to improve nutrition for 12 million children, and maternal health for 2.7 million women, and to address other critical health needs this year alone. The Church envisions an enduring commitment, with plans to extend this effort for years to come.

Learn how you can help at


The well-being of women and children under 5 is a major focus of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints’ humanitarian efforts.

This donation, part of the Church’s global initiative for women and children, will provide 14.7 million children and new and expectant mothers with key vitamins, supplements, and medications to improve nutrition and strengthen health in 12 high-need countries.

Global progress starts with nourishing children and strengthening women. When you bless a woman, you bless a family, a community, a nation. When you bless a child, you invest in the future.” — , Relief Society General President


“Fatherhood, I believe, is the most wonderful experience a man can have during his mortal life.

“I can’t think of anything that could be in the way when I have my Father in Heaven backing me up.” —Nobanza


“In the days ahead, when you pass over a majestic suspension bridge or even when you see a picture, with its soaring towers, I invite you to remember the two great commandments, described by Jesus Christ in the New Testament. May the Lord’s instructions inspire us. May our hearts and minds be lifted upward to love the Lord and turned outward to love our neighbor.” —Elder Gary E. Stevenson (general conference, Apr. 2024)


“We sing hallelujah and shout hosanna! With eternal power and infinite goodness, in God’s plan of happiness all things can work together for our good. We can face life with confidence and not fear.” —Elder Gerrit W. Gong (general conference, Apr. 2024)

Artwork: “Guiding Them Home,” by Yongsung Kim, Image courtesy of Havenlight


A remarkable milestone for a beloved prophet—and you’re invited to celebrate. Stay tuned for ideas on how we all can follow Jesus Christ and reach out to “the one.”


“I am soon approaching my 100th birthday. One of the places where the Savior used the number 100 in the scriptures was the parable of the lost sheep. Though 99 of his flock were safely by his side, the shepherd went in search of the 1 who was lost.

“At age 99, I have no need of physical gifts. But one spiritual offering that would brighten my life is for each of us to reach out to ‘the one’ in our lives who may be feeling lost or alone.

“Over the coming months I invite you to consider prayerfully: who do you know who may be discouraged? Who might you need to reconcile with or ask for forgiveness? Has one name been on your mind lately, though you haven’t quite known why? As you bring these questions to the Lord, He will inspire you to know how you can reach out and lift one who needs help.

“What a beautiful example the Savior has shown us—that through each of us ministering to just one within our reach, we can spread the love of Jesus Christ throughout the world.”

–President Russell M. Nelson


“Prayers are … always to be offered, according to the Savior Himself, to God the Eternal Father in the name of His Only Begotten Son.

“My beloved friends, our prayers are our sweetest hour, our most ‘sincere desire,’ our simplest, purest form of worship.”

—Elder Jeffrey R. Holland (“Motions of a Hidden Fire,” general conference, Apr. 2024)


“He is the light and the life of the world; yea, a light that is endless, that can never be darkened” (Mosiah 16:9).

Just as a sunflower’s face follows the sun from sunrise to sunset, turning its petals toward the source of light, so too should we continually orient ourselves toward the Son of God.

As followers of Christ, we can choose to bask in the light of His love and keep our eyes on Jesus Christ.

How can you bask in the light and love of the Son?

Artwork: “Caring for the One,” by Cortney Lunt
Image courtesy of Havenlight


You don't have to carry your burdens alone. Whether you’re struggling with anxiety, stress about your job, or sleepless nights as a new parent, someone at church understands what you’re going through. Most of all, Jesus understands. You can draw closer to Him as you worship with a loving community of believers at church.

Come worship with us! You don’t have to do it alone—missionaries from your local congregation can let you know what to expect ahead of time and then save you a seat when you’re ready to visit.


“Each person on earth is a beloved son or daughter of God. When we choose to be part of a covenant, it enhances and deepens our relationship with Him. …

“… Jesus Christ is at the center of all covenants we make, and covenant blessings are made possible because of His atoning sacrifice.” —Sister J. Anette Dennis (general conference, Apr. 2024)

Because of Jesus Christ, we can come closer to God through covenants, which are promises we make with Him. How can you keep your focus on Jesus Christ? Share your thoughts below.

Artwork: “Morning Solace,” by YongSung Kim, Image courtesy of Havenlight.

Photos from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints's post 22/05/2024

“I have a deep passion for painting pictures of people, so when it came time to choose a career, I considered becoming an illustrator. Interestingly, the chapels I attended during my youth lacked any paintings or imagery on the walls, not even of Jesus Christ. Despite this, I dedicated myself to being a full-time illustrator for 20 years, although religious art was never a consideration.

“I find joy in painting various subjects such as fruit, landscapes, and still lifes, but the human figure holds a special place in my heart. Towards the late 90s, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints approached me to paint some scripture stories. After two decades of illustrating, I finally had the opportunity to create paintings that truly reflected my passion for the gospel of Jesus Christ. As an artist with a spiritual aspect to my life, I relish the ability to convey my genuine and profound emotions through my artwork. It was like witnessing a sunrise all of a sudden; I knew this would be fun.

“Most scripture stories possess multiple layers of meaning, and each painting tells its own tale, albeit not always through words. Religious paintings hold numerous depths and hold immense significance for me. I cherish the chance I have been given to paint these true stories that help me and others learn about Jesus Christ and His gospel.

“At times, I may feel inadequate in terms of knowledge; however, emotions run deep within me. The reality of Christ and His influence on shaping who I am as an individual is what truly matters.” —Walter

Artwork information: “Light of the World,” “He Anointed the Eyes of the Blind Man,” and “Peter and Mark Drawing”


As you go about your day, you can find the simple ways in which God manifests His presence. Maybe it’s a gentle breeze on a tough day, a timely word from a friend, or the unexpected solution to a problem you’ve been struggling with.

These seemingly insignificant moments become subtle reminders of His unfailing love and care for you.

It’s as if He whispers, “I am here,” reassuring you that you are never alone.

Know that He who created you is ever-present in your life, “lending you breath … and even supporting you from one moment to another” (Mosiah 2:21).

What subtle reminders have you seen from God recently?


“Music has a sweet power to promote unity and love in the family … [and] to provide spiritual nourishment. It has healing power. It has the power to facilitate worship, allowing us to contemplate the Atonement and the Restoration of the gospel.” —President Russell M. Nelson, “The Power and Protection of Worthy Music,” Ensign, Dec. 2009, 16

In 2018, the Church began a revision of its sacred music collection to better meet the needs of a global church. On May 30, the Church will release songs from the new collection, Hymns—For Home and Church, for use in worship and study of our Heavenly Father and our Savior, Jesus Christ.


"12 years ago my son passed away. With time I have seen all the ways the Lord Saved me, He caught me. and the Atonement of His Son, Jesus Christ really does work in our lives to heal the deepest of wounds." — Jenedy

Photos from Russell M. Nelson's post 12/05/2024
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5 Taylor Avenue
Te Awamutu

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 6pm
Tuesday 9am - 6pm
Wednesday 9am - 6pm
Thursday 9am - 6pm
Friday 9am - 6pm
Saturday 9am - 6pm
Sunday 9am - 1pm

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