The MomBoss VA

I'm Shay, a child of God, a happy wife, a proud Mom of two amazing kids and a Freelancer


Why is it good to work from home?

✅ "The study found that working from home not only benefits employees by eliminating their daily commutes, it also increases productivity and leads to healthier lifestyles. It's a win-win situation that workers relish for its flexibility – but often at the cost of their work-life balance." Plus, you get to design your work station with your own theme or color choices...haha

➡️When I decided to change the design of My work from home set up, I initially wanted a combination of only White and Wood which is something aesthetics and minimalist but PINK is always My heart's number one choice 😃 So I finally gave in and decided to have a combination of White, Wood and of course Pink! 💖

Having a work set up that you are happy with provides a lot of benefits. In My case, I'm more productive even if I work long hours. It's also some kind of stress reliever from work because basically I love what I'm seeing in front of me and that makes me happy.

Work from home set up don't need to be so expensive or very aesthetics. As long as you're comfortable, happy and productive then that's more important because you are spending long hours in that area. It really helps also if you have your own work space at home (even just a small space or corner will do) because that makes you become more productive and efficient as it somehow conditions your mind that you are really working even if you're just at home and less destructions as well.

Though at the end, it always comes down to whichever would work for you best! ☺️

Blessed Sunday to all! 🙏🥰


Photos from The MomBoss VA's post 20/02/2022

🍃 It's really important to have a work-life balance.

After a long, busy and tiring but blessed week... yesterday is finally our day off! Yay! 🥰 Hubby and I did our groceries (we usually do it every 2 weeks) then after that I have arranged everything which is kind of tiring but also therapeutic for me 💖 We also had our movie night with our kids while having our favourite Ice cream (pistachios and vanilla flavor from Selecta) 😍

While earlier today, I cleaned the litter box of our fur baby Max, changed our curtains and bed sheets before we attended our Sunday morning service online with CCF. After lunch time, we had our weekly bible study / family devotion with My in laws. It was a weekend well spent indeed and I'm ready for another busy week! ☺️ Thank you Lord for all the blessings 🙏🥰

How's your weekend?

A blessed Sunday to all! 💕



➡️ What are you known for? If people ask someone about you, what word would best describe you?

Pastor Peter has shared this beautiful message about LOVE for today's Sunday service.

👉 There are 4 important words that he shared when it comes to TRUE ❤️:

1. Counter Intuitive - true love is very different from what we used to think. It is not a feeling, it is what to do on your will. True love is a command.
2. Conscious - you should not be neutral, you have to be proactive when you are in a group.
3. Considerate - our natural mode is selfishness, true love is considerate.
4. Christ - Centered - it should be centered on Christ because TRUE LOVE is supernatural.

These will transform your love life and life, it will impact your family, work place and community.

Always remember that God is love! 💖

Happy Hearts Day to all! 💕 May God bless us all! 🙏🥰


In this video, I will be sharing My first ever contract as a Freelancer 10 years ago. What was My first hourly rate? Mataas ba? Is it worth it? And how this helped me build My profile and got better offers.

If you want to learn more please watch the video in My YouTube channel and subscribe 🥰

Blessed Sunday to all! 🙏❤️

HOW MUCH WAS MY FIRST HOURLY RATE AS A FREELANCER? (MATAAS BA?) Hello guys! Welcome to My Channel...Here, you will find videos about My Hauls, Reviews, Mommy Tips, our Travels and My journey as a Freelancer. Hope I could ...


👉 A virtual assistant is a self-employed worker who specializes in offering administrative services to clients from a remote location, usually a home office. The specific duties of a virtual assistant can vary from administrative to technical, depending on the person's skill set. Virtual assistants can work as independent contractors or with staffing agencies. Some assistants work with one company while others contract with different employers simultaneously.

Common tasks performed by a virtual assistant include:

➡️Scheduling appointments
➡️Handling customer support
➡️Building and updating databases
➡️Conducting research
➡️Creating social media profiles
➡️Developing marketing material using graphic design skills

📍So from the word itself, you are an Assistant (most probably of a business owner) but VIRTUALLY instead of PERSONALLY. Being a VA is one of the roles that I perform as a Freelancer which I really enjoy doing the most.

How about you? What is that one job that you really enjoy doing? 🙂


Last Sunday I was feeling a little under the weather but since I have a scheduled Zoom meeting with a new client the next day, I still tried to wake up at around 6:00 on a Monday morning so I can still accomplish what I need to do before the client meeting. Yes, I wasn't feeling 💯 and as a Freelancer I still did what I had to do 💪

It was still a productive day and most importantly the meeting went really well so I was happy and felt accomplished. On the other hand, Hubby and the kids made sure that I had a chance to take a rest in between My jobs and meeting so I'm feeling better. now...thanks to My Loveys! 🥰

Working from home is truly a blessing and good things really happen to those who HUSTLE! 💯

Happy Tuesday! 🙏💖


👉A Mom Boss or Boss Mom is a “Cookie Lyon.” She's an ambitious, highly driven, fierce, and outspoken mother who gets the job done, whether the job is being a homemaker, a stay at home mom, a career woman, a working mom, or mompreneur."

Mombosses get stuff done.

So let's go and get those stuff done MomBosses! 💪💖


👉We usually express to God the desires of our hearts through prayers. We may sometimes think that He isn't listening because we don't usually get what we pray for. Though what we don't know is that God sees the full picture not only what we pray for but everything. I always believe that He answers our prayers in 3 different ways:

➡️ He says YES and gives what we want - this answer usually makes us happy.
➡️ He says NO and gives us something better - It might be God wanted us to be on a different route or He knows that if this will be given to us, it would cause harm than good.
➡️ He says WAIT and gives you the best - There are times that we keep on praying for something which even take months or years but God doesn't answer. It doesn't mean that He can't hear us but that is because He wanted to provide the best for us. He wanted us to prepare for it so that once He gives us that BEST answer, we are ready for it and we will treasure it with all our heart. And when that happens, all you can say is "Thank you so much Lord!" 💕

🍃 I already experienced ALL those answers from GOD and what remains constant is that ANYTHING and EVERYTHING (whether it's personal or career wise) just always ask God through prayers and that is definitely the perfect way to get the answer.

Have a blessed Sunday to all! 🙏💖


Homebased Journey - I took the risk and never regret it! This picture was taken July 2012 which was only My second month then working from home. The first laptop I used as a Freelancer was a Toshiba brand (in the picture) bought by My husband in Singapore (ang layo ng pinagbilhan diba?! 😃) for around 22-25k if not mistaken, which is within our budget. I was able to use this laptop for about 3-4 years and it really served it's purpose! 👍 This helped me earned some good amount of 💲 so like what others say, I already got My ROI (return of investment)! ☺️

Looking at this picture of My younger self, I can still feel the happiness I felt at that time because finally I'm already working from the comfort of our home without having to travel late at night going to work! 🥰 Though I still don't know what will be My future being a freelancer but I just trusted God completely and felt blessed and grateful because it was one of My answered prayers 🙏 Btw, My first contract was a graveyard shift which was the culprit for those eye bags! 😂

🍃Now fast forward after 10 years a lot of things have changed, like I now have a bigger and better Laptop (and a back up) plus a big monitor to help make My work easier and faster compared to My old one. 🙂‼️This is not in any way to brag but just to inspire that anything could be achieved if you pray for it, work hard and believe that you can! 🙏💪 Because sometimes the risk you take would lead to greater opportunities and I'm glad that I took that risk 10 years ago! 🙏

✅Working from home has given me the opportunity not only to earn but at the same time continue to learn new things and enhance My knowledge and skills even further. Most importantly, I can also perform My duties as a wife and mom such as taking care of our family and never miss their milestones ☺️

To God be all the glory! 🙏💖


Why is consistency important to success?
👉 According to Ryan Mitchell Rios and Mark Atalla, consistency in your efforts leads to self-discipline, teaches you self-control, improves your overall personality, and builds momentum. “When you are consistent, you have a sense of accountability and direction that translates to progress,”

✅ This is definitely true not only for freelancers but as a general. Probably one thing that really helped me in getting long term contracts & repeat clients is by being consistent. I would put the same efforts as day 1, perform My tasks consistently, efficiently & effectively on a daily basis & always reports on time (for those job or work with scheduled log in time). I have a client who hired me for their social media engagements then ends up hiring me for his other 2 projects and even referred me to his friend who also needs help with her business because he saw how consistent I am. 🥰 So you see, that one client could lead to another and another one, indeed consistency is one of the key! 👍☺️

➡️ A lot of people will have the same knowledge, experience and expertise as you but if you are CONSISTENT with what you do then that makes all the difference! It won't be easy but with practice, discipline and willpower, you can do it! 💪 Yes it's good to be consistent at work but remember being consistent as well with other aspects of your life would be amazing! 💖

Do you agree?


👉 What is a Freelancer? Many of you probably already know what a Freelancer is but 10 years ago when I was just starting, a lot of people don't have much idea yet so during those times, many would ask me some of these questions
➡️ Really you're just working from home? So what do you do?
➡️ How do you get paid?
➡️ Is that legit or just a scam?
➡️ What do you sell?

💡As per google: "A freelancer is an individual who earns money on a per-job or per-task basis, usually for short-term work. A freelancer is not an employee of a firm and may therefore be at liberty to complete different jobs concurrently by various individuals or firms unless contractually committed to working exclusively until a particular project is completed. An independent laborer who earns wages on a per-job or per-task basis, typically for short-term work."

✅ In My case, I get My clients mostly through Upwork (a marketplace for freelancers). I have an Aussie Client (he has UK based company) who offered me a permanent contract after a year, which includes paid leaves, holiday pays and Christmas bonus. I've been working with this wonderful client for more than 7 years now! 🥰 (I started July 2014). I also have another long term contract (US based) which is not a permanent one (no paid holidays or leaves) but I've been with them since 2015 and an Aussie Client whom I've been working with for almost 8 months now as a VA. 🙏💖

📌 While some prefers having so many short term contracts, I am always for long term ones but also open to part time jobs like few hours a week as long as I still can accommodate them. Whenever I accept a job offer, I always make sure that I could deliver and provide the best possible services for them.

📌So basically some of the many benefits of freelancing is the freedom to work from the comfort of your home, a flexible work schedule, higher income and a better work-life balance especially for moms like me 😍 So if you are someone who is responsible, focused, a hard worker and loves side hustles then this might be for you! ☺️

Happy Tuesday everyone!!! 🙏💖


❓Do you sometimes feel that Monday is a punishment after enjoying a happy weekend? That no matter how you meditate, read those inspirational Monday quotes or even if you condition your mind but you are still having trouble getting going after a lovely rest day.

💡Well we may sometimes feel this way, but just think that Monday is actually an opportunity to start fresh. We probably have a lot of things to do that needed to get done the week before, but hey that's definitely okay. We can do it! Who knows maybe this is the week that your goal will be accomplished, that you will get the answer you are waiting for or it may even be a week full of blessings! 😍

📍 So always fill your heart and mind with gratitude, after all waking up to a new day is a GIFT. So appreciate it and always remember that you are BLESSED!

We got this! 💪

Happy Monday to all! 🙏❤


One of the many things that I really love working as a freelancer is having a fixed weekends off, yay! 😍For almost 10 years I didn't have to work on a weekend (except if it's really needed, which only occurred very few times as far as I can remember!) because as a freelancer you always have the option.

✅ I usually spend My Saturdays enjoying My morning coffee, doing household chores, watching movies with My loveys (we used to go out with our kiddos pre-pendemic), sometimes going out on a date with My love and just simply relaxing from a very busy week! 🖥️💻🎧. Not complaining though, I'm always thankful and grateful for all the blessings 🙏

✅ Sundays are always meant to spend time with the Lord by attending Sunday service or CCF live streaming (when the pandemic started) and devotion time / bible study with My in laws. This morning, Hubby and I were blessed again with a timely message from Pastor Peter Tan-Chi of CCF.

📍Do you know your strengths? Your weaknesses? Are you aware of your habits today? How do you break bad habits?

📌This principles from Pastor Peter will definitely help you:

Assess - analyze what's going on with your life today
Want - you must admit there is a problem and you want to change
Add New Habit - replace bad with good habit
Remove the Trigger - removing cues and develop a new habit
Engage others - help one another

"1 Timothy 4:7-8 (New International Version)
7 Have nothing to do with godless myths and old wives’ tales; rather, train yourself to be godly. 8 For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come."

Blessed Sunday to all! 🙏❤


It was year 2012 when I decided to quit My job in a BPO company as a Quality Analyst to try My luck as a freelancer. Yes, it wasn't an easy decision but I took the risk and just trusted God's plan for me.

‼️With prayers and support from My dear husband, I was able to set up everything that I needed to start My new journey as a freelancer. Then it was May 2012 when I landed My first ever contract in ODesk (which is now Upwork) after 2 job applications and I know it was God who provided that opportunity 🙏

💡My first contract wasn't an easy one but I did My best and I'm thankful because that paved the way to many more opportunities for me...

📍 So if you're still in doubt about any decision that you wanted to make, remember to think about it a hundred times, weigh the pros and cons and most importantly pray for it. I can assure you that God will surely provide you the best answer 🥰

Happy weekend to all! 🙏💖

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