Victory in Jesus Christ Church

Our mission is to spread the Gospel to people and to expand our Church via the G-12 system.


Face the book
2 Corinthians 6:1-18
Dahil Kay Jesus na sa atin ay nagmamahal,May galak tayo sa gitna ng kalungkutan

Sorrow yet always rejoicing,poor yet making many rich;having nothing and yet possessing everything.2 Cor.6:1O

Christians who have the real acquaintance in the heart of Jesus can have a deep and lasting joy in the midst sorrow.We follow the same path of the Lord,He became poor that we may become rich.

Great day!


August 23 AM
Read 1 Corinthians 15:1-28
Ang nananalig sa Diyos na buhay kahit mamatay ay muling mabubuhay.

And if Christ has not been raised your faith is futile;you are still in your sins.1 Cor. 15:17.

Christ resurrection assures us that our faith in Him is not in vain.Through our powerful faith in his powerful name,we were forgiven.

Great day!


August 21 AM
Read Job 1: 3:21
Hubad akong dumating sa Daigdig hubad din akong babalik sa Langit

and said,naked I came from my mother's womb,and naked I will depart.The Lord take and the Lord has taken away;may the name of the Lord be praised.Job 1:21

The Lord allowed Job to undergo suffering that affected him,financially,physically and spiritually.But he maintain his unshakeable commitment to God,and the Lord bring back a double portion of his blessings.

Great and wonderful day!


August 19 AM
Read 1 Corinthians 12:1-26
Magpalakasan at itaas ang kanyang Pangalan

Now to each one the manifistation of the Spirit is given for the common good 1 Cor.12:7

Use whatever gift we have received to strenghten the body of Christ.Encourage one another and build each other up,for the glory of God.

Great day!


Agust 16 AM
Read 1 CORINTHIANS 11:1 12:17
Banal na hapunan mula kay Jesus na atin ay naagmamahal

For I receive from the Lord which I also pass on to you;The Lord Jesus on the night he was betrayed took bread,and when he had given thanks,he broke it and said"this is my body which is for you,"Do this in remembrace of me. 1 Cor 11:23,24

Communion reminds us to be more thankful,more forgiving,more gracios and humble.The Lord is telling us to remember,His blood that shed at the cross,the sacrifice he paid,the pain he went through to save our soul because He loves us all.

Great and wonderful day!


July 1O AM
Acts 27:21-44
Makapangyarihang salita na nagliligtas ng kapwa

Then Paul said to the centurion and the soldiers,"Unless this men stay with the ship,you cannot be safe. Acts 27:31

Paul's words and action is a powerful testimony of the presence of God in his life.It was the presence of Jesus that saved the terrified sailors.

Come to Jesus and be saved!


July 5 AM
Acts 23:11-35
Kasama natin ang Diyos

The following night the Lord stood near Paul and said"Take courage!as you have testified about me in Jerusalem,you must also testify in Rome".Acts 23:11

The Lord encourages his servants with his presence in their difficult circumstances.He promised that he will go with us to the very end of the age.

Great day!


June 22 AM
Acts 14:8-28
Sinong magsasabing ikaw ay dakila kundi kami na yong nilikha

On arriving there,they gathered the church together and reported all what God had done through them and how had open a door of faith to the gentiles.And they stayed there a long time with the disciples.Acts 14:27,28

We share our testimony to the church,first to encourage our brothers and sisters,second to put the devil down,third to open the door of faith to those who have not yet believed and fourth to give glory to our Lord.

Great day!


June 21 AM
Acts 13:42 14:7
Salita ni Jesus ay ipamalita ng maranasan ang kanyang himala.

So Paul an Barnabas spend considerable time with them speaking boldly for the Lord,who confirmed the message by his grace enabling them to perform signs and wonders.Acts 14:3

God has called each everyone of us to consistently and boldly proclaim the message of Jesus Christ.As we actively sharing our faith wherever we go,signs and wonders will follow.

God's saving grace.


June 2O AM
Acts 13:16-52
Panglingkuran ang Panginoon sa ating henerasyon

Now when David serve God's purpose in his own generation,he fell asleep:he was buried by his ancestors and his body decayed.Acts 13:36

Like David,let us serve God's purpose in our own generation by winning souls and make disciples.Preach righteousness by faith in Jesus and populate heaven with God's children for the glory of his name.

Eternal life in Christ.


June 17 AM
Acts 11:1-3O
Mabuting tao puspos ng Espiritu Santo

He was a good man,full of the Holy Spirit and faith,and a great number of people were brought to the Lord.Acts 11:24.

The Holy Spirit is our guide and teacher as we preach the gospel by faith.And the Lord gives the increase of those who believe.

Great day!


June 11 AM
Acts 7:51 8:13
Nangalat upang ikalat ng salita ng buhay.

Those who had been scattered preach the word wherever they went.Acts 8:4

People who believed in the Messiah,filled with the holy spirit,left the Sanhedrin rejoicing.In spite of persecution,they did not stop preaching Jesus the Christ.

Jesus the Saviour


June 1O AM
Acts 7:29-6O
Ang mukha niya'y tulad ng isang Angel

Then he feel on his knees and cried out,"Lord,do not hold this sin against them." When he said this, he fall asleep.Acts 7:3O

Before Stephen died,people from the Sanhedrin saw his face like an angel.Because of his great passion for the lost,he died as if he only fall asleep.He had hope in his last word that someday,those who killed him will be saved.

His face was like an Angel


June 9 AM
Acts 7:1-29
Maling akusasyon

Then the High priest asked Stephen,is this charge true?Acts 7:1

Stephen was full of faith and the holy spirit preached Jesus the "Messiah.But the High priest and people of the Sanhedrin were offended.Instead of believing the truth,they charge Stephen of speaking against God and against the law of Moises.

JESUS,the TRUTH will set you free


June 8 AM
Acts 8:1-15
Lakas loob na nangaral,himala ng Diyos ay naranasan

Now Stephen,a man full of God's grace and power,performed great wonders and and signs among the people.Acts 6:8

Every man and woman of God can perform signs,wonders and miracles if we have the spirit of boldness to preach Jesus to all people.He has given us power and authority to do the great commission of winning souls and make disciples.

Be strong and courageous!


June 7 AM
Acts 5:1-42
Namatay si Sapphira dahil sa Pera

About 3 hours later,his wife came in,not knowing what had happened."Peter asked her,is this the price you and Ananias got for the land.Acts 5:7.8

Sapphira and her husband sold a piece of land,brought at the Apostol's feet for the work of the Lord.But Satan filled their hearts with lies kept back part of the money for themselves.They lied to the Holy Spirit that put them to death.

Honesty is God's policy.


June 5 Am
Acts 3:1-26
Manggagamot ng sakit karamdaman,Mangagamot ng pusong sugatan

Whe Peter saw this,he said,"Fellow Israelites,why does this surprise you? Why do you stare at us if by our own power or godliness we had made this man walk.Acts 3:12.

People amazed of what Peter did,but he diverted their attention to Jesus,the healer.There is power in the name of Jesus Healing is part of our salvation and redeemption.It is God's will for everyone to be healed.The Word is the Lord and if we align our words to his words,speaking words of healing daily,it is medicine to our soul,spirit and body.



June 4 Am
Acts 2:1-47
Mag-aalab ang puso mo pag puspos ka ng banal na Espiritu

Peter replied,"Repent and be baptized,everyone of you,in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.Acts 2:38

Humility is the greatest act of repentance. We baptized with water and with the Holy Spirit and fire,so that we will always be on fire for God,doing great things by winning souls and make disciples,living by faith leaning on to his promises and eqquipping the saints for the glory of his name.

Great and wonderful day!


June 3 AM
Acts 1:1-26
Buhay Kailanpaman

After his suffering,he presented himself to them and gave them many proof that he is alive.He appeared to them over a period of forty days and spoke about the kingdom of God.Acts 1:3

Christ suffering ,death and resurrection save us from condemnation.He lives forever and gave us power to win every battle we are facing. Serving him is a wonderful opportunity,for surely we will be rewarded with material and spiritual blessings,peace and joy from the holy ghost.

Because he lives I can face tommorow.


Psalms 121:3
He will not let your foot be moved; he who keeps you will not slumber.

This is a chapter worth to remember all the days of our lives. God will never, ever broke His promise. Even if we go to the valley of the shadow of death we must be still. Our faith is not shaken by any situation because we know in our hearts and mind that Our Father will not get weary and always awake for His Untiring support.

Stay blessed!


"Move On"
2 Samuel 12:32
And they took up Asahel and buried him in the tomb of his father, which was at Bethlehem. And Joab and his men marched all night, and the day broke upon them at Hebron.

In our journey,we go through pain, joy, wilderness, stability, even our loved ones may come and go. And sometimes when worst comes to worst, it is good to lament for a short period of time, but we need to learn how to move on and face the challenges of life.

Goodmorning🌅 25/05/2021

Psalms 119:50
This is my comfort in my affliction, that your promise gives me life.

Whatever situation we may be, we will always meditate on His promises. It will never return void. Because His Word is active and alive. The Word is The Lord. It gives hope and pushes us to live fighting and winning the battles of life.


I am a sojourner on the earth; hide not your commandments from me!

The Word is plain to read and we need His promises in order to live a life of abundance and peace. We must bear in mind that we are taking our journey from the wilderness to the land of milk and honey from here to eternity.


Psalms 116:12
What shall I return to the Lord for all his goodnes to me?

What God require of us is to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God? Micah 6:8


May 16
His heart is steady; he will not be afraid, until he looks in triumph on his adversaries.

We are born to win not to lose in battle. But not all battles are worth fighting for. Nevertheless, no matter what difficulties we may be facing each day, our hearts are steady and cannot be shaken. Because we believe at the end of this course, our fight will not be in vain. Everytime we fall the Lord will always be on our side to sustain us His grace and His strength.


"God Is Good,All The Time"
Psalms 107:43
Whoever is wise, let him attend to these things; let them consider the steadfast love of the Lord.

We all know of the steadfast of the Lord that never stops and no end. It extends throughout our generation and surpasses to eternity.
No matter how hard our situation may be. No matter if we face life's goodness and adversaries, the character of the Lord summed up in 3 words. God Is Good.
"If we face difficulties beyond our expectation, is God still Good? "


May 11 AM
Psalm 1O7:1-43
Magtanim sa walang hanggang bukirin

They sowed fields and planted vineyards that yielded a fruitful harvest;Ps.1O7:37

Let us sow spiritual seed, word of God,in the heart of the people.The Lord will make it grow and in due time,we will reap a fruitful harvest.

Be fruitful in his everlasting kingdom.


May 9 Am
Psalm 1O6:13-34
Huwag pakawalan ang pagpapala na sayo nakalaan

The they despise the pleasant land;they did not believe his promise.Ps.1O6:24

Don't forfeit your blessings because of unbelief.Humililty and the fear of the Lord bring wealth honor and life.



May 8 AM
Psalm 1O6:1-12
Di ka mabibigo sa kanyang mga pangako

Then they believe in his promises and sang his praise.Ps.1O6:12

God always keep his promises.Those who walk in obediece to him can do great things for the glory of his name.

Sing praises to his name.


Motherly May 8
Psalms 106:11
And the waters covered their adversaries; not one of them was left.

God will erase our deepest fear because His grace abounds like the deepest water.



May 6 Am
Lubos niyang iniingatan ang sa kanya ay naagmamahal

He spread out a cloud as a covering,and a fire to give light at nightPs.1O:39

If we walk according ways of God,He will sorround us by his love and protection and lead us with the light of his word.

Truly he cares for you and me.


May 4 AM
Psalm 1O4:24-35
Si Hesus ang buhay at muling pagkabuhay

When you hide your face,people were terrified.When you take away their breath,they die and return to dust.

God may hide his face if God's people still living in sin.People will die if God withdraws his breath of life.Serve God,choose life.

Jesus the author of life.


May 4
John 3:27
John answered, “A person cannot receive even one thing unless it is given him from heaven.

We are commission on a mission to share the gospel like a double edged sword. It cuts and penetrates on our whole being. Let us do our part and God will guide us and do His part, Salvation is free.


May 3 Am
Psalm 1O4:1-24
Kamangha-mangha ang kanyang mga gawa

How many are your works,Lord!In wisdom you made them all;the earth is full of your creatures.

God works are all made in wisdom.He has also called us to work for him,win souls and make disciples for the glory of his name.

His works are wonderful!


May 2 AM
Psalm 1O3:1-22
Purihin ka ng aking kaluluwa

Praise the Lord my soul;all my inmost being ,praise his holy name.Ps.1O3:1.

We can command our entire being to praise the Lord,forget not his benefits and bless his holy name.

He forgives sins and heal our diseases.


Psalms 104
"God is Great"
This chapter talks about the greatness of God. How He sets everything in order and in place. God Provides. God Protects. And He is always reaching out to His creation.


Psalm 1O2:1-28
Pupurihin ka sa galak kahit di pa sila ipinapanganak

Let this be written for the future generation,that a people not yet created may praise the Lord.Ps.1O2:18

Let's live a legacy of winning souls and make disciples for the future generation.They will praise God for salvation and eternal life in Christ.



April 3O AM
Psalm 1O1:1-8
Laging Tapat at Laging totoo

No one who practice deceit will dwell in my house;no one who speaks falsely will dwell in my presence.Ps. 1O1:7.

Speak the truth love.The devil is the father of all lies and a great deceiver.Anyone who imitate the devil has no place in God's holy kingdom.

Be holy in all manner of conversation.


April 29 Serenade
Lucas 24:38
Kaya't sinabi ni Jesus, “Bakit kayo natitigilan? Bakit kayo nag-aalinlangan?

Natatakpan ng pag aalala at nakatingin tayo sa kawalan kung may pagsubok tayo na kinakaharap.
Kelangan nating lumaban sapagkat tayo ay hindi talunan. Kahit sugatan na, tatayo tayo sa pakikipagbaka. Magagawa natn ang lahat ng bagay dahil sa lakas at tibay ng loob na kasama ang Banal na Espiritu.
Ito ang katotohanang hindi papaltos!


April 29 AM
Psalm 1OO:1-5
Diyos na ating kawangis pumapawi ng lungkot at hapis.

Know that the Lord is God,It is he who made us and we are his,we are his people the sheep of his pasture.Ps.1OO:3

We are the people of God called by his name,and delivered from shame.We can do great things for him as we love and obey him.


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