Soul Sisters KomBucha

Soul Sisters KomBucha

Soul Sisters KomBucha started her journey in 2017. The discovery of Rongoā & Holistic pathways has


Mōrena - Line up for next weeks VIBE - Opening Night - Now there ain’t anything quite like this circulating the Wellington dance scene atm. People are asking will there be another VIBE and the answer is Yes absolutely!! This is the start to a new VIBE being set on the scene💜

I’m up first - Hinerau Kahukura will be spining those decks and sharing her VIBE from 8-9pm💜

My boy WAYLO has a 2 hr set to show case his VIBE from 9-11pm💜

Mystori will be rocking her VIBE 11-12am💜

Then finally to take us out is Hape who is ending the VIBE from 12-1am💜

MC Antics will be hosting and doing what he does best💜

Appreciate everyone who’s tuned in and have shared the love💜

See you on that dance floor Whānau💜


❤️Those Beautiful Wairua - Soul Connection❤️



Photos from Soul Sisters KomBucha's post 11/09/2024

Out with the old and in with the new💋
You never know what’s coming round that corner, is it destiny or fate?? I’m manifesting the life I deserve, learning to love self after a lifetime of loving others isn’t an easy task but with intention and purpose those wheels are turning in my favour.

Add something fresh and fun into your vibe this Kōanga
Remember to value your worth and f**k the ones who don’t. Your the driver of your waka Wahine Toa, love for self first🔥


To all the Wahine moving through this matrix world and evolving - KIA KAHA - We gots this💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾

Keep shining your light on those parts of you that need that healing and love. Remember it’s ok to exhale and have that cry, you’re releasing that memory and pain. It’s ok to share your feelings and emotion’s that allows space for deeper connection and understanding.

We aren’t taught to release and let go, we are taught to suck it up and keep moving. Times are changing and the more we learn to talk, to tune into our self care, to exhale and to communicate our feels those hurts turn into victory’s. We can truly live authentically instead of the masks we present to ourselfs and others.

Be transparent, be raw and be wonderfully YOU❤️


To all the Wahine moving through this matrix world and evolving - KIA KAHA - We gots this💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾

Keep shining your light on those parts of you that need that healing and love. Remember it’s ok to exhale and have that cry, you’re releasing that memory and pain. It’s ok to share your feelings and emotion’s that allows space for deeper connection and understanding.

We aren’t taught to release and let go, we are taught to suck it up and keep moving. Times are changing and the more we learn to talk, to exhale and to communicate our feels those hurts turn into victory’s. We can truly live authentically instead of the masks we present to ourselfs and others.

Be transparent, be raw and be wonderfully YOU❤️


Manifesting the life that we deserve & want❤️
If it’s no longer serving you, set it free because if it’s meant to be it will always come back to thee.

Life has a f**ked up way of aligning you to those bigger and better things waiting, that journey is never smooth sailing but when we do the mahi & acknowledge our own s**t, that’s when things start to turn in such a positive way, the longer you hide the longer it takes❤️


Mōrena Whānau - Wicked News - VIBE OPENING NIGHT is SOLD OUT 💜Nga Mihi to everyone that purchased tickets💜 Apologies to others that missed out💜 There will be more to come so watch this space💜 It’s a little exclusive space with only 60 tickets that went on sale💜 it’s going to be a night of VIBE- Spining SOUL - FUNK - HOUSE💜

Looking forward to enjoying some soulful dancing and tunes with you all💜


Friday Reminders Whānau - You can’t ever be replaced or replicated - So many faces yet their is only one YOU❤️


The journey for what true love for self means isn’t an easy task, we spend all our lives searching for love from others when it needs to start with love for slef first❤️

If you’re feeling stuck or unhappy take a step back and think what can I do to create a different outcome??

Can I start something creative?? How can that support my healing journey?? Am I letting go of what is no longer serving me?? Am I serving myself and my highest good?? Am I loving myself first so I can flourish and feel within that flow of acceptance and understanding??

It’s up to YOU - Find those things that support your wellbeing and allow you pathways to move past the trauma and shame of those core wounds. Daily self care Whānau❤️


This is a goody - When we finally reach that place and realise that the other person’s behaviour had nothing to do with you, then that’s a big f**k yesssss moment…It means you have worked through some pretty deep trauma to get to a stage where you don’t lay blame, you are learning to shift the resentment and shame. You move into a space of unconditional love and your being fully accountable for self❤️

Not all people are given this grace either, but when you get to this point, exhale…We are definitely onto bigger and better things in this lifetime❤️


This is a goody - When we finally reach that place and realise that the other person’s behaviour had nothing to do with you, then that’s a big f**k yesssss moment…It means you have worked through some pretty deep trauma to get to a stage where you don’t lay blame, you are learning to shift the resentment and shame.
You move into a space of unconditional love and your being fully accountable for self❤️

Not all people are given this grace either, but when you get to this point, exhale…We are definitely onto bigger and better things in this lifetime❤️


Holding the right people accountable
Childhood Wounds - Where does it start and where does it finish??


We have the choice of free will - Finding those self care pathways that support you to rewire those negative thoughts into positive ones.
Release the shame we carry due to our core wounds and do the mahi every day❤️

Blessings do exist, I have to tell myself everyday to focus on the things I can change and leave the things I can’t & practice my self care each day❤️Each of us are on our own journeys of self discovery, it ain’t pretty either but it’s all part of our evolution, owning your s**t and taking accountability for how you are not what they did to you. Acknowledge everything because f**k yes it hurts and yeah it’s f**ked but they got work to do and reality is so do you. We all do❤️

I’ve worked out that everything anyone ever did me that was detrimental to my Hauora and knocked me out for a few seconds only brings me closer to what is meant for me and the greatest gift for love self first❤️When we learn how to love ourselfs and unlayer the trauma, it puts all that negative into perspective. Hard one to move past?? Hella yesssss the hardest, but we have to do the mahi on ourselfs Whānau, detach from those feels, yes I know how hard that is but the rewards we receive completely out ways those yuck moments and replaces them with those f**k yesssss moments❤️

Don’t allow the negative choices of another to take away the joy and light you hold within. Don’t harden or behave on that lower vibration, head up and know your Mana & integrity will always be intact, f**k I pride myself on that. That what keeps me where I am, boundaries are high and I value myself more than any man could ever value me. I’ve been working on this each day since I left and yep this takes time. We put way to much expectations on others, thinking that are our savours in this lifetime. we got this Whānau, it starts with YOU❤️


We have the choice of free will - Finding those self care pathways that support you to rewire those negative thoughts into positive ones.
Release the shame we carry due to our core wounds and do the mahi each day.

Blessings do exist, I have to tell myself everyday to focus on the things I can change and leave the things I can’t. Each of us are on our own journeys of self discovery, it ain’t pretty either but it’s all part of owning your s**t and taking accountability for how you are not what they did to you. Acknowledge everything because f**k yes it hurts and yeah it’s f**ked but they got work to do and reality is so do you. We all do!!!

I’ve worked out that everything anyone ever did me that was detrimental to my Hauora and knowcked me out for a few seconds only brings me closer to what is meant for me and the gift for love self first. When we learn how to love ourselfs first it puts all that negative into perspective. Hard one to move past?? Hella yesssss the hardest, but we have to do the mahi on ourselfs Whānau, detach from those feels again I know how hard that is but the rewards we receive completely out ways those yuck moments and replaces them with those f**k yesssss moments❤️

Don’t allow the negative choices of another to take away the joy and light you hold within. Don’t harden or behave on that lower vibration, head up and know your Mana & integrity will always be intact, f**k I pride myself on that. That what keeps me where I am, boundaries are high and I value myself more than any man could ever value me. We put way to much expectations on others, thinking that are our savours in this lifetime. we got this Whānau, it starts with YOU❤️


Welcome to VIBE - Putting the Soul & Funk back on Cuba - Come enjoy our opening night on the 28th September 2024 - 8pm - 1pm - Where S&M’s downstairs bar - 178 Cuba St, Wellington. Tickets $20 - On sale 2nd September 2024.

Dj’s spinning on the decks
💜Hinerau Kahukura

We have 2 of the best of Wellington Dj’s and 2 newbies in the lineup this round. With 2 of our old schools sharing the same birthday that night, so we will have a triple celebration happening.

Vibe is about taking us back in time to those Soul, funk and house vibes. That little bit of something different that’s been missing on the world famous Cuba St.

VIBE is also about acknowledging the Whakawahine & Queens that walked on Cuba st and paved the way for all Māori to stand proud in their independence and individuality.

Come check out the VIBE Whānau
ONLY 60 tickets available so you gotta get in quick. See you on that dance floor💜

I want to give a big shout out to for susing out our stunning promo and marketing poster, your a VIBE Bub💜Nga Mihi💜


Monday Feels - The Simple things that slow you down and bring you joy❤️ Self Care = Self Love

Photos from Soul Sisters KomBucha's post 17/08/2024

Mine and My Big Sons first Dj gig together celebrating our girl Nina Charlton 21st last night❤️

What as absolute Vibe Whānau, I’ve been on a new journey of self discovery these last few months. I’ve been so enjoying this learning space with my son & jamming at home. I’ve always wanted to Dj and she’s been one of my long term goals for years. Now that time has arrived❤️

I dropped some Soul, Funk & House and they loved it. Still lots to learn and discover about the craft. I was nervous as but I flowed playing alongside my son was a vibe, I felt cool as😎

The message this Mōrena is, If you want to do something do it. We limit our potential because we think we won’t be good enough, I reckon drop those expectations and give whatever you want to do a go. Life is short and who’s knows what’s coming, so don’t worry about your age or what others think. Do YOU, there is much to discover about myself and my new
identity. Fun times & new adventures to be had❤️

Photos from Soul Sisters KomBucha's post 17/08/2024

Mine and My Big Sons first Dj gig together celebrating our girl Nina Charlton 21st last night❤️

What as absolute Vibe Whānau, I’ve been on a new journey of self discovery these last few months. I’ve been so enjoying this learning space with my son & jamming at home. I’ve always wanted to Dj and she’s been one of my long term goals for years. Now that time has arrived❤️

I dropped some Soul, Funk & House and they loved it. Still lots to learn and discover about the craft. I was nervous as but I flowed playing alongside my son was a vibe, I felt cool as😎

The message this Mōrena is, If you want to do something do it. We limit our potential because we think we won’t be good enough, I reckon drop those expectations and give whatever you want to do a go. Life is short and we have one life so don’t worry about your age or what others think. Do YOU, there is much to discover about myself and my new identity. Fun times & new adventures to be had❤️


Through the challenges we find the Mana to carry on and find the pathways to support our healing from the pain and hurts done to us by others - When reflecting back and understanding where my core wound of rejection started I now understand the gravity in which intergenerational trauma has effected my life and the lives of others. The vicious cycle we live in and allow because this has been our way of living for generations❤️

Today I have a renewed sense of peace and happiness in my life right now, I am being guided by my Atua and Tūpuna to keep moving, to keep sharing and acknowledging my pain and healing so others can feel inspired and empowered to move through their trauma without the shame and sadness that weighs them down. It takes time and it takes determination to unlayer those memories and feels. I know it’s tough but whānau it is possible❤️Believe in you❤️

Have faith Whānau, trust that if your doing the mahi to make those changes that new amazing and beautiful vibes will enter your life and so many amazing opportunities will enter. Surrendering to what is and acknowledging your love for self first is a game changer❤️

Working on your self care each day, little bits at a time, it’s not a list of things that we do but it is a way of life - Rongoā Māori at its best❤️



Through the challenges we find the Mana to carry on and find the pathways to support our healing from the pain and hurts done to us by others - When reflecting back and understanding where my core wound of rejection started I now understand the gravity in which intergenerational trauma has effected my life and the lives of others. The vicious cycle we live in and allow because this has been our way of living for generations❤️

Today I have a renewed sense of peace and happiness in my life right now, I am being guided by my Atua and Tūpuna to keep moving, to keep sharing and acknowledging my pain and healing so others can feel inspired and empowered to move through their trauma without the shame and sadness that weighs them down. It takes time and it takes determination to unlayer those memories and feels. I know it’s tough but whānau it is possible❤️Believe in you❤️

Have faith Whānau, trust that if your doing the mahi to make those changes that new amazing and beautiful vibes will enter your life and so many amazing opportunities will enter. Surrendering to what is and acknowledging your love for self first is a game changer❤️

Working on your self care each day, little bits at a time, it’s not a list of things that we do but it is a way of life - Rongoā Māori at its best❤️

Photos from Soul Sisters KomBucha's post 16/08/2024

Nights Out In Wellywood🌟

Videos (show all)

Tasting Day this Saturday 9th September 10-2pm at Bennicks Egg Farm, 4 Bulls Rd, Levin
Those long hair & lockdown memories 2020❤️Soul Sisters KomBuchaMethod ManWu-Tang Clan  #soulsisterskombucha#smallbussine...


Walter Street ~ Te Aro ~ Wellington

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 10:00 - 18:00