NMED Oriental & Medical Clinic

Non-surgical treatment process
cancer treatment, arthritis, diabetic shoulder back keen pains Please feel free to contact!

Seminars can be held to discuss the importance of alternative and traditional forms of healing. Treatment is cheaper and organic, free from the harmful effects to the body.


Caravan medical mission.


Stroke that occurred within 3 months
It is cured within 1 month.
If more than 3 months have passed, it may take a long time, so treatment takes a long time.
Acupuncture, chiropractic, herbal medicine (30 types of medicinal herbs are mixed, boiled, and packaged in a pouch)
The most important thing is herbal medicine.
Stroke cannot be treated without herbal medicine.
If these three treatments are combined, the disease can be cured within one month.
If you take the medicine for 2 more months
It will never happen again.
If more than 3 months have passed since the stroke occurred
It takes a lot of time
Costs also increase significantly.
The cost is 25,000-30,000 pesos for 6 classes per month.
The cost of herbal medicine alone is 30,000 pesos for two months.
0917 5240 400, 02)7500-5675


pain treatment number1
knee pain (1 or 2 session ) finished
elbow pain ( 1 or 2 session)
back pain (2 or 3 session)
breathing difficult
treatment way ( acupucture/ spray/ nasal spray
herbal alternartive/cupping/
multi vitamin injectable)
after consultantion and then treatment
Do not use steroids.

This program uses only meridians.
It is treated safely and quickly.

Most knee pain patients start walking immediately after treatment.
There is no pain during treatment.
1-2 treatments completed

0917 524 0400, 0275005675

모든 사람이 암에 걸릴까? 암세포, 정상 세포로 되돌릴 수 있다? 04/09/2023

https://youtube.com/watch?v=OpLeO7bLxqY&si=znSdUIx4BZTuo9H7Many doctors in Korea are producing research results that treat cancer cells by turning them into normal cells without surgery. This means that cancer can be cured by returning damaged meridians to normal.

모든 사람이 암에 걸릴까? 암세포, 정상 세포로 되돌릴 수 있다? 암세포 정상세포로 되돌릴 수 있다? '이건 사기 치는 거예요'모든 사람이 암에 걸릴까?암세포를 막기 위해 유전자를 켜라!✔ 암세포를 막기 위한 T세포를 켜라💕✔ 심리상태가 유전적인 영향을 미친다?👍✔ 채식이 약은 아니다...

암세포를 정상세포로 되돌릴 수 있다 02/09/2023

Now, it is not said that cancer needs surgery, but that it needs to be replaced with normal cells.
They insist.
This is not it. Cancer can be cured by reviving dead and blocked meridians. Still, more and more doctors are treating and thinking this way. This is true.
Cancer, high blood pressure, and diabetes are diseases that damage the lungs.
Treatment only varies depending on which direction it is blocked and in what form it is damaged.

이제는 암이 수술해야하는 것이 아니라 정상세포로 바꾸어야한다고
이것이 아님니다. 죽어 있고 막혀 있는 경락을 살려야 암을 치료할 수 있습니다. 그래도 이쪽으로 치료하고, 생각하는 의사들이 많아지고 있습니다. 이것이 사실입니다.
암, 고혈압, 당뇨는 폐가 망가진 질병입니다.
단지 어느 방향으로 막혀 있고 어떤 형태로 망가졌느냐에 따라 치료가 달라질 뿐입니다.

암세포를 정상세포로 되돌릴 수 있다 대사치료 100일 요법 1부*12분 39초 부분2. 암줄기세포는... 잘 죽는다 가 아니라 잘 안 죽는다가 맞습니다00:00 인트로00:33 암을 공부하게 된 이유02:53 암이 정복이 어려운 2가지 이유04:27 요점정리104:38 암이란 무엇일까05:35 역분화와 ...


Non-surgical treatment process
cancer treatment, high blood , arthritis, diabetic shoulder, back, keen, pains gallstone, kidnystone,


Cancer can never be cured with immunological theories.

Whether immunity comes first or meridians come first
It's like what came first the egg or the chicken.
However, if cancer is cured with herbal medicine, it is said to be a miracle.
There is no saying that cancer has been cured with current radiation therapy or chemotherapy.
Cancer is treated only with surgery, but even doctors who treat cancer say that if they touch it, the cancer expands further.
Why. Because the meridians are broken.
Surgery is said to remove the cancer, but it destroys the meridians. Because part of the body is cut off.
You need to find the problem of what is destroying the meridians and analyze the cause.
We need to know how our meridians affect the environment and how our body lives.
Who also reveals what chemicals cause cancer.
However, there are many such substances in our environment, and we do not believe even if they are measured with measuring instruments and shown.
Cancer is a disease in which our meridians are damaged in meridian action. Air reflects this. Diseases related to this are cancer, high blood pressure and diabetes.
This is called wind in oriental medicine, and there are three main types of herbal medicine prescriptions. That is the case with small wind medicine, mid wind medicine, and large wind medicine.
The same goes for dental treatment.
The way to cure cancer was already revealed by Zhang Zhongqing 2500 years ago.
But we can't cure cancer because we don't study it.
Even though there is tremendous information coming out every day that a drug to cure cancer has been developed,
Numerous researchers who study cancer have not been able to find an answer despite their research.
However, there are many people who have cured cancer with herbal medicine. This is no miracle.
Cancer can be cured easily if given the correct prescription.
Therefore, I would like to clarify the beginning of acupuncture treatment and the composition of oriental medicine one by one.


골수암 4기 치료과정
8월 7일
이제 2달이 되었습니다.
통증은 시작할때 4/1로 줄었고 , 살도 3킬로 늘었고, 밥도 잘 먹고
두달전에는 누워만 있었는데 지금은 하루 종일 밖으로 돌아다닙니다.
지금은 이 대로라면 몆개월 내에 치료가 끝날 것 같은 기분이 듭니다.
처음에 gold &berbal 복용하고 joam은 한알도 제돼로 먹지 못했지만
지금은 10알 정도 먹고 있어요
처음 원장의 말은 믿을 수가 없었지만 지금은 100프로 수긍하고 따르고 있습니다.
저도 처음에 서울대학병원에서 뼈암4기로 진단받고 치료할 수 있는 방법이 없다고 하길레 모든 사업 정리하고 치료에만 매달려는데
방법이 없어습니다.
그렇다고 포기할 수도 없고 , 그러던 차에 한원장님을 만나고 치료 시작하고 지금은 앉아서 글을 쓸수도 있고, 종일 돌아 다녀도 되고,
진물 흐른든것도 차쯤 줄어 지금은 많이 좋아 졌고요
매달 한번씩 글 올리겠습니다.

6월 28일
통증이 너무 심해서 걸을 수도 없고 걸을 수도 없습니다.
누워만 있었는데, 엔메드한의원에서 처방해 주는 약을 먹었습니다.
앉아 있는 시간이 점차 늘어나고, 서 있는 시간도 점차 늘어나고 있습니다.
아직은 힘들지만 희망은 있는 것 같습니다. 이제는 약을 먹을 때만 조금 어렵습니다.
3주 안에 좋아질 것이라는 희망을 볼 수 있습니다.
암세포가 모두 사라지는 그날을 기대해봅니다.
환자분의 메시지입니다.

www.fb.com 15/08/2023

1. Cancer treatment counseling and treatment plan
2. Presentation of treatment methods
3. Treatment and Feedback
A. Acupuncture, cupping, moxibustion: A treatment package that opens the meridians of cancer cells by piercing the broken meridians.
C.1 JOAM POWDER that are beneficial for the kidney’s function
and balances body hormones.
B.2 Shinhwal: Herb capsules that play the role of converting
poor blood into good healthy blood by stimulating
and promoting the production of red blood cells in the body
B.3 Chihwan: Activates liver function, aids digestion,
and activates an intestinal function.
D. Oxygenated Nasal Spray: Activates the lungs and increases the
amount of oxygen supplied to the blood.
F. Multi-mineral therapy and stem cell therapy: It makes the body
hot and melts cancer cells to remove cancer cells.



Bone marrow cancer stage 4 treatment review
*Yong Park (age 47)

Bone marrow cancer stage 4 treatment process
* Park Yong (47 years old)
August 7 2023
It's been 2 months now.
The pain was reduced to 4/1 when I started, I gained 3 kg of weight, and I ate well.
Two months ago, I was bedridden, but now I wander outside all day.
Right now, I feel like the treatment will be over within a few months.
At first, I took gold & berbal, and I couldn't eat a single joam pill.
I am taking about 10 pills now.
I couldn't believe what the director said at first, but now I agree and follow it 100%.
At first, I was diagnosed with stage 4 bone cancer at Seoul National University Hospital and said there was no way to treat it, so I put all my business in order and only clung to treatment.
There is no way.
But I can't give up, and then I met Dr. Han and started treatment, and now I can sit down and write, I can walk around all day,
The amount of ooze has decreased by about 1 cup, and now I feel much better.
I will post once a month.

June 28 2023
The pain is so bad I can't walk and I can't walk.
I was lying down, but I took the medicine prescribed by Enmed Oriental Clinic.
Sitting time is gradually increasing, and standing time is gradually increasing.
It's still hard, but there seems to be hope. Now it's a little difficult only when taking medicine.
You can see the hope that it will get better in 3 weeks.
I look forward to the day when all cancer cells disappear.
This is a message from the patient.

The pain is so severe I can't walk, I can't.
I was bedridden, but I took the medicine prescribed by the nmed oriental and medical clinic.
Sitting time is gradually increasing, and standing time is also gradually increasing.
It's still hard, but there seems to be hope. Now it's a little difficult only when taking medicine.
I can see hope that it will get better in 3 weeks.
I look forward to the day when all cancer cells disappear.
This is a message from a patient.

Send a message to learn more

Photos from NMED  Oriental & Medical Clinic's post 16/06/2023

Caravan medical mission with mayor in SanNino barangay


kindly visit our clinic for the treatment.


Formaldehyde Hazards
Formaldehyde Exposure Immunosuppressive Actions and Related Mechanisms
Modern people spend most of their time indoors, an average of 21.6 hours a day. According to a report by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the damage caused by indoor air pollution is more than 10 times greater than that caused by outdoor air pollution. According to a report by the World Health Organization (WHO), indoor air pollution causes 4.3 million deaths worldwide, accounting for more than half of air pollution deaths. Formaldehyde is a representative substance among indoor air pollutants and is emitted from various products in daily life such as interior materials, plastics, and pharmaceuticals. In particular, formaldehyde is emitted in large amounts from concrete, furniture, and wallpaper, and is continuously exposed to the human body through inhalation and skin contact. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, human health hazards from inhalation of formaldehyde include 1) sensory stimulation 2) airway inflammation 3) lung function reduction 4) asthma and atopy induction 5) immune dysfunction 6) neurological and behavioral toxicity 7) developmental and reproductive toxicity this is reported In addition, many studies are being conducted on the relationship between formaldehyde exposure and various diseases, and recently, studies on the effect of formaldehyde on the immune system mediated by T cells have been actively conducted. It has been reported that indoor formaldehyde exposure increases the risk of asthma and atopy in children, and that formaldehyde exposure increases T cell-related cytokines and proteins in rodent models. In addition, it has been reported that formaldehyde causes various effects on the differentiation of T cells and B cells, which are representative cells of the immune response, depending on the exposure concentration, exposure period, exposure period, and experimental model. there is. However, no studies have been reported on the role and effects of regulatory T cells in regulating formaldehyde-induced immune responses. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the effect and related mechanisms of formaldehyde exposure on the immune response mediated by regulatory T cells. Exposure concentrations were 1.38 mg/m3 and 5.36 mg/m3 by referring to the formaldehyde guidelines of various international organizations and OECD SIDS Initial Assessment Report for SIAM 14: Formaldehyde (Mice NOAEC: 2.46 mg/m3, LOAEC: 5.04 mg/m3) , and repeated whole-body exposure was carried out for 4 hours a day for 10 days. To investigate the effect of this on the immune system, protein expression and mRNA expression of cytokines involved in differentiation of helper T cells, distribution of helper T cells and regulatory T cells, and related induction mechanisms were investigated. As reported in the existing literature, even in this experimental condition, a significant weight loss was observed compared to the control group by exposure to 5.36 mg/m3 formaldehyde, and no significant weight change was observed in the 1.38 mg/m3 exposure group. To investigate the effect of formaldehyde exposure on the lungs, histopathological examination of lung tissue was performed using hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) staining using lung samples obtained after autopsy. As a result, in the 5.36 mg/m3 formaldehyde exposure group, A slight local inflammatory cell infiltration was observed. However, no significant changes were observed in the total white blood cell count and white blood cell differential test of bronchial lavage fluid. This result suggests that the formaldehyde exposure conditions used in this study induce only a slight inflammatory response in the lung tissue of some individuals, but do not cause direct lung damage. Nevertheless, various literatures have reported that formaldehyde can cause lung damage and immune-related diseases, so immunological changes in the spleen, one of the representative immune organs, were investigated under formaldehyde exposure conditions that do not directly affect the lungs. . The spleen is a lymphoid tissue organ where the acquired immune response starts, and it is an immune organ where helper T cells are activated and differentiated into effector T cells (Th1, Th2, and Th17) and regulatory T cells. It has been reported that such differentiation is regulated together with the expression of related cytokines and mRNAs. To investigate the effect of formaldehyde exposure on the differentiation of helper T cells, the levels of protein expression and mRNA expression of related cytokines were compared and analyzed. Expression analysis of Th2 (IL-4, IL-5, and IL-13), Th1 (INF-γ), and Th17 (IL-17A and IL-22) was performed using the Multiplex Luminex System, and mRNA expression analysis was performed using qRT-PCR As a result, all effector T cell-related cytokine protein expression in the spleen was decreased by formaldehyde exposure in a concentration-dependent manner compared to the control group, and a significant decrease was observed in the 5.36 mg/m3 exposure group. It was confirmed that the mRNA expression of these cytokines was also decreased by formaldehyde exposure. Therefore, it can be assumed that formaldehyde exposure inhibits the activity of effector T cells, resulting in a decrease in T cell cytokine secretion and mRNA expression. Regulatory T cells regulate effector T cells and maintain the homeostasis of the immune system, playing an important role in protecting the body from chronic inflammation and autoimmune diseases. However, it has been reported that overexpressed regulatory T cells induce immunosuppression and, as a result, increase the incidence of opportunistic infections and diseases such as cancer. In order to determine whether the decrease in cytokine secretion and mRNA expression caused by formaldehyde exposure was related to regulatory T cells, the distribution of helper T cells and regulatory T cells was measured by flow cytometry, and related mechanisms were analyzed by Western blot technique. . As a result, the distribution of regulatory T cells in the spleen increased by formaldehyde exposure in a concentration-dependent manner compared to the control group, and in particular, a significant increase of about 20% was observed in the 5.36 mg/m3 exposure group. In contrast, no significant changes in helper T cells were observed. A typical induction mechanism related to regulatory T cells is the T cell receptor (TCR) signaling pathway, and recent studies have reported that the TCR signaling pathway involving calcineurin-NFAT plays an important role in the expression, maintenance, and suppression of regulatory T cells. NFAT is dephosphorylated by activated calcinuerin and moves into the nucleus. Then, transcription of NFAT-mediated genes takes place. NFAT1 protein expression plays an important role in increasing the expression of Forkhead box P3 (Foxp3), a representative transcription factor of regulatory T cells, and inhibiting effector T cells. Conversely, NFAT2 protein expression plays an important role in effector T cell proliferation and related cytokine secretion. The protein expression of Calcinuerin, NFAT1 and NFAT2 was comparatively analyzed through Western blot technique. As a result, the expression of calcineurin and NFAT1 protein was increased in a concentration-dependent manner compared to the control group by formaldehyde exposure, and a significant increase was found in the 5.36 mg/m3 exposure group. Observed. On the other hand, the protein expression of NFAT2 tended to decrease slightly compared to the control group. It can be assumed that formaldehyde exposure induces activation of calcineurin-NFAT signaling by regulating the expression of NFAT 1 and 2 differently, thereby increasing regulatory T cells and suppressing the activity of effector T cells. Taken together, these findings suggest that formaldehyde exposure may suppress the activity of effector T cells by increasing the distribution of regulatory T cells through calcineurin-NFAT signaling and, as a result, create an immunosuppressive environment. It is thought that formaldehyde-induced immunosuppression may increase susceptibility to various chemicals or opportunistic infections or diseases such as cancer.


suffering from knee pain cause of arthritis and lower backpain he feels better now in just a few minutes.


4th state medical mission
suffering from knee pain and now it's gone.

The process of making herbal medicine 26/01/2023

The process of making herbal medicine The process of making herbal medicine

nmedics.com 25/11/2022

Korean oriental medicine doctor will do it in the best waytreatment in a short time


유방암/breast cancer testmony 24/02/2022

brast cancer ttestmony

유방암/breast cancer testmony This is a testmony of the healing done by Dr. David Han jun 26. 2020


Good ventilation protects you from COVID-19 infection:
✅ Open window
✅ Create a cross breeze
✅ Place a fan in front of a window facing the outside
✅ If it's very hot or cold, open windows for a few minutes every hour


cancer treatment


1. Cancer treatment counseling and treatment plan
2. Presentation of treatment methods
3. Check and remove polluted air
With a precise air pollution meter, it analyzes the air in your
Removes contaminants, allowing treatment to be doubled
4. Treatment and Feedback

A. Acupuncture, cupping, moxibustion: A treatment package that opens the meridians of cancer cells by piercing the broken meridians.
B. Nanoionized water: Water particles are made into nanoparticles
so that the therapeutic drug can enter the cancer cells well.
C. HERBAL/ Organic Medicine Supply
B.1 Joam: Herb capsules that are beneficial for the kidney’s function
and balances body hormones.
B.2 Shinhwal: Herb capsules that play the role of converting
poor blood into good healthy blood by stimulating
and promoting the production of red blood cells in the body
B.3 Chihwan: Activates liver function, aids digestion,
and activates an intestinal function.
D. Oxygenated Nasal Spray: Activates the lungs and increases the
amount of oxygen supplied to the blood.
E. Multivitamin Mineral Powder: It loosens the meridians
throughout the body so that the drug can pe*****te into cancer
F. Multi-mineral therapy and stem cell therapy: It makes the body
hot and melts cancer cells to remove cancer cells.
G. Ecogun Therapy: During treatment, the pain is reduced by 70%,
and a large amount of oxygen is supplied.

nmedics.com 22/12/2021



NMED Clinic offers combined alternative treatments depending on your body's needs with different methods such as;
Finding the cause of each individual's illnesses especially cancer cases and treat it through
acupuncture, lympathic massages, Spray therapy to increase oxygen in the blood, Cupping therapies to balance kidney and heart function, moxibustion, Mole or warts removal, administering Immune system booster drip packed with vitamins and/or antibiotics, dietary counselling & planning, uses of herb concoctions as medicine, and many others depending on each individual's symptoms and disease

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Caravan medical mission.
kindly visit our clinic for the treatment.
suffering from knee pain cause of arthritis and lower backpain he feels better now in just a few minutes.
4th state medical mission suffering from knee pain and now it's gone.




21 AGUIRRE Street

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 7pm
Tuesday 9am - 7pm
Wednesday 9am - 7pm
Thursday 9am - 7pm
Friday 9am - 7pm
Saturday 9am - 7pm

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