Software Interactive

Basic information:
- On the market since 2013
- 170+ employees
- Team leasing aplikacje fiskalne), oprogramowanie webowe i chmurowe (

Jesteśmy zespołem ponad 140 osób, który wykorzystując doświadczenie biznesowe i naukowe Politechniki Śląskiej, pracuje nad kreatywnymi, unikalnymi i profesjonalnymi rozwiązaniami powierzonych zadań. Zaspokajamy potrzeby naszych klientów w kraju
i za granicą – zarówno dojrzałych organizacji, jak i start-up – poprzez unikalne rozwiązania, takie jak oprogramowanie wbudowane ( system chmurowy do


🌟 Zatrudniamy Mid/Senior AI/ML Developerów! 🌟

📍 Miejsce pracy: Gliwice / Praca zdalna

Poszukujemy utalentowanego AI/ML Developera, który dołączy do naszego zespołu i weźmie udział w ambitnych projektach R&D! Jeśli masz pasję do sztucznej inteligencji, a Twoim drugim imieniem jest Python (lub C++), to ta oferta jest dla Ciebie!

🚀 Jeśli chcesz wskoczyć w świat AI i rozwijać swoje umiejętności w dynamicznym środowisku, aplikuj już dziś! Wyślij swoje CV na [[email protected]] i dołącz do nas!



We’re thrilled to unveil our groundbreaking conversational AI engine that allows for seamless vehicle control through natural language interactions! 🌐💬

This innovative system includes a comprehensive set of features powered by IoT, giving drivers an unprecedented level of control and convenience on the road. 🚙💨

We're also proud to announce that our system supports the Polish language, which, after Chinese, is recognized as one of the most challenging languages in the world! 💪

With our technology, driving just got a whole lot smarter. Join us on this incredible journey towards the future of mobility!


🚛 Exciting News! 🚛

We're thrilled to announce the development of our bespoke comprehensive system tailored specifically for transport companies! Our innovative solution optimizes various operational aspects, ensuring efficiency and compliance within the industry.

Here's what our system offers:

✨ Specialized algorithms designed for truck scheduling and crew time planning.

✨ A focus on minimizing violations by truck crews while adhering to legal and labor regulations.

✨ Seamless management of loading and unloading procedures, including operations on ferries.

Our team leveraged advanced techniques such as suboptimal heuristic algorithms, dynamic programming, and graph theory to create a state-of-the-art solution that matches our main competitor in effectiveness. The best part? Our development costs are just a fraction of what you'd expect from an off-the-shelf solution!

Ready to elevate your transport operations? Let's connect and explore how we can streamline your processes together! 🚀

Custom 3D Scanner: A Revolution in 3D Scanning - Software Interactive - Your solid software development partner 21/08/2024

🌟 Custom 3D Scanner: A Revolution in 3D Scanning 🌟

Exciting times ahead in the world of 3D technology! 🚀 Custom 3D scanners are transforming industries from medicine to engineering and art. Tailored for specific needs, these flexible devices can quickly adapt to capture everything from intricate vehicle designs to precise body scans for medical applications.

Check more on our blog:

Custom 3D Scanner: A Revolution in 3D Scanning - Software Interactive - Your solid software development partner Today, 3D technology is becoming increasingly important across various industries, from medicine to engineering and even art. One of the tools that has significantly simplified the process of creating three-dimensional models is the 3D scanner. Among these, “custom 3D scanners,” designed to meet...


How much time would it take for you to manually tally and categorize all the vehicles shown in this photo? Among them, how many are electric? Have you noticed any that have traveled in both directions? What speeds are they traveling at?

Our team is excited to provide training services for AI models tailored to your specific object recognition needs. Whether you need to identify traffic, signs, lights, animals, or to monitor items and movement in production lines or warehouses, or if you require counting or recording any detail that might be too subtle for human observation, we are here to assist. Allow us to enhance your object recognition capabilities with our custom AI models designed just for you.

Additionally, we are pleased to introduce Embedded AI for devices. Our advanced AI models now have the capability to recognize, count, and assess traffic using our state-of-the-art VCRT algorithm. Enhance your products by incorporating cutting-edge AI and computer vision technology from AISP.


📞 603 332 209


Z radością ogłaszamy nowe możliwości! Szukamy zdolnych programistów .NET, którzy chcą stać się częścią naszego zespołu i współtworzyć nasze projekty. Jeśli uważasz, że to doskonała okazja dla Ciebie, serdecznie zapraszamy do składania aplikacji!


Why AI? Because it's the future! Thanks to modern technologies, we can improve the efficiency of our operations, automate routine processes, and provide our clients with even better services. 🤖

We are working on innovative solutions that will help us better understand our clients' needs and more effectively respond to the changing demands of the market.

Stay tuned! In the coming weeks, we will share details about our projects and the results of our implementations. Together with AI, we're stepping into new opportunities!

How AI Can Revolutionize the Recruitment Industry - Software Interactive - Your solid software development partner 01/08/2024

The Future of Recruitment is Now!

Do you want your recruitment agency to stand out in the market? Invest in artificial intelligence and revolutionize your recruitment processes!

🚀 We will implement AI in your recruitment agency!

See how innovative tools can enhance efficiency, save time, and improve the quality of hires.

With our solutions:

✅ You will minimize the time spent searching for the perfect candidates!
✅ You will automate processes and focus on what matters most!
✅ You will gain a competitive edge and attract more clients!

Don’t wait! Contact us today to find out how we can build the future of your recruitment agency together with the help of AI!

Your success is within reach – take action now!

How AI Can Revolutionize the Recruitment Industry - Software Interactive - Your solid software development partner In the age of digitization and rapid technological advancement, artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming a key tool in the recruitment industry. Organizations face the challenge of finding the right talent in an increasingly competitive job market. AI can not only enhance the efficiency of recruitme...


Thanks to advanced AI algorithms, our solutions significantly enhance the accuracy and efficiency of image analysis, adapting to the needs of various industries. Whether you require optimization of manufacturing processes, safety monitoring, or advanced data analysis – we have products that will meet your expectations!

✅ Innovative approach
✅ High precision
✅ Wide range of applications

Contact us to learn more and see how our vision systems can revolutionize your business! 💡🔍

📞 603 332 209


Are you part of the recruitment team and struggling to find ways to enhance your work processes? We have it!

Our project utilizes AI technology in recruitment to provide a one-of-a-kind approach. Introducing our animated chatbot that generates customized CVs based on candidate responses. This innovative tool is perfect for companies and individuals seeking a competitive edge in the job market. Stay ahead of the game with our personalized and efficient recruitment strategy.

📞 603 332 209


✨ Join us to go through the whole process from idea to AI product! ✨

We are a company specializing in creating innovative solutions based on AI. With our experience and dedication, we will provide you with comprehensive support at every stage of creating an AI product.

With us, you can be sure that your idea will be realized in the most professional way, and the final product will meet all your expectations. Join our group of satisfied customers and benefit from our knowledge and creativity!

💻🤖 Don't wait any longer - contact us and start fulfilling your dreams of your own AI-based product! 💻🤖


Are you a Sales or Services Company drowning in a sea of tasks and data spread across messy spreadsheets? Look no further! We are here to help you automate your business processes with custom-built software and AI. Our solutions will not only boost your productivity and give you a competitive edge but also save you costs and make management a breeze.

Say goodbye to stress and hello to efficiency! 💻🚀

📞 603 332 209


Praca w poniedziałek może być tak samo przyjemna jak w piątek! Dzięki uporządkowaniu i naszemu systemowi CRM możliwe jest osiągnięcie tego celu - pozwala on na efektywne zarządzanie klientami, lepsze planowanie działań sprzedażowych oraz skuteczną analizę danych. Dzięki CRM możemy zwiększyć efektywność pracy, poprawić relacje z klientami i osiągnąć lepsze rezultaty. 👩‍💼📊


Get to know our automotive software - a conversational AI engine that enables seamless vehicle control through natural language interactions. This innovative system, with a comprehensive set of features including IoT, is empowering drivers with a new level of control and convenience. And guess what? It even supports the Polish language, known to be the second most difficult language in the world after Chinese. Talk about cutting-edge technology! 🚗✨

📞 603 332 209

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: Key to Success in the Digital Era - Software Interactive - Your solid software development partner 26/06/2024

Exciting times ahead as we harness the power of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to unlock untapped business potential in the digital age. From personalized customer experiences to optimizing operations, AI and ML are revolutionizing industries across the board. Are you ready to embrace this transformative technology and take your business to the next level?

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: Key to Success in the Digital Era - Software Interactive - Your solid software development partner In today’s rapidly evolving technological world, everyone is faced with increasing challenges. The need to adapt to changing customer demands, growing competition, and pressure for innovation force companies to seek new solutions. It is in this context that artificial intelligence (AI) and machine...


We are thrilled to announce our latest innovation in AI technology - Embedded AI for devices. Our AI models can now recognize, count, and measure traffic with our cutting-edge VCRT algorithm. Take your products to the next level by integrating AI and computer vision technology from AISP. The possibilities are endless! 🚀🤖


Exciting news! Our team is now offering training services for AI models that can recognize objects specific to your needs. Whether you're looking to identify road signs, lights, advertisements on the road, monitor production halls and warehouses, count animals, or monitor water crossings, we've got you covered. Let us help you take your object recognition to the next level with customized AI training. Contact us today to learn more!

📞 603 332 209

Photos from Software Interactive's post 18/06/2024

Great news! Our CEO Michael Swiderski, PhD took third place in the mountain race called The Frassati Run on Saturday! Thanks to him, the sports spirit in our team is still alive. We are proud of his achievement and are inspired by his determination and commitment to sports. Congratulations! 🏃‍♂️💪

"The Frassati Run is above all a meeting of amateurs and enthusiasts of active mountain activities, people who, like the patron of the run, Pier Giorgio Frassati, want to live rather than just exist, to experience the beauty of the mountains and form friendships with other people who share their passion".


CRM (Customer Relationship Management) is not just a tool, it is a strategy that can bring many benefits to a company. With a CRM system, we can effectively manage customer relationships, analyze their behaviors and preferences, and optimize sales processes. This can help increase customer loyalty, boost sales, and improve the efficiency of our company. If you want to take the next step in developing your business, it is worth considering implementing a CRM system.

📞 603 332 209
📨 [email protected]

Mid/Senior Cloud DevOps (Azure) poszukiwany - Software interactive 13/06/2024

🌟🚀 Dołącz do naszego zespołu! 🌟🚀

Poszukujemy Mid/Senior Cloud DevOps (Azure) z doświadczeniem zawodowym, który chce rozwijać się w dynamicznej firmie IT. Jeśli spełniasz poniższe kryteria i chcesz być częścią naszego zespołu, zapraszamy do aplikowania!

CV prosimy wysyłać na adres: [email protected]

Mid/Senior Cloud DevOps (Azure) poszukiwany - Software interactive Mid/Senior Cloud DevOps (Azure)Miejsce pracy: Gliwice/Praca zdalnaWidełki: 16 000 – 24 000 zł netto B2B Realizujemy wiele projektów z różnych branż, a nasi programiści wybierają w którym z nich chcieliby działać i poszerzać swoje doświadczenie. Nie musisz się martwić o nudę i monot...


We know how important the use of artificial intelligence is in today's business. That's why we want to offer you our AI consultancy services, which will help you implement the latest technologies into your operations. With our experience and expertise, we will help you optimize processes, analyze data, and create innovative solutions. Get in touch with us, and together we will achieve your business goals with AI!

📞 603 332 209
📨 [email protected]


Are you still wondering if it's worth investing in a CRM system for your company? We have the answer to your questions: Automate your sales processes and acquire customers faster! Stay ahead of the competition and achieve success. So, shall we proceed?

📞 603 332 209
📨 [email protected]

Mid/Senior AI/ML developer poszukiwany - Software interactive 10/06/2024

Dołącz do naszego zespołu jako Mid/Senior AI/ML developer. Realizujemy różnorodne projekty, nie ma miejsca na nudę! Doświadczenie w programowaniu Python i/lub C++ oraz znajomość frameworków ML to mile widziane atuty. Oferujemy stanowisko w ambitnych projektach R&D, pracę zdalną, możliwość rozwoju i wiele benefitów.

Wyślij CV na: [email protected]

Mid/Senior AI/ML developer poszukiwany - Software interactive 💻Mid/Senior AI/ML developerMiejsce pracy: Gliwice/Praca zdalnaWidełki: 16 000 – 24 000 zł netto B2B Realizujemy wiele projektów z różnych branż, a nasi programiści wybierają w którym z nich chcieliby działać i poszerzać swoje doświadczenie. Nie musisz się martwić o nudę i monoto...


Forget about the mess in your company! With CRM software, you can finally achieve order and efficiency. Integrate all processes, manage customers, and increase sales. Check out the benefits of using the right tool for customer relationship management!

📧 [email protected]
📞 603 332 209


We are thrilled to announce that we are the official Partner of Dublin Tech Summit! 🎉 Get ready to join us at this incredible event as we explore the latest in tech innovation and breakthroughs. Stay tuned for more updates and exciting news to come! 🚀🔥


The end of May is shaping up to be extremely promising for us! We'll be attending the Pharma & Medtech Expo in Dublin. If you're attending too, make sure to talk with us! Let's connect and chat about all things pharma and medtech. See you there!


Exciting news - we will be attending the Manufacturing & Supply Chain Conference & Exhibition in Dublin! 🎉 Let's connect and meet up at the event. Can't wait to see you all there!

C++ Embedded Developer poszukiwani! - Software interactive 20/05/2024

Może to dobry czas, by coś zmienić? Podjąć nowe wyzwania i rozpocząć pracę przy nowych projektach? Jeśli jesteś programistą C++ i chcesz coś zmienić – zrób to razem z nami!

C++ Embedded Developer poszukiwani! - Software interactive Może to dobry czas, by coś zmienić? Podjąć nowe wyzwania i rozpocząć pracę przy nowych projektach? Jeśli jesteś programistą C++ i chcesz coś zmienić – zrób to razem z nami!Realizujemy wiele projektów z różnych branż, a nasi programiści wybierają w którym z nich chcieliby dzia....


We're delighted to announce that this year we will be participating in the Dublin Tech Summit! It is one of the biggest technological events in Europe, where leaders and innovators from the technology industry will come together. We will be representing our company there and we can't wait to share our ideas and experiences with other participants. See you in Dublin!

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Inne Producent oprogramowania w Gliwice (pokaż wszystkie)
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Bojkowska 37a
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Berbeckiego 6

WASKO is one of the leading software development companies in Poland, based in the heart of Gliwice.

Sowińskiego 5
Gliwice, 44-121
Zwycięstwa 10
Gliwice, 44-100

Euvic Euvic
Przewozowa 32
Gliwice, 44-100

We are #theGoodPeople!

3W Serwisy Informacyjne 3W Serwisy Informacyjne
Gliwice, 44-100

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Rynek 6
Gliwice, 44-100

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Gliwice, 44-100

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Gliwice, 44-100

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Ulica Bojkowska 41N
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