Bridge Culture Inc.
We are an online language school that was established in 2013. Our students are mainly Japanese people who want to improve their English skills.
We need teachers who have a passion and a teaching skill in order to lead the students to the next step.
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To our dear applicants,
We'll be closed on August 13, 14, and 15, 2024. Sorry for the inconvenience.
We'll resume accepting applicants on August 16, 2024. Thank you!
The Philippines celebrates, "Buwan ng Wika" for the whole month of August (National Language Month). This celebration holds a theme each year that varies depending on the focus of the year's celebration.
Of course, it's always a part of our worthwhile experience from our childhood until our teenage years, joining programs and activities in our schools that involve loving and promoting our very own language, the Filipino language.
A few of the contests and activities we wouldn't miss are:
1. Balagtasan (debate or discourse)
2. Lakambini at Lakandiwa (King and queen)
3. Folk Dance (sayawing pambayan or katutubong sayaw)
4. Deklamasyon (declamation or speech contest)
5. Paggawa ng Poster (Poster making)
6. Sanaysay (writing contest)
7. Sabayang Pagbigkas (speech choir)
8. Larong Pinoy (pinoy outdoor/indoor games like "patintero" and "tumbang preso")
9. Folk Songs (singing contest)
10. Katutubong kasuotan (native and traditional costumes)
Do you still remember the contest you joined during those times?
Tanabata: Japan's Star Festival
It is a traditional Japanese celebration held on July 7th of each year. It originates from a Chinese legend about two star-crossed lovers, Orihime (Vega) and Hikoboshi (Altair), who are separated by the Milky Way. It is believed that the two can only meet once a year, on this very day. Japanese people commonly celebrate this event by writing their wishes on colorful paper strips called Tanzaku and hanging them on bamboo branches. Some schools or houses put up bamboo decorations adorned with vibrant papers. This festivity is held in many places, and the streets are crowded with parades, traditional dances, and musical performances. Special foods like Somen, or thin noodles, are also served during the said festival.
If you had a Tanzaku paper, what would you wish for?
The Philippines annually celebrates Nutrition Month every July. The celebration aims to promote the importance of eating healthy foods and living a healthy lifestyle. Usually, this highlights the consumption of a variety of fruits and vegetables that are available in the backyards of schools and homes. The celebration has its theme every year to provide a fresh perspective and renewed focus for each event. Themes and slogans help to unify the participants around a common idea, inspire creativity, and add a sense of excitement and anticipation.
Common barangay and school activities:
1. Students' parade of vegetables and fruits done during the opening and closing part of the celebration;
2. Feeding programs are one of the weekly options of the school;
3. Gardening and planting of vegetables in the school backyards;
4. Canteens and lunch rooms in schools make healthy foods available;
5. Poster making and slogan making contests in schools; and
6. Outreach program - conduct seminars and health awareness on healthy eating habits vs poor and unhealthy eating habits especially to children
Start to eat healthy and live healthy. Spread the good news everyone!
To our dear applicants,
We'll be closed on May 3, 4, and 5, 2024.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
We will resume accepting applicants on May 6, 2024.
Thank you.
Click the link below to start your application now!
Click the link below to start your application now!
Click the link below to start your application now!
FULL TIME & PART TIME (OFFICE BASED) âŒDetails We are an online English school that was established in 2013. Our students are mainly Japanese children whose English level is âBeginnerâ. We need teachers who are good with children and are passionate! âŒQualifications â¡ Excellent communication skills in both written and spoken En...
Click the link below to start your application now!
âŒWe're hiring
âŒHow to apply
â¡ Please submit this form. We will send you an email.
âŒWe're hiring
âŒWorking time
â¡ FULL TIMEïŒ2:30pm to 10pm (7 hours of work and 30 min. break)
â¡ PART TIMEïŒ4pm to 8pm or 6pm to 10pm (4 hours, no break)
â¡ New year days, Sinulog, Christmas, and so on are holidays.
âŒHow to apply
â¡ Please submit this form. We will send you a message.
âŒOffice Location
â¡16th floor, Gagfa IT Center, F. Cabahug St. Kasambagan, Cebu City, Cebu. Along F.Cabahug Street, in front of KFC, next to Sykes building
ãJob ApplicationãBRIDGE CULTURE INC. âŒDetails We are an online English school that was established in 2013. Our students are mainly Japanese children whose English level is âBeginnerâ. We need teachers who are good with children and are passionate! âŒQualifications â¡ Excellent communication skills in both written and spoken En...
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âŒWorking days & time (Basically)
â¡ Monday to Saturday
â¡ 2:30pm to 10pm (7 hour of work and 30 min. break)
â¡ New year days, Sinulog, Christmas and so on are holidays.
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ãJob ApplicationãBRIDGE CULTURE INC. âŒDetails We are an online English school that was established in 2013. Our students are mainly Japanese children whose English level is âBeginnerâ. We need teachers who are good with children and are passionate! âŒQualifications â¡ Excellent communication skills in both written and spoken En...
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ãJob ApplicationãBRIDGE CULTURE INC. âŒDetails We are an online English school that was established in 2013. Our students are mainly Japanese children whose English level is âBeginnerâ. We need teachers who are good with children and are passionate! âŒQualifications â¡ Excellent communication skills in both written and spoken En...
âŒWe're hiring!
We are an online English school that was established in 2013. Our students are mainly Japanese children whose English level is âBeginnerâ. We need teachers who are good with children and are passionate!
â¡Excellent communication skills in both written and spoken English and familiar with grammar
â¡Willing to be trained
â¡Must keep good attendance (No tardiness, no absence)
âŒWorking days & time (Basically)
â¡(Fixed Schedule) Monday to Saturday
â¡1:30pm to 9pm (7 hour of work and 30 min. break)
â¡New year days, Sinulog, Christmas and so on are holidays.
âŒIncentives, Benefits and Allowance
â¡ Service Incentive Leave
â¡Government benefits (SSS, PhilHealth, Pag-IBIG)
â¡Perfect attendance incentive
â¡Performance incentive (Half year assessment incentive)
â¡Bachelorâs Degree in Education incentive
â¡Continuous Yearsâ Incentive (depending on how many years you work here)
â¡Afternoon Shift Incentive
â¡English Qualification Exams Certificate incentive
â¡Transportation fee or free company shuttle service
â¡Additional allowance in the event that you reached a certain English level check test result
â¡Lesson incentive
âŒCareer Development:
â¡Can get the chance to go to Japan to interact with Japanese students (All-expense paid by the company.)
â¡English Qualification Exams such as IELTS (Examination fee will be paid by the company.)
â¡Can undergo TESOL course
â¡FREE e-learning training (Japanese Language and English grammar)
â¡Career Advancement
âŒHow to apply
Please apply through Facebook. We will send you a message. Or please visit us from 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM except weekends and holidays. â»Bring your resume with 2x2 picture and 1 valid ID card to enter GAGFA building
âŒEmployee benefits:
â¡Can learn Japanese language for free
â¡Big canteen space
â¡16th floor, Gagfa IT Center, F. Cabahug St. Kasambagan, Cebu City, Cebu. Along F.Cabahug Street, in front of KFC, next to Sykes buildi
We are an online English school that was established in 2013. Our students are mainly Japanese children whose English level is âBeginnerâ. We need teachers who are good with children and are passionate!
â¡Excellent communication skills in both written and spoken English and familiar with grammar
â¡Willing to be trained
â¡Must keep good attendance (No tardiness, no absence)
âŒWorking days & time (Basically)
â¡(Fixed Schedule) Monday to Saturday
â¡1:30pm to 9pm (7 hour of work and 30 min. break)
â¡New year days, Sinulog, Christmas and so on are holidays.
âŒIncentives, Benefits and Allowance
â¡ Service Incentive Leave
â¡Government benefits (SSS, PhilHealth, Pag-IBIG)
â¡Perfect attendance incentive
â¡Performance incentive (Half year assessment incentive)
â¡Bachelorâs Degree in Education incentive
â¡Continuous Yearsâ Incentive (depending on how many years you work here)
â¡Afternoon Shift Incentive
â¡English Qualification Exams Certificate incentive
â¡Transportation fee or free company shuttle service
â¡Additional allowance in the event that you reached a certain English level check test result
â¡Lesson incentive
âŒCareer Development:
â¡Can get the chance to go to Japan to interact with Japanese students (All-expense paid by the company.)
â¡English Qualification Exams such as IELTS (Examination fee will be paid by the company.)
â¡Can undergo TESOL course
â¡FREE e-learning training (Japanese Language and English grammar)
â¡Career Advancement
âŒHow to apply
Please apply through Facebook. We will send you a message. Or please visit us from 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM except weekends and holidays. â»Bring your resume with 2x2 picture and 1 valid ID card to enter GAGFA building
âŒEmployee benefits:
â¡Can learn Japanese language for free
â¡Big canteen space
â¡16th floor, Gagfa IT Center, F. Cabahug St. Kasambagan, Cebu City, Cebu. Along F.Cabahug Street, in front of KFC, next to Sykes building
We are an online English school that was established in 2013. Our students are mainly Japanese children whose English level is âBeginnerâ. We need teachers who are good with children and are passionate!
ï Excellent communication skills in both written and spoken English and familiar with grammar
ï Willing to be trained
ï Must keep good attendance (No tardiness, no absence)
âŒWorking days & time (Basically)
ï (Fixed Schedule) Monday to Saturday
ï 1:30pm to 9pm (7 hour of work and 30 min. break)
ï New year days, Sinulog, Christmas and so on are holidays.
âŒIncentives, Benefits and Allowance
ï Service Incentive Leave
ï Government benefits (SSS, PhilHealth, Pag-IBIG)
ï Perfect attendance incentive
ï Performance incentive (Half year assessment incentive)
ï Bachelorâs Degree in Education incentive
ï Continuous Yearsâ Incentive (depending on how many years you work here)
ï Afternoon Shift Incentive
ï English Qualification Exams Certificate incentive
ï Transportation fee or free company shuttle service
ï Additional allowance in the event that you reached a certain English level check test result
âŒCareer Development:
ï Can get the chance to go to Japan to interact with Japanese students (All-expense paid by the company.)
ï English Qualification Exams such as IELTS (Examination fee will be paid by the company.)
ï Can undergo TESOL course
ï FREE e-learning training (Japanese Language and English grammar)
ï Career Advancement
âŒHow to apply
âŒEmployee benefits:
ï Can learn Japanese language for free
ï Big canteen space
ï 16th floor, Gagfa IT Center, F. Cabahug St. Kasambagan, Cebu City, Cebu. Along F.Cabahug Street, in front of KFC, next to Sykes building
Dear applicants,
Applications in Bridge Culture Inc. are put on hold on the following days:
We will be unable to cater to your applications. Thank you for your understanding.
We are an online English school that was established in 2013. Our students are mainly Japanese children whose English level is âBeginnerâ. We need teachers who are good with children and are passionate!
ï Excellent communication skills in both written and spoken English and familiar with grammar
ï Willing to be trained
ï Must keep good attendance (No tardiness, no absence)
âŒWorking days & time (Basically)
ï (Fixed Schedule) Monday to Saturday
ï 1:30pm to 9pm (7 hour of work and 30 min. break)
ï New year days, Sinulog, Christmas and so on are holidays.
âŒIncentives, Benefits and Allowance
ï Service Incentive Leave
ï Government benefits (SSS, PhilHealth, Pag-IBIG)
ï Perfect attendance incentive
ï Performance incentive (Half year assessment incentive)
ï Bachelorâs Degree in Education incentive
ï Continuous Yearsâ Incentive (depending on how many years you work here)
ï Afternoon Shift Incentive
ï English Qualification Exams Certificate incentive
ï Transportation fee or free company shuttle service
ï Additional allowance in the event that you reached a certain English level check test result
âŒCareer Development:
ï Can get the chance to go to Japan to interact with Japanese students (All-expense paid by the company.)
ï English Qualification Exams such as IELTS (Examination fee will be paid by the company.)
ï Can undergo TESOL course
ï FREE e-learning training (Japanese Language and English grammar)
ï Career Advancement
âŒHow to apply
âŒEmployee benefits:
ï Can learn Japanese language for free
ï Big canteen space
ï 16th floor, Gagfa IT Center, F. Cabahug St. Kasambagan, Cebu City, Cebu. Along F.Cabahug Street, in front of KFC, next to Sykes building
A campaign for Feb & Mar! Get P3,000 as a bonus if you join by the end of Marchâ
â Details
We are an online English school that was established in 2013. Our students are mainly Japanese children who have just started to learn English. We need teachers who are good with children and are passionate!
â Qualifications
Excellent communication skills in English.
Willing to undergo training for 1 week with allowance
Must keep good attendance (No tardiness, no absence)
College, University students are acceptable
Working hours and payment
The applicant who can work at least four days a week, two hours a day is acceptable.
â Working hours must be between 3pm and 9pm.
The payment is hourly rate basis.
â Incentives, Benefits and Allowance
Government benefits (SSS, PhilHealth, Pag-IBIG)
Perfect attendance incentive (it depends on your working hours)
â Career development:
Can get the chance to go to Japan (All-expense will be paid by the company.)
FREE e-learning training (Japanese Language and English grammar)
Career advancement
â How to Apply
Please visit us from 9:00 AM - 21:00 PM except weekends and holidays.
Bring your resume with 2x2 picture and 1 valid ID card to enter GAGFA building
â Location:
5th floor, Gagfa IT Center, F. Cabahug St. Kasambagan, Cebu City, Cebu(CEBU JEEPNEY 03A Carbon â Panagdait Mabolo)
Join us!! Get P3000 as a bonus!!
Apply nowðð
No Teaching Experience required:
Office-Based Part-Time Online English Teacher!
At least Four days a week, Two hours a day!
We are an online English school that was established in 2013. Our students are mainly Japanese children who have just started to learn English. We need teachers who are good with children and are passionate!
â¡ Excellent communication skills in English.
â¡ Willing to undergo training for 1 week with allowance
â¡ Must keep good attendance (No tardiness, no absence)
â¡ College, University students are acceptable
âŒWorking hours and payment
â¡ The applicant who can work at least four days a week, two hours a day is acceptable.
â¡ Working hours must be between 3pm and 9pm.
â¡ The payment is hourly rate basis.
âŒIncentives, Benefits and Allowance
â¡ Government benefits (SSS, PhilHealth, Pag-IBIG)
â¡ Perfect attendance incentive (it depends on your working hours)
âŒCareer development:
â¡ Can get the chance to go to Japan (All-expense will be paid by the company.)
â¡ FREE e-learning training (Japanese Language and English grammar)
â¡ Career advancement
âŒHow to apply
Please visit us from 9:00 AM - 21:00 PM except weekends and holidays.
â»Bring your resume with 2x2 picture and 1 valid ID card to enter GAGFA building
5th floor, Gagfa IT Center, F. Cabahug St. Kasambagan, Cebu City, Cebu
(CEBU JEEPNEY 03A Carbon â Panagdait Mabolo)
Happy New Year!
No Teaching Experience required: Office-Based Online English Teacher! Earn up to PHP 35k+ per month! (FULL TIME)
We are an online English school that was established in 2013. Our students are mainly Japanese children who have just started to learn English. We need teachers who are good with children and are passionate!
â¡ Excellent communication skills in English.
â¡ Willing to undergo training for 1 week with allowance
â¡ Must keep good attendance (No tardiness, no absence)
âŒIncentives, Benefits and Allowance
â¡ Service Incentive Leave
â¡ Government benefits (SSS, PhilHealth, Pag-IBIG)
â¡ Perfect attendance incentive
â¡ Performance incentive (Half year assessment incentive)
â¡ Per class incentive
â¡ Bachelorâs Degree in Education incentive
â¡ Continuous yearsâ incentive (depending on how many years you work here)
â¡ Afternoon shift incentive
â¡ Transportation allowance
â¡ English Qualification Exams Certificate incentive
âŒCareer development:
â¡ Can get the chance to go to Japan (All-expense will be paid by the company.)
â¡ English Qualification Exams (Examination fee will be paid by the company.)
â¡ FREE e-learning training (Japanese Language and English grammar)
â¡ Career advancement
âŒHow to apply
Please visit us from 9:00 AM - 21:00 PM except weekends and holidays.
â»Bring your resume with 2x2 picture and 1 valid ID card to enter GAGFA building
5th floor, Gagfa IT Center, F. Cabahug St. Kasambagan, Cebu City, Cebu
(CEBU JEEPNEY 03A Carbon â Panagdait Mabolo)
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Contact the school
16th Floor, Gagfa IT Center, F. Cabahug Street Kasambagan, Cebu
Cebu City
Opening Hours
Monday | 8:30am - 11pm |
Tuesday | 8:30am - 11pm |
Wednesday | 8:30am - 11pm |
Thursday | 8:30am - 11pm |
Friday | 8:30am - 11pm |
Saturday | 8:30am - 11pm |
Sunday | 8:30am - 11pm |
Colon Street Cebu City
Cebu City, 6000
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