LEAPS Digital

Book a call with us! πŸ‘‰https://leapsdigital.com


Shopify store owners! Facebook ads giving you a headache? You're not alone.

Many Shopify store owners struggle with complex ad setups.

Instead of focusing on your products and customers, you're stuck figuring out Facebook's system.

Here's an easier way: Let us set up your Facebook ads for you. One-time setup, no fuss.

For just $600, we'll set up your entire Facebook ad system. You'll get all of the above, plus a 30-day follow-up call to optimize your performance.

Want to make Facebook ads easier? We can help. We have a few slots available! Book a call with us today. Link in bio!


Running a Shopify store is tough. But what's tougher? Knowing you're missing out on sales that should be yours.

Here are 5 Facebook ad strategies you might be overlooking:

〰️ Abandoned Cart
β€’ 70% of carts are abandoned. Are you chasing them?
β€’ Set up retargeting ads for cart abandoners
Tip: Offer a small discount or free shipping to seal the deal

〰️ The Upsell

β€’ Sold something? Great! Now sell them more.
β€’ Create ads targeting recent customers with complementary products
Tip: "Complete your look" or "You might also like" ads work wonders

〰️ Seasonal Surge

β€’ Every season is a reason to sell. Are you prepared?
β€’ Plan campaigns around holidays and events relevant to your products
Tip: Start seasonal ads 2-4 weeks before the actual event

〰️ Lookalikes

β€’ Your best customers have 'twins' out there. Find them!
β€’ Create lookalike audiences based on your top 1% of customers
Tip: Test different % lookalikes to find your sweet spot

〰️ Video ads

β€’ If you're not using video ads, you're falling behind
β€’ Videos get 20% more clicks than image ads
Tip: Even a simple product showcase video can outperform static images

〰️ Bonus: Customer reviews

β€’ Turn your 5-star reviews into powerful ad copy
β€’ Use customer testimonials in your ads for social proof
Tip: Combine a customer photo, their review, and your product for maximum impact

😣 Feeling overwhelmed by Facebook ads? Let us help! Get your Shopify store optimized with a one-time expert setup, no ongoing fees. Limited spots available - book now for $600 and save time/money!
πŸ‘‰ https://calendly.com/leapsdigital-free-audit-call/onetimecampaignsetup


There are 5 critical things you need to know first. ❌ Ignore these, and you might as well set your money on fire.

〰️ The Pixel Pitfall 🎯

β€’ Running ads without a properly set up Facebook Pixel? Big mistake.
β€’ You need it for tracking, retargeting, and optimization.
Tip: Use Facebook's Pixel Helper Chrome extension to verify it's working.

〰️ The Creative Catastrophe 🎨

β€’ Boring ads = invisible ads.
β€’ In a sea of content, yours needs to stand out or sink.
Tip: Use scroll-stopping images and first lines that hook.

〰️ The Budget Blunder πŸ’°

β€’ Starting too big or too small can kill your campaign before it starts.
β€’ There's a sweet spot for testing without breaking the bank.
Tip: Start with $5-10 per ad set per day for testing.

〰️ The Patience Paradox ⏳

β€’ Expecting overnight success? You're setting yourself up for disappointment.
β€’ Facebook's algorithm needs time to optimize.
Tip: Give new campaigns at least 3-5 days before making major changes.

〰️ Bonus Warning: The "Set and Forget" Syndrome 🏝️

β€’ Launching ads and never checking back is a recipe for disaster.
β€’ Regular monitoring and tweaking are crucial for success.
Tip: Spend 15 minutes daily reviewing and adjusting your campaigns.


😣 Overwhelmed by Facebook ads? Let us help! Get your Shopify store ready to scale with a one-time expert setup. Pixel, API, catalog syncing & more - save time and money!

Limited spots available from $600. Book here: https://calendly.com/leapsdigital-free-audit-call/onetimecampaignsetup


Want more sales without working 24/7? Keep reading...

Let's face it: running a Shopify store can be exhausting. But what if you could boost your sales without burning the midnight oil? Enter the power of smart (not hard) work with Facebook ads.

βœ… Here's your 5-step lazy person's guide to Shopify success:

〰️ Set It and Forget It: Automated Ad Campaigns πŸ€–

β€’ Use Facebook's automated rules to pause low-performing ads
β€’ Set up dynamic product ads that update automatically
Tip: Start with a simple rule to pause ads with 2x your target cost per purchase

〰️ Let Facebook Do the Heavy Lifting: Automatic Placements πŸ‹οΈβ€β™‚οΈ

β€’ Enable automatic placements to show your ads where they perform best
β€’ Facebook's AI optimizes better than most humans can

〰️ Recycle Your Best Content: Top-Performing Post Strategy πŸ”„

β€’ Find your most engaging organic posts and turn them into ads
β€’ Use the "Use Existing Post" option when creating ads
Tip: Look for posts with high comment and share rates

〰️ Make One Ad, Reach Many: Lookalike Audiences πŸ‘₯

β€’ Create a lookalike audience based on your best customers
β€’ Use the same ad set for multiple lookalike audiences
Tip: Test 1%, 2%, and 3-5% lookalikes to find your sweet spot

〰️ Let Customers Sell For You: User-Generated Content πŸ“Έ

β€’ Encourage customers to share photos with your products
β€’ Turn the best UGC into carousel or collection ads
Tip: Offer a small discount for customers who share photos

The lazy person's secret weapon?

Consistency over intensity. Small, regular optimizations beat sporadic all-nighters every time.


😣 Feeling overwhelmed by Facebook ads? Get your Shopify store ready to scale with a one-time expert setup! No ongoing fees, no hassles.

Pixel installation, conversion API, catalog syncing, campaign creation and more included. Plus, a follow-up call for optimization.

Limited spots available from $600. Book now!


In the vast ocean of online shopping, many Shopify stores are like hidden treasures – valuable, but undiscovered. The key to getting found? Facebook ads.

Here's how to turn your invisible store into the talk of the town:

〰️Create a Scroll-Stopping Image πŸ–ΌοΈ

β€’ Use bright colors that pop
β€’ Show your product in action
Tip: Test lifestyle images vs. product-only shots

〰️ Write Headlines That Grab Attention πŸ“£

β€’ Address a pain point: "Tired of cheap jewelry that turns your skin green?"
β€’ Ask a question: "Want to look stylish without breaking the bank?"
Tip: Use power words like "Exclusive," "Limited," or "Secret"

〰️ Target Like a Pro 🎯

β€’ Use Facebook's detailed targeting options
β€’ Create lookalike audiences from your best customers
Tip: Start with a 1% lookalike for best results

〰️ Use Video Ads πŸŽ₯

β€’ People spend 5x longer looking at video ads
β€’ Show your product in use
Tip: Add captions – 85% of Facebook videos are watched without sound

〰️ Retarget Window Shoppers πŸ”„

β€’ Set up retargeting ads for store visitors
β€’ Offer a small discount to encourage purchases
Tip: Use dynamic ads to show people products they've already viewed

πŸ’‘ Remember: Visibility isn't just about being seen – it's about being seen by the right people at the right time.


😣 Feeling overwhelmed by Facebook ads? Get your Shopify store ready to scale with a one-time expert setup!

βœ… Pixel installation, conversion API, catalog syncing & more. Limited spots available - book now for $600 and save time/money on ongoing fees!

Book here: https://calendly.com/leapsdigital-free-audit-call/onetimecampaignsetup


Ever wonder what makes the difference?

It's not luck. It's not magic. And it's definitely not just about having the "right" products.

The secret? It's all in the marketing - specifically, Facebook ads.

Let's break down what booming Shopify stores do differently:

πŸ”’ They know their numbers

Successful stores track everything: cost per click, conversion rates, average order value. They use this data to make smart decisions.
Struggling stores? They're shooting in the dark, hoping something sticks.

πŸ“– They tell a story

Thriving stores don't just sell products; they sell experiences. Their ads paint a picture of how life could be better with their product.
Struggling stores? They're stuck in the "Buy Now!" mentality.

βœ… They test, test, test

Winning stores are always trying new ad creatives, copy, and audiences. They're not afraid to fail because they know each "failure" is a lesson.
Struggling stores? They set it and forget it.

🎯They retarget like pros

Smart store owners know the power of the second chance. They use retargeting ads to bring back window shoppers and abandoned carts.
Struggling stores? They're missing out on easy sales by ignoring past visitors.

🌱➑️🌳They start small but think big

Successful stores begin with a modest ad budget, find what works, then scale up strategically.
Struggling stores? They either spend too much too soon or are too scared to invest in growth.

Here's the truth: The difference between a booming Shopify store and one that's barely hanging on often comes down to how well they use tools like Facebook ads.

Remember: Every booming store started somewhere. With the right strategy, yours could be next! Share if you found this helpful!

😣 Struggling with Facebook ads?

Get your Shopify store ready to scale with a one-time expert setup! No ongoing fees, no hassles. $600 starting price. Limited spots available! Book a call here: https://calendly.com/leapsdigital-free-audit-call/onetimecampaignsetup


Ever felt like you're shouting into the void, hoping someone will stumble across your amazing products?

You're not alone. Many Shopify owners struggle to get eyes on their store.

But there's a secret weapon you might be overlooking: Facebook ads.

Here's why they work and how to get started:

1️⃣ Precision targeting: Facebook knows what your ideal customers like, where they hang out online, and even what they had for breakfast. Use this to your advantage!
Tip: Start with a lookalike audience based on your best customers.

2️⃣ Visual storytelling: People buy with their eyes first. Facebook ads let you showcase your products in action.
Tip: Use carousel ads to display multiple products or tell a story about one product.

3️⃣ Retargeting magic: Catch those window shoppers who visited but didn't buy.
Tip: Set up a retargeting campaign for people who abandoned their carts. Offer a small discount to seal the deal.

4️⃣ Test and learn: Facebook's ad platform gives you data. Lots of it. Use it to refine your approach.
Tip: Always run at least two ad variations. See which performs better, then create a new challenger.

5️⃣ Start small, scale smart: You don't need a huge budget to start seeing results.
Tip: Begin with $5-10 per day. Once you find what works, gradually increase your spend.

😣 Feeling overwhelmed by Facebook ads? Get your Shopify store ready to scale with a one-time expert setup! Book a call with us and avail our Limited "One time campaign setup" for only $600!

Our one-time setup includes:

βœ… Pixel installation
βœ… Conversion API setup
βœ… Catalog syncing
βœ… Campaign creation
βœ… Audience targeting
βœ… Full ad setup
βœ… Plus, a 1-month follow-up call to help you optimize

Save time, save money, and avoid the frustration of managing complex ad setups on your own. πŸ‘‰ https://calendly.com/leapsdigital-free-audit-call/onetimecampaignsetup


Running a Shopify store is tough. But what's tougher? Knowing you're missing out on sales that should be yours.

Here are 5 Facebook ad strategies you might be overlooking:

〰️ Abandoned Cart

70% of carts are abandoned. Are you chasing them?
Set up retargeting ads for cart abandoners
Tip: Offer a small discount or free shipping to seal the deal

〰️ The Upsell Upswing πŸ“ˆ

Sold something? Great! Now sell them more.
Create ads targeting recent customers with complementary products
Tip: "Complete your look" or "You might also like" ads work wonders

〰️ Seasonal Surges

Every season is a reason to sell. Are you prepared?
Plan campaigns around holidays and events relevant to your products
Tip: Start seasonal ads 2-4 weeks before the actual event

〰️ Lookalikes

Your best customers have 'twins' out there. Find them!
Create lookalike audiences based on your top 1% of customers
Tip: Test different % lookalikes to find your sweet spot

〰️ Video Ads

If you're not using video ads, you're falling behind
Videos get 20% more clicks than image ads
Tip: Even a simple product showcase video can outperform static images

〰️ Bonus: Customer reviews

Turn your 5-star reviews into powerful ad copy
Use customer testimonials in your ads for social proof
Tip: Combine a customer photo, their review, and your product for maximum impact

In e-commerce, small tweaks can lead to big peaks.

😣 Feeling overwhelmed by Facebook ads? Let us help! Get your Shopify store optimized with a one-time expert setup, no ongoing fees. Limited spots available - book now for $600 and save time/money!



❌ Unnecessary testing: Don't try every new thing
❌ Overspending on tests: 2x CPA is too much
❌ Constant new ideas: Stick to what works
❌ Low-budget tests: They rarely show true potential

βœ… Kill tests quicker: No results? Cut it loose
βœ… High-quality tests only: Plan carefully, execute well
βœ… Creative variations: Small tweaks, big impacts
βœ… Consolidate with big budgets: Combine winners, scale up

Why This Works:

Saves time and money
Focuses on proven strategies
Improves overall account health
Leads to more consistent results

Pro Tip: Track your 'test to win' ratio. Aim for quality over quantity!

Remember: In Facebook ads, less truly is more.

πŸ‘‡ What's your go-to move for simplifying ad accounts?


Forget "Pixel Maturity". It's mostly talk.

Truth: You don't need tons of sales for a good pixel.

5 Smart Pixel Tricks:

1️⃣ Feed high-quality custom audiences
2️⃣ Try creative targeting angles
3️⃣ Tap into small interest groups
4️⃣ Consolidate those campaigns
5️⃣ Embrace manual bidding

Tip: Don't chase cart adds or checkouts. They bring bad traffic.

πŸ‘‡ How do you make your pixel work better?


No budget for new UGC? No problem!

1️⃣ Test different formats
2️⃣ Test angles on the winner
3️⃣ AI-powered iterations of top combos

Works for:

βœ… New accounts
βœ… New clients
βœ… High-frequency, low-performance accounts

The secret sauce:
⚑️ Fast
πŸ’ͺ Low effort
πŸ’° Uses existing assets

Breathe new life into your ads today!

πŸ‘‡ What's your go-to refresh trick? Spill the tea below!


It's a whole new game now!

Old school vs. New cool:

βœ… 7-day audience segments
βœ… Custom retargeting creatives

πŸ‘‰ Funnel ads
πŸ‘‰ Fewer campaigns
πŸ‘‰ Trusting the Algorithm

Retargeting isn't dead - it's evolved. Are you keeping up?

πŸ‘‡ How has your retargeting strategy changed? Share below!


2024 taught us one big lesson:

Don't believe the hype - test it yourself!

πŸ‘‰ No perfect setup exists
πŸ‘‰ Advantage+ isn't for everyone
πŸ‘‰ Media buying is changing, not dying
πŸ‘‰ Sometimes static beats video
πŸ‘‰ The right interest can still win

Remember: Even "experts" can be wrong. Trust your own results!

πŸ‘‡ What's your best Facebook ad tip? Share below!


Selling things for $50 or less? Want to use paid ads? πŸ‘‚πŸ»Listen up:

You need to make more money from each customer over time. Why? Because $50 isn't enough to make ads worth it. πŸ™Œ

Paid ads can still work! But you need to:

1️⃣ Get people to buy more at once
2️⃣ Start a subscription service
3️⃣ Make customers come back often

Remember: The first sale is just the start. Think about making money from customers long-term!

πŸ‘‡ How do you make more from each customer? Tell us below!


Don't let ad fatigue win! Try these tricks:

1️⃣ Iterate your best ads: Tweak hooks, cut dead space, use new creators
2️⃣ Switch creative types: Turn videos into statics, statics into carousels
3️⃣ Use whitelisting: Relaunch under different pages for a fresh audience

Keep that winning concept working harder for you! πŸ’ͺ πŸ’‘ Which trick works best for you? Share below!


Surprising how often I'm still asked this! Let's clear things up:

1️⃣ CBO isn't even called that anymore. It's now "Advantage Campaign Budget".
2️⃣ Using Direct To Offer strategy? It doesn't really matter. Stick to one ad set per campaign.
3️⃣ Omnipresent Content strategy? You'll need to set budget at ad set level (ABO).
4️⃣ When in doubt, go with Meta's default: ABO.

Remember, the best choice depends on your strategy. Don't overcomplicate it!

πŸ’‘ What's your go-to budget setup? Share below!


Feeling Spicy? πŸ₯΅πŸ’¦ We Can Help You Sell Out! Even the most sensitive products can thrive with the right marketing strategy.

Our client in the intimate care niche just hit a phenomenal $62,000 milestone on Shopify with the help of our targeted Facebook Ads strategy.πŸ€©πŸ™Œ

Let's do the same for you! Book a call with us β†’ link in bio!


Excited to share that our Facebook ads strategy helped take this amazing clothing brand from $6,000 to $28,000 in revenue in just one month! 🌟✨

Ready to see what we can do for you? πŸ’ΌπŸ‘‡
Book a call with us . Link in bio β†’


Officially crushed the $260k milestone! πŸ€©πŸ™Œ

Here’s How We Achieved 6X ROAS:

βœ… Re-optimized their Facebook ad account for outstanding performance.
βœ… Applied our Facebook ad scaling strategies for explosive sales growth.
βœ… Used our viral formula to drive Meta Sales success.

Want us to do the same for you?

Book a call with us, link in bio ⬆️⬆️⬆️

Photos from LEAPS Digital's post 20/08/2023

Don't let your business get left behind!

Photos from LEAPS Digital's post 20/08/2023

Don't let your business get left behind!

Embrace the power of Facebook Ads and watch your success soar to new heights!'t let your business get left behind!

Photos from LEAPS Digital's post 16/08/2023

Mastering the Art of Facebook Ads: How It Works! πŸ“’πŸŒ


CELEBRATING SMALL WIN! πŸŽ‰ 418 Followers on IG!

Every follow and like is like a high-five for us. Your support means a lot and keeps us going.πŸ₯°

Thank you for being part of our community! πŸŒŸπŸ’œπŸ€

Photos from LEAPS Digital's post 14/08/2023

Level up your Facebook Ads with a Strategist!

In the fast-paced world of social media marketing, having a Facebook Ads Strategist by your side can make all the difference!

If you're experiencing any of these signs, it might be time to bring in the experts to supercharge your ad campaigns!

Photos from LEAPS Digital's post 12/08/2023

We spill the tea........

Get ready for some major !

Follow us for more!

Photos from LEAPS Digital's post 10/08/2023

Want to slay your social media presence and attract a massive fanbase? πŸ“Έβœ¨

Get your glam on and get ready to turn heads with these boss babe tips!

Let's make your brand the talk of the town, hun! πŸ’β€β™€οΈπŸ’‹

Follow us for more tips!

Photos from LEAPS Digital's post 08/08/2023

Hey, Insta-fashionistas! Want to take your beauty and fashion empire to new heights? πŸš€

Slay the e-commerce scene with these 5 tips!

It's time to turn those "meh" sales into major $$$, babe! πŸ’β€β™€οΈπŸ’…

Photos from LEAPS Digital's post 06/08/2023

Get ready to build trust, credibility, and brand authority for your e-com- brand using the power of Facebook ads! Implement these strategies, tell compelling stories, and leverage social proof to establish an unwavering trust with your audience! πŸ”’πŸ‘₯

Tag a fellow e-com entrepreneur who's ready to build trust and credibility for their brand through Facebook ads! Together, we'll create a trusted and reputable brand that stands out in the competitive market! πŸ’ΌπŸ’ͺ

Photos from LEAPS Digital's post 04/08/2023

With the power of Facebook ads, you can confidently expand your e-com- business beyond borders and tap into the immense potential of global markets. It's time to reach customers around the world, drive international sales, and take your business to new heights of success! πŸ’ͺπŸš€

Tag a fellow entrepreneur who's ready to unlock new horizons and expand their e-com empire internationally using Facebook ads! Together, we'll conquer the global market and achieve remarkable success! 🌍✨

Photos from LEAPS Digital's post 02/08/2023

By leveraging the power of Facebook ads, you'll gain valuable insights, minimize risks, and validate your new product ideas with real customer data. It's time to turn your ideas into profitable realities and take your e-com business to new heights! πŸ’ͺ⚑

Tag a fellow entrepreneur who's ready to test and validate their new product ideas using targeted Facebook ad campaigns! Together, we'll unleash the potential of innovation and achieve remarkable e-com success! πŸš€πŸŒŸ

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Imagine it’s 3 AM. You’re still awake, stressing over your Shopify store’s Facebook ads performance. Low ROAS, high CPAs...
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Are you running a retargeting campaign? πŸ€”πŸ§ If so, are you doing it right? If you’re stuck at $10k, get your strategy cal...
Are you currently using this type of ad?πŸ€”πŸ’­ #facebookadstips #facebookads #marketingtips #digitalmarketing #ecommerce #bu...
β€œDon’t use social media to impress people; use it to impact people.”— DAVE WILLIS, AUTHOR AND SPEAKER✨it’s been months o...





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