Investing on our HEALTH make sense. It is more important than Money, Fun and Fame. Without good health everything else becomes futile.

So,let's take good care of our HEALTH before it's too late. Our body is designed by our Creator to live up to 100 years.


Good morning 😁

Cordecyps is the most priced mushrooms in the Chinese Pharmacopeia. It is loaded with Vitamins and Minerals to make us healthy.

Try now.
- mixed in coffee
- in pure tablet form

Your Health first... 👌


DXN Mycoveggie

Micoveggie is a food supplement that is rich in plant fiber, which is low fat, sugar-free, and rich in fiber and vitamins.

Micoveggie provides about 98.8% of the required minerals, vitamins and amino acids that our body needs daily.

The benefits:

This helps to lose weight. Remove the stomach and the high amount of fiber in it keeps the digestive system healthy

This helps detox the body. Keeps the intestines clean. Useful for people with alsritis, intestinal inflammation, piles all complaints of stomach problems.

Helps reduce cholesterol.

Alternative to meat with high protein ratio equivalent to meat.

An excellent natural steroid tonic.

It contains ingredients that help clean arteries and prevent artery diseases.

Antioxidant helps do liver work more effectively.

It helps protect the body from diseases; to contain anti-bacterial substances, viruses, and toxins.

Antioxidant prevents abundant free stray from formation, which prevents and protects against stomach cancer.

Gives relief from constipation.


Here are many ways to use this product and get health benefits from it:

1) Take a scoop of DXN MycoVeggie in cold or hot water for at least 30 minutes. Before the dinner.

2) Take a scoop with cold juice like our DXN Kiwi Juice, DXN Morinzhi, DXN Morinzyme or DXN Cordypine. You can have it with your favorite natural juice too.

3) You can add it to DXN Cocozhi or with any kind of cereal you like.

4) You can apply it to your greens or any type of your favorite salad.

5) You can add it to yogurt or cucumber and garlic salad.

6) You can drink it in a glass of water mixed with DXN Reishi Powder, DXN Morinzhi or DXN Morinzyme for breakfast or half an hour before meal.

7) You can add this to your favorite soup.

8) You can mix it with lemon, garlic and olive oil and add a little DXN Morinzhi and salt to make your salad dressing.

9) Mix it with milk and cereal or corn flakes.

Also, don't forget to drink 8-12 glasses of water daily.

For more info! Inbox us


Do you know?

That, Red blood cells wear out and are replaced on a 120-day cycle? Folic Acid, Iron and Vitamin B12 are the important nutrients for red blood cells production. These Vitamins and Minerals are mostly present in green vegetables....

Spirulina is a natural great source of Folic Acid, Iron and Vitamin B12. One tablespoon or 7 gms of dried Spirulina which contains thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, folate, and Vitamin B-6, A and K.

According to Wikipedia, Spirulina also contains Vitamin B-1 (thiamine), B-2 (riboflavin), B-3 (nicotinamide), B-6 (pyrodexine), B-9 (folic acid), Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin A and Vitamin E.

Your Health will surely improve after taking Spirulina for at least 120 days. 😁

If you're not eating enough fruits and green vegetables, you may just be recycling unhealthy red blood cells. You need back up green food - The Spirulina 👍

A healthy BLOOD is a healthy YOU... 💪

Spirulina lang ang MALAKAS 👊

Available in...
(250mg per tablet)
- 120 tablets/bottle
- 300 tablets/box
- 360 tablets/3boxes
- 500 tablets/bottle.

Order now. 😁


Good morning....


Para sa gusto ng atapang a kape 😁


You like it strong...

Try DXN Black Lingzhi Coffee 😁


‼️Spirulina Superfood‼️

Benefits of Spirulina:

1. Lower the cholesterol
2. Neutralize the effects of pollution
3. Rich In Vitamin B12
4. Help control hypertension
5. It is ideal for people who suffer from diabetes
6. Clean the intestine
7. Helps the respiratory system.
8. Will cover the daily requirement of iron
Spirulina, in particular, contains more iron than any other vegetable: 6 times more than the vegetables and complete and 10 times more than the spinach.
9. Decrease anxiety
10. Great for the eyes
11. Keep your skin young
12. Maintain healthy bones
13. Protect the skin from Ultraviolet rays of the sun

For More Info Direct Message Me!
Thank you



10 Reasons Why We Need DXN Spirulina daily...

1. Spirulina is extremely nutritious food that is rich in Vitamins and minerals
2. Powerful antioxidant and has anti-inflammatory properties
3. Can reduce LDL and triglyceride levels
4. “Bad” LDL prevents cholesterol from oxidation
5. Have anti-cancer properties
6. Blood pressure can be reduced
7. Improve symptoms of allergy rhinitis
8. Can be effective against anemia
9. Can improve muscle strength and endurance
10. May aid blood sugar control

!! ️Order now!!️ ️
500 tablets
120 tablets



For smooth and healthy skin.... Try DXN Aloe V Lotion 👌


You are RICH, if you're HEALTHY....

Do you wanna be rich?
- Take care of your health first 💪


Join DXN. Pm is the 🔑

The Human Body - the Best Doctor in the World.

The word ´doctor´ here refers to the one on call inside our body. Our immune system...

He works 24 hours a day to keep us healthy. When we catch a cold, he creates a river of mucus to carry the bacteria out of our body. When our cold settles in our chest and our lungs get congested, he makes us cough in order to rid ourlungs of the congestion. When we get a fever, it is an indication that he is fighting off the infection. If we eat something that does not agree with our body, our doctor makes us vomit to rid our body of the culprit.

When our doctor senses abnormal cells, he immediately begins to encapsulate the suspected cells and form a tumor. Even when a tiny splinter is detected, in less than a few hours, our doctor forces it out. As we sleep, our doctor continues to work, cleansing our body and getting us ready to fight another day.

If you want to keep your doctor in tip-top condition, give him plenty of water, fresh fruits, vegetables, proper nutrition and exercise. Remember, your doctor has to work harder than ever these days. We must give him all the help he needs to keep us healthy. (If you think about it, this is the only doctor in the world who can actually cure you)

Source: DXN Australia newsletter, Issue 2 (April 2006)

Give your "Doctor" the nutrients necessary to fight any decease. The recommended best food supplements' combination for our "Doctor" - DXN RGGL, Spirulina and Roselle Vit C.

100% pure organic and natural...
No side effects

Now available in the US, UK, Australia, NZ, Canada, Middle East and the Philippines..

RG: 250mg x 30 capsules ( 585.00 )
GL: 250mg x 30 capsules (585.00 )
Spirulina: 250mg x 120 tablets ( 940.00 )
Roselle Vit C: 300mg x 120 tablets ( 760.00 )

Be a member and get 15-20% discount and more. Message us.

"No approved therapeutic claims..."


DXN White Coffee Zhino

It is topped with a light layer of creamer foam and formulated together with Ganoderma extract to satisfy the cravings of cappuccino lovers. The inviting aroma of this instant cappuccino indirectly evokes a feeling of joy after you drink.

Ganoderma or Lingzhi health Benefits...
- immune system booster
- anti cancer
- anti inflammatory
- cleansing and detox

Tara mangape ta😁

Order now. 👍



Spirulina has the highest source of B12.

Vitamin B12 is essential for healthy nerves and tissue, especially for vegetarians. Spirulina is one of the very few plant sources of vitamin B12, usually found only in animal tissues.

A third of an ounce (10g) of spirulina powder is enough to cover the daily need for

vitamin B12 five times over,
four times that for vitamin A,
83 percent of the daily requirement for iron,
30 percent of vitamin B2,
25 percent of vitamin Bj.

Spirulina's nutrient density gives it the potential to replace many more costly individual supplements and expensive whole food multi vitamin capsules. The nutrients found in spirulina exist in natural harmony and integrity, making them much more highly bioavailable that those found in multi-vitamin and mineral capsules, or in supplements containing isolated nutrients.

About 60% of spirulina’s dry weight is protein, which is essential for growth and cell regeneration. It is a good replacement for fatty and cholesterol-rich meat and dairy products in one’s diet.

Every 10 grams of spirulina can supply up to 70% of the minimum daily requirements for iron, and about three to four times of minimum daily requirements for vitamins A (in the form of beta carotene), B complex, D,and K. By itself, it does not contain vitamin C, but it helps maintain this vitamin’s potency.


Inbox directly for orders.



Good morning...

These two supplements are product of more than 10 years of research. They could not be sold even a pair during the initial years. Today, millions of people around the world are using them daily for their good health 💪

Remember, these are not medicines. Take them with the purpose of not taking medicines later in life.

Prevention is better than cure 👌

Order NOW. Free delivery nationwide 👍

Photos from DXN The BEST's post 18/05/2023

Good morning...

Product testimony: Dating may myoma. Natulungan ng DXN RG, GL, Spirulina and Roselle Vit C👌

To get DXN products at discounted price. Pls msg me... 👌

Order now. FREE delivery nationwide 👌


Photos from DXN The BEST's post 08/02/2023

10 reasons why we need DXN Spirulina in our body

1. Spirulina Is Extremely High in Many Nutrients
2. Powerful Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory Properties
3. Can Lower “Bad” LDL and Triglyceride Levels
4. Protects “Bad” LDL Cholesterol From Oxidation
5. May Have Anti-Cancer Properties
6. May Reduce Blood Pressure
7. Improves Symptoms of Allergic Rhinitis
8. May be Effective Against Anemia
9. May Improve Muscle Strength and Endurance
10. May Aid Blood Sugar Control

30 capsules
90 capsules
120 tablets
300 tablets
Spirulina Cereals


PM me for more info


The Green Food: DXN Spirulina

“Best food for tomorrow!” announced by United Nations World Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) in 1974.

What is Spirulina?
Spirulina is a blue-green algae found naturally in alkaline, warm-water lakes. It has the essential fatty acids gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), linoleic and arachidonic acids. It is naturally low in cholesterol, calories, fat and sodium. It is an excellent source of iron, calcium, folic acid and magnesium. Spirulina is also a potent antioxidant and body detoxifier.

10 Incredible Facts about Spirulina

* Spirulina contains 65% protein, meaning it offers 3 times as much protein than beef
* Spirulina is high in chlorophyll and is a powerful detoxifier
* Spirulina is a concentrated source of easily assimilated Iron
* Spirulina is high in Omega 3 fatty acids, like GLA, which has shown powerful anti-inflammatory properties
* Spirulina is a "Superfood" because it is incredibly nutrient dense, containing B vitamins, and vitamins A, D, C and E, K, calcium, magnesium and iron
* Spirulina contains 4 times the antioxidant capacity of blueberries
* Spirulina is the highest source of B12, essential for healthy nerves and tissues
* Spirulina is the richest Beta Carotene food, with a full spectrum of 10 mixed carotenoids.
* Spirulina is high in lutein for assisting eye health
* Spirulina can restore healthy mild alkaline body condition

Why choose DXN Spirulina?

- DXN International Pvt. Ltd. company have its own Spirulina Farm in Bukit Wang, Kedah, Malaysia.
- DXN company cultivates, manufactures and markets its own Spiulina products.
- DXN Spirulina Farm is ISO certified and with GMP

Health benefits of DXN Spirulina:

- Assists in growth and muscle development
- Strengthens immune system and eliminates virus infection
- Acts as blood cleanser
- Lowers cholesterol levels
- Improves gastrointestinal and digestive system
- Enhance natural cleansing and detoxification
- Better antioxidant protection hence reducing cancer risk
- Enable the body to produce new supply of red blood cells
- Improve red blood cells life span. Indirectly level up oxygen in our body
- Can help level up platelet levels to dengue patients with low platelet levels
- Anti-muscle stress and cramps
- Anti-allergy
- Repairs DNA damage and prevent abnormal cell growth, prevents cancer
- Protects cells from radiation damage
- Provides and complements sufficient nutrients to the body which is not being able to be obtained from the diet
- Contains rich in natural B complex bound together with phytonutrients to support the stress resistance level
- Improves mental functioning
Improves the healing of wounds
- Protects the liver from cirrhosis and post-hepatitis damage
- Assits the healing of diabetes, anemia, ulcers


Get it at discounted price. Pm me. 👍


Good morning...

Maintenance medicines give instant relief. Natural herbs lessen if not totally remove their long term side effects... 👌👌👌


The Human Body - the Best Doctor in the World.

The word ´doctor´ here refers to the one on call inside our body. Our immune system...

He works 24 hours a day to keep us healthy. When we catch a cold, he creates a river of mucus to carry the bacteria out of our body. When our cold settles in our chest and our lungs get congested, he makes us cough in order to rid ourlungs of the congestion. When we get a fever, it is an indication that he is fighting off the infection. If we eat something that does not agree with our body, our doctor makes us vomit to rid our body of the culprit.

When our doctor senses abnormal cells, he immediately begins to encapsulate the suspected cells and form a tumor. Even when a tiny splinter is detected, in less than a few hours, our doctor forces it out. As we sleep, our doctor continues to work, cleansing our body and getting us ready to fight another day.

If you want to keep your doctor in tip-top condition, give him plenty of water, fresh fruits, vegetables, proper nutrition and exercise. Remember, your doctor has to work harder than ever these days. We must give him all the help he needs to keep us healthy. (If you think about it, this is the only doctor in the world who can actually cure you)

Source: DXN Australia newsletter, Issue 2 (April 2006)

Give your "Doctor" the nutrients necessary to fight any decease. The recommended best food supplements' combination for our "Doctor" - DXN RGGL, Spirulina and Roselle Vit C.

100% pure organic and natural...
No side effects

Now available in the US, UK, Australia, NZ, Canada, Middle East and the Philippines..

Members get 15-20% discount and more. Message us.

"No approved therapeutic claims..."


DXN MORINZHI JUICE Ang numero unong COLON CLEANSING juice ng 190+ countries maging sa Pinas. 😱🍄🤩

Ang DXN MORINZHI ay nakakatulong sa mga taong may:

💎 Bloated Stomach or Paglaki ng Tyan
💎 Almoranas
💎 Constipation
💎 Acid Reflux and Heartburn
💎 Poor Digestion/Mahinang Panunaw
💎 Over Weight/Sobrang Timbang
💎 Dysmenorrhea/Pagsakit ng Puson at iba pa...
💎 May bukol sa loob ng katawan

Kaya mas maigi na agapan natin sa pamamagitan ng regular cleansing ng mga internal organs natin. 🙂

Let DXN MORINZHI help you achieve a CLEANER and HEALTHIER YOU!😁

💯 Rich in Enzymes
💯 Natural/Organic
💯 Value for Money
💯 Masarap/Healthy
💯 Safe and proven effective

Avail DXN Discount Card now ❣️❣️❣️
Message us how 🍄👑💎
Open for more distributors resellers worldwide 🥰🥰🥰



Ang Poria ay isang rich source ng mineral tulad ng
☑vegetable proteins,
☑essential amino acids
☑at vitamins
na mahalaga sa pagpapanatili ng magandang kalusugan

Keep our Kidneys Healthy with Poria Mushroom S 🍄

For orders and inquries Message us.😍😊


❤️Discover the health benefits of Poria mushroom❤️


Perfect Supplement for :
◾Nerve Problem
◾Proyeksyon sa Kidney

🍄Ang Poria ay isang mushroom-like fungus na nabibilang sa pamilya Polyporaceae.
Ito ay ginagamit sa gamot ng Tsino sa loob ng mga dekada dahil sa halaga nito.

Hindi lamang ito kapaki-pakinabang sa pang kalahatang kalusugan, tumutulong din ito sa pagagamot at pinapagaling ang ibat ibang uri ng mga sakit.

🍄Ang Poria ay isang rich source ng mineral tulad ng
◾vegetable proteins
◾essential amino acids
◾at vitamins
na mahalaga sa pagpapanatili ng magandang kalusugan at sigla.

🍄Mga Benepisyo sa Kalusugan at Paggamit ng Poria mushroom
◾Gamot SA mga bukol
◾pinasisigla ang immune system
◾pinipigilan ang paglago at paglaganap ng iba't ibang mga tumor.
◾Naglalaman ito ng malakas na anti-inflammatory properties na nakapagpapalusog sa mga taong naghihirap mula sa psoriasis.

Get it at discounted price. Free registration worldwide. Message us.

"No approved therapeutic claims."

Photos from DXN The BEST's post 06/07/2022

Who needs SPIRULINA?

✅ Puyat lagi at Hirap Matulog
✅ Laging Sumasakit ang Ulo
✅ Laging Masakit ang mga Joints
✅ Mahina ang Resistensya ng Katawan
✅ Laging Stress
✅ Makakalimutin

Karamihan sa mga tao ngayon laging puyat! Aminin natin yan, kaya kung ikaw ay isa sa anim na nabanggit sa taas, I suggest na mag take ka na din ng DXN SPIRULINA😊

is Better than Cure😍

Benefits of SPIRULINA:
√ Improves Sleep Quality
√ Strenghtens Immune System
√ Eliminates Toxins in the body
√ Prevents Aging Diseases
√ Revitalizes the Cells
√ Restore Energy
√ Relieves Pain
√ Reduces Inflammation
√ Releases Stress
√ Purifies Blood
√ Stimulates Immune System
√ Improves Digestion
√ Maintain Healthy Skin,Hair and Scalp
√ An Effective Anti-Oxidant
√ Protects you from toxins and pollutants
√ Reduces the risk of developing Cancer

Para sa mas Healthy na Katawan!
Ugaliing uminom ng "DXN SPIRULINA"


Join dxn. Free.
Pls click https://eworld.dxn2u.com/s/accreg/en/064333051

Photos from DXN The BEST's post 30/06/2022

DXN Roselle Juice ay Vitamin C enriched with....

☑️Malic Acid na meron Ang "Apple"🍎
☑️Citric Acid na meron Ang "Oranges fruits" like orange,ponkan,calamansi,dalandan,,etc....
☑️Tartaric Acid na meron Ang "Grapes"....
☑️Hydroxycitric Acid na meron Ang "Avocado"
☑️ Ascorbic Acid na commonly found in fruits...

All that 5 Types of Vitamin C is in DXN Roselle Juice or DXN Roselle Tablet.

May Flavanoids na nagbbgay proteksiyon at nagpapababa Ng posibilidad na mgkaroon Ng sakit sa Puso.

Pinapabilis ang pag galing nang mga sugat at mayroong OMEGA-3 na nagpababa nang cholesterol sa dugo.

Pampalakas Ng Immune System.

STAY HEALTHY, In DXN your health is our Priority. Prevention is Always Better than cure!

Join dxn. Free.
Pls click https://eworld.dxn2u.com/s/accreg/en/064333051


Ano nga ba ang DXN Spirulina ?

Ang Spirulina ay hindi gamot, pero bakit marami ang natutulungan nitong gumaling?

It's because the smallest living unit of our body is a cell and their foods are nutrients.

Your cells can heal, repair, protect, regenerate and rebuild 24/7.

Meron tayong more than 30 trillion cells and they are ready to fight for us! Ito ay kung meron tayong sapat na nutrition sa ating kinakain.

Ang 3 capsules or 4 tablets ng Spirulina ay katumbas ng isang kilong gulay at prutas in terms of nutrients ito ay ayon sa World Health Organizations. Sa panahon ngayon ang mga pagkain ay halos wala nang sustansya gaya ng mga prutas at gulay. Ito ay dahil sa mga pesticides. Depleted na rin ang minerals sa lupa dahil sa paulit ulit na pagtatanim.

Sa mga karne naman puro feeds na gawa rin sa chemical ang kinakain ng mga alagang hayop. Injection na antibiotics ang itinuturok sa mga manok para iwas peste. 28 days lang ngayon 1kg na ang ating kinakaing broiler ckn. Hindi maiwasan kumain dahil practical at convenient. Sabayan nalang natin ng Spirulina...

Spirulina health benefits based on nutrition therapy:

1. CELLULAR Repair
2. CELLULAR Protection
3. CELLULAR Nourishment
4. BOOSTS the immune system
6. Improves internal-external wound healing
7. Helps build healthy Lactobacillus
9. Anti-Radiation
10. Eliminates Malnutrition
11. Helps to correct sugar levels
12. Neuro-protective (Brain)
13. Cardio-protective (Heart) 14. Hepatoprotective (Liver)
15. Renal-Protective (Kidney)
16. Balances Blood Chemistry
17. Strengthens circulation
18. Strengthens nerves
21. Superior Anti-inflammatory
22. Nerve and Muscle relaxant
23. Food for the Eyesight
24. Helps your body produce it own Glutathione

Huwag mag tipid pagdating sa Kalusugan kapatid😁 mahirap mag kasakit 🤗

Photos from DXN The BEST's post 11/03/2022

Meron ka bang sakit na:
- diabetes
- stroke or high blood
- tumor, cyst or cancer
- chronic kidney desease
- heart disease
- arthritis or rayuma

Isa sa mga dahilan nito ay ang hindi mong balansing diet for long...

Suggested by most nutritionist diet..
- 80% alkaline based foods
(fruits and vegetables)
- 20% acidic food
(meats - pork, beef and ckn)

Change to healthy diet for better health.

Spirulina is 100% alkaline food, our best source of vegetable protein 💪




Spirulina is considered by the World Health Organization (WHO), as the healthiest, complete and nutritious food in world. It is effective to fight Anemia and Diabetes.

Spirulina is the superfood of the 21st century. 💪

Contains in the packaging 30 sachets per box

Customers price
Distributor price (dxn code)...

Get your discount code at the link below and buy your products at factory price from all authorized DXN Service Centers worldwide...


Want your practice to be the top-listed Clinic in Central?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.


Legaspi Street

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