Smiluxe Dental Clinic

Quality Care for your Luxurious Smile 💎 These core values of Smiluxe Dental allow us to focus on what matters most – you and your comfort.

Building relationships through a unique patient experience, and maintaining integrity through comprehensive care. Our goal is to change the way you think about your teeth. We want you to love your smile as much as we do.



If you wear a retainer, you might be wondering how to care for it. Your retainer sits inside your mouth and against your teeth, so it quickly accumulates bacteria, plaque, and tartar. 🦠

What happens if you don’t clean your retainer?
🦷 Your retainer will keep collecting bacteria, plaque, and tartar from your mouth while you wear it. Over time, it may even start to smell or taste funny if you don’t clean it often enough.

🦷While many bacteria are normally found in the mouth, when too many build up, they can cause illness.It’s a good idea to brush it out after each meal as well.

Just like you brush your teeth every day, it’s important to clean your retainer every day. 💎


Why is Replacing Lost Teeth Important?🦷

Each tooth plays a vital role!

They help you to chew and grind up food, to speak clearly, and to show off your smile. Your teeth also play a crucial role in the structure of your mouth and in relation to the other teeth. Leaving a gap if you lose a tooth can have serious consequences.

✔️ Replacement Options: Dental Implants, Fixed Bridge, and/or Dentures

Having a missing tooth can also be a risk to a person’s comfort because the exposed gums may be more susceptible to discomfort or sensitivity.

Being aware of what your options are as well as why they are important can be helpful for someone who is seeking to replace a missing tooth.💎


Smiluxe Dental Clinic is celebrating its 3rd
anniversary today! 💎

A gentle reminder to floss at least once a day for healthy gums. 🦷

We thank you all for your trust and support, and we hope to serve you even better in the future! 💕

Photos from Smiluxe Dental Clinic's post 08/08/2024

As we celebrate the 3rd anniversary of our clinic, we would like to take this opportunity to share with you the journey of our 2023 beneficiary of the ‘Pustiso Mula sa Puso’ program. 💗

As a way of giving back to the community, we’re committed to giving away a new smile for free.

This program aims to give an individual a new smile by providing not just a denture but a FULL MOUTH RECONSTRUCTION (including oral prophylaxis, extraction, & restoration).

We believe that every smile counts and we want to make sure everyone has a chance to experience the confidence and joy that comes with a healthy smile.

Stay tuned and keep an eye out for our announcement on our official social media pages on December 1, 2024, for those who want to join our program. 💎

(Photos posted with the patient’s permission.)


Smiluxe Dental would like to wish all moms a very happy Mother’s Day 💐

Mothers are often the primary caregivers in the family, putting the needs of their children and family members first. However, it’s crucial to remember that a mother’s health, including her oral health, is foundational to her ability to care for others. 🦷

Dental health affects overall health; issues like gum disease can be linked to other health problems such as diabetes, heart disease, and stroke, which can impact a mother’s well-being and vitality.

This Mother’s Day, let’s give back to the mothers in our lives by encouraging them to invest in their oral health. 💎


Dental Problems Do Not Get Better or Go Away Without Treatment 🦷

Common dental problems are often ignored or dismissed until we have our next scheduled dentist appointment.

Unfortunately, signs of dental problems can worsen over time without prompt treatment. Whether the issue causes discomfort, sensitivity, or pain there is no dental problem that cures itself.

Remember: Even cavities continue to get bigger. If they get big enough to reach the nerve in your tooth, your only options would be to have a root canal or have the tooth extracted. 💎


Have You Had Your Teeth Cleaned Professionally Recently?

Oral prophylaxis, also known as teeth cleaning or scaling and polishing, is a dental procedure that involves the removal of plaque, tartar, and stains from the teeth.

It helps in maintaining good oral health and preventing dental issues such as gum disease, cavities, and bad breath.

The benefits of oral prophylaxis include:

🦷 Removing plaque and tartar buildup that can lead to cavities and gum disease
🦷 Preventing bad breath
🦷 Helping to identify and address dental problems early
🦷 Contributing to a brighter, more attractive smile

As a rule of thumb, most people benefit from having their teeth cleaned professionally every six months, often at the same time as their regular dental checkup.

However, some people may need more frequent cleanings, depending on factors like their oral hygiene habitsand overall dental health.

It’s essential to follow your dentist’s recommendations to ensure that your teeth and gums stay healthy and problem-free. 💎


2024 ASEAN International Training Workshop on Dental Technology 🦷
Guangdong Somatological Hospital, Southern Medical University, Guangzhou, China 🇨🇳

We celebrate Dr. Dara Celine Remo's accomplishment of completing a training program in China. The course covered advanced disciplines such as Prosthodontics, Periodontics, Cariology, Endodontics, Implant Dentistry, and Orthodontics.

This achievement demonstrates her dedication to enhancing patient care and service. 💎

Congratulations and welcome back, Dr. Remo! 💕



A prolonged and frequent sucking habit may eventually cause crooked teeth or bite problems. 👶🏻

Note: The longer the habit continues, the more likely it is that your child will need orthodontic treatment in the future.

After the age of three, it is advised to discourage the use of pacifiers. But given the possibility of dental issues as well as the elevated risk of ear infections that come with continued pacifier use, It's best to start weaning kids off of pacifiers even earlier—between six months and a year old. 💎



Happy International Women’s Day! 👩🏻‍⚕️

We extend our best wishes to Dr. Dara Celine Remo as she represents the Philippines at the 2024 ASEAN International Training Workshop in Guangzhou, Guangdong China. 🇨🇳

Dr. Remo will be focusing on various dental specialties including Periodontics, Cariology, Endodontics, Prosthodontics, Dental Implantology, and Orthodontics. Good luck, Dr. Remo! 🦷💎



🚺 An increase in hormone levels during puberty can make young women suffer from sore or bleeding gums. They may also be prone to cold sores and canker sores. Sometimes these conditions correspond with their menstrual cycle.

🚺 Women taking oral contraceptives have an increased risk of gingivitis because of the progesterone and estrogen in the drugs.

🚺 Pregnant women are at risk of gum disease. When it is severe, it has the potential to harm the baby too, leading to preterm birth and low birth weight.

🚺 Women in menopause may experience dry mouth, altered taste sensations, and sore, sensitive gums. Menopausal women with an increased risk of osteoporosis may have bone loss in the jaw which can lead to tooth loss.

Discussing hormones with the dentist might not be something that most women would think to do, but it can be helpful. There may be things a dentist can recommend for various life stages and the dental changes that come along with it. 💎



1 – Reduce Risk for Bacterial Infection
🪥To ensure your toothbrush can affectively remove oral bacteria, make sure you’re rinsing the bristles thoroughly after each use and exchanging toothbrushes at least every three months.

2 – Worn Toothbrushes Aren’t as Affective
🪥After months of daily use, the bristles of your toothbrush will wear out and warp, becoming less affective at removing foreign matter from tooth enamel.

3 – Worn Bristles Can Damage Tooth Enamel & Gum Tissue
🪥When toothbrushes get worn down, they can be more abrasive, increasing the risk of damaging soft tissue and causing excess enamel erosion.

4 – Prevent Reinfection After You’ve Been Sick
🪥Bacteria and viruses that cause illnesses like strep throat, the flu, and the cold can live on our toothbrush, so if you’ve been sick, you should get a new toothbrush. Using the same toothbrush after you’ve been sick can increase your risk for reinfection.

5 – Avoid Exposure to Fungus, Mold & Microorganisms
🪥To keep your toothbrush free of fungus, mold, and microorganisms, make sure you’re storing it standing, uncovered, with the bristles up. Do not store your toothbrush in the shower or in a travel case. These high moisture environments make it easy for the unwanted microorganisms to flourish.

A clean mouth, after all, starts with an equally clean toothbrush. It is recommended that you change your toothbrush at least once every three months. 💎



Having an infection in your mouth, gum disease or tooth decay increase the amount of bacteria present and are common causes of halitosis. Having a dry mouth means that the bacteria are washed away less often, and the unpleasant smelling substances that they create build up in your mouth.

If bad breath is the cause of a dental condition, mouthwash will only mask the odor and not cure it. Don’t be embarrassed to talk to your dentist, they are there to help you.

Flossing daily and brushing your teeth and tongue twice a day can greatly reduce and possibly eliminate bad breath. 💎


DENTAL CARIES CAN SPREAD AND ARE CONTAGIOUS! 🦷 This is your Valentine’s day reminder to book your routine dental cleaning! 🌹

Cavities can be transmitted through close contact with another person who has poor oral hygiene. And bacteria from saliva can spread from one person to another when two people kiss. 💋

Similar to catching a cold sore, you can also catch a cavity by swapping spit.

The best approach to tooth cavities is, of course, a preventative approach. Avoid the use of shared utensils and brush your teeth regularly. By doing this, you help to avoid the spread of oral bacterium that can cause cavities to grow.

A CLEAN and HEALTHY MOUTH is essential for sharing smiles and love with others! 💎


Q&A: My tooth doesn’t hurt, so why do I need a filling? 🦷

Cavities aren’t always painful!

They form when tooth enamel is eroded away until a hole forms. As the hole gets deeper, it can reach the dentin and even the pulp chamber at the center of the tooth, but in the early stages, they usually don’t hurt.

While the best option is preventing a cavity from forming at all, it’s much better to treat a cavity before it hurts than allow it to reach that point. By then, a filling alone might not be enough! 💎



🚭 Quit Smoking 🚬

Smoking has a negative impact on oral health. Here are some ways smoking affects oral health:

1) Tooth discoloration: Smoking causes tooth discoloration due to ni****ne and tar deposits on teeth. The teeth may turn yellow or brown over time.

2) Gum disease: Smoking reduces the blood flow to the gums, making them more susceptible to infection. This can lead to gum disease, which can result in tooth loss.

3) Tooth decay: Smoking reduces the production of saliva, which can lead to tooth decay. Saliva helps to neutralize acid in the mouth and wash away food particles.

4) Oral cancer: Smoking is a major risk factor for oral cancer. The chemicals in to***co products can cause mutations in the cells, leading to cancer.

5) Bad breath: Smoking can cause bad breath due to the buildup of bacteria in the mouth.

6) Delayed healing: Smoking can delay the healing process after dental procedures such as extractions or implants due to reduced blood flow to the area.

Quitting smoking is the best way to improve oral health and reduce the risk of oral health problems. 💎


Dentures should be cleaned with mild soap and a denture brush or soft scrubbing brush! 🦷

Don't use stiff-bristled brushes, strong cleansers and harsh toothpaste, as they are too abrasive and can damage your dentures. 🪥

Dentures are generally made of an acrylic resin or metal. In contrast, natural teeth are made of enamel. Just like you wouldn’t use floor cleaner to wash your car, you wouldn’t want to use the wrong toothpaste.

Consistent cleaning not only extends the life of your dentures, but also helps maintain your oral health. 💎


Retain your radiant smile with CLEAR RETAINERS- the DISCREET WAY to maintain your orthodontic results! 🦷

1. Clear retainers are custom-made orthodontic appliances designed to maintain the alignment of teeth after braces or other orthodontic treatments.

2. They consist of a clear, plastic material that fits snugly over the teeth, similar to an invisible aligner.

3. Clear retainers are removable, making it easy to brush, floss, and eat without any restrictions.

4. They are discreet and virtually invisible, making them a popular choice for adults and teens who want to maintain their orthodontic results without drawing attention to their mouths.

5. Clear retainers should be worn consistently for several years after orthodontic treatment to prevent teeth from shifting back to their original positions.

6. They require regular cleaning and proper care to ensure they remain clear and free of bacteria or odor.

7. Clear retainers may be more expensive than traditional metal retainers, but many orthodontists offer financing options to make them more affordable for patients.

8. Clear retainers are not suitable for everyone, as some patients may have dental conditions that require alternative orthodontic treatments or appliances. It's essential to consult with an orthodontist to determine if clear retainers are the right option for your specific needs.

Retainers help prevent relapse by keeping the teeth in place. 💎


As we bid farewell to the old year and welcome a new one, it’s the perfect time to reflect on our dental health habits and make some resolutions for the year ahead. 🦷

1. Brush and floss regularly: This may seem like a no-brainer, but it’s worth repeating. Brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing once a day can go a long way in preventing tooth decay and gum disease.

2. Limit sugary and acidic foods: Sugary and acidic foods can weaken tooth enamel, making it more susceptible to decay. Try to limit your intake of these foods, especially between meals when saliva production is lower.

3. Quit smoking: Smoking is not only bad for your overall health, but it’s also bad for your teeth and gums. It can lead to staining, bad breath, and gum disease.

4. Visit the dentist regularly: Regular dental checkups are essential for maintaining good oral health. They allow your dentist to catch any potential problems early on and provide preventative care to keep your teeth healthy.

Remember, making small changes to your daily routine can have a big impact on your dental health over time! 💎



We would like to congratulate .sebastian ✨ Our Smiluxe Pustiso Mula sa Puso Beneficiary 2023 💎


Got braces? 🦷

Contrary to popular belief, braces do not make teeth appear whiter. In fact, braces can sometimes make teeth appear more yellow or discolored due to the way the light reflects off the metal or ceramic brackets.

While the elastic ties can’t actually whiten your teeth, they can make them appear white. You may choose darker colors like navy blue, purple and black.

Similar to the effect of lipstick, deeper and richer colors make your teeth appear brighter. 💎


SMILUXE PUSTISO Mula sa PUSO Program 2023 💎

This program aims to give an individual a new smile by providing not just a denture but a FULL MOUTH RECONSTRUCTION that may include oral prophylaxis, restoration, and extraction FREE of CHARGE.


Long-term health benefits of wearing braces include reducing the risk of:

🦷 Tooth decay: Braces help move teeth into proper alignment, making it easier to clean teeth properly and reduce the likelihood of tooth decay.

🦷 Gum disease: Straight teeth and a properly aligned bite decrease the chances of developing gum disease.

🦷 Speech problems: Malocclusion or a misaligned bite can cause difficulty in speaking clearly, which can be improved with orthodontic treatment.

🦷 Jaw problems: An improper bite can lead to jaw pain and temporomandibular joint disorders (TMJ), both of which can be alleviated with orthodontic treatment.

🦷 Sleep apnea: Orthodontic treatment can improve airway clearance and reduce the likelihood of sleep apnea.

🦷 Chewing and digestion: A misaligned bite can hinder proper chewing and digestion, leading to other health issues in the long run. Orthodontic treatment can improve these functions.

🦷 Abnormal wear and tear: Crooked teeth can cause abnormal wear and tear on teeth and eventual damage that can lead to costly dental treatments. Braces can help prevent this from happening.

Overall, orthodontic treatment can have long-term health benefits, providing individuals with a healthier, happier life. 💎




Antibiotic DON'T cure toothache! 🦷

You’ve probably seen in the news over the past few months that, as a nation, we are becoming more resilient towards antibiotics.

Our bodies are basically getting used to us taking them, and therefore they aren’t as effective in treating what they’re supposed to.

Remember, the future of ANTIBIOTICS depends on all of us! 💎



It is normal for your gums to bleed for an hour or two after a tooth extraction.

Pressing a wet, cooled tea bag into the area from which the tooth was extracted can help stop the bleeding after tooth extraction.

However, if the area begins to bleed excessively, it may indicate that your body is having trouble forming a blood clot. If this occurs, contact your dentist. 💎

And that's the tea 🍵



Crowns typically cover the entire remains of a tooth, while veneers only cover the front surface of the tooth.

When it comes to porcelain crowns vs veneers, there’s no clear winner. Both treatments can be effective, long-lasting solutions for dental dilemmas.

Ultimately, the best option is the one that suits your unique situation. 💎


Don't be haunted by CAVITIES this halloween! 🦷👻

Here's a teeth-friendly Halloween tip to prevent tooth decay:

🍭 Encourage children to enjoy their Halloween treats in moderation and to brush their teeth after consuming sugary snacks.

🪥To make tooth brushing more enjoyable for kids, let them choose their own colorful and fun toothbrush and toothpaste.

🥗Consider providing healthy snacks like veggies, fruits, and cheese to balance out the sugary treats.

By promoting good oral hygiene habits during Halloween, children can still enjoy the holiday while maintaining a healthy smile. 💎


Too much sugar leads to tooth decay and other dental issues. 🦷

👻 Bacteria in the mouth turns sugar into acids, which eat away at the surface of teeth. This causes tooth decay and cavities.

It is important to limit exposure to chocolates and sugary foods. 🍫🍭

Along with that, good oral hygiene habits, routine dental check-ups, and dental cleaning are important for keeping teeth and oral health in good condition. 💎



At first wearing a dentures may feel strange or the fitting could be tight! However, you need not worry because, after a few weeks, you will get used to having them on.

Here's some helpful tips:
🦷 Start by consuming soft foods
🦷 Avoid sticky/ tough foods & avoid chewing gum
🦷 Do not bite down your denture to force it into place
🦷 Balance pressure in your mouth by using both sides of your mouth when chewing
🦷 You may also experience difficulty uttering some words but with practice you will master your speech.

In case you have any issues with the fitting of your newly-acquired dentures then it is recommend that you speak to your dentist. 📞

Photos from Smiluxe Dental Clinic's post 09/10/2023


This procedure is a way to remove the damaged and infected material within a tooth to prevent further infection and bone loss.

✔️ Your dentist will prepare the area, access the canal and clean it.
✔️ Then, the dentist will shape the canal, fill it and then fill the access hole.
✔️ You will need to go home to heal and then you will come back, so the dentist can add the crown.

If you need a root canal, it is important to act quickly, so your dentist can save the tooth. 💎

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Monthly Adjustment Dilemma? 🦷 "Doc kayo na pong bahala!" Say no more! Spin it and we gotchu! 😉Smiluxe Dental Clinic 💎
Happy 1st ANNIVERSARY! 🎉We've got something exciting to announce! Stay tuned! 💎




#28 Marcos Highway

Opening Hours

Monday 10am - 8pm
Tuesday 10am - 8pm
Wednesday 10am - 8pm
Thursday 10am - 8pm
Friday 10am - 8pm
Saturday 10am - 8pm
Sunday 10am - 8pm

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