Pakistan news


Photos from Pakistan news's post 04/12/2023

طور غر پہاڑ قوم میروزئی قلعہ سیف اللہ۔
طور غر پہاڑ قوم میروزئی کئی چند مہینے پہلے گھر گھر پر تقسیم ہوچکے ہیں۔لہزا اب چند نام نہاد لوگ اس طور غر کا خفیہ معاہدہ کرنے کی ارادہ رکھتے ہیں۔ھم قوم میروزئی کے تمام گھرانے اپنے حصے کے اختیار خود رکھتے ہیں۔کسی کو طور غر معاہدے کا اختیار نہیں ہیں۔ اور نہ ہی ان چند نام نہاد لوگوں کے معاہدے پر اپنا حصہ دینگے۔اگر پھر بھی کچھ ھوا تو ھم پریس کانفرنس بھی کرینگے اور آئندہ لائحہ عمل بھی طے کرینگے۔

Photos from Pakistan news's post 17/10/2023
Photos from Pakistan news's post 01/08/2023

پشتون قبائل شجرہ۔


گھڑی میں تین سوئیاں ہوتی ہیں،
جن میں ایک سوئی سیکنڈ کے نام سے مشہور ہے۔۔
یہ سیکنڈ والی سوئی اپنا وجود تو رکھتی ھے،
مگر اس کا ذکر نہیں کیا جاتا
سب یہی کہتے ہیں کہ دس بج کر 15 منٹ ہوگئے ہیں
کھبی کسی نے یوں نہیں کہا کہ دس بج کر پندرہ منٹ اور چار سیکنڈ ہوئے ہیں
جبکہ یہ سیکنڈ والی سوئی دونوں سے زیادہ محنت اور مشقت کرتی ہے اور ان دونوں کو بھی آگے بڑھنے میں مدد کرتی ہے۔۔
ہمارے زندگی میں بہت سارے لوگ اسی سیکنڈ والی سوئی کی مانند ہوتے ہیں، جیسا کہ ہمارے والدین اور اساتذہ کرام، جن کا ذکر تو کہیں نہیں ہوتا، لیکن ہمارے آگے بڑھنے میں ان کا کردار ضرور ہوتا ہے
اللہ پاک ہمارے والدین اور اساتذہ کرام کو اپنے حفظ و امان میں رکھے، آمین.


پٹرول کی قیمت میں 9 روپیہ کی کمی اور ڈیزل کی قیمت میں 7 روپیہ کی کمی


[5/20/2022, 10:05 PM] Aziz Kakar: 👨🏻‍💻 *G.K of Pakistan Regarding Largest*

✓Largest industry is Textile.
• ✓Largest island is Manora (Astola)
• ✓Largest Jungle is Changa Manga (Kasur).
• ✓Largest lake (artificial) is Keenjhar.
• ✓Largest lake (natural) is Manchar.
• ✓Largest library is Pujab Public Library, Lahore.
• ✓Largest mine is Salt Mines of Khewra.
• ✓Largest motorway is Lahore-Islamabad.
• ✓Largest museum is National Meseum, Karachi.
• ✓Largest circulated urdu newspaper is Jang, Enghish is The News.
• ✓Largest nuclear reactor is KANUPP, Karachi.
•✓ Largest oil field is Dhurnal Oil Field.
• ✓Largest park is Ayub National Park, Rawalpindi.
• ✓Largest Radio Station is Islamabad.
• ✓Largest university is Punjab University, Lahore.
• ✓Longest coast is of Baluchistan (771 km)
• ✓Largest railway platform is of Rohri.
• ✓Longest railway track: Karachi to Landi Kotal.
• ✓Longest road: Karachi to Peshawar.

• ✓First TV station in Pakistan started at Lahore.
• Largest airline is PIA.
• Largest airport is Quaid-e-Azam Internationl Airport, Karachi.
• Largest canal is Lloyd Barrage Canal.
• Largest dam is Terbela.
• Largest desert is Thar.
• Largest district is Khuzdar (Baluchistan).
• Largest industial unit is Pak: Steel Mill.

🙏🌹Please pray five times daily and remember me in your prayers🙏🌹
[5/20/2022, 10:06 PM] Aziz Kakar: *دنیا بھر کے اسلامی ممالک کے نام*




4۔۔اری ٹیریا








12۔۔برکینا فاسو

13۔۔برونائی دارالسلام

14۔۔بنگلہ دیش

15۔۔بوسنیا ہرزیگووینا









24۔۔سری نام

25۔۔سعودی عرب



28۔۔سینی گال





33۔فلسطین اتھارٹی








41۔۔گنی بساؤ








49۔۔متحدہ عرب امارات





[5/20/2022, 10:06 PM] Aziz Kakar:

1. Country---> Afghanistan
2. Capital---> Kabul
3. Currency--> Afghani

1. Country---> Algeria
2. Capital---> Algiers
3. Currency--> Dinar

1. Country---> Angola
2. Capital---> Luanda
3. Currency--> Kwanza

1. Country---> Argentina
2. Capital---> Buenos Aires
3. Currency--> Argentino Sentavos

1. Country---> Australia
2. Capital---> Canberra
3. Currency--> Australian Dollar

1. Country---> Austria
2. Capital---> Vienna
3. Currency--> Shilling

1. Country---> Azerbijan
2. Capital---> Baku
3. Currency--> Manat

1. Country---> Bahrain
2. Capital---> Manama
3. Currency--> Bahrain Dinar

1. Country---> Bangladesh
2. Capital---> Dhaka
3. Currency--> Taka

1. Country---> Belgium
2. Capital---> Brussels
3. Currency--> Euro

1. Country---> Belarus
2. Capital---> Minsk
3. Currency--> Belaros Rubbe

1. Country---> Bhutan
2. Capital---> Thimphu
3. Currency--> Nugultram

1. Country---> Brazil
2. Capital---> Brasilia
3. Currency--> Real (BRC)

1. Country---> Brunei
2. Capital---> Ba**er Seri Begawan
3. Currency--> Brunei Dollar or Ringhit

1. Country---> Bulgaria
2. Capital---> Sofia
3. Currency--> Lev

1. Country---> Cambodia
2. Capital---> Phnom Penh
3. Currency--> Rial

1. Country---> Chanada
2. Capital---> Ottawa
3. Currency--> Dollar

1. Country---> China, Peoples Republic
2. Capital---> Beijing
3. Currency--> Yuan

1. Country---> Cuba
2. Capital---> Havana
3. Currency--> Peso

1. Country---> Cyprus
2. Capital---> Nicosia
3. Currency--> Cyprus Pound

1. Country---> Denmark
2. Capital---> Copenhagen
3. Currency--> Danish Krone

1. Country---> Egypt
2. Capital---> Cairo
3. Currency--> Pound

1. Country---> Ethiopia
2. Capital---> Adis Ababa
3. Currency--> Birr

1. Country---> Fiji
2. Capital---> Suva
3. Currency--> Dollar

1. Country---> Finland
2. Capital---> Helsinki
3. Currency--> Euro

1. Country---> France
2. Capital---> Paris
3. Currency--> Euro

1. Country---> Germany
2. Capital---> Berlin
3. Currency--> Euro

1. Country---> Ghana
2. Capital---> Accra
3. Currency--> Cedar

1. Country---> Greece
2. Capital---> Athens
3. Currency--> Euro

1. Country---> Guatemala
2. Capital---> Guatemala City
3. Currency--> Quetzal

1. Country---> Hong Kong
2. Capital---> Victoria
3. Currency-->Dollar

1. Country---> Hungary
2. Capital---> Budapest
3. Currency--> Florint

1. Country---> Iceland
2. Capital---> Reykjavik
3. Currency--> Krona

1. Country---> India
2. Capital---> New Delhi
3. Currency--> Rupee

1. Country---> Indonesia
2. Capital---> Jakarta
3. Currency--> Rupiah

1. Country---> Iran
2. Capital---> Teheran
3. Currency--> Rial

1. Country---> Iraq
2. Capital---> Baghdad
3. Currency--> Iraqui Dinar

1. Country---> Ireland
2. Capital---> Dublin
3. Currency--> Euro

1. Country---> Israel
2. Capital---> Jerusalem
3. Currency--> New Shekel

1. Country---> Italy
2. Capital---> Rome
3. Currency--> Euro

1. Country---> Jamaica
2. Capital---> Kingston
3. Currency--> Dollar

1. Country---> Japan
2. Capital---> Tokyo
3. Currency--> Yen

1. Country---> Jordan
2. Capital---> Amman
3. Currency--> Dinar

1. Country---> Kazakhistan
2. Capital---> Almati
3. Currency--> Ruble

1. Country---> Kirghizistan
2. Capital---> Bishkek
3. Currency--> Ruble

1. Country---> Korea (North)
2. Capital---> Pyongyang
3. Currency--> Won

1. Country---> Korea (South)
2. Capital---> Seoul
3. Currency--> Won

1. Country---> Kuwait
2. Capital---> Kuwait
3. Currency--> Dinar

1. Country---> Laos
2. Capital---> Vientiane
3. Currency--> New Kiplao

1. Country---> Lebanon
2. Capital---> Beirut
3. Currency--> Pound

1. Country---> Libya
2. Capital---> Tripoli
3. Currency--> Dinar

1. Country---> Luxembourg
2. Capital---> Luxembourg Ville
3. Currency--> Euro

1. Country---> Macau
2. Capital---> Macau
3. Currency--> Pataka

1. Country---> Malaysia
2. Capital---> Kuala Lumpur
3. Currency--> Ringrit

1. Country---> Maldives, Republic of
2. Capital---> Male
3. Currency--> Rufia

1. Country---> Mauritius
2. Capital---> Port Luis
3. Currency--> Rupee

1. Country---> Mexico
2. Capital---> Mexico City
3. Currency--> New Peso

1. Country---> Mongolia
2. Capital---> Ulan Bator
3. Currency--> Tugrik

1. Country---> Myanmar
2. Capital---> Naypyidaw
3. Currency--> Kyat

1. Country---> Mozambique
2. Capital---> Maputo
3. Currency--> Metical

1. Country---> Nauru
2. Capital---> Yaren
3. Currency--> Dollar

1. Country---> Nepal
2. Capital---> Kathmandu
3. Currency--> Rupee

1. Country---> Netherlands
2. Capital---> Amsterdam
3. Currency--> Euro

1. Country---> New Zealand
2. Capital---> Wellington
3. Currency--> Dollar

1. Country---> Nigeria
2. Capital---> Abuja
3. Currency--> Naira

1. Country---> Norway
2. Capital---> Oslo
3. Currency--> Kroner

1. Country---> Oman
2. Capital---> Muscat
3. Currency--> Rial

1. Country---> Pakistan
2. Capital---> Islamabad
3. Currency--> Rupee

1. Country---> Panama
2. Capital---> Panama City
3. Currency--> Balboa

1. Country---> Philippines
2. Capital---> Manila
3. Currency--> Peso

1. Country---> Poland
2. Capital---> Warsao
3. Currency--> Zloty

1. Country---> Portugel
2. Capital---> Lisbon
3. Currency--> Euro

1. Country---> Qatar
2. Capital---> Doha
3. Currency--> Riyal
[5/20/2022, 10:06 PM] Aziz Kakar: *Islamic Personalities and their titles*

1. Hzrat Adam……. Abul-Bashar;
2. Hazart Nooh……Adam sani
3. Hzrat Musa……Kaleem ullah
4. Hzrat Ibrahim……Abul Anmbiya and Khalil Ullah
5. Hzrat ismail……… Zabeeh ullah
6. Hzrat shuaib……. Khateeb ul Anmbiya
7. Hzrat Isa…………Roohullah
8. Hzrat Muhammad…..Alnabi-ul-khatim
9. Hzrat abu bkar……..Siddiq e akbar
10. Hzrat Umar…………..Farooq e Azam
11. Hzrat usman………… Zunnorain
12. Hzrat Ali………….. The lion of God….The gate of knowledge…haider e Karrar
13. Hzrat Hassan &hussain……..Al-Hasnain
14. Hzrat sad bin abi waqas……….Fateh Iran(miser)
15. Hzrat umro bin Al-Aas…….Fateh Egypt
16. Hzrat Khalid bin walid…..Saifullah
17. Hzrat Fatima……..Khatoon e jannat
18. Hzrat Amir Hamza….. Sayed- ud –shuhda
19. Mohammad bin qasim………..The youngest general& fateh sindh
[5/20/2022, 10:07 PM] Aziz Kakar:
1. First human to walk on the Moon
A) Neil Armstrong, Apollo 11(1969)
2. First human to walk in space
A) Alexei Arkhovich Leonov (1965)
3. The first person to sail round the world
A) Magellan
4. The first country to send man to the moon
A) U.S.A.
5. The first country to launch Artificial satellite in the space
A) Russia
6. The first country to host the modern Olympics
A) Greece
7. The first Governor General of Pakistan
A) Muhammad Ali Jinnah
8. The first country to host NAM summit
A) Belgrade (Yugoslavia)
9. The first woman to climb Mount Everest
A) Junko Taibei
10. The first Foreign Invader to India
A) Alexander the Great
11. The first Chinese Traveler to India
A) Fahein
12. The first U.S. President to resign Presidency
A) Richard Nixon
13. The first man to have climbed Mount Everest twice
A) Nawang Gombu
14. The first batsman to score three test centuries in three successive tests on debut
A) Mohd. Azharuddin
15. The first woman President of the U.N. General Assembly
A) Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit
16. The first person to fly aeroplane
A) Wright Brothers
17. The first European to reach China
A) Marco Polo
18. The first European to attack India
A) Alexander, The Great
19. The first woman Prime Minister of a country
A) Mrs. Srimavo Bhandarnaike
20. The first woman President of a country
A) Maria Estela Peron
21. The first woman to Command a Space Mission
A) Colonel Eileen Collins
22. First talkie movie in the world
A) "The Jazz Singer" (1927)
23. The first residents of International Space station
A) Bill Shepherd (USA), Yuri Gidzanko and Sergei Krikalev (Russia)
24. The first blind man to scale Mt. Everest
A) Erik Weihenmayer (USA, May 25, 2001)
25. The first city on which the atom bomb was dropped
A) Hiroshima (Japan)
26. First woman to fly solo across the English Channel
A) Hariiet Quimby
27. First woman to fly solo around the world
A) Jerrie Fredritz Mock.(1964)
1. First human to walk on the Moon
A) Neil Armstrong, Apollo 11(1969)
2. First human to walk in space
A) Alexei Arkhovich Leonov (1965)
3. The first person to sail round the world
A) Magellan
4. The first country to send man to the moon
A) U.S.A.
5. The first country to launch Artificial satellite in the space
A) Russia
6. The first country to host the modern Olympics
A) Greece
7. The first Governor General of Pakistan
A) Muhammad Ali Jinnah
8. The first country to host NAM summit
A) Belgrade (Yugoslavia)
9. The first woman to climb Mount Everest
A) Junko Taibei
10. The first Foreign Invader to India
A) Alexander the Great
11. The first Chinese Traveler to India
A) Fahein
12. The first U.S. President to resign Presidency
A) Richard Nixon
13. The first man to have climbed Mount Everest twice
A) Nawang Gombu
14. The first batsman to score three test centuries in three successive tests on debut
A) Mohd. Azharuddin
15. The first woman President of the U.N. General Assembly
A) Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit
16. The first person to fly aeroplane
A) Wright Brothers
17. The first European to reach China
A) Marco Polo
18. The first European to attack India
A) Alexander, The Great
19. The first woman Prime Minister of a country
A) Mrs. Srimavo Bhandarnaike
20. The first woman President of a country
A) Maria Estela Peron
21. The first woman to Command a Space Mission
A) Colonel Eileen Collins
22. First talkie movie in the world
A) "The Jazz Singer" (1927)
23. The first residents of International Space station
A) Bill Shepherd (USA), Yuri Gidzanko and Sergei Krikalev (Russia)
24. The first blind man to scale Mt. Everest
A) Erik Weihenmayer (USA, May 25, 2001)
25. The first city on which the atom bomb was dropped
A) Hiroshima (Japan)
26. First woman to fly solo across the English Channel
A) Hariiet Quimby
27. First woman to fly solo around the world
A) Jerrie Fredritz Mock.(1964)
[5/20/2022, 10:07 PM] Aziz Kakar:
■ Vitamin D Is alsO called Calciferol.
■ Vitamin A1 Is alsO Called Retinol .
■ Vitamin A2 Is alsO Called Dehydroretinol .
■ Vitamin P Is alsO Called Bioflavonoid or Citrin .
■ Vitamin M Is alsO called Folacin .
■ Vitamin G Is also called Heptoflavin or Lactoflavin .
■ Vitamin H Is also called Biotin .
■ Vitamin B9 Is also Called folic acid.
■ Vitamin C Is also Called Ascorbic Acid.
■ Vitamin k1 Is also called phylloquinone.
■ Vitamin k2 Is also called Menaquinone.
■ Vitamin k3 Is also called Menadione .
■ Vitamin D Is the Obtained from the Sun.
[9/23/2022, 2:38 AM] Aziz Kakar:
Q: What is the date of birth of Quaid-e-Azam"
A: December 25, 1876
Q: Where was Quaid-e-Azam born?
A: Karachi
Q: What was the name of the building where Quaid-e-Azam was born?
A: Wazir Mansion in Kharadar
Q: What was the name of his father?
A: Jinnahbhai Poonja
Q: What was the name of his mother?
A: Mithibai
Q: Name the ancestral village of Quaid's family?
A: Paneli in Kathiawar
Q: What was the name of Quaid's aunt who first took him to Bombay in his childhood?
A: Manbai
Q: Name the brothers and sisters of Quaid-e-Azam?
A: Rahmat, Maryam, Ahmed Ali, Bande Ali, Fatima, Sh in n
Q: What was his mother tongue?
A: Gujrati
Q: What was the profession of his father?
A: Business
Q: When did Quaid-e-Azam first marry?
A: 1892
Q: What was the name of his first wife?
A: Emibai
Q: When did his first wife die?
A: 1894
Q: When did his mother expire?
A: 1893
Q: When did his father die?
A: 1902
Q: What is the date of birth of Quaid's sister Mohtarma Fatima Jinnah?
A: July3l, 1891
Q: What was Fatima Jinnah titled?
A: Madar-e-MiIlat (Mother of the Nation)
Q: When did Quaid-e-Azam's second marriage take place?
A: Aprill9,1918
Q: What was the name of his second wife?
A: RatanBai
Q: What was the name of her father?
A: Sir Dinshaw Petit
Q: When was Quaid's only child born?
A: August 14, 1919
Q: What was the name of Quaid's only daughter?
A: Dina
Q: When did Quaid's second wife die?
A: February 20, 1929
Quaid-e-Azam Early Life
Q: When was the first tutor engaged to teach Quaid-e-Azam at home?
A: 1882
Q: Which school did he first join?
A: Sindh Madrassah-tul-lslam
Q: When was he admitted at Sindh Madrassah-tul-Islam?
A: July4, 1887
Q: When was he first taken to Bombay?
A: 1887
Q: Which school did he join during his brief stay in Bombay?
A: Anjuman-e-lslam School
Q: When was he readmitted at Sindh Madrassah-tul-Islam?
A: December23, 1887
Q: Which was the game he used to play in his schoof life?
A: Cricket
Q: At what age he took to horse riding
A: Ten years
Q: When did he leave Sindh Madrassah-tul-lslam?
A: January 30, 1892
Q: Which school did he join in after leaving Sindh Madrassah-tul-lslam?
A: Mission High School
Higher Education
Q: When did Quaid-e-Azam leave for England for higher studies?
A: December 1892
Q: On whose advice did he proceed to England?
A: Sir Leigh Croft
Q: In which bank did he open his account upon arrival in England?
A: Royal Bank of Scotland
Q: In which company did he begin apprenticeship in London?
A: GrahamTrading Company
Q: Which educational institution did he first join in Eng-land?
A: Lincoln,s lnn
Q: Why had he chosen to join Lincoln's Inn?
A: He specifically chose to join Lincoln's Inn because he noticed the name of Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) heading the list of the great-est law-givers of the world on a plaque at its main entrance.
Q: When did he join Lincoln's Inn?
A: June 25, 1893
Q: What was the aim of his voyage to England at first?
A: To establisth business over there
Q: When was the degree of Bar-at-Law conferred upon him?
A: April29, 1896
Q: Which library was first joined by him in England?
A: British Museum Library
Q: When did he change his surname from Jinnahbhai toJinnah?
A: 1893
Q: Who was the Prime Minister of England when Quaid-e-Azam was studying law in England?
A: William Ewart Gladstone
Q: Which were Quaid's favourite newspapers during his stay in England?
A: The Times, The Liberal Daily News and The Pall Mall Gazette
Q: When did he return from England after completing his education?
A: 1896
Q: When did Quaid-e-Azam leave for England for higher studies?
A: December 1892
Q: On whose advice did he proceed to England?
A: Sir Leigh Croft
Q: In which bank did he open his account upon arrival in England?
A: Royal Bank of Scotland
Q: In which company did he begin apprenticeship in London?
A: GrahamTrading Company
Q: Which educational institution did he first join in Eng-land?
A: Lincoln,s lnn
Q: Why had he chosen to join Lincoln's Inn?
A: He specifically chose to join Lincoln's Inn because he noticed the name of Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) heading the list of the great-est law-givers of the world on a plaque at its main entrance.
Q: When did he join Lincoln's Inn?
A: June 25, 1893
Q: What was the aim of his voyage to England at first?
A: To establisth business over there
Q: When was the degree of Bar-at-Law conferred upon him?
A: April29, 1896
Q: Which library was first joined by him in England?
A: British Museum Library
Q: When did he change his surname from Jinnahbhai toJinnah?
A: 1893
Q: Who was the Prime Minister of England when Quaid-e-Azam was studying law in England?
A: William Ewart Gladstone
Q: Which were Quaid's favourite newspapers during his stay in England?
A: The Times, The Liberal Daily News and The Pall Mall Gazette
Q: When did he return from England after completing his education?
A: 1896
Professional Career
Q: When did Ouaid-e-Azam commence his career as a professional lawyer?
A: 1896
Q: In which court did he first register himself as a barrister?
A: Bombay High Court
Q: When was he enrolled as a barrister at Bombay High Court?
A: August 24,1896
Q: To whom he was first introduced as a lawyer?
A: Advocate General of Bombay, Mac Pherson
Q: When was Quaid-e-Azam first appointed as Third Presidency Magistrate in Bombay?
A: 1900
Q: When did he become a member of Orient Club Bombay?
A: 1902
Q: When did he join Municipal Corporation Bombay as a legal advisor?
A: 1903
Q: When was he elected as member of Bombay Cor- poration?
A: 1904
Q: When was he nominated as a representative of Bombay Presidency Association to plead the In-dian case before the British electorate?
A: 1905
Q: When did he resign from the membership of Bom-bay Corporation?
A: 1907
Q: When did his political career begin?
A: 1906
Q: When did he join Indian National Congress?
A: 1906
Q: When did he join All fndia Muslim League?
A: 1913
Q: Who had invited him to join Muslim League?
A: Maulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar
Q: When was he elected Vice President of Indian Muslim Association?
A: 1907
Q: When was he elected member Executive Committee of Anjuman Zia-ul-Islam?
A: 1907
Q: When did he become Private Secretary to Congress President Dadabhai Naoroji?
A: 1906
Q: When was Qua id-e-Azam elected to Imperial Legislative Council of India?
A: 1909
Q: From which constituency he was elected to the Council?
A: Bombay Presidency
Q: When did he join Home Rule League?
A: 1916
Q: Who founded Home Rule League?
A: Annie Besant
Q: When did he leave Congress?
A: 1920
Q: Why had he resigned from Congress?
A: In protest of Gandhi's resolution of noncooperation movement against the British regime
Q: When did Quaid-e-Azam first become President of Muslim League?
A: 1916
Q: When did he present his famous 14 points?
A: March28,1929
Q: Where did he present them?
A: During the session of All India Muslim League at Delhi
Q: Why did he come up with his 14 points?
A: It was in response to the unjust Nehru Report which had fallen short of the just demands of the Muslims
Q: With whom did he represent the Muslim delega-tion in the first as well as the second Round Table Conference?
A: Maulana Muhammad All Jauhar
Q: Did Quaid-e-Azam join the Civil Disobedience. Movement which was launched by Gandhi ?
A: No. Because he was against violating the laws
Q: In how many Round Table Conferences did he participate?
A: Two
Q: When was the first conference held?
A: 1930.
Q: When was the second conference held?
A: 1932
Q: Were the conferences a success story?'
A: No
Q: When did Quaid-e-Azam return to India to reorganise Muslim League?
A: 1937
Q: Why was Quaid-e-Azam known as Ambassador of Peace and Unity?
A: He had worked. a great deal for Hlndu-Muslim unity as a result of which the annual sessions of both Congress as well as Muslim League were held at Lucknow in 1916
Q: Which historic meeting did the Ouaid preside in 1940?
A: The Lahore session of All India Muslim League in which the Pakistan Resolution was tabled and passed.
Q: What was the Pakistan Resolution?
A: In this resolution it was demanded that those ar eas of India where the Muslims were in majority should be formed into separate and independent Units .
Q: Who had tabled the Pakistan Resolution?
A: A K Fazle Haq
Q: Who had seconded the resolution?
A: Chaudhry Khaliq-uz-Zaman
Q: How many people were estimated to have attended the Lahore session of Muslim League in which the Pakistan Resolution was tabled and passed?
A: 100,000
Q: Where was the Annual Convention of Muslim League held in 1941?
A: Madras
Q: When did Quaid-e-Azam present his two-nation theory?
A: December 28, 1940
Q: Where had he presented the theory?
A: Ahmedabad
Q: When was All India Muslim Students Federation founded?
A: December 1937
Q: Where was the first meeting of the federation held?
A: Calcutta
Q: When did Nishat-e-Sania of Muslim League come into being?
A: October1937
Q: Where was that historic decision taken?
A: Lucknow
Q: When was All India Muslim League Volunteer Corps founded?
A: October1937
Q: Who was the founding Convenor of the Corps?
A: Abdul Haq Barklay
Q: Name the person who announced the title of Quald-e-Azam for Muhammad Ali Jinnah?
A: Ferozuddin Ahmed
Q: Where did he make that announcement?
A: During the Patna session of All India Muslim League
Q: When was the Women Wing of Muslim League established
A: 1937
Q: Who had helped Ouaid-e-Azam in the formation of Women Wing of Muslim League?
A: His sister Fatima Jinnah
Quaid-e-Azam life after Independence
Q: When did Quaid-e-Azam reach Karachi on the eve of Independence?
A: August 7, 1947
Q: Which city was declared as capital of Pakistan by Ouaid-e-Azam?
A: Karachi
Q: When did he chair first meeting of the Constituent Assembly of Pakistan?
A: August 12, 1947
Q: When did he host a banquet in the honour of Lord Mountbatten, the last viceroy of British India?
A: August l3, 1947
Q: When was Quaid-e-Azam sworn in as the first Governor General of Pakistan?
A: August l5, 1947
Q: Who had administered the oath from him?
A: Justice Sir Abdul Rashid
Q: When was Quaid-e-Azam given first civic reception by Karachi Metropolitan Corporation?
A: August 25, 1947
Q: Which was the first private factory to be inaugurated by Quaid-e-Azam?
A: Valika Textile Mills
Q: When did he inaugurate that factory?
A: September 26, 1947
Q: When did he first address the Armed Forces of Pakistan?
A: October 11, 1947
Q: When did he issue Banking Companies (Pakistan) Ordinance?
A: October 22, 1947
Q: When was National Guards Ordinance issued by him?
A: November 2, 1947
Q: When did he inaugurate Bengal Oil Mills?
A: February 2, 1948
Q: When did he perform the opening ceremony of State Bank of Pakistan?
A: July 1, 1948
Q: Which was the last public function attended by Quaid-e-Azam?
A: The opening ceremony of State Bank
Q: When did he move to Ziarat?
A: July 14,1948
Q: When did he move to Quetta?
A: August 13,1948
Q: When did he finally return to Karachi?
A: September 11, 1948
Q: When did he die?
A: September 11, 1948
Q: Where did he die?
A: Karachi
Q: Where was he buried?
A: Karachi
Q: When was he buried?
A: September 12, 1948
Q: How many people turned up in his funeral procession?
A: Nearly 0.6 million
Q: Who succeeded Quaid-e-Azam as Governor General of Pakistan?
A: Khwaja Nazimuddin
Miscallenous Questions
Q: Name the chowkidar who served Quaid-e-Azam in the Ziarat Residency in Balochistan?
A: TotiKhan
Q: What was the name of his personal physician?
A: Dr Col Elahi Bakhsh
Q: What was the name of his driver?
A: Muhammad Hanif Azad
Q: Which English poet did Quaid-e-Azam admire most?
A: William Shakespeare
Q: Which game did he like most?
A: Billiards
Q: Which other games did he himself play?
A: Cricket and golf
Q: Where is Jinnah Town Hall located?
A: Bombay
Q: What is the meaning of Jinnah?
A: Tall, slim or something similar
Q: What is the meaning of Ouaid-e-Azam?
A: Great Leader
Q: What was the motto of his life?
A: Unity, faith and discipline
Q: Which newspaper was founded by him?
A: Dawn
Q: How tall was Quaid-e-Azam?
A: Five feet and ten inches
Q: What was the colour of his eyes?
A: Black
Q: In which eye did he use to wear monocle?
A: Right
Q: In which city Ouaid-e-Azam University located?
A: Islamabad
Q: Who designed the mausoleum of Quaid-e-Azam?
A: Yahya Merchant
Q: Which country gifted the chandelier for the mausoleum?
A: China
Q: When was the mausoleum of Quaid-e-Azam com-pleted?
A: 1971
Q: What is the new name of Flag Staff House?
A: Quaid-e-Azam House Museum
Q: From whom Ouaid-e-Azam had purchased that building?
A: Sohrab Katrak Cawasjee
[9/23/2022, 2:38 AM] Aziz Kakar: 👨🏻‍💻 *G.K of Pakistan Regarding Largest*

✓Largest industry is Textile.
• ✓Largest island is Manora (Astola)
• ✓Largest Jungle is Changa Manga (Kasur).
• ✓Largest lake (artificial) is Keenjhar.
• ✓Largest lake (natural) is Manchar.
• ✓Largest library is Pujab Public Library, Lahore.
• ✓Largest mine is Salt Mines of Khewra.
• ✓Largest motorway is Lahore-Islamabad.
• ✓Largest museum is National Meseum, Karachi.
• ✓Largest circulated urdu newspaper is Jang, Enghish is The News.
• ✓Largest nuclear reactor is KANUPP, Karachi.
•✓ Largest oil field is Dhurnal Oil Field.
• ✓Largest park is Ayub National Park, Rawalpindi.
• ✓Largest Radio Station is Islamabad.
• ✓Largest university is Punjab University, Lahore.
• ✓Longest coast is of Baluchistan (771 km)
• ✓Largest railway platform is of Rohri.
• ✓Longest railway track: Karachi to Landi Kotal.
• ✓Longest road: Karachi to Peshawar.

• ✓First TV station in Pakistan started at Lahore.
• Largest airline is PIA.
• Largest airport is Quaid-e-Azam Internationl Airport, Karachi.
• Largest canal is Lloyd Barrage Canal.
• Largest dam is Terbela.
• Largest desert is Thar.
• Largest district is Khuzdar (Baluchistan).
• Largest industial unit is Pak: Steel Mill.

🙏🌹Please pray five times daily and remember me in your prayers🙏🌹
[10/21/2022, 6:37 PM] Aziz Kakar: انسانی جسم: پاک ہے خدا، خالق، خالق، فوٹوگرافر
1: ہڈیوں کی تعداد: 206
2: پٹھوں کی تعداد: 639
3: گردے کی تعداد: 2
4: دودھ کے دانتوں کی تعداد: 20
5: پسلیوں کی تعداد: 24 (12 جوڑے)
6: دل کے چیمبرز کی تعداد: 4
7: سب سے بڑی شریان: شہ رگ
8: نارمل بلڈ پریشر: 120/80 ایم ایم ایچ جی
9: خون کا پی ایچ: 7.4
10: ریڑھ کی ہڈی میں ریڑھ کی ہڈی کی تعداد: 33
11: گردن میں ریڑھ کی ہڈی کی تعداد: 7
12: درمیانی کان میں ہڈیوں کی تعداد: 6
13: چہرے پر ہڈیوں کی تعداد: 14
14: کھوپڑی میں ہڈیوں کی تعداد: 22
15: سینے میں ہڈیوں کی تعداد: 25
16: بازو میں ہڈیوں کی تعداد: 6
17: انسانی بازو میں پٹھوں کی تعداد: 72
19: قدیم ترین رکن: چمڑا
20: سب سے بڑی خوراک: جگر
21: سب سے بڑا خلیہ: مادہ بیضہ
22: سب سے چھوٹا خلیہ: سپرم سیل
23: سب سے چھوٹی ہڈی: درمیانی کان کی رکاب
24: پہلا ٹرانسپلانٹ شدہ عضو: ایک گردہ
25: پتلی آنت کی اوسط لمبائی: 7 میٹر
26: بڑی آنت کی اوسط لمبائی: 1.5 میٹر
27: نوزائیدہ بچے کا اوسط وزن: 3 کلوگرام
28: ایک منٹ میں دل کی دھڑکن: 72 بار
29: جسمانی درجہ حرارت: 37 °C
30: خون کا اوسط حجم: 4 سے 5 لیٹر
31: خون کے سرخ خلیوں کی عمر: 120 دن
32: سفید خون کے خلیات کی عمر: 10 سے 15 دن
33: حمل کی مدت: 280 دن (40 ہفتے)
34: انسانی پاؤں کی ہڈیوں کی تعداد: 33
35: ہر کلائی میں ہڈیوں کی تعداد: 8
36: ہاتھ کی ہڈیوں کی تعداد: 27
37: سب سے بڑا اینڈوکرائن غدود: تھائرائڈ گلینڈ
38: سب سے بڑا لمفیٹک عضو: تللی
40: سب سے بڑی اور مضبوط ہڈی: فیمر
41: سب سے چھوٹا پٹھوں: سٹیپیڈیئس (درمیانی کان)
41: کروموسوم نمبر: 46 (23 جوڑے)
42: نوزائیدہ بچے کی ہڈیوں کی تعداد: 306
43: خون کی واسکاسیٹی: 4.5 سے 5.5 تک
44: یونیورسل ڈونر بلڈ گروپ: O
45: یونیورسل ریسیور بلڈ گروپ: AB
46: سب سے بڑا leukocyte: monocyte
47: سب سے چھوٹی leukocyte: lymphocyte
48: خون کے سرخ خلیات کی تعداد میں اضافے کو پولی گلوبولی کہتے ہیں۔
49: جسم کا بلڈ بینک ہے: تللی
50: زندگی کے دریا کو خون کہا جاتا ہے۔
51: عام خون میں کولیسٹرول کی سطح: 100 ملی گرام/ڈی ایل
52: خون کا مائع حصہ ہے: پلازما
تُو پاک ہے، اے رب، تو کتنا عظیم ہے۔
(اللہ نے سب کچھ کامل بنایا)
[10/21/2022, 7:12 PM] Aziz Kakar:
Q: What is the date of birth of Quaid-e-Azam"
A: December 25, 1876
Q: Where was Quaid-e-Azam born?
A: Karachi
Q: What was the name of the building where Quaid-e-Azam was born?
A: Wazir Mansion in Kharadar
Q: What was the name of his father?
A: Jinnahbhai Poonja
Q: What was the name of his mother?
A: Mithibai
Q: Name the ancestral village of Quaid's family?
A: Paneli in Kathiawar
Q: What was the name of Quaid's aunt who first took him to Bombay in his childhood?
A: Manbai
Q: Name the brothers and sisters of Quaid-e-Azam?
A: Rahmat, Maryam, Ahmed Ali, Bande Ali, Fatima, Sh in n
Q: What was his mother tongue?
A: Gujrati
Q: What was the profession of his father?
A: Business
Q: When did Quaid-e-Azam first marry?
A: 1892
Q: What was the name of his first wife?
A: Emibai
Q: When did his first wife die?
A: 1894
Q: When did his mother expire?
A: 1893
Q: When did his father die?
A: 1902
Q: What is the date of birth of Quaid's sister Mohtarma Fatima Jinnah?
A: July3l, 1891
Q: What was Fatima Jinnah titled?
A: Madar-e-MiIlat (Mother of the Nation)
Q: When did Quaid-e-Azam's second marriage take place?
A: Aprill9,1918
Q: What was the name of his second wife?
A: RatanBai
Q: What was the name of her father?
A: Sir Dinshaw Petit
Q: When was Quaid's only child born?
A: August 14, 1919
Q: What was the name of Quaid's only daughter?
A: Dina
Q: When did Quaid's second wife die?
A: February 20, 1929
Quaid-e-Azam Early Life
Q: When was the first tutor engaged to teach Quaid-e-Azam at home?
A: 1882
Q: Which school did he first join?
A: Sindh Madrassah-tul-lslam
Q: When was he admitted at Sindh Madrassah-tul-Islam?
A: July4, 1887
Q: When was he first taken to Bombay?
A: 1887
Q: Which school did he join during his brief stay in Bombay?
A: Anjuman-e-lslam School
Q: When was he readmitted at Sindh Madrassah-tul-Islam?
A: December23, 1887
Q: Which was the game he used to play in his schoof life?
A: Cricket
Q: At what age he took to horse riding
A: Ten years
Q: When did he leave Sindh Madrassah-tul-lslam?
A: January 30, 1892
Q: Which school did he join in after leaving Sindh Madrassah-tul-lslam?
A: Mission High School
Higher Education
Q: When did Quaid-e-Azam leave for England for higher studies?
A: December 1892
Q: On whose advice did he proceed to England?
A: Sir Leigh Croft
Q: In which bank did he open his account upon arrival in England?
A: Royal Bank of Scotland
Q: In which company did he begin apprenticeship in London?
A: GrahamTrading Company
Q: Which educational institution did he first join in Eng-land?
A: Lincoln,s lnn
Q: Why had he chosen to join Lincoln's Inn?
A: He specifically chose to join Lincoln's Inn because he noticed the name of Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) heading the list of the great-est law-givers of the world on a plaque at its main entrance.
Q: When did he join Lincoln's Inn?
A: June 25, 1893
Q: What was the aim of his voyage to England at first?
A: To establisth business over there
Q: When was the degree of Bar-at-Law conferred upon him?
A: April29, 1896
Q: Which library was first joined by him in England?
A: British Museum Library
Q: When did he change his surname from Jinnahbhai toJinnah?
A: 1893
Q: Who was the Prime Minister of England when Quaid-e-Azam was studying law in England?
A: William Ewart Gladstone
Q: Which were Quaid's favourite newspapers during his stay in England?
A: The Times, The Liberal Daily News and The Pall Mall Gazette
Q: When did he return from England after completing his education?
A: 1896
Q: When did Quaid-e-Azam leave for England for higher studies?
A: December 1892
Q: On whose advice did he proceed to England?
A: Sir Leigh Croft
Q: In which bank did he open his account upon arrival in England?
A: Royal Bank of Scotland
Q: In which company did he begin apprenticeship in London?
A: GrahamTrading Company
Q: Which educational institution did he first join in Eng-land?
A: Lincoln,s lnn
Q: Why had he chosen to join Lincoln's Inn?
A: He specifically chose to join Lincoln's Inn because he noticed the name of Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) heading the list of the great-est law-givers of the world on a plaque at its main entrance.
Q: When did he join Lincoln's Inn?
A: June 25, 1893
Q: What was the aim of his voyage to England at first?
A: To establisth business over there
Q: When was the degree of Bar-at-Law conferred upon him?
A: April29, 1896
Q: Which library was first joined by him in England?
A: British Museum Library
Q: When did he change his surname from Jinnahbhai toJinnah?
A: 1893
Q: Who was the Prime Minister of England when Quaid-e-Azam was studying law in England?
A: William Ewart Gladstone
Q: Which were Quaid's favourite newspapers during his stay in England?
A: The Times, The Liberal Daily News and The Pall Mall Gazette
Q: When did he return from England after completing his education?
A: 1896
Professional Career
Q: When did Ouaid-e-Azam commence his career as a professional lawyer?
A: 1896
Q: In which court did he first register himself as a barrister?
A: Bombay High Court
Q: When was he enrolled as a barrister at Bombay High Court?
A: August 24,1896
Q: To whom he was first introduced as a lawyer?
A: Advocate General of Bombay, Mac Pherson
Q: When was Quaid-e-Azam first appointed as Third Presidency Magistrate in Bombay?
A: 1900
Q: When did he become a member of Orient Club Bombay?
A: 1902
Q: When did he join Municipal Corporation Bombay as a legal advisor?
A: 1903
Q: When was he elected as member of Bombay Cor- poration?
A: 1904
Q: When was he nominated as a representative of Bombay Presidency Association to plead the In-dian case before the British electorate?
A: 1905
Q: When did he resign from the membership of Bom-bay Corporation?
A: 1907
Q: When did his political career begin?
A: 1906
Q: When did he join Indian National Congress?
A: 1906
Q: When did he join All fndia Muslim League?
A: 1913
Q: Who had invited him to join Muslim League?
A: Maulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar
Q: When was he elected Vice President of Indian Muslim Association?
A: 1907
Q: When was he elected member Executive Committee of Anjuman Zia-ul-Islam?
A: 1907
Q: When did he become Private Secretary to Congress President Dadabhai Naoroji?
A: 1906
Q: When was Qua id-e-Azam elected to Imperial Legislative Council of India?
A: 1909
Q: From which constituency he was elected to the Council?
A: Bombay Presidency
Q: When did he join Home Rule League?
A: 1916
Q: Who founded Home Rule League?
A: Annie Besant
Q: When did he leave Congress?
A: 1920
Q: Why had he resigned from Congress?
A: In protest of Gandhi's resolution of noncooperation movement against the British regime
Q: When did Quaid-e-Azam first become President of Muslim League?
A: 1916
Q: When did he present his famous 14 points?
A: March28,1929
Q: Where did he present them?
A: During the session of All India Muslim League at Delhi
Q: Why did he come up with his 14 points?
A: It was in response to the unjust Nehru Report which had fallen short of the just demands of the Muslims
Q: With whom did he represent the Muslim delega-tion in the first as well as the second Round Table Conference?
A: Maulana Muhammad All Jauhar
Q: Did Quaid-e-Azam join the Civil Disobedience. Movement which was launched by Gandhi ?
A: No. Because he was against violating the laws
Q: In how many Round Table Conferences did he participate?
A: Two
Q: When was the first conference held?
A: 1930.
Q: When was the second conference held?
A: 1932
Q: Were the conferences a success story?'
A: No
Q: When did Quaid-e-Azam return to India to reorganise Muslim League?
A: 1937
Q: Why was Quaid-e-Azam known as Ambassador of Peace and Unity?
A: He had worked. a great deal for Hlndu-Muslim unity as a result of which the annual sessions of both Congress as well as Muslim League were held at Lucknow in 1916
Q: Which historic meeting did the Ouaid preside in 1940?
A: The Lahore session of All India Muslim League in which the Pakistan Resolution was tabled and passed.
Q: What was the Pakistan Resolution?
A: In this resolution it was demanded that those ar eas of India where the Muslims were in majority should be formed into separate and independent Units .
Q: Who had tabled the Pakistan Resolution?
A: A K Fazle Haq
Q: Who had seconded the resolution?
A: Chaudhry Khaliq-uz-Zaman
Q: How many people were estimated to have attended the Lahore session of Muslim League in which the Pakistan Resolution was tabled and passed?
A: 100,000
Q: Where was the Annual Convention of Muslim League held in 1941?
A: Madras
Q: When did Quaid-e-Azam present his two-nation theory?
A: December 28, 1940
Q: Where had he presented the theory?
A: Ahmedabad
Q: When was All India Muslim Students Federation founded?
A: December 1937
Q: Where was the first meeting of the federation held?
A: Calcutta
Q: When did Nishat-e-Sania of Muslim League come into being?
A: October1937
Q: Where was that historic decision taken?
A: Lucknow
Q: When was All India Muslim League Volunteer Corps founded?
A: October1937
Q: Who was the founding Convenor of the Corps?
A: Abdul Haq Barklay
Q: Name the person who announced the title of Quald-e-Azam for Muhammad Ali Jinnah?
A: Ferozuddin Ahmed
Q: Where did he make that announcement?
A: During the Patna session of All India Muslim League
Q: When was the Women Wing of Muslim League established
A: 1937
Q: Who had helped Ouaid-e-Azam in the formation of Women Wing of Muslim League?
A: His sister Fatima Jinnah
Quaid-e-Azam life after Independence
Q: When did Quaid-e-Azam reach Karachi on the eve of Independence?
A: August 7, 1947
Q: Which city was declared as capital of Pakistan by Ouaid-e-Azam?
A: Karachi
Q: When did he chair first meeting of the Constituent Assembly of Pakistan?
A: August 12, 1947
Q: When did he host a banquet in the honour of Lord Mountbatten, the last viceroy of British India?
A: August l3, 1947
Q: When was Quaid-e-Azam sworn in as the first Governor General of Pakistan?
A: August l5, 1947
Q: Who had administered the oath from him?
A: Justice Sir Abdul Rashid
Q: When was Quaid-e-Azam given first civic reception by Karachi Metropolitan Corporation?
A: August 25, 1947
Q: Which was the first private factory to be inaugurated by Quaid-e-Azam?
A: Valika Textile Mills
Q: When did he inaugurate that factory?
A: September 26, 1947
Q: When did he first address the Armed Forces of Pakistan?
A: October 11, 1947
Q: When did he issue Banking Companies (Pakistan) Ordinance?
A: October 22, 1947
Q: When was National Guards Ordinance issued by him?
A: November 2, 1947
Q: When did he inaugurate Bengal Oil Mills?
A: February 2, 1948
Q: When did he perform the opening ceremony of State Bank of Pakistan?
A: July 1, 1948
Q: Which was the last public function attended by Quaid-e-Azam?
A: The opening ceremony of State Bank
Q: When did he move to Ziarat?
A: July 14,1948
Q: When did he move to Quetta?
A: August 13,1948
Q: When did he finally return to Karachi?
A: September 11, 1948
Q: When did he die?
A: September 11, 1948
Q: Where did he die?
A: Karachi
Q: Where was he buried?
A: Karachi
Q: When was he buried?
A: September 12, 1948
Q: How many people turned up in his funeral procession?
A: Nearly 0.6 million
Q: Who succeeded Quaid-e-Azam as Governor General of Pakistan?
A: Khwaja Nazimuddin
Miscallenous Questions
Q: Name the chowkidar who served Quaid-e-Azam in the Ziarat Residency in Balochistan?
A: TotiKhan
Q: What was the name of his personal physician?
A: Dr Col Elahi Bakhsh
Q: What was the name of his driver?
A: Muhammad Hanif Azad
Q: Which English poet did Quaid-e-Azam admire most?
A: William Shakespeare
Q: Which game did he like most?
A: Billiards
Q: Which other games did he himself play?
A: Cricket and golf
Q: Where is Jinnah Town Hall located?
A: Bombay
Q: What is the meaning of Jinnah?
A: Tall, slim or something similar
Q: What is the meaning of Ouaid-e-Azam?
A: Great Leader
Q: What was the motto of his life?
A: Unity, faith and discipline
Q: Which newspaper was founded by him?
A: Dawn
Q: How tall was Quaid-e-Azam?
A: Five feet and ten inches
Q: What was the colour of his eyes?
A: Black
Q: In which eye did he use to wear monocle?
A: Right
Q: In which city Ouaid-e-Azam University located?
A: Islamabad
Q: Who designed the mausoleum of Quaid-e-Azam?
A: Yahya Merchant
Q: Which country gifted the chandelier for the mausoleum?
A: China
Q: When was the mausoleum of Quaid-e-Azam com-pleted?
A: 1971
Q: What is the new name of Flag Staff House?
A: Quaid-e-Azam House Museum
Q: From whom Ouaid-e-Azam had purchased that building?
A: Sohrab Katrak Cawasjee
[10/21/2022, 7:13 PM] Aziz Kakar: 👨🏻‍💻 *G.K of Pakistan Regarding Largest*

✓Largest industry is Textile.
• ✓Largest island is Manora (Astola)
• ✓Largest Jungle is Changa Manga (Kasur).
• ✓Largest lake (artificial) is Keenjhar.
• ✓Largest lake (natural) is Manchar.
• ✓Largest library is Pujab Public Library, Lahore.
• ✓Largest mine is Salt Mines of Khewra.
• ✓Largest motorway is Lahore-Islamabad.
• ✓Largest museum is National Meseum, Karachi.
• ✓Largest circulated urdu newspaper is Jang, Enghish is The News.
• ✓Largest nuclear reactor is KANUPP, Karachi.
•✓ Largest oil field is Dhurnal Oil Field.
• ✓Largest park is Ayub National Park, Rawalpindi.
• ✓Largest Radio Station is Islamabad.
• ✓Largest university is Punjab University, Lahore.
• ✓Longest coast is of Baluchistan (771 km)
• ✓Largest railway platform is of Rohri.
• ✓Longest railway track: Karachi to Landi Kotal.
• ✓Longest road: Karachi to Peshawar.

• ✓First TV station in Pakistan started at Lahore.
• Largest airline is PIA.
• Largest airport is Quaid-e-Azam Internationl Airport, Karachi.
• Largest canal is Lloyd Barrage Canal.
• Largest dam is Terbela.
• Largest desert is Thar.
• Largest district is Khuzdar (Baluchistan).
• Largest industial unit is Pak: Steel Mill.

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