Dermatology at Philippine General Hospital, Manila Videos

Videos by Dermatology at Philippine General Hospital in Manila. Simula ngayon, LAHAT ng konsultasyon ay gagawin lamang sa PGH website at Viber o Telegram. Pumunta sa

The Division of Dermatology of the Philippine General Hospital was founded by the Father of Dermatology, Dr. Perpetuo Gutierrez. It was eventually established as the first accredited training institution of the Philippine Dermatological Society in 1971.

As the UP-PGH Department of Dermatology reaches its 102nd year, we continue to uphold honor, excellence and integrity while serving the Filipino people most especially the underserved sectors of the Philippine society.

Other Dermatology at Philippine General Hospital videos

The Division of Dermatology of the Philippine General Hospital was founded by the Father of Dermatology, Dr. Perpetuo Gutierrez. It was eventually established as the first accredited training institution of the Philippine Dermatological Society in 1971. As the UP-PGH Department of Dermatology reaches its 102nd year, we continue to uphold honor, excellence and integrity while serving the Filipino people most especially the underserved sectors of the Philippine society.


FB Live Series
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)

FB Live Series
Varicella and Herpes Zoster

FB Live Series
Pride Month: LGBT Health

Month FB Live
All About Skin Cancer

UP PGH Derm FB Live
Rosacea, Acne, Heat Rash

FB Live Centennial Series
Phototherapy, Psoriasis, Vitiligo

FB Live Centennial Series
Alopecia and Hair Transplantation

Acne and Eczema

FB LIVE Centennial Series
Wound Care

FB Live Centennial Series
Skin Misconceptions

FB Live Centennial Series
Skincare for Moms

FB Live Centennial Series
Allergic reactions

FB Live Centennial Series
Skin hyperpigmentation

Tune in to the Filipino Skin: A series to highlight skin findings in inflammatory rheumatic diseases among Filipinos. Part 1: “Lupus” (SLE, Systemic Lupus Erythematosus) Part 2: “Psoriasis” Part 3: “Vasculitis” Part 4: “Scleroderma” Part 5: “Dermatomyositis” These are made possible through a grant by the International League of Associations for Rheumatology (ILAR), and are brought to you by: Dermatologists Dr. Arunee H. Siripunvarapon Dr. Rochelle L. Castillo Dr. Josef Symon S. Concha Dr. Mae Ramirez-Quizon Dr. Amanda Christine F. Esquivel Dr. Marian Rosel D. Villaverde Rheumatologists Dr. Geraldine Zamora-Abrahan Dr. Juan Raphael M. Gonzales Dr. Rochelle L. Castillo Dr. Anna Kristina Gutierrez-Rubio Dr. Jemima L. Albayda Please feel free to share to our colleagues and med students!

Tune in to the Filipino Skin: A series to highlight skin findings in inflammatory rheumatic diseases among Filipinos. Part 1: “Lupus” (SLE, Systemic Lupus Erythematosus) Part 2: “Psoriasis” Part 3: “Vasculitis” Part 4: “Scleroderma” Part 5: “Dermatomyositis” These are made possible through a grant by the International League of Associations for Rheumatology (ILAR), and are brought to you by: Dermatologists Dr. Arunee H. Siripunvarapon Dr. Rochelle L. Castillo Dr. Josef Symon S. Concha Dr. Mae Ramirez-Quizon Dr. Amanda Christine F. Esquivel Dr. Marian Rosel D. Villaverde Rheumatologists Dr. Geraldine Zamora-Abrahan Dr. Juan Raphael M. Gonzales Dr. Rochelle L. Castillo Dr. Anna Kristina Gutierrez-Rubio Dr. Jemima L. Albayda Please feel free to share to our colleagues and med students!

FB Live Centennial Series
Brightening Skincare

Tune in to the Filipino Skin: A series to highlight skin findings in inflammatory rheumatic diseases among Filipinos. Part 1: “Lupus” (SLE, Systemic Lupus Erythematosus) Part 2: “Psoriasis” Part 3: “Vasculitis” Part 4: “Scleroderma” Part 5: “Dermatomyositis” These are made possible through a grant by the International League of Associations for Rheumatology (ILAR), and are brought to you by: Dermatologists Dr. Arunee H. Siripunvarapon Dr. Rochelle L. Castillo Dr. Josef Symon S. Concha Dr. Mae Ramirez-Quizon Dr. Amanda Christine F. Esquivel Dr. Marian Rosel D. Villaverde Rheumatologists Dr. Geraldine Zamora-Abrahan Dr. Juan Raphael M. Gonzales Dr. Rochelle L. Castillo Dr. Anna Kristina Gutierrez-Rubio Dr. Jemima L. Albayda Please feel free to share to our colleagues and med students!

FB Live Centennial Series
Skin concerns of seniors