
Asociación Sin fines de Lucro, sectores de trabajo, Salud Sexual Reproductiva, Cáncer, Lactancia Materna, empoderamiento femenino.

Presidenta: Rosa Bernales Ludeña
Secretaria : Leonor Rocha Yauli
Vocal : Maribel Beizaga Barrera


Es un derecho, apoyo total a las madres lactantes.

¡Histório! Por primera vez en los Juegos Olímpicos, las deportistas que son madres tienen sala de lactancia. 👇

Photos from UNICEF's post 06/08/2024

La consejería en lactancia materna es exitosa cuando se inicia en la gestación.


Admirable, doble medalla

Esgrimista sorprende al competir en con siete meses de embarazo

Murió Erica Ash, comediante y actriz de 'Scary Movie', a los 46 años | RPP Noticias 30/07/2024

El cáncer de mamá no distingue, clases sociales.

Murió Erica Ash, comediante y actriz de 'Scary Movie', a los 46 años | RPP Noticias La familia solicitó que, en lugar de flores, se realicen donaciones en memoria de la actriz a fundaciones dedicadas a la lucha contra el cáncer de mama.


Lactancia materna, un acto de amor y cuidado. Apoyo a la lactancia materna para todos! Doble medalla para esta madre, ganadora olímpica

🎉 We congratulate Clarisse Agbegnenou, French Judo champion, for her successful advocacy work - athletes at the 2024 Olympics in Paris will be offered hotel rooms they can share with their breastfeeding children close to the 10,000 population athletes' village. 🥋

🧡💙💚 Clarisse said "To put things in perspective, I've decided to breastfeed my daughter until she's weaned. She hasn't yet, so I'm following her. I've made sure that I feel good physically, because of course there's an element of tiredness. But as a mother who needs to be very present for my daughter, I asked for the opportunity to have her with me during the Olympics." 🤱🏻🤱🏽🤱🏿

Image credit 📷 clarisse_agbegnenou on Instagram, from October 2022.
[Image description: smiling mother wearing judo kit sits on a bench in a sports hall breastfeeding her baby. She smiles broadly at the camera.]


Your milk is amazing. It’s just what your baby’s body needs. It provides the food your baby needs to grow and the immunity your baby needs to stay healthy. Your milk is important for your baby.

Human milk is designed with all the nutrients in the right proportions for human babies. It is a complete food for the first six months of life or longer. Mothers all over the world, eating many types of foods, have similar nutrients in their milk. If a mother is very malnourished her milk can have low amounts of some nutrients, but this is extremely rare in Canada.

Human milk is perfectly designed to meet the developmental needs of human babies. Our babies are born with only 25% of their brain power. That means that your baby’s brain will do most of its development after birth. Human milk has evolved to perfectly support your baby’s brain as it grows and develops in the early years of life.

When you or your baby breathe in a germ (virus or bacteria) like influenza, COVID, RSV, or the common cold, your body starts to produce antibodies. When your baby is exposed to a germ, the same thing happens. These antibodies enter your milk. They help your baby fight off the illness. As long as your baby breastfeeds, he will benefit from increased immunity against the many germs you and your baby encounter each day.

The “gut microbiome” is the micro bacterial community that exists in the gut of every human being. There are billions of microbes in our bodies. They change and adjust throughout our lives. The role of these microbes is known to be both digestive and protective. Breastfeeding until at least nine months of age increases the prevalence in the baby’s gastrointestinal tract of Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria. These species contribute to the development of a healthy immune system. Human milk contains prebiotics and probiotics that naturally protect the baby’s gut. Studies show that a baby has the best chance of growing up healthy by being breastfed.

Photos from La Leche League International's post 23/07/2024

Así es, la leche materna es la mejor .

FIL 2024: Edición Bicentenario | La cumbre de los libros 23/07/2024

FIL 2024: Edición Bicentenario | La cumbre de los libros Aprender a leer es uno de los actos más importantes de nuestra vida. ¿Por qué y para qué hacerlo? La historiadora Carmen Mc Evoy nos emociona con un relato sobre su relación con los libros.

Understanding Breast Cancer Risk Tools 18/07/2024

Understanding Breast Cancer Risk Tools NCI experts discuss how people can use breast cancer risk assessment tools to understand and manage their risk of the disease.




Felicitaciones al hospital Guillermo Almenara Irigoyen, por este reconocimiento a beneficio de miles de madres y bebés # hospitalamigodelamadreyelniño

La decana Obsta. Ginger García Portocarrero y el Consejo Directivo, felicitan al Hospital Nacional Guillermo Almenara Irigoyen por su CERTIFICACIÓN como HOSPITAL AMIGO DE LA MADRE DE LA NIÑA Y EL NIÑO.
Desde el CRO III LIMA - CALLAO nos sentimos muy orgullosos por la destacada participación del profesional obstetra en esta certificación ya que, la labor fundamental e inherente de todo obstetra es atender, velar y cuidar del binomio madre niño.
Estas acciones no sólo prestigian sino que enaltecen el rol del obstetra rumbo a cumplir 200 años de creación en el Perú.
Además felicitamos a la Jefa del Servicio de Obstetrices, Obsta. Carmen Guzmán Ascurra por su destacada gestión y gran liderazgo de un valioso recurso humano.


📢 Save the date for our free educational webinar in July. The expert panel will explore critical topics including the efficacy of against original vs. new types of post-surgery, diseases with solid evidence of for preventing recurrence, and insights from the NOVEL trial on optimal timing for protection.

📅 Wednesday, July 10 at 16:00 CEST (Geneva)

Register now ➡️

Photos from Ministerio de la Mujer y Poblaciones Vulnerables del Perú's post 26/06/2024
Photos from Roche Perú's post 25/04/2024

Isoflavones, weak estrogen-like compounds found in soy, may reduce the risk of breast cancer coming back (recurrence), as well as the risk of dying from breast cancer, according to a study.

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