ADP B.A English Notes

This page is about English literature notes especially for B.a ADP English notes


The tell tale heart, critical analysis, summary and questions answers
The tell tale heart questions answers

1 Explain the title of the story?
2:Execution of the murderer?
3:Was the killer a mad man?
4:Motive of the killer?
5:Why did the narrator of the story hate the Old Man?
6:Why did he kill him?
7:What was wrong with the eye’s of old man?
The story,” The Tell Tale Heart summary critical analysis “is about the murder of an old man, it was the narrator who killed the old man without any motive and solid reason. He tells us that he killed the man for a very specific reason, that he dislikes his vulture-like eye. There was no personal enmity between them. He had no material consideration. The old man never wronged him. both lived in the same building.” So far as, The Tell Tale Heart critical analysis is defined that objective there was none, passion there was none. He loved the old man he had never wronged me he has never given me any insult. for his gold, I had no desire. “He tells us that he killed the mad because one of the eye of the old man resemble the eye of a vulture. For more information about this assignment go to google page write post name then yazdaliterature/com


(Anton Chekhov)
The bear play by Anton Chekhov questions and answers

Questions No. 1:
As a farce play.
Theme of the play.
Social facts of the Russian Society.
As a ‘light social comedy.
Clash between Popova & Smirnov.
Title of the play

“The Bear” is a farce. It is a kind of light comedy. It exposes the social
evils of Russian widow, Popova. There are many comic elements in the pin
Both Popova-and Smirnov create humour and laughter in their dialogues
Popova stands for the high status in Russian Society. Popova outwardly
shows her grief after her husband’s death. She declares that she will not
and marry anybody. She decides to stay away from all the joys of life. This
is all affection and hypocrisy. At first, she expresses her hatred for Smirnov She says,

“You are course bear
A Bourbon, A monster”

Later on, she responds to his love. Smirnov is very talkative and a man
of strong will power. He rebukes Popova in the following words,

“You may have buried yourself alive, but you

Have not forgotten to powder your face.”

He even says to her that he has rejected twelve women and mine women have rejected him in his life.For more information about this assignment go to google page write post name then yazdaliterature/com


The Boy Comes Home questions and answers Dream scene (The Boy Comes Home” )
1:How is the dispute between Philip and James resolved or settled?
2: Discuss the importance of the dream scene in” The Boy comes home”
The dream scene in the play,”
The Boy Comes Home questions and answers, uncle James, Philip character and theme justify the ending The Boy Comes Home very much in easy way. The Boy comes home” has great importance , it is a dream scene that changes the finale of the play . It changes all over the scenario of the play ,without dreams scene we cannot pick up the play as whole. Dream scene changes James totally.
Philip does not pay attention to his uncle’s advice. He reacts against his uncle’s authoritative and dictatorial nature. He tells him that he cannot live with him any longer. He demands from him the money which his late father had left for him. James refuses to give him money until he reaches the age of twenty five. In the dream scene Uncle James threatens him to use the force of the money against him. upon this, Phillips takes out his revolver to suppresses the force of money by the physical Force. For more information about this assignment go to google page write post name then yazdaliterature/com


Smoke Screens”(Harold Brighouse)
Smoke Screens questions answers Question No. 1
What is the significance of the title, “Smoke Screens play by Harold Brighouse?
What does the title of the play “Smoke Screens play Harold Brighouse suggests?
Characters contrast or Message of the play?
All the characters in the Smoke screen play are not what they seem?
In Smoke screen play there are four main characters Lucy, Primrose, Susan and ugly man John .The title of the play “Smoke Screens” significance or suggests something, which hides person’s intentions from others it is one of the best themes in this play . Smoke Screens play has several themes and one the top one of theme is appearance vs reality. This reflects a cloud of smoke, Which all the characters of this play have. They produce this smoke to hide their activity or action from the other people. In this way all these characters
use their outward face as a smoke screen to hide their inner nature. The word smoke screen has been used twice in this play. First, when Primrose tells her aunt Susan that she hides her ideas from her as a smoke screen hides something from men, second, Lucy, mother of Primrose, use this word. The play categorically shows that, the main characters hide tires
ideas from one another.For more information about this assignment go to google page write post name then yazdaliterature/com


On Saying “Please” (Alpha of the Plough)
On Saying Please essay summary, questions and answers Question No. 1:
“If bad manners are infectious, so also are good manners.”

In the essay On saying please Alpha emphasizes the importance of saying please and thank you. In the essay, “On Saying Please”, Alpha of the Plough has urged upon his readers that they must be courteous and good mannered in their social interaction. He has a faith that natural courtesy and good manners are quite essential for the smooth and sweet running of human life.

To him, ill-manners spread and adversely affect the morality of the people like an infectious disease. In the same way, good manners also spread very fast like an infectious disease. For more information about this assignment go to google page write post name then yazdaliterature/com


Walking on The Moon essay
summary by David R. Scott questions and answers
In this assignment we will critically analyze Walking on the Moon essay by David R. Scott summary, questions and answers. This essay is actually an adventure in the space.

Walking on The Moon essay by David R. Scott questions and answers

Questions No. 1:
(David R. Scott)
What aspects of the expedition on the moon have been
stressed in the article “Walking on The Moon”
David Scott and Jim Irwin landed on the surface of the moon in their
lunar module (LM). The writer has stressed upon many aspects of the
expedition on the moon. He says that before landing on the surface of the
moon, they made twelve revolutions around the earth in Apolio-15
spaceship Endeavor.
They had come to the moon for certain experiments. He felt that their
weight had suddenly reduced. He felt the experience of weightlessness on
the surface of the moon.
“The writer felt the experience of weightlessness
On the surface of the moon.
They waited for the gray dust to settle. They watched the sun-rise on
the moon. The day on the moon is equal to 355 earth hours. For more information about this assignment go to google page write post name then yazdaliterature/com


Modern essay Take the Plunge summary, questions and answers
In this assignment we will narrate about Modern essay take the plunge summary, questions and answers in full detail so that you may understand the whole Modern essay take the plunge summary, questions and answers.

Modern essay take the plunge summary, questions and answers. Take the Plunge
Question No. 1:
(Gloria Emerson)plane
What is Emerson’s purpose in writing the essay? Does she
state her purpose directly, or do you discover it from her
approach to the subject and her focus? What were her
motives in making the jump? what of her fears,
Gloria Emerson worked as a reporter in a newspaper. She was given
an award for her, excellent performances in the field of reporting. In this
essay her description of taking the plunge definitely creates an interest in
the minds of the readers and attracts them immensely. She wanted to write
about something very extra-ordinary adventure. Being a journalist her
desire was justified. Actually she wanted to glorify her female Curiosity in
terms of the victory of the women in general. She wanted to do something
very extra-ordinary. About her this desire she herself wrote in the essay as

“I wanted to be brave about something, not just about love, or a
root canal or writing that the shoes at Arnold Constable looked
strangely?? For more information about this assignment go to google page write post name then yazdaliterature/com


Tolerance essay by E.M Forster, summary, analysis, questions and answers

Tolerance essay by E.M Forster, summary questions and answers
Question No. 1
Summary of the essay “Tolerance”

Critical Summary of the essay “Tolerance”
In the summary of Tolerance essay by E.M Forster we see that The writer highlights the significance and value of tolerance in promoting peace in the world. He says tolerance is inevitable for the reconstruction of this world. He says two qualities are needed to build up a
nation sound state of mind and tolerance.
Second world war has brought about great destruction. After this
everyone puts forward his views to rebuild Europe. The writer says real
solution of the problem is to have a proper state of mind. England can be
made beautiful if its people make its every street and house with devotion
The second thing for reconstruction is tolerance. He says we can restore
peace and order in the world if we practise tolerance with one another.For more information about this assignment go to google page write post name then yazdaliterature/com


The Vitamins essay by Dr. Kenneth Walker summary, questions and answers
The Vitamins essay by Dr. Kenneth Walker summary, questions and answers

Question No. 1
Define Vitamins in the light of Dr. Kenneth Walker’s essay “The Vitamins”
Dr. Kenneth Walker has successfully thrown light on the significance
of Vitamins. He says that health can not be maintained on diet that keeps
human alive and saves it from wear and tear. He says;

Vitamins are the chemical bodies which are
the essential ingredients of balanced diet.

They keep us healthy and save us from many diseases. Vitamins
A.D.E are fat soluble vitamins. Vitamins A is present in cod liver oil, in
butter and green vegetables, Its absence in diet checks our growth. It
causes problems of eye sight. Vitamin D is also found in cod oil, in animal
fats and in sunlight. Its absence causes rickets. Vitamin E is found in
leaves and seeds and wheat oils. Its absence causes impotency and lack of
fertility. It affects women and makes them unproductive. Vitamins B and
Care also important for our health. Their absence also cause some certain
diseases.For more information about this assignment go to google page write post name then yazdaliterature/com


To Err is Human modern essay by Lewis Thomas summary, analysis questions and answers and B.a or Adp notes

To Err is Human modern essay by Lewis Thomas questions and answers

Question No. 1:
To what extent do computers resemble human mind?
Lewis Thomas, a famous doctor, writes about science subjects in a
lucid style. In his essay, “To Err is Human”, he shows that a computer
resembles human mind to a great extent. It is, in a way the extension of
human brain. It is, however, greatly improved upon.
Normally, a good computer never makes mistake as a human mind
can do. If some error is found in a computer, it must be the result of wrong
handling of the computer by the user.For more information about this assignment go to google page write post name then yazdaliterature/com


Gossip modern essay by Francine Prose summary and questions answers

Gossip modern essay by Francine Prose summary and questions answers

Question No. 1:What is gossip?

2: What is slander, Rumour and mongering

3: Gossip essay by Francine Prose summary

4:Can be gossip really harmful in gossip essay?

The writer says gossip means “idleness, time wasting frivolity and
levity” it is, to her, a poor relative of the civilized conversation.

“Gossip is idleness and time wasting frivolity”

An essayist, novelist and teacher of creative writing, Francine Prose
has won a great name.For more information about this assignment go to google page write post name then yazdaliterature/com


Science and Values Bertrand Russell summary, questions and answers Science and values Ba or ADP notes
Science and values questions and answers

Question No. 1: Science and values essay by Bertrand Russell summary

Write note on Science and values essay by Bertrand Russell critical summary
What are the uses/advantages/benefits/merits of science?

Bertrand Russell is a renowned English prose writer He has expressed his views on science and its influence on human life. In his view science is a good servant but a bad master for man.

“Science can diminish evil things.
Science can increase good things”

He says science can abolish poverty and excessive hours of labour. It
was difficult to escape from starvation but now science has introduced
modern methods to overcome this situation. Science has enhanced
agriculture production.For more information about this assignment go to google page write post name then yazdaliterature/com


Super essay summary and questions and answers

Super essay summary and questions and answers

Question No. 1:

“Since we live a World of Super-things, we might expect
them to be made a race of Supermen.” Discuss in the light
of essay
The writer has expressed his view-point about super-things and
super-man in an absolute ironic manner. The term Superman is used by
G.B. Shaw in his play “Man and Superman”. He might not have thought
that the prefix ‘Super’ would soon be applied everything. The writer says
that we prefix the word super with the name of every product.
Now the word super has lost its true meaning
Luckily, the superman does exist. We are just ordinary people as
there used to be in the past.For more information about this assignment go to google page write post name then yazdaliterature/com


Tartary poem summary, critical appreciation, theme and questions and answers

TARTARY poem by Walter De La Mare questions and answers
Yes I fully agree to the statement in the question that “The poem
is full of Escapism”. Tartary poem summary, critical appreciation, theme and questions and answers tell us that it is imaginative poem and escapism by this world But first of all I want to define escapism.
Escapism is actually from the verb “escape” which means to “run
away”. So a person who runs away from the realities of real life into the
imaginative and dream world, such a person is called an escapist.For more information about this assignment go to google page write post name then yazdaliterature/com


Rappaccini’s daughter short story summary
Story Rappaccini’s daughter theme
Short story Rappaccini’s daughter notes
Is Rappaccini daughter a love story
who is responsible for Beatrice’s death in Rappaccini’s daughter
Short story Rappaccini’s daughter notes, Questions and Answers
In this article we will discuss about Short story Rappaccini’s daughter notes and questions and answers so that the students may understand the whole story scenario. The Short story Rappaccini’s daughter notes and Questions and Answers also will help us in understanding the theme of the story as well as the writer’s philosophy . Now we let’s start the notes and Questions and Answers of the Short story Rappaccini’s daughter in details.

Question No. 1: A fantasy or a science fiction. “Rappaccini’ s Daughter” is an imaginative story. Narrate the incidents of horror in the story.Answer: Fantasy is a literary term which means a piece of literature or any story which is based on imaginary characters and situations. The incidents in a fantasy do not have any relationship with the real life. “Rappaccini’s Daughter is a fantasy. It is also a science fiction because the main events of the story deal with scientific facts. Dr Rappaccini is a research scholar. He has a craze to grow poisonous herbs and plants in his garden. He is successful in growing very poisonous plants in his garden On the very day, his daughter Beatrice is . Rappaccini has no spirit to serve humanity, Beatrice guards and looks after that poisonous plants. She grows up inhaling the poisonous effect of that plant. The result is that like the plant she too becomes very poisonous. If a person comes in contact with her, he is sure to die. There are many events, which point out that the story is unreal and imimaginativ Beatrice looks after the garden. She plucks a flower from that poisonous plant and brings it close to her breast A small orange coloured animal chances to come along the plant. A drop of water from the flower falls upon the animal’s head. It dies at once. Beatrice gazes at the insect. It grows faint and falls at her feet. Giovanni is terrified at her supernatural power. Such incidents create horror in the story. In short, there are many incidents of horror in the story which point out the story as a fantasy.For more information about this assignment go to google page write post name then yazdaliterature/com


The killers short story by Ernest Hemingway summary, questions and answers, theme

In this assignment our key points will be “The killers short story by Ernest Hemingway summary, the killers short story questions and answers, the killer short story theme “The killers short story summary, questions and answers and theme tell us that sometime disappointments make a man strong. Hemingway’s stories and novels always reveal that never give up. Apparently, he shows dark side of the life but at the end he gives the massage that struggle is key to success. His theme and philosophy of life is optimistic. Same is the case in the story “The killers” short story by Ernest Hemingway , the victim is hopeful and be confident and it is a main theme of the story “The killers”.For more information about this assignment go to google page write post name then yazdaliterature/com


How do you explain references to the context?, How do you write a reference to the context answer?, What is an example of a context?, How do you write a context statement?

In this article we will elaborate, How do you explain references to the context?, How do you write a reference to the context answer?, What is an example of a context?, How do you write a context statement? in details.

SAMPLE EXPLANATION WITH REFERENCE TO THE CONTEXT or How do you explain, write references to the context?
What is this life if full of care
We have no time to stand and stare,
No time to stand beneath the boughs
And stare as long as sheep or cows
These lines have been taken from the poem William Davies.
How do you explain, write references to the context? Points to remember:
(a) The name of the poem or play must be writer in inverted commas as shown above.
(b) The first letters of all the parts of the word/words of the poem or play must be written in capital
(Some exceptions are present).
(c) For example, “The solitary Reaper” & “The Vanishing Village”.
(d) Don’t write the names of the writers (poets or dramatists) in inverted commas.
(e) The first letters of all the words of the names of writers must be written in capitals .
(f) For example: John Keats, William Shakespeare & Robert Browning.
(g) The reference carries only 02-mark. I mark of the name of the poem/play & I mark of the name of
the poet/dramatist.
For more information about this assignment go to google page write post name then yazdaliterature/com


Kubla Khan poem S.T. Coleridge summary, critical analysis and questions and answers

Question no 1 Kubla Khan poem S.T. Coleridge questions and answers
The following are the alliteration used by the poet in the poem:
Pleasure-dome decree, the sacred rive ran, measureless to man,
sunless-sea, with walls, sunny spots, a mighty fountain momently,
mazy motion measure, damsel with dulcimer, symphony and song,
deep delight, loud and long.

Question no 2 Kubla Khan poem S.T.
For more information about this assignment go to google page write post name then yazdaliterature/com


The Solitary Reaper William Wordsworth summary, critical analysis and questions and answers

Question No : 1 The Solitary Reaper William Wordsworth questions and answers

The Solitary Reaper William Wordsworth summary

Write note critical summary of the poem The Solitary Reaper William Wordsworth.

Brief note The Solitary Reaper William Wordsworth

As far as The Solitary Reaper poem by William Wordsworth summary is concerned
“The Solitary Reaper” is one of the best lyrics written by William Wordsworth it is by sweet songs of Wordsworth. A particular occasion in a tranquil mood gave birth to this poem. Wordsworth was in the tendency of having long lonely walks through the hills. Once he happens to cross a distant valley in Scotland. There he observes a lonely highland girl. The girl was functioning by herself in the field and was singing a gloomy song. The lonely singer looked to be a part of the loveliness of Nature. The whole basin was full of her cute tone. For Wordsworth, it was a pleasant experience of beauty. Wordsworth links the sweet song of the girl with those of the nightingale and the cuckoo. He considers the song of the girl was more exciting and charming than the songs of these two birds. Wordsworth is of the solitary usual to the song. The poet does not know the subject matter of the poem. He calculates that the song concerns old dejected things. It may speak about some battles of the past, or some daily relationships of life, or some sorrow, loss or pain. Anyhow, the poet is able to welcome the
melody in the tunes. The song impresses the poet so much that he keeps
music in his mind for a long time.For more information about this assignment go to google page write post name then yazdaliterature/com


After Apple Picking poem by Robert Frost summary, critical analysis, theme, questions and answers

After Apple Picking poem by Robert Frost questions and answers

After Apple Picking poem by Robert Frost critical summary

Write detail summary of the poem After Apple Picking by Robert Frost

Summary of the poem “After Apple Picking”
As far as the critical summary of the poem After Apple Picking by Robert Frost is concerned, it is very symbolic poem. The poem “After Apple Picking” narrates us in relation to the experiences of a farmer who has been picking apples in his garden. Now he is weary.
His long ladder with long two pointed ladder is in garden, is still sticking through the tree towards bliss. There is vacant cask beside him. Hardly, there are two or three apples are seeing on some branch which he could not pluck out. But he is exhausted and is in no frame of mind to pick more apples. The scent of apples joint with exhaustion has made him sleepy. He needs to down to sleep. He had wished for a bumper harvest of apples. The crop is so wealthy and plentiful that he is weary of the harvest he himself preferred. The apple picker soon drowses off. His sanity is soon with sleep. His thoughts grow up confused and puzzled. He realizes andFor more information about this assignment go to google page write post name then yazdaliterature/com


Summary of the poem BECAUSE I COULD NOT STOP FOR DEATH Emily Dickinson

BECAUSE I COULD NOT STOP FOR DEATH questions and answers

Question No:1

Write note on Summary of the poem BECAUSE I COULD NOT STOP FOR DEATH Emily Dickinson

Describe critical analysis and Summary of the poem BECAUSE I COULD NOT STOP FOR DEATH Emily Dickinson

Write detailed summary of the poem BECAUSE I COULD NOT STOP FOR DEATH Emily Dickinson

As far as Summary of the poem BECAUSE I COULD NOT STOP FOR DEATH by Emily Dickinson is concerned, it is about life to death and death to life, it is journey this world to next world. In this poem the poetess has informed us and he gives a glimpse of the flight from this world to the next world where a man will have live forever, and the period during which we have to stay in the grave till the days of judgment. She describes that she was so hectic in life that she had no moment to wait for death. So death himself entered to her and stopped for her. She was boarded in a cart where immortality (ever-lasting life) was also sitting as the only colleague traveler. The idea is when a person dies, he gains an ever-lasting life. Their coach ran slowly. As death was kind and polite, the poetess leave all her labour and leisure in the world. They passed through a school where children were playing. Then they passed by the field full of grain. After that, they passed by the setting sun, and went away from. The Journey of life in this world ended .As her costume was made of slim she felt chilly . They stopped by a house which was just a clay of mound. This is the picture of the grave where she was to wait for centuries before life in the next world starts. When she first was ongoing on her journey, she did consideration that the cart was going towards eternity. But it stopped at the grave only and where she will have live forever. Centuries have passed and yet she has not got that goal.For more information about this assignment go to google page write post then [email protected]


New Year Resolutions poem by Elizabeth Sewell summary, critical analysis

New Year Resolutions poem by Elizabeth Sewell questions and answers

Yes, I find this poem different from some of the other poems.
First of all I would like to describe the first difference of rhyming

scheme. In some of the other poems rhyming scheme is present. The
poet has used rhymes in the poem.

“Leisure” for example, see the lines give below:-
“What is this life full of care?
We have no time to stand and stare
We notice the ending words “care” and “stare

poem “New Year resolution” there is no such use of rhymes. See the
following lines:-
rhyme but in the
Secondly the images in other poems are mostly concrete, For
example see the lines of the poem Tartary” in this respect:-
“Lord of the fruits of Tartary,
Her rivers silver pale!
Lord of the hills of Tartary”
But in the poem “New Year Resolution” mostly abstract images
have been used, See the following lines.For more information about this assignment go to google page write post name then yazdaliterature/com


Snake poem D.H. Lawrence summary, analysis, critical appreciation, questions and answers and notes
The following are the descriptive words that the poet has used for
the snake:
Trailed, yellow brown slackness, soft-bellied, straight mouth, slack
long body, flickered his tow-forked tongue, earth brown, earth golden,
burning bowels of the earth, black-black snakes, slowly turned his
body, snake easing his shoulder, drawing into that horrid black hole,
convulsed in undignified haste, writhed like lightning.
The poet thinks his education as accursed because he wants to
enjoy the beauty of the snake. He has the aesthetic sense necessary to
enjoy beauty in its forms even in the creatures like snakes.
He was ready to treat the snake as his guest. He allowed the snake
to drink water before himself. But when the snake did his work of
drinking water from the trough, his education directed him to kill that
snake as it was poisonous. See the following lines in this connection:

“The voice of my education said to me
He must be killed”

But his aesthetic sense let him utter the following words:

“But must I confess I liked him
Hon glad I was he had come like a guest in quiet,
To drink at my water-trough,”For more information about this assignment go to google page write post name then yazdaliterature/com


What is Fog poem about by Carl Sandburg summary, theme or themes, imagery, critical analysis, metaphor and questions and answers
Fog poem about by Carl Sandburg questions and answers

Fog poem about by Carl Sandburg summary, critical analysis

First of all, what kind of poem is Fog poem by Carl Sandburg the answer is that this poem is an imagery as well metaphorical poem. The sense of sight is used much more it is not abstract imagery that has been used in Fog poem by Carl Sandburg rather in this poem concrete imagery has been used This beautiful poem “fog” is also very small and interesting. In this poem the poet has conveyed the idea of the arrival and departure of fog. The poet has used a very beautiful metaphor in this poem Fog that has been written by Carl Sandburg.For more information about this assignment go to google page write post name then yazdaliterature/com


Politics poem by William Butler Yeats summary, critical analysis love poem and questions and answers
Politics poem by William Butler Yeats questions and answers


Write note on Politics poem by William Butler Yeats critical summary or analysis

Politics by William Butler Yeats summary, critical analysis

Is Politics poem by William Butler Yeats love poem?
Politics poem by William Butler Yeats in critical analysis can be defined it narrates about the power of love and in this sense this poem can be called politics which has been written by William Butler Yeats love poem.For more information about this assignment go to google page write post name then yazdaliterature/com


In a station of the metro Poem Ezra Pound summary, theme or themes, imagism, modernism, critical analysis, meaning and questions and answers

In a station of the metro Poem by Ezra Pound summary, critical analysis

In a station of the metro Poem Ezra Pound questions and answers
Ezra pound in a station of the metro is a piece of imagism work. This is another very small poem consisting only of two lines. Inthis poem the poet has used another beautiful .For more information about this assignment go to google page write post name then yazdaliterature/com.

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