Healthcare Homoeopathic Clinic

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Commonly known as the ‘Flu”. The most common symptoms are a high fever, runny nose, sore throat, muscle pains, headache, coughing, and feeling tired. Nausea and vomiting occur more commonly. This helps to differentiate from the common cold.

Homeopathy helps your in treating the flu as it recognises each symptom and there are remedies that match the exact symptoms. We give below some remedies that your homeopath will consider.

Following a chill ; high fever, skin dry and hot with thirst, mental agitation, and bodily restlessness, dry cough.

album — Chill or chilliness, with fever which is attended by great weakness from the start, often with nausea and vomiting. The thirst is great but takes only a swallow and often. Restless, going from one place to another. Anxious; much dread of being left alone; gastric disturbance and diarrhea.

— Cerebral form. Much drowsiness, with sudden starts from sleep. Throbbing headache. Face very much flushed and hot. Dread of light, noise or jar.

— Aching in muscles, pain in limbs, but lying very quiet and dreading to be moved. Nausea on rising from chair or pillow. Sharp pains in chest, worse from deep breath or any movement.

— Indispensable. Its symptomatology is a counterpart of La Grippe. The chill is followed by pain in head and eyeballs, which are sore to the touch. Tongue coated white. Thirst for cold water, vomiting after drinking. Bruised, aching pain in back and hips. The body and extremities full of pain. Some hoarseness and cough. Vomiting of bile. The bone-pains, pain in eyeballs and back, with nausea and vomiting are characteristic.

Related Homeopathy for Hangovers
— Creeping chills and general lassitude; cannot get warm. Some prostration, with aching all over body. Eyeballs lame and lids feel heavy. Some fever with pain at base of brain. Not the thirst and restlessness of Aco., or Ars.

— With intense backache relieved by lying on something hard. Tossing, zvith restlessness, especially of legs. Tongue very dry with red tip. Drowsy, typhoid condition, dreaming of hard work and full of fatigue.

Regards: Homoeopath Dr. Naseer Ahmad ❣️


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Human body
1: Number of Bones *206*
2: Number of Muscles *639*
3: Number of Kidneys *2*
4: Number of Milk Teeth *20*
5: Number of Ribs *24 (12 pair)*
6: Number of Heart Chamber *4*
7: Largest artery *Aorta*
8: Normal blood pressure *120/80mmHg*
9: Ph of Blood *7.35-7.45
10: Number of vertebrae in the Spine *33*
11: Number of vertebrae in the Neck *7*
12: Number of Bones in Middle Ear *6*
13: Number of Bones in Face *14*
14: Number of Bones in Skull *22*
15: Number of Bones in Chest *25*
16: Number of Bones in Arms *6*
17: Number of Muscles in Human Arm *72*
18: Number of Pumps in Heart *2*
19: Largest Organ *Skin*
20: Largest gland *Liver*
21: Biggest cell *female O**m*
22: Smallest cell *male S***m*
23: Smallest Bone *Stapes*
24: First transplanted Organ *Heart*
25: Average length of Small Intestine *7m*
26: Average length of Large Intestine *1.5m*
27: Average weight of new Born baby *2.6kg*
28: Pulse rate in One Minute *60-100
29: Normal body temperature *37 C° (98.4 F°)*
30: Average Blood Volume *4 to 5 liters*
31: Life Span of RBC *120 days*
32: Life Span of WBC *10 to 15 days*
33: Pregnancy Period *280 days (40 week)*
34: Number of Bones in Human Foot *33*
35: Number of Bones in Each wrist *8*
36: Number of Bones in Hand *27*
37: Largest Endocrine gland *Thyroid*
38: Largest Lymphatic Organ *Spleen*
39: Largest part of Brain *Cerebrum*
40: Largest & Strongest Bone *Femur*
41: Smallest Muscle *Stapedius (Middle Ear)*
41: Number of Chromosome *46 (23 pair)*
42: Number of Bones in new Born baby *306*
43: Viscosity of Blood *4.5 to 5.5*
44: Universal Donor Blood Group O negative
45: Universal Recipient Blood Group *AB*
46: Largest WBC *Monocyte*
47: Smallest WBC *Lymphocyte*
48: Increase RBC count called *Polycethemia*
49: Blood Bank in the Body is *Spleen*
50: Non Nucleated Blood cell is *RBC*
51: RBC produced in the *Bone Marrow*
52: River of Life is Called *Blood*
53: Normal Blood Cholesterol level *250mg/dl*


A STROKE is a medical emergency. Strokes happen when blood flow to your brain stops. Within minutes, brain cells begin to die.

There are two kinds of stroke. The more common kind, called ischemic stroke, is caused by a blood clot that blocks or plugs a blood vessel in the brain. The other kind, called hemorrhagic stroke, is caused by a blood vessel that breaks and bleeds into the brain. “Mini-strokes” or transient ischemic attacks (TIAs), occur when the blood supply to the brain is briefly interrupted.

Symptoms of stroke are

Sudden numbness or weakness of the face, arm or leg (especially on one side of the body)
Sudden confusion, trouble speaking or understanding speech
Sudden trouble seeing in one or both eyes
Sudden trouble walking, dizziness, loss of balance or coordination
Sudden severe headache with no known cause

If you have any of these symptoms, you must get to a hospital quickly.

Homeopathy works great for Post – Stroke rehabilitation. Please consult a Homeopath, who will identify the right remedy for you based on your similimum.

Aconitum napellus. Heat of the head ; pulsation of the carotids ; skin more warm than cold; pulse full, hard, strong, even suppressed, but not intermittent ; especially when fright or vexation was the cause of it in plethoric apoplectic subjects.

Arnica montana. Full and strong pulse with paralysis of the limbs (especially on the left side), loss of consciousness and stupefaction, with
stertorous breathing; sighing, muttering, involuntary discharge of urine and faeces. Chief remedy on account of its great power to produce absorption of the extravasated blood. It suits middle-aged, plethoric, and stout constitutions.

Baryta carbonica. Apoplexy of old people, especially those addicted to the excessive use of stimulating drinks ; the patient cannot speak ; acts childish, at times anxious and full of fear ; general paralysis of old age; paralysis of the tongue, with loss of memory; anxiety and fear and great trembling of the limbs; inability to keep the body erect.

Belladonna. The first stage of the disease, where severe congestive symptoms are still present, or at a later period, when the extravasation causes severe inflammatory reaction ; stupefaction ; loss of consciousness and speech, or convulsive movements of the limbs and muscles of the face ; paralysis of the extremities, especially on the right side ; the mouth is drawn to one side ; paralysis of the tongue ; ptyalismus, difficulty of swallowing, or entire inability to swallow; loss of sight; dilated pupils; red protruded eyes ; red bloated face; reaching with the hands to the ge****ls.

Cocculus. The paroxysms are preceded or attended by vertigo, nausea, convulsive motions of the eyes; paralysis, especially of the lower limbs, with insensibility

Gelsemium. Threatened or actual apoplexy, with stupor, coma, and nearly general paralysis (rarely useful in hemiplegia or paraplegia”). Headache, with nausea, tightness of the brain ; giddiness ; tendency to stagger, with imperfection of vision; vertigo unto falling ; intense passive congestion to the head with nervous exhaustion.

Lachesis. Stupefaction with loss of consciousness, with blue face and convulsive movements, or tremor of the extremities ; or paralysis, especially of the left side; the paroxysms are preceded by frequent absence of mind, or vertigo with rush of blood to the head; blowing expiration ; after the use of liquors or mental emotions.

Lachnanthes. Vertigo with sensation of heat in the chest and round the heart; sensation as if the vertex were enlarged and driven upwards; the head feels enlarged, as if split open with a wedge from the outside to within ; the whole face becomes yellow, etc.

Nux vomica. Apoplexy of high livers, and leading an easy life ; dyspepsia; stupefaction, stertorous breathing and ptyalisni ; bleareyedness ; dimness of vision ; paralysis especially of the lower limbs ; hanging down of the lower jaw ; the paroxysms are preceded by vertigo, buzzing in the ears, headache as if the head would split open, or the eyes be pressed out with nausea and. urging to vomit; great irritability and hypochondriasis.

O***m. The paroxysms are preceded by dullness of sense, vertigo and heaviness of the head, buzzing in the ears and hardness of hearing, staring look, sleeplessness, anxious dreams or frequent desire to sleep ; the paroxysm is attended by tetanic rigidity of the whole body, redness, bloatedness, and heat of the face ; the head is hot and covered with hot or cold sweat; red eyes, with dilated, insensible pupils ; slow, stertorous breathing ; convulsive movements and trembling of the extremities ; foam at the mouth ; deep comatose sleep, with snoring, rattling, and hanging down of the lower maxilla; impossibility to rouse the patient; the head feels so heavy that it sinks back when the patient wants to lift it.

Pulsatilla. For stupefaction and loss of consciousness, bloated and bluish-red face, loss of motion ; violent palpitation of the heart, almost complete suppression of the pulse, and rattling breatliing.


Remedy resonance for Rheumatism.
Here we compare the remedies that are indicated for Rheumatism

Arctium lappa: Arctium lappa may also be compared with Bryonia in rheumatism. It cures soreness of the muscles, dull pains, all worse from motion.

Rhus toxicodendron: For rheumatism after exposure to wet, especially when one is overheated and perspiring. The Rhus patient finds relief from moving about. Rhus attacks the fibrous tissues, the sheaths of the muscles.

Viola odorata: Viola odorata has a specific action on the right wrist.

Bryonia alba: Bryonia in muscular rheumatism. The muscles are sore to the touch, and at times swollen, and, there is aggravation of the pains from the slightest motion. The pains and swelling either shift not at all or else very slowly.
The local inflammation is violent; The parts are very hot, and dark
or pale-red.

Ledum palustre: Ledum is useful for rheumatic or gouty inflammation of the great toe; tends to harden into nodosities. In hot swelling of the hip and shoulder joints.

Guaiacum: Guaiacum is useful in chronic forms of rheumatism when the joints
have become distorted by the concretions

Actea spicata: Actea spicata has a special affinity for the smaller joints.The patient goes out feeling tolerably comfortable, but as he walks the joints ache and even swell.

Caulophyllum: Caulophyllum is especially suited to rheumatism of the phalangeal and metacarpal joints, particularly in females.

Homoeopathic Dr Naseer Ahmed


Diabetes, often referred to by doctors as diabetes mellitus. It is a constitutional disease where the person has a high blood glucose level. This could be caused by the inadequate production of insulin or the body’s cells that that do not respond to the insulin produced. The person suffering from Diabetes will encounter symptoms of frequent urination, increased thirst and will be hungry most of the time. Homeopathy has many remedies that can control this condition. Here we discuss the Remedy Resonance for this condition. The right remedy will be chosen by an homeopath after taking into consideration the similimum.

Uranium nitricum: This remedy is praised highly by Hughes and others in diabetes originating in dyspepsia. Dr. Laning said that no remedy gives such universal good results ; it lessens the sugar and quantity of the urine ; he recommended the 3X trituration. It is when the disease is due to assimilating derangements that Uranium is the remedy, and symptoms such as defective digestion, languor, debility and much sugar in the urine, enormous appetite and thirst, yet the patient continues to emaciate.

Syzygium jambolanum: It is a remedy capable of diminishing the amount of sugar in the urine, especially when used in the tincture and lower riturations, and some cases have been reported cured.

Acidum phosphoricum: Corresponds to diabetes of nervous origin ; the urine is increased, perhaps milky in color and containing much sugar. It suits cases due to grief, worry and anxiety, those who are indifFerent and apathetic, poor in mental and physical force. There will be loss of appetite, sometimes unquenchable thirst and perhaps the patient will be troubled with boils. When patients pass large quantities of pale colorless urine or where there is much phosphatic deposit in the urine it is the remedy. It thus may be a remedy in the form known as diabetes insipidus.

Phosphorus: Useful in diabetes and pancreatic diseases especially in those of a tuberculous or gouty diathesis. The pancreatic involvement will call attention to Phosphorus.

Acidum lacticum: An exceedingly good remedy in the gastro-hepatic variety of diabetes and good results often follow its use. It has a fine clinical record. The symptoms are: urinates copiously and freely, urine light yellow and saccharine, thirst, nausea, debility, voracious appetite and constipation.

Acidum aceticum: It is also a valuable diabetic remedy, and it has passing of large quantities of pale urine, intense thirst, hot, dry skin and marked debility.

Bryonia: Should not be neglected in this disease. No remedy has dryness of the lips as a symptom of hepatic disorder more marked than Bryonia and this is often one of the first symptoms of diabetes. There is a persistent bitter taste, the patient is languid, morose and dispirited, thirst may not be extreme nor the appetite voracious, the patient may lose strength through inability to eat.

Argentum metallicum: Hahnemann suggests the use of this remedy in diuresis, it is of decided use in diabetes insipidus. The urine is profuse, turbid and of sweet odor. Micturition is frequent and copious.

Natrum sulphuricum corresponds to the hydrogenoid constitution, with dry mouth and throat, and Arsenicum must be studied in diabetic gangrene, thirst and emaciation.

Hering considers Plumbum one of the most important remedies in diabetes mellitus.

Causticum, Scilla and Strophanthus may be of use in diabetes insipidus.

(Homoeopath consultant Dr Naseer Ahmed )


A STROKE is a medical emergency. Strokes happen when blood flow to your brain stops. Within minutes, brain cells begin to die.

There are two kinds of stroke. The more common kind, called ischemic stroke, is caused by a blood clot that blocks or plugs a blood vessel in the brain. The other kind, called hemorrhagic stroke, is caused by a blood vessel that breaks and bleeds into the brain. “Mini-strokes” or transient ischemic attacks (TIAs), occur when the blood supply to the brain is briefly interrupted.

Symptoms of stroke are

Sudden numbness or weakness of the face, arm or leg (especially on one side of the body)
Sudden confusion, trouble speaking or understanding speech
Sudden trouble seeing in one or both eyes
Sudden trouble walking, dizziness, loss of balance or coordination
Sudden severe headache with no known cause

If you have any of these symptoms, you must get to a hospital quickly.

Homeopathy works great for Post – Stroke rehabilitation. Please consult a Homeopath, who will identify the right remedy for you based on your similimum.

Aconitum napellus. Heat of the head ; pulsation of the carotids ; skin more warm than cold; pulse full, hard, strong, even suppressed, but not intermittent ; especially when fright or vexation was the cause of it in plethoric apoplectic subjects.

Arnica montana. Full and strong pulse with paralysis of the limbs (especially on the left side), loss of consciousness and stupefaction, with
stertorous breathing; sighing, muttering, involuntary discharge of urine and faeces. Chief remedy on account of its great power to produce absorption of the extravasated blood. It suits middle-aged, plethoric, and stout constitutions.

Baryta carbonica. Apoplexy of old people, especially those addicted to the excessive use of stimulating drinks ; the patient cannot speak ; acts childish, at times anxious and full of fear ; general paralysis of old age; paralysis of the tongue, with loss of memory; anxiety and fear and great trembling of the limbs; inability to keep the body erect.

Belladonna. The first stage of the disease, where severe congestive symptoms are still present, or at a later period, when the extravasation causes severe inflammatory reaction ; stupefaction ; loss of consciousness and speech, or convulsive movements of the limbs and muscles of the face ; paralysis of the extremities, especially on the right side ; the mouth is drawn to one side ; paralysis of the tongue ; ptyalismus, difficulty of swallowing, or entire inability to swallow; loss of sight; dilated pupils; red protruded eyes ; red bloated face; reaching with the hands to the ge****ls.

Cocculus. The paroxysms are preceded or attended by vertigo, nausea, convulsive motions of the eyes; paralysis, especially of the lower limbs, with insensibility

Gelsemium. Threatened or actual apoplexy, with stupor, coma, and nearly general paralysis (rarely useful in hemiplegia or paraplegia”). Headache, with nausea, tightness of the brain ; giddiness ; tendency to stagger, with imperfection of vision; vertigo unto falling ; intense passive congestion to the head with nervous exhaustion.

Lachesis. Stupefaction with loss of consciousness, with blue face and convulsive movements, or tremor of the extremities ; or paralysis, especially of the left side; the paroxysms are preceded by frequent absence of mind, or vertigo with rush of blood to the head; blowing expiration ; after the use of liquors or mental emotions.

Lachnanthes. Vertigo with sensation of heat in the chest and round the heart; sensation as if the vertex were enlarged and driven upwards; the head feels enlarged, as if split open with a wedge from the outside to within ; the whole face becomes yellow, etc.

Nux vomica. Apoplexy of high livers, and leading an easy life ; dyspepsia; stupefaction, stertorous breathing and ptyalisni ; bleareyedness ; dimness of vision ; paralysis especially of the lower limbs ; hanging down of the lower jaw ; the paroxysms are preceded by vertigo, buzzing in the ears, headache as if the head would split open, or the eyes be pressed out with nausea and. urging to vomit; great irritability and hypochondriasis.

O***m. The paroxysms are preceded by dullness of sense, vertigo and heaviness of the head, buzzing in the ears and hardness of hearing, staring look, sleeplessness, anxious dreams or frequent desire to sleep ; the paroxysm is attended by tetanic rigidity of the whole body, redness, bloatedness, and heat of the face ; the head is hot and covered with hot or cold sweat; red eyes, with dilated, insensible pupils ; slow, stertorous breathing ; convulsive movements and trembling of the extremities ; foam at the mouth ; deep comatose sleep, with snoring, rattling, and hanging down of the lower maxilla; impossibility to rouse the patient; the head feels so heavy that it sinks back when the patient wants to lift it.

(Homoeo Dr Naseer Ahmed)
cell: 03462966588

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