The Great Bible Revelation about the True Name of God.

Sharing the Bible revelations from and



Watch the short video here:

This post is not to promote a new religion or faith but only to share awareness about the real Jesus in the Bible that our Lord God wants the whole world to know.

TRUTH REVEALED: Jesus said today’s wars are signs of the coming end of the religions! 17/04/2024

Amidst the turmoil of wars and armed conflicts reported worldwide, many religious leaders interpret these terrifying events as signs of the end times and the impending second coming of Jesus.

However, the late Teacher Erano M. Evangelista of offered a different perspective. He revealed that Jesus did not refer to these contemporary wars and disasters as indicators of the world's end, but rather as signs pointing towards the end of the religions themselves.

Watch the video here:

TRUTH REVEALED: Jesus said today’s wars are signs of the coming end of the religions! Sharing the Bible revelations of the late Teacher Evangelista from the website about what Jesus said regarding the so-called “Endtimes”-Watch ...


📖BIBLE MYSTERY SOLVED: The Mystery of Cain's Wife

🤔Have you ever wondered about the intriguing question, "Where did Cain find his wife?"

The late Teacher Erano M. Evangelista of brought light to this mystery with a compelling insight drawn directly from the Scriptures.

In Genesis, we often consider Adam and Eve as the first and only humans at the beginning of creation. However, a closer examination of Genesis 4:14 reveals a fascinating clue. After Cain is punished by God, he expresses a fear: "Whoever finds me will kill me."

This simple yet profound statement, "whoever," implies the existence of other people in their region during Cain's time.

This Biblical revelation shows that Adam and Eve were not God's first creations, as traditionally thought. Instead, there were already other people living at the time of Cain and Abel. This perspective opens a new understanding of the early chapters of Genesis, challenging us to read these ancient texts with fresh eyes and a curious mind.

Read the full Bible revelation in this article:


🌟As we welcome 2024, let's keep in mind the wisdom of Proverbs 27:1:

'Do not boast about tomorrow,
for you do not know what a day may bring forth.'
Proverbs 27:1 (NIV)

This year, instead of simply wishing and hoping, let's remember the proactive guidance from Proverbs 10:4:

'Lazy hands make for poverty,
but diligent hands bring wealth.'
Proverbs 10:4 (NIV)

Let's commit to willful determination, thoughtful planning, and dedicated action. Here's to a year of meaningful progress and achievements, grounded not in mere promises but in purposeful efforts! 🎉

These insights are derived from the Bible revelations shared by the late Teacher Erano M. Evangelista. Discover more about his teachings at and

🎉 "



"Moses said to God, “Suppose I go to the Israelites and say to them, ‘The God of your fathers has sent me to you,’ and they ask me, ‘What is his name?’ Then what shall I tell them?”
God said to Moses, “I am who I am.[a] This is what you are to say to the Israelites: ‘I am has sent me to you.’”
15 God also said to Moses, “Say to the Israelites, ‘The Lord,[b] the God of your fathers—the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob—has sent me to you.’

“This is my name forever,
the name you shall call me
from generation to generation.

Exodus 3:13-15 NIV

In Exodus 3:14–15, when Moses asks God what he should tell the Israelites if they inquire about the name of the God who sent him, God responds with 'I AM.' This response is pivotal. It suggests that 'I AM' was not intended as a formal name but as a specific answer to Moses' query about what to say to the Israelites. This distinction is crucial as it implies that 'I AM' was not a name but a message.

Early Biblical scholars commonly interpreted God's words in Exodus 3:14–15 as names like Yahweh or Jehovah, perpetuating a misunderstanding that has endured for generations. Some even interpreted it as a way of knowing God's divine nature. The focus should be on why God specifically instructed Moses to use 'I AM' as the response.

Further insight is gained from Deuteronomy 28:9–10, where Moses tells the Israelites that they are called by God’s name. Proving that God's words "I AM" are not about describing His nature but about understanding His true name

The issue lies in how scholars work on interpreting rather than following God's word in Deuteronomy 18:18–19 about consulting His chosen servant regarding His Name.

God stated that His chosen servant would proclaim the words He (God) placed in his (servant’s) mouth about His Name. This is exemplified in the teachings of the late Teacher Erano Evangelista, as mentioned in Deuteronomy 18:18-19. His teachings, presented on and, are seen as proof of how God fulfilled His word about making His name known through a prophet like Moses.

THE GREAT REVELATION OF THE ONE TRUE NAME OF GOD AND THE REAL JESUS IN THE HOLY BIBLE "The LORD will be king over the whole earth. On that day there will be one LORD, and his name the only name." ...


Why doesn’t God answer humanity’s prayers but rather seem to permit escalating disasters and conflicts?

What explains God’s stance?

See, I am setting before you today a blessing and a curse--the blessing if you obey the commands of the Lord your God that I am giving you today; the curse if you disobey the commands of the Lord your God and turn from the way that I command you today by following other gods, which you have not known.
Deuteronomy 11:26–28 (NIV 1984)

Through the prophet Moses, God delineates our choices: blessings come from obedience to His commands, while curses result from disobedience and the pursuit of unknown gods.

From the very beginning, with Adam and Eve, God presented a clear directive (Genesis 2:16–17), symbolizing man’s “free will.” This underscores that God doesn’t manipulate our life choices. We are blessed when we heed God’s directives, but we face adversity when we defy Him or chase false deities.

It’s imperative to recognize that God’s laws are a roadmap to a harmonious earthly life. By bestowing these laws, God has wholly fulfilled His role as our Creator, much like a parent guiding a child, teaching us righteousness and stewardship over His creation.

Currently, nations grapple with myriad calamities--wars, famine, natural catastrophes, pestilence, and economic downturns, to name a few. Not one nation seems exempt.

This reveals the global curse, a consequence of failing to worship His genuine Name and disobeying His edicts.

Learn more in this eBook:


Yesterday, October 26, 2023, we came together to solemnly commemorate the 8th anniversary of the passing of our esteemed late Bible Teacher, 'Maestro' Eraño M. Evangelista of Entrusted by our Lord God with the sacred task of disclosing His magnificent Name, Maestro Evangelista devoted his entire life to unwaveringly disseminating the divine message and the deep-seated truths embedded within the holy scriptures.

To our global community of fellow students, as we reflect on his remarkable journey, achievements, and the invaluable legacy he has left behind, we cannot help but be profoundly moved by the impact he made on our lives. His teachings broke through boundaries, reached into our hearts, and opened our minds to the revelation of God's true Name and message as presented in the Bible, accessible through, and now also shared on

His life's work stands as a testament to his dedication, and his teachings continue to inspire and guide us in our spiritual journey. Today, we remember Maestro Evangelista with deep respect and gratitude, as we strive to uphold and share the divine truths he revealed to us.


Download your free eBook here and discover the monumental revelation from the Bible about God’s True Name.
Please note, this initiative isn't about promoting a new religion or faith, but about sharing God's true message in the Bible regarding His one true and Holy Name.


🌟 Unlock the Path to World Peace and Harmony 🌟

Today, September 24, marks a significant milestone, a time when the late Maestro Evangelista first shared the revelation of God's true Name through the website in 2006.
In honor of this legacy, we announce the FREE eBook:

"The True Name of God: The Key to Achieving World Peace and Harmony."

📖 What's Inside?
The eBook delves into the Bible revelation made by Maestro Evangelista regarding the true Name of God. It serves as an introduction to the wealth of Bible revelations that you can further explore on and

​📖Why Is This Important?
Recognizing God's true Name is the first step to establishing a true and direct relationship with Him, breaking free from misinterpretations, and finding the path to genuine peace and harmony.

🆓 FREE Download
Download the eBook absolutely FREE by clicking this link:

❗Note: This is NOT about promoting a new religion or faith. This eBook is simply shared to provide everyone free access to the knowledge of God's true Name.
Don't miss this opportunity to deepen your understanding and find answers to age-old questions. Let's take this journey together for a united and harmonious world! 🌍✨

Share this message and let the world know the key to true peace and unity!


Today, let's delve into a powerful passage from the Bible, 2nd Chronicles 7:14, which sheds light on an often overlooked aspect of God's divine plan. These verses have held a hidden gem, a key that unlocks the profound understanding of God's true Name.

For years, we've read these words in this verse and focused on the call for humility, prayer, and turning away from wickedness as prerequisites for God's forgiveness and healing. Yet, in the midst of these timeless instructions, God has quietly embedded a crucial message about His Name.

The key to understanding lies in God's declaration from Deuteronomy 18:18-19. He promised to raise up a Prophet like Moses, through whom He would speak His words. This Prophet, divinely appointed, was destined to deliver God's message exclusively in His Name. The Almighty even emphasized that ignoring this Prophet's message about His Name would not go without consequence.

In this divine design, God is guiding us to listen to the 'Prophet like Moses,' as he is the vessel through whom God's Name would be revealed. While scholars, preachers, and experts may interpret God's Word, only this Prophet has been equipped by God Himself to unveil His true and great Name in the scriptures.

As you embark on this journey of revelation, you'll find the articles on and invaluable resources. Through these materials, you'll discover the profound meaning of why God's people are called by His Name. You'll also gain clarity on Exodus 3:12-14, where God proclaimed "I AM who I AM," dispelling centuries of misinterpretations that led to names like Jehovah and Yahweh.

Prepare to be amazed as you uncover the hidden truths of God's Name – truths that have been inadvertently disregarded and misused. Through this revelation, you'll realize how humanity has unknowingly spoken His Name in vain and even hurled hateful words towards it.

Remember, this message isn't about creating a new religion or faith. It's about sharing God's genuine message as documented in the Bible – a message that unravels His true Name. The choice to embrace this understanding is yours, just as God's Word itself declares.

Feel free to explore the complete Bible revelation by following this link:



A concealed truth in the Bible invites us to a deeper exploration.

​🔍Have the verses guiding our charity been misinterpreted?
​🔍To whom should our offerings truly be directed?
​🔍Did God, in all of his almighty power and greatness, ask for money offerings from man?

Probe the biblical secrets. Seek the real answers. Discover how God's sacred words have been distorted, leading to the deprivation of those who need help most.

Tap HERE to read the full Bible revelation:


🎉 Remembering the Late Teacher Evangelista's Birthday! 🎉

Today, July 27,2023, we commemorate the life and remarkable achievements of the late Teacher Eraño M. Evangelista, a man who dedicated his life to proclaiming God's true Name and His teachings in the Holy Bible. 📖

As instructed by God Himself in Deuteronomy 18:18-19, Teacher Evangelista fearlessly fulfilled his divine mission. People of the world can now freely learn God's true Name and His true teachings through the website and also on This profound revelation is immensely significant to bringing about lasting peace among nations. 🕊️

📖 Deuteronomy 18:18-19 (NKJV) says:
"18 I will raise up for them a Prophet like you from among their brethren, and will put My words in His mouth, and He shall speak to them all that I command Him. 19 And it shall be that whoever will not hear My words, which He speaks in My name, I will require it of him."

Teacher Evangelista heeded this divine instruction and dedicated his life to unveiling the true Name of God and the profound teachings found in the Holy Scriptures. His mission was not about promoting a new religion or faith, but rather, it aimed to unite people and world leaders in achieving genuine world peace, prosperity, and harmony.

Through his unwavering commitment, countless individuals have come to know the true Name of God and understand the real message of the Bible. His work has paved the way for a better understanding of God's Word and a deeper connection with our Creator.

Happy 80th Birthday, Teacher Evangelista! Your memory lives on, and your teachings will continue to inspire generations to come. 🎂🙌


Discover the Biblical revelation by the late Teacher M. Evangelista about the ongoing tensions between nations in the Pacific, including the Philippines.

Contrary to popular beliefs about the end of the world or rapture scenarios, this eye-opening article delves into a different revelation—one that focuses on the true Name of God and its impact on world peace.

Learn how acknowledging the real Name of God can bring an end to the threats of wars and usher in a new era of lasting peace among nations.

Read the article here:👉

Disclaimer: This article is not about promoting a new religion or faith, but rather, it aims to share God's true message on how people of the world and world leaders can unite to achieve true world peace.


According to the late Bible teacher Erano M. Evangelista of, world leaders must uncover the real root cause of armed conflicts and divisions to achieve true and lasting world peace for the Middle East and humankind.

🔍 Discover the hidden truth and deepen your understanding of the root cause that fuels wars and perpetuates troubles in our society. This thought-provoking article sheds light on the crucial role of a specific element that often goes unnoticed.

Dive into the eye-opening article "The Root Cause of the Wars and the Troubles in the World" by clicking the link below:



This post is for all those who acknowledge God and His written word in the Bible:

We often praise His glory, but it is in vain if we have been unknowingly speaking against His Name all this time.

Discover the eye-opening truth about how we have unknowingly blasphemed and insulted the true Name of God. Read the Bible revelation here:

Let us seek understanding and rectify our unintentional mistakes. Together, let us honor and glorify His true Name.


📢 Attention, everyone!

Did you know that we have been unknowingly misusing God's Name all this time?

In an enlightening article titled "May All People Know How They Blasphemed and Insulted the True Name of God," (originally published on the website we explore a revelation that has remained hidden for far too long. This eye-opening piece uncovers the truth about God's Name, exposing the mistakes we've made and the unintended disrespect we've shown.

What's even more surprising is that even religious institutions were unaware of this crucial aspect. The article sheds light on how our long-held beliefs and practices have inadvertently led us to blaspheme and insult God's true Name.

But don't worry! This thought-provoking article not only exposes the problem but also provides a path to correct our errors and seek forgiveness. It offers a comprehensive understanding of God's true Name and its profound significance in our lives.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of the true Name of God and the impact it has on our spiritual journey. Click the link below to read the full article and uncover the eye-opening truth that demands our attention.

Read the article here👉

Share this revelation with your friends and loved ones. Together, let's embark on a journey of rediscovery and embrace the profound wisdom that has been waiting for us all along.


🌎✨ Diving into the Bible revelations of the late Teacher Evangelista from the website, we discover profound wisdom that challenges conventional interpretations. Let's reflect on his exposition of Ecclesiastes 1:4, which reads:

Generations come and generations go,
but the earth remains forever.."
Ecclesiastes.1:4 (NIV)

This scripture appears to contradict the widespread doctrine of an "end of the world" event.

Taking these words to heart, it becomes evident that our Earth is designed to endure, outliving generations. Rather than fixating on the fear of a prophesied Armageddon, let's redirect our energies towards cherishing and preserving the home we've been blessed with, ensuring its continuity for generations to come.

To learn more about these enlightening Bible revelations, click here:


Our goal isn't to propagate a new faith, but to unearth the true, hidden message of God in the Bible


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Ever wondered about Cain's wife in Genesis? 🤔 A single word, 'whoever,' in Genesis 4:14 hints at a broader world beyond ...
Download your free eBook here and discover the monumental revelation from the Bible about God’s True Name.   Tap: https:...
WATCH this video to learn about the true Jesus in the Bible that God wants the whole world to know. May the viewers of t...
ANG SOLUSYON SA "CLIMATE CHANGE CRISIS"-NAKASULAT SA BIBLIYA?Isang pagbabahagi ng isa sa mga aral sa Bibliya ni Maestro ...



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