IceFire Senior

Synchronized Skating Team from Poland
Polish Champions 2022 🇵🇱 ⛸
16th at Worlds 2022

30/08/2024 TEAM ICE FIRE
Szkółka łyżwiarska

Photos from IceFire Senior's post 30/07/2024

Greetings from vacation 🏝️✨ part II

Photos from IceFire Senior's post 29/07/2024

Greetings from vacation ✨🏝️

Today we are staring our first summer camp in Poznan! Can’t wait!

Photos from IceFire Senior's post 11/07/2024

A bit late, but still important things to say.

It’s time to say goodbye to this season and start the new one, 24/25!

The memories will stay in our hearts! ♥️

We wish good luck to our incredible skaters who are starting their new journeys outside the ice rink! We are extremely happy to have had you with us during these years!

Thank you to our dearest coaches, and , who put their hearts into us, for the incredible programs you created, and for your boundless faith in us and our abilities.

Thank you, , for preparing us physically for every challenge on the ice.

Thank you, , for working on our emotional and mental state.

Thank you, & Robert Ryllman, for your care and help in getting us back to training!

Thank you to our incredible Team Leader , who builds our confidence through belief in us, and whose energy and joy make every competition special.

Thank you to our captains who energized, motivated, and took care of us this season.

We also thank our parents. None of this would be possible without them.

Thank you to the audience for every bit of support! We are proud to represent Poland! 🇵🇱


Czekamy na was!

✨️ Nabór do drużyny Ice Fire ✨️

Już w tę niedzielę 26.05. o godzinie 11:00 będziecie mieli szansę spróbować swoich sił podczas treningu otwartego.

Najlepsze mogą się okazać kandydatkami do drużyny i reprezentować nasz kraj podczas wielu imprez międzynarodowych na całym świecie!

Zacznij swoją przygodę z synchronem 🤗

Photos from IceFire Senior's post 16/05/2024

Z ogromną wdzięcznością chcielibyśmy podziękować naszym sponsorom, którzy wnieśli ogromny wkład w nasz rozwój i osiągnięcia!🇵🇱❤️

Grupa GPEC
Dziękujemy .co za to, że nasze łyżwy wyglądają identycznie, świeżo i stylowo! ⛸️✨

With immense gratitude, we would like to thank our sponsors who have made a significant contribution to our development and achievements!🇵🇱❤️

Grupa GPEC
Thank you .co for making sure our skates look identical, fresh, and stylish! ⛸️✨

Photo credits: 😍

Photos from IceFire Senior's post 06/05/2024

Skate wraps: .co


„Wiwat maj, trzeci maj, dla Polaków błogi raj!” 🇵🇱

3 Maja 1791 roku w Polsce uchwalono pierwszą ustawę zasadniczą w Europie i drugą na świecie – po Konstytucji Stanów Zjednoczonych Ameryki.
Jesteśmy dumne, że możemy reprezentować nasz kraj i naszą radość dzielić razem z wami.
On May 3rd, 1791, Poland enacted the first written constitution in Europe and the second in the world after the United States Constitution.
We are proud to represent our country 🇵🇱 and share our joy with you all.



2 maja obchodzimy w Polsce Dzień Flagi Rzeczpospolitej Polskiej 🇵🇱
Jesteśmy niesamowicie dumni, że możemy reprezentować nasz kraj na arenie międzynarodowej ⛸️🏆
A nasi wspaniali kibice mogą nas w tym wspierać 💪 🤍❤️ I to wszystko w barwach biało-czerwonych 🇵🇱

Miasto Gdańsk Polski Związek Łyżwiarstwa Figurowego / Polish Figure Skating Association Ministerstwo Sportu i Turystyki


Wonderful shot made by 😍

Photos from IceFire Senior's post 28/04/2024

The experience of witnessing the happiness of over twenty people simultaneously is beyond words. Tears of joy 🥹😍


During the last 5 days, our teammates Karolina and Masha had the opportunity to attend the Ice Dance Seminar under the guidance of in Warsaw. It was an incredible 5 days of intensive work on skating skills ⛸️. Huge thanks to Matteo Zanni for the valuable knowledge we’ve gained! ❤️

In addition, the girls also participated in off-ice practices such as plyometrics with the coach . There were breathing exercises with , core practices 💪🏻, dance class with , as well as meetings with a psychologist, and anti-doping sessions.

Thank you to for making this seminar happen and for including us there! 🙌🏻

Photos from IceFire Senior's post 28/04/2024

Time will catch me first - Free Program Ice Fire Senior 🇵🇱🕰️

Photos from IceFire Senior's post 28/04/2024

Our beloved skate wraps from .co that served us well the entire season can be spotted on beautiful souvenirs from Zagreb Arena ⛸️.
We highly recommend investing in this item if you want your skates to look as good as ours ❤️

Photos from IceFire Senior's post 28/04/2024


We are excited to announce that we achieved our best score yet and placed 12th at the 2024 World Championships! ❤️‍🔥 However, what we’re most proud of is our clean and powerful performance on the ice!

On Friday, we gave an emotional performance that earned us 54.99 points and 13th place🏙️ The next day, we faced some challenges, but we didn’t let them stop us from performing confidently and energetically 🕰️ Our free program resulted in our new score best of 114.36 points, and 169.35 points overall, which secured our 12th place finish.

We feel happy and satisfied that we were able to perform this well, and we owe a huge thank you to our coaches who have devoted their lives and hearts to building our team and synchronized skating in Poland🇵🇱 Thank you, and . We couldn’t have achieved this without you ❤️


🥳💪⛸️🇵🇱👏❤️‍🔥👍😍 IceFire Senior na Mistrzostwach Świata w Łyżwiarstwie Synchronicznym 2024

Najlepszy wynik polskiego zespołu na Mistrzostwach Świata - 1️⃣2️⃣ miejsce

Nowy Personal Best 1️⃣6️⃣9️⃣,3️⃣5️⃣ pkt

Nowy Personal Best w programie dowolnym - 1️⃣1️⃣4️⃣,3️⃣6️⃣ pkt

Rywalizacja na najwyższym poziomie, masa emocji, wzruszeń, rekordy, najlepsi polscy kibice, przepiękne programy i widowisko, wszystko to sprawia że zostajemy ze wspomnieniami i przeżyciami na całe życie ❤️‍🔥⛸️ Dziękujemy Ice Fire Senior, Agnieszka Filipowicz, Marcin Międlarz i cały sztab szkoleniowy 👏

Ministerstwo Sportu i Turystyki
Miasto Gdańsk
Polski Związek Łyżwiarstwa Figurowego / Polish Figure Skating Association
Grupa PGE
Port Gdańsk

Photos from's post 10/04/2024

Tryouts! 🙌🏻

We would like to invite all international skaters 🌍 who are eager to work hard with us in the upcoming season of 2024/25 to take part in our open practice or send us a video of your skating. If you have ever considered moving abroad and continuing your passion, this is the perfect opportunity! You don't need to speak Polish, as we hold our practices in English as well.

If you are interested in joining us, please feel free to contact us for more details. You can either fill out the application form by clicking on this link (, or you can write us an email at [email protected].
We can't wait to hear from you! ❤️

Photos from IceFire Senior's post 24/02/2024

It’s free program day! Our team will be the fifth on the ice at 9:35 pm. Fingers crossed!
📷Photo credits .p.h.o.t.o.s
⛸️ Skate Wraps .co

Photos from IceFire Senior's post 23/02/2024

Don’t forget to tune in tomorrow for the Dresden Cup!Our team will be the eighth to perform in the Senior Short Program competition, which starts at 21:05. Best of luck to all the teams! ✨

📷 Photo credits .z.puszki
⛸️ Skate wraps .co


Będziemy szczęśliwe poznać nowe osoby i pojeździć razem z wami na łyżwach! ❤️‍🔥✨🫶🏻

Z radością ogłaszamy dni otwarte w naszych drużynach Junior i Senior! 🇵🇱⛸️

W najbliższych dniach planujemy otwarte treningi dla chętnych, którzy chcieliby dołączyć do Juniorek i Seniorek z drużyn Ice Fire 🇵🇱👍
Chcesz być częścią naszej wielkiej synchronowej rodziny? 🩵
Wypełnij zgłoszenie pod linkiem:

Czekamy na Ciebie! 🔥

Photos from IceFire Senior's post 13/02/2024

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐏𝐆𝐄 𝐇𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐮𝐬 𝐂𝐮𝐩 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒
There are many reasons to feel proud after the last weekend. At the Hevelius Cup, we achieved our new personal best score 💪🏻 and collected few more points in the world ranking 🙌🏻 Our performances weren’t flawless, however, we are satisfied with the overall result. The event turned out to be full of joy for us. The audience, as always, did not disappoint us. Competing is a lot more enjoyable with such support from the stands 💛 We really appreciate it!

We want to thank the sports director of the city of Gdańsk, Mr. Korol, for his visit and support not only during the competition. Also, we are grateful to be members of the .pl community so devotedly organizing one of the biggest competitions of the season. You did a great job! 😍

Congratulations to all the teams for great performances and rivalship!!!

See you in Dresden🇩🇪

Photos from Grupa PGE's post 03/02/2024
Photos from IceFire Senior's post 02/02/2024

𝐇𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐮𝐬 𝐂𝐮𝐩 𝐝𝐚𝐲 1
Today we take the ice to perform a strong and emotional program at 18:18 for our beloved Hevelius Cup. Wish us luck! 🍀 For more information about live streams and tickets, visit

Photo Credits .p.h.o.t.o.s
Skate wraps from .co


We are thrilled to present our sponsor, 🙌🏻 For the second consecutive year, Port Gdańska is generously providing us with financial assistance to help us reach our goals. We are immensely grateful for this partnership and would like to express our sincere appreciation 🫶🏻


🌬 Wszystkich amatorów łyżwiarstwa figurowego ⛸🎊 zapraszamy do Gdańska na Międzynarodowy turniej w łyżwiarstwie synchronicznym “8th PGE Hevelius Cup 2024”

👉🏻 W trakcie trzech dni turniejowych (2 - 4 lutego 2024 roku) na lodowisku w gdańskiej Hali Olivii zobaczymy 🤓👀 72 łyżwiarskie formacje synchroniczne z 14 krajów, w tym Ice Fire Junior i IceFire Senior z Gdańska.

👉🏻 Rywalizacja teamów podczas tegorocznej edycji PGE Hevelius Cup rozpocznie się w piątek 2 lutego, ale już w czwartek na obu taflach lodowiska w Halii Olivii będą się odbywały nieoficjalne treningi drużyn, które kibice mogą obserwować bezpłatnie.

🖥🌀 To niezwykle widowiskowe wydarzenie można oglądać: ⤵

Trzymajcie kciuki za polskie drużyny! 🫶🏻🇵🇱

Photos from Miasto Gdańsk's post 30/01/2024

Zapraszamy! 🙌🏻

Photos from IceFire Senior's post 20/01/2024

The first international performances of the season are now behind us 🙌🏻 We did our best during those days, but we are aware that we haven’t shown our full potential yet. We had a fall in the creative element in the short program and a few small mistakes in both programs. With the experience gained and new perspectives, we have renewed our training process because our hometown competition, , is in two weeks!

Photo Credits 📸 .p.h.o.t.o.s
Skate Wraps by .co

Photos from's post 17/01/2024


Chcesz aby twoja firma była na górze listy Siłownia I Obiekt Sportowy w Gdansk?
Kliknij tutaj, aby odebrać Sponsorowane Ogłoszenie.


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