BANANA00 is a Marketplace & e-wallet service provider that allows you to make and receive payments on offshore bank account and prepaid credit cards.

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Banana00 now offers UnionPay Prepaid Cards 20/03/2019

Banana00 now offers UnionPay Prepaid Cards UnionPay is the world’s largest credit card brand with nearly 6 billion cards in circulation – that’s more cards than Visa, MasterCard, American Express and ...

How can you obtain a residence in a tax haven? 01/03/2019

How can you obtain a residence in a tax haven?

How can you obtain a residence in a tax haven? Why is residency in Panama advantageous? In Panama, there is no obligation for a physical residence, you lose the residence only if you do not return to the ...


The BANANA00 Marketplace offshore e-wallet offers a new possibility for its clients: collecting their earnings through the Airbnb platform, the most-used marketplace in the world for reserving private housing. (...)

The BANANA00 Marketplace app is already available on Google Play - BANANA00™ 25/02/2019

The BANANA00 Marketplace app is already available on Google Play - BANANA00™ PAYOPM marketplace el sistema más fácil y seguro de enviar y recibir dinero sin necesidad de una cuenta bancaria offshore o de una tarjeta de crédito offshore

The BANANA00 Marketplace Referral Program, an interesting option for bloggers and webmasters - BANANA00™ 19/02/2019

The BANANA00 Marketplace Referral Program, an interesting option for bloggers and webmasters - BANANA00™ PAYOPM marketplace el sistema más fácil y seguro de enviar y recibir dinero sin necesidad de una cuenta bancaria offshore o de una tarjeta de crédito offshore

Banana00: freelancer marketplace 15/02/2019

BANANA00 Freelancer Marketplace

Banana00: freelancer marketplace Banana00 is the most complete freelancer marketplace with e-wallet integrated, offering services by professionals, for entrepreneurs who want to create their...

How to make money from home? 13/02/2019

How to make money from home?

How to make money from home? Check our offshore freelancer marketplace with e-wallet integrated, Banana00, which offers services by professionals, for entrepreneurs who want to create th...

Are you looking for a good marketplace? 07/02/2019

Are you looking for a good marketplace? Stop searching: Banana00 the new improved offshore marketplace


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PAYOPM BANANA00 is a Marketplace & e-wallet service provider that allows you to make and receive payments o


The Central Bank of Belize revokes the Choice Bank’s license
The Central Bank of Belize decided to revoke Choice Bank Limited’s license, in what has turned out to be an unexpected movement that has caused serious problems for account depositors, since Choice has ensured that, starting July 2, it will allow cash withdrawals to be made from its customers’ accounts.
The determination of the Central Bank of Belize, made known by the Governor Joy Grant, was produced six months after Choice bank’s problem began. During this period, the institution in charge of regulating the Central American country’s financial sector hasn’t adopted any measures!
In statements published on the central Bank’s YouTube channel, Grant clarified that, with the revocation of its license, the Chie Bank could no longer make international bank negotiations. According to this official, a routine control of the Choice Bank made by the Central Bank at the end of 2017 revealed weaknesses in operations and violations of international banking laws. In April of 2018, Choice Bank’s problems increased, when its licenses for activities linked to pre-paid cards were suspended. At the time, Choice Bank suspended withdrawal of cash deposited account holders.
According to Grant, starting from that moment, the Central Bank of Belize has received an enormous amount of e-mails, with complaints about Choice, made by customers of said bank, but THEY DIDN’T DO ANYTHING. Some even threatened to adopt legal means (the Caporaso & Partners firm). Choice Bank couldn’t present a plan that showed their intentions and capability to resolve this situation to the Central Bank. At the beginning of this week, auditors of the Central Bank entered the offices of Choice Bank to demand information that they hadn’t been able to deliver previously, Ms. Grant, the bank governor pointed out. We now have to wonder why the bank governor decided to take measures only after six months and why did she put the bank in liquidation instead of curating it. She wouldn’t be going to place her friends in the bank to make the account holders’ money disappear, now would she? If there was no action by the Central Bank of Belize during the six months of the Choice Bank’s crisis, why do we have to believe that now they’re doing it in good faith?
After analyzing the data shared by the Choice Bank, the Central Bank of Belize concluded that the actions taken by the Choice Bank’s proprietors and management weren’t sufficient to correct the situation; nonetheless, obviating Choice’s communications where it indicated to its customers that, from July 2, it would have enabled access to their assets. Then, the Central Bank decided to revoke its license and named a “liquidator”, Harry Hassel, who would be supported by a team of assessors, who would probably have eaten up a big part of the assets.
This “liquidator” will have complete power over Choice Bank’s administration. After liquidating the Bank’s assets, Hassel will distribute these assets in a supposedly “fair and reasonable manner” according to legal priorities, Grant concluded, who also clarified that the financial sector of Belize will continue t be as strong as ever.
However, the truth is completely different. The Central Bank of Belize’s little transparent way of acting has aroused strong criticism in the international community and among account holders. The manner in which it proceeded with the Choice Bank aroused many doubts about the banking sector in Belize and will undoubtedly result in a decrease of investors’ trust because of the obvious lack of legal guarantees in this country. We hope that the government will take action and liquidate the governor Grant who has sown herself incapable of complying with the legal functions of the Central Bank.

Cryptocurrency10 is the solution 20/06/2018

Cryptocurrency10 is the solution offers you articles about the trends of the Top 10 cryptocurrencies, exchanges and e-wallets; phone consultations with experienced in cr...


¿Cómo puedo cobrar en dólares en Venezuela?
Venezuela continúa atravesando una enorme crisis económica. La inflación anda por las nubes y el cambio del bolívar con relación al dólar estadounidense sigue depreciándose. El Gobierno ha fijado una tasa de cambio muy inferior a cómo se cotiza el dólar en el mercado negro. La situación es desesperada, pero ahora ha aparecido una solución muy efectiva para cobrar en dólares en Venezuela: utilizar la billetera electrónica PAYOPM.
PAYOPM es una plataforma muy segura y que permite la recepción y envío de dinero mediante diferentes formas, desde transferencias bancarias hasta giros, remesas con Western Union y MoneyGram. PAYOPM trabaja con las principales monedas del mundo, entre ellas el Dólar estadounidense y también acepta Bitcoins.
Para comenzar a trabajar con PAYOPM solo es necesario abrir una cuenta en la billetera electrónica. Existen tres opciones disponibles, que tienen en común que permiten la recepción ilimitada de dinero: una cuenta gratuita, que, como su nombre indica, es libre de costo y posibilita el envío de hasta 1000 Euros mensuales; la cuenta Plata, que tiene un costo anual de 240 Euros pero que facilita el envío de hasta 2000 Euros mensuales y la cuenta Oro, a un precio de 480 Euros anuales, con la que se pueden efectuar envíos ilimitados de dinero.
Además, PAYOPM ofrece a sus clientes la posibilidad de obtener una tarjeta de crédito Visa o MasterCard, tanto virtual como plástica. Con las tarjetas plásticas es posible realizar extracciones de dinero en efectivo, en la red de cajeros automáticos o efectuar compras en la gran mayoría de las tiendas online del mundo, mientras, con la tarjeta virtual, que tiene un menor precio, se pueden realizar compras de productos y servicios en tiendas virtuales.
¿Por qué PAYOPM es a mejor opción para cobrar en dólares en Venezuela? Con cualquiera de las cuentas que ofrece PAYOPM es posible recibir dinero en dólares o en las principales monedas del mundo, hasta en Bitcoins. Con una tarjeta Visa o MasterCard de las que comercializa PAYOPM es posible ir a un cajero y extraer dinero, en bolívares, pero el venezolano perdería muchísimo de esta forma, ya que el cajero hace la conversión de acuerdo con el cambio oficial que es muy inferior a la tasa no oficial. Entonces, PAYOPM encontró una excelente solución: el venezolano puede solicitar que PAYOPM le haga la conversión de los dólares recibidos a bolívares, pero teniendo como base el cambio que establece el sitio Dólar Today. Luego, PAYOPM envía por transferencia bancaria esos bolívares al venezolano que puede recibirlos sin problema en su país y el único descuento es la comisión que cobra PAYOPM por el servicio.
Otra opción que tiene el venezolano con PAYOPM: recibió los dólares en su cuenta y desea invertirlos en compras en el exterior, pero no tiene tarjeta Visa o MasterCard y no le interesa aplicar a una. Entonces, el venezolano puede solicitar a PAYOPM que haga cualquier compra a su nombre, con una tarjeta corporativa de PAYOPM y con el saldo de la cuenta del venezolano.
Primero el venezolano tiene que identificar qué producto o servicio desea comprar y en qué tienda online. Luego completa el siguiente formulario en PAYOPM y, de inmediato, el monedero electrónico, mediante una de sus tarjetas de crédito corporativas, efectúa la compra. Este servicio tiene el siguiente costo: 10 Euros fijos por realizar la operación + 3 % del monto total a pagar + el monto total. Todo esto se descontará del saldo que tenga el venezolano en su cuenta de PAYOPM.

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Avenida Samuel Lewis, Torre Omega 5D
Panama City

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Lunes 09:00 - 17:00
Martes 09:00 - 17:00
Miércoles 09:00 - 17:00
Jueves 09:00 - 17:00
Viernes 09:00 - 17:00

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