Family cases Specialist Advocate

Our Law firm–knows how to face challenges arising out of difficult and complex family cases. We have well-trained team, working collaboratively in order to


Legal Advisor Services in Pakistan
Do you want to get a legal advice on your civil matters, criminal matters, family matters, business matters at affordable price than you are at right place. Legal advisor in Pakistan is just 1 click away from you, guaranteed one window legal solution in Pakistan.
Team of Ch Law Associates Pakistan Law Firm never go into a case without knowing all the facts so we deeply work to get all the facts of case before going to any court of law, with us you will be in safe hands.
Pakistan Law firm based at Lahore Pakistan provides legal advisory services to individual clients as well companies. we also provide online legal advisory for clients, we provide our services as retainer ship and case to case basis.
The Pakistan law firm have an Advocate of Supreme Court on our panel who have more than 35 year of experience in field of law and other advocates Legal Advisor have more than 20 years of working experience and eligible to appear before the High court.
Online Legal Advisor in Lahore Pakistan
Ch. law firm provide also online legal advisory and consultancy at very affordable rates to our clients we can manage all of your legal needs online.
we offer a variety of general litigation services such as civil corporate, banking, family, international cases in Pakistan, criminal cases in Lahore Pakistan.
So, don't hesitate to contact us on IMO, What's app, Cell: +92 300 2151 013


حاملہ عورت کی عدت
1۔ عام عوام کہتی ہے کہ حیض یا حاملہ عورت کو طلاق دینے سے طلاق نہیں ہوتی حالانکہ طلاق ہو جائے گی۔ البتہ ساری زندگی سوچا کہ اپنی بیوی کو طلاق دوں گا مگر زبان سے نہیں کہا تو طلاق نہیں ہو گی۔
2۔ تین طلاق اکٹھی دینے سے تین طلاقیں ہو جائیں گی، البتہ اگر ایک طلاق دی اور عدت کے دوران رجوع کر لیا تو اُسے طلاق رجعی کہتے ہیں یعنی خاوند بیوی کو معاف کر کے راضی ہو گیا۔ طلاق رجعی میں عدت نہیں ہوتی بلکہ تین ماہ میں رجوع کرنا ہوتا ہے اسلئے عدت کا لفظ بولا گیاہے۔
3۔ تین طلاق ہوتے ہی عورت اپنے خاوند کے گھر میں عدت گذارے گی لیکن اس دور میں والدین اپنی بیٹی کو جلدی سے اپنے گھر میں لے آتے ہیں جو کہ قرآن و احادیث کے خلاف ہے۔
4۔ جس عورت کو طلاق ہو جائے وہ تین مہینے عدت گذارے گی، اسلئے طلاق کے بعد جب اُس کو حیض (ماہواری، خون) آئے اُس کے بعد تین حیض اُس کی عدت ہوگی۔ اگر عورت کو حیض نہیں آتا تو طلاق کے دن سے تین اسلامی مہینے عدت گذارے گی۔ حاملہ عورت کو طلاق دینے پر اُس کی عدت بچہ پیدا ہونے تک ہے، اگر بچہ دو دن بعد بھی پیدا ہو جاتا ہے، اُسی وقت اُس کی عدت ختم ہو جائے گی۔
5۔ جس عورت کا خاوند مر جائے تو اُس کے لئے عورت چار ماہ دس دن عدت گذارے گی یہی اُس کا سوگ ہو گا، سوگ شریعت میں کہتے ہیں زیب و زینت کا ترک کرنا، البتہ حاملہ عورت کا خاوند فوت ہو گیا، دو دن بعد بچہ پیدا ہو گیا تو اب وہ نکاح کر سکتی ہے اُس کا سوگ ختم ہو جاتا ہے۔
6۔ عدت میں عورت کا نکاح کرنا حرام ہے، اگر نکاح کر لے گی تو نکاح نہیں ہو گا، خاوند کے علم میں ہو کہ عدت میں ہے لیکن پھر بھی نکاح کر لے تو دونوں گناہ گار ہیں۔ توبہ کریں اور دوبارہ نکاح کریں گے۔ عدت میں عورت کو نکاح کا پیغام باقاعدہ طور پر نہیں دے سکتے، البتہ اشارتاً دے سکتے ہیں۔ عدت کے بعد کوئی صدقہ کرنا یا اپنوں کے گھر رہنے جانے کا حُکم شریعت کا نہیں بلکہ عوام کی اپنی سوچ ہے۔
7۔ متعہ، نکاح مُسیار، ارینجڈ حلالہ اور عُرفی جیسے نکاح جائز نہیں بلکہ حلالہ کا مسئلہ بھی حل ہو جائے گا، اگر عوام کو شعور دیا جائے کہ تین طلاق کبھی نہ دے اور یہ شعور عوام نے اپنے نسلوں کو خود دینا ہے۔ اس دور میں کوئی شرعی نظام نہیں ہے کہ کوئی عوام کو سزا دے گا، عوام اسلئے خود قیامت کے ڈر سے اپنے آپ کو بہتر بنا سکتی ہے، ہمیں یہ مسائل اپنے بچوں کو سکھانے ہوں گے ورنہ ہم مجرم ہیں۔


Nadra Divorce Certificate

How to Get Nadra Divorce Certificate in Pakistan?

Documents that are issued to confirm that a divorce has been granted, including details of the specific information contained in the documents and the name of the government body that has authority to grant a divorce; whether the documents have to be registered with a government body, including the name of the government body.

In Pakistan, [a] divorce certificate can be issued by the Family Court OR the Arbitration Council [AC]. The Arbitration Council is the Local Body representative of the area in which the woman resides.
A divorce in Pakistan becomes valid 90 days after the divorce has been announced to the AC (US 8 May 2003). Section 7 of the 1961 Muslim Family Laws Ordinance provides that upon the conclusion of the 90-day period, if no reconciliation has taken place, either party may request a divorce certificate from the AC, which proclaims the date on which the divorce came into effect, thereby enabling either party to remarry (ibid.). This applies to “‘all Muslim citizens of Pakistan wherever they may be'”

The following information pertaining to the issuance of divorce documents under Muslim laws in Pakistan.

1. A confirmation certificate of divorce is issued by the authorized and designated officer under [the] Muslim Family Laws Ordinance and Rules after reconciliation by the officer pursuant to the pronouncement of Talak (divorce), have failed. This certificate usually ends with the following:

“Whereas after receipt of the letter (Talaknama) dated … … … … … … . under Section 7 of the Muslim Family Laws Ordinance 1961 and subsequent correspondence, both parties were contacted for reconciliation but no reconciliation resulted. I, therefore, confirm the divorce.

The Divorce is confirmed under my seal on the … … … month … … … .Year … … … … … authorized officer stamp … … … … … . Signed”.

Ordinance of 1961

“Section 7 (1) Any man who wishes to divorce his wife shall, as Talaq soon as may be after the pronouncement of Talaq in any form whatsoever, give the Chairman a notice in writing of his having done so, and shall supply a copy thereof to the wife”.

“Section 7 (4) Within thirty days of the receipt of notice under Sub-Section (1), the Chairman shall constitute an Arbitration Council for the purpose of bringing about a reconciliation between the parties, and the Arbitration Council shall take all steps necessary to bring about such reconciliation”.

“Rule 5 (6) All decisions of the Arbitration Council shall be taken by majority, and where no decision can be taken, the decision of the Chairman shall be the decision of the Arbitration Council”.

“Rule 5 (7) A copy of the decision of the Arbitration Council duly attested by the Chairman, shall be furnished free of cost to each of the parties to the proceedings”.

“Rule 6 (1) of Muslim Family Laws Rules 1961: Within seven days of receiving an application under Sub-Section (4) of Section 6 or under Sub-Section (1) of Section 9, or a notice under Sub-Section (1) of Section 7, the Chairman shall, by order in writing call upon each of the parties to nominate his or her representative, and each such party shall, within seven days of receiving the order, nominate in writing a representative and deliver the nomination to the Chairman or send it to him by registered post”.

On failure of the reconciliation efforts, the councillor (who is called Chairman of the Arbitration Council) confirms the divorce by a letter/order. He cannot grant divorce as stated above only confirm it. Even if the certificate of confirmation is not issued by him the divorce becomes final after the period of statutory time meant for reconciliation according to the Supreme Court (of Pakistan) and High Court decisions.

The powers to grant divorce rests with the Family Court to whom the wife can make a petition, if she does not have the delegated powers given to her in the marriage contract by the husband whereby she can issue a letter pronouncing divorce for herself as a man would do. The Family Court of the area where she resides has powers to grant her divorce on her petition and normally would grant divorce if she shows that she is entitled to divorce on any of the grounds allowed by “Dissolution of Muslim Marriages Act 1939” or if she claims that she cannot live with him (as mandated by law and religion).

So if you have any question about above matter or you wish to get a solution for your problem in Pakistan, do not hesitate to call Advocate Shoaib at 0092-300 2151 013 and if you are calling from abroad you can also Whats App our law firm on the same number which will be replied by the best lawyer Advocate Ch Shoaib himself.


Ch Law Associates provides highly top end services in the field of Cyber Crime in Pakistan and have highly professional cyber crime lawyers in Pakistan backed with a team of Information Technology experts.
Our IT experts work with the Legal team on every step in all the Cyber Crimes Cases and other Internet o Telecommunication related cases and issues.
If you are a victim or need help relating any of these electronic crimes, cyber terrorism, data damage electronic fraud, criminal access, criminal data access, misuse of electronic system or electronic device, electronic forgery, unauthorized access to code, misuse of encryption, misuse of code, cyber stalking then just don’t hesitate to for help.

Mobile/Credit Card / Balance Transfer Fraud
Bank Fraud Credit Cards/ ATM/Loan
Mobile/Phone/ Threatening through SMS/Calls

Tracing of IP/Email Address

Threatening/Abusive/ Massages & Emails

Hacking /Illegal access of Websites

Hacking of Account/Email Address

Fraudulent Emails

Fraud through mobile messages regarding Winning of Vehicle

Misuse of Information on Internet

Lottery Award Cases

Electronic Money Laundering and Tax Evasion

Electronic Vandalism, Terrorism and Extortion

Sales and Investment Fraud

Illegal Interception of Telecommunications

Telecommunications Piracy

Electronic Funds Transfer Fraud

Theft of Telecommunications Services

Communications in furtherance of Criminal Conspiracies

Dissemination of Offensive Materials

Prevention of Electronic Crimes Ordinance, 2007
Electronic Transactions Ordinance, 2002
Pakistan Telecommunication (Re-organisation) Act, 1996
Wireless Telegraphy Act, 1933
Telegraph Act, 1885
Federal Investigation Agency Act, 1974
Payments & Electronic Fund Transfers Act, 2007



The procedure to dissolve Christian marriage is different from Muslim Marriage. The suit for dissolution of christian marriage can be brought by either husband or wife. Related law is Divorce act, 1869 which solely regulates matter of christian marriage. In this act there three modes to dissolve christian marriage.

Modes of Dissolution of Christian Marriages
These are as below;

Dissolution of Marriage
The section 10 of Divorce act 1869 deal with this mode of dissolution. A husband can invoke this section and may present a petition to the Court of Civil Judge, praying that his marriage may be dissolved on the ground that his wife has, since the solemnization thereof, been guilty of adultery.
on the other hand, wife can also present a petition to the District Court or to the High Court, praying that her marriage may be dissolved on the ground that, since the solemnization thereof, her husband:
Has exchanged his profession of Christianity for the profession of some other religion, and gone through a form of marriage with another woman, or
has been guilty of incestuous adultery, or
of bigamy with adultery, or
of marriage with another woman with adultery, or
r**e, so**my or be******ty, or
of adultery coupled with such cruelty as without adultery would have entitled her to divorce a mensa et toro, or
of adultery coupled with desertion, without reasonable excuse, for two years or upwards.
Nullity of Marriage
Section 18 of the Divorce act,1869 deal with this kind of dissolution of christian marriage. According to that Section, any husband or wife may present a petition to the Court of Civil Judge, praying that his or her marriage may be declared null and void.
Grounds Taken in Suit For Nullity of Christian Marriage
Such decree may be made on any of the following grounds:
That the respondent was impotent at the time of the marriage and at the time of institution of the suit;
That the parties are within the prohibited decrees of consanguinity (whether natural or legal) or affinity;
That either party was a lunatic or idiot at the time of the marriage;
That the former husband or wife of either party was living at the time of the marriage, and the marriage with
such former husband or wife was then in force.
Judicial Separation
According to Section 22 of the Divorce Act, 1869, No decree shall hereafter be made for a divorce a mensa er toro, but the husband or wife may obtain a decree of judicial separation, on the ground of adultery, or cruelty, or desertion without reasonable excuse for two years or upwards, and such decree shall have the effect of as divorce mensa et toro under the existing law, and such other legal effect as hereinafter mentioned.
The parties in a suit for judicial separation of christian marriage can raise any above mentioned grounds. A decree of judicial separation is a court order similar to divorce, under which the couple remains legally married but their normal marital obligations cease and they no longer have to go on living together.



Court marriage is an official wedlock in between a man and a woman whereby they become life partners solemnized in front of the Magistrate or Nikah Registrar.
The Pakistan rules under Muslim Family Laws Ordinance, 1961 is clear that anyone can get married to opposite s*x at his or her opposite-s*x. The courts in Pakistan are bound to safeguard those individuals’ marriage rights who have being adult done marriage or want to get their marriage under the law.
It is seen that when a couple wants or applies to get court marriage they have undergone tremendous with mental stress because of many social reactions and behaviors which we usually observe today’s world. The Couples who decide to walk through legal channels to get united are also lacked the right information about court marriage in Pakistan.
Court Marriage Procedure in Pakistan:
Constitution of Pakistan provides the right of liberty to choose someone to marry with. The court marriage procedure in Pakistan is very simple which you need to complete by fulfilling a few requirements that are:
Age of marriage according to Islam is the age of puberty. And as per Law, the age of marriage is the age of majority that is 18 years.
In case of Second marriage by the bride, valid Divorce Certificate or Death Certificate of the deceased husband.
Marriage in Pakistan is always done with the opposite s*x. Le***an or Homos*xual marriage in Pakistan is a punishable offense.
Wedding couple should have free consent to do Nikah.
Required Documents for Court Marriage in Pakistan:
Marriage couple must have valid CNIC or Passport or can produce Matriculation certificate or Form ‘B’ in case of non-availability of CNIC or Passport.
In the event, if one partner is foreigner then Passport must be provided.

There should be two marriage witnesses.

Bride and groom 4 + 4 passport size photographs for each.

Free will affidavit from bride’s side

In case of Second marriage by groom valid permission from the first wife or Arbitration Council.
Online Nikha, Court Marriage
After wedding / civil marriage, Online on Whats app or SKYPE We process the nikahnama for its registration and NADRA Marriage Certificate issues from the Union Council. We also provide translation service in required languages.
To get our services for civil marriage, you may call us to discuss your matter with confidence. We never reveal your personal information with anyone at any stage. We maintain the record of our clients confidential. You can trust our ability to help you in the most effective ways. We also offer legal help for online marriage in Pakistan and worldwide. We provide best legal service with nominal cost-effective for civil marriage in Lahore, Multan, Karachi and Islamabad.
Remember there are no specific court marriage fees in Pakistan. Your expenses depend on the required services and expertise of a seasoned lawyer including your current location and a postal address where you want to send your marriage documents after registration. Court marriage certificate issued after this due process is a strong evidence to prove the marriage.
So if you have any question about Court Marriage or you wish to get a solution for your Court Marriage Rule in Pakistan do not hesitate to call Advocate Shoaib at 0092-300 2151 013 and if you are calling from abroad you can also Whats App our law firm on the same number which will be replied by the best lawyer Advocate Ch Shoaib himself.



court marriage in pakistan

Court marriage is an official wedlock in between a man and a woman whereby they become life partners solemnized in front of the Magistrate or Nikah Registrar.
The Pakistan rules under Muslim Family Laws Ordinance, 1961 is clear that anyone can get married to opposite s*x at his or her opposite-s*x. The courts in Pakistan are bound to safeguard those individuals’ marriage rights who have being adult done marriage or want to get their marriage under the law.
It is seen that when a couple wants or applies to get court marriage they have undergone tremendous with mental stress because of many social reactions and behaviors which we usually observe today’s world. The Couples who decide to walk through legal channels to get united are also lacked the right information about court marriage in Pakistan.
Court Marriage Procedure in Pakistan:
Constitution of Pakistan provides the right of liberty to choose someone to marry with. The court marriage procedure in Pakistan is very simple which you need to complete by fulfilling a few requirements that are:
Age of marriage according to Islam is the age of puberty. And as per Law, the age of marriage is the age of majority that is 18 years.
In case of Second marriage by the bride, valid Divorce Certificate or Death Certificate of the deceased husband.
Marriage in Pakistan is always done with the opposite s*x. Le***an or Homos*xual marriage in Pakistan is a punishable offense.
Wedding couple should have free consent to do Nikah.
Required Documents for Court Marriage in Pakistan:
Marriage couple must have valid CNIC or Passport or can produce Matriculation certificate or Form ‘B’ in case of non-availability of CNIC or Passport.

In the event, if one partner is foreigner then Passport must be provided.

There should be two marriage witnesses.

Bride and groom 4 + 4 passport size photographs for each.

Free will affidavit from bride’s side

In case of Second marriage by groom valid permission from the first wife or Arbitration Council.
Online Nikha, Court Marriage
After wedding / civil marriage, we process the nikahnama for its registration and NADRA Marriage Certificate issues from the Union Council. We also provide translation service in required languages.
To get our services for civil marriage, you may call us to discuss your matter with confidence. We never reveal your personal information with anyone at any stage. We maintain the record of our clients confidential. You can trust our ability to help you in the most effective ways. We also offer legal help for online marriage in Pakistan and worldwide. We provide best legal service with nominal cost-effective for civil marriage in Karachi, Lahore, and Islamabad.



Our Law firm–knows how to face challenges arising out of difficult and complex family cases. We have well-trained team, working collaboratively in order to win lawsuits. We are confident that we can achieve the needs and best interests of our clients. We represent clients appearing before all levels of family courts, which include dispute settlement offices, first instance courts and appellate courts.
Family law is one of the most important laws that touch everybody’s daily life. People who are going to marry are subject to the family laws and the rules of where the marriage took place. From this point, the notion and the idea that everyone should know the family law before they become subject to it, has been formed.
OUR Law Firm guides clients in taking the best legal action concerning them. We are sufficiently experienced and professionally equipped to fight on behalf of our clients, be it in the case of the plaintiff or the defendant, in order to achieve success.
Our Law firm successfully deals with Family Cases relating to:
Our services include but no limited to:
International divorces, International Marriages, International abduction of Children, Dissolution of Marriages, Maintenance of wives and children, Recovery of dowry articles and dower amount, Restitution of conjugal rights, Registration of marriage & divorce, Settlement of matrimonial issues , Drafting of family settlements, Drafting of divorce agreement, Divorce effectiveness certificate, Divorce and Khula for overseas Pakistanis, Court Marriage, Custody and Guardianship of minors, Appointment of Guardian, Child visitation, Adoption of children, Legitimacy of children.
So if you have any question about above matter or you wish to get a solution for your problem in Pakistan, do not hesitate to call Advocate Shoaib at 0092-300 2151 013 and if you are calling from abroad you can also Whats App our law firm on the same number which will be replied by the best lawyer Advocate Ch Shoaib herself.


In Islam, a married woman is permitted to seek a termination of her marriage contract through a Shariah Council / and Muslim judge (Family Court). The reasons, for seeking Khula should be founded upon valid reasons, such as immoral behaviour or mistreatment on behalf the husband towards his wife, a woman who feels she dislikes her husband and can no longer give him, his rights etc.
However, this decision should be given serious consideration – a woman is advised to abstain from seeking khula on baseless reasons and to exert necessarily efforts to maintain a harmonious and peaceful relation with her spouse with mutual respect and love.
In the unfortunate case, the marriage reaches a point of irreconcilable differences based on valid reasons, all efforts of reconciliation are exhausted and unsuccessful, then Islam has provided a solution for this case i.e. Khula. For more information contact us.
In Islam, a woman who wishes to terminate her marriage contract without the consent of her husband must do so by applying to the Shariah Council. This type of divorce is commonly referred to what is known as a Khula.
It is important to highlight that in order for a married woman to obtain a Khula, the Shariah Council must be satisfied there is a valid reason for an Islamic divorce to be granted. A valid reason covers matters such as adultery, domestic violence and other aspects of immoral behavior.
Grounds for Judicial Divorce on which a woman may seek khula include:
Desertion by husband for four years,
Failure to maintain for two years,
Husband contracting a polygamous marriage in contravention of established legal procedures,
Husband’s imprisonment for seven years,
Husband’s failure to perform marital obligations for three years,
Husband’s continued impotence from the time of the marriage,
Husband’s insanity for two years or his serious illness,
Wife’s exercise of her option of puberty if she was contracted into marriage by any guardian before the age of 16 and repudiates the marriage before the age of 18 (as long as the marriage was not consummated),
Husband’s cruelty (including physical or other mistreatment, unequal treatment of co-wives), and any other ground recognized as valid for the dissolution of marriage under Muslim law.
So if you have any question about above matter or you wish to get a solution for your problem in Pakistan, do not hesitate to call Advocate Shoaib at 0092-300 2151 013 and if you are calling from abroad you can also Whats App our law firm on the same number which will be replied by the best lawyer Advocate Ch Shoaib himself.

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Family Cases Specialist Advocate


Our Law firm–knows how to face challenges arising out of difficult and complex family cases. We have well-trained team, working collaboratively in order to win lawsuits. We are confident that we can achieve the needs and best interests of our clients. We represent clients appearing before all levels of family courts, which include dispute settlement offices, first instance courts and appellate courts.




Office No 105, 1st Floor, Arooj Center, Jain Mander Chowk, Near High Court

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