
Pomagamy ocenić zdolności w testowaniu oprogramowania. TestCompetence to nowe narzędzie do oceny umiejętności testerskich.

Z jednej strony umożliwia ono testerom wspieranie procesu nauki testowania oraz zdobywania certyfikatów, z drugiej - staje się narzędziem wspierania rekrutacji dla firm pozyskujących testerów.

ISTQB Mock Exam TestCompetence 27/08/2014

A new version of Test Competence mobile application with released. All official questions including Agile Tester and Advanced Level are available!

ISTQB Mock Exam TestCompetence

Timeline photos 12/08/2014

New ISTQB Technical Test Analyst mock exam is now available. It is consistent with the newest requirements for exam as well as ISTQB syllabus. http://testcompetence.com/shop/description/ISTQB_Advanced_Level_-_Technical_Test_Analyst_sample_exam_NEW

Timeline photos 14/11/2013

TestCompetence pseudocode generator supports learning code coverage techniques.
Now you can generate pseudo-PHP, pseudo-Java, pseudo-C... and more!


TestCompetence ISTQB - Android Apps on Google Play 08/03/2013

TestCompetence Mobile - ISTQB® Recognized Mobile App

We are happy to inform that TestCompetence Mobile has been approved by the ISTQB® and, after getting through a review process, it has been branded as the "ISTQB® Recognized Mobile App".

ISTQB® created the "ISTQB® Recognized Mobile App" in order to promote applications based on ISTQB® referenced information.

Feel free to download the app from https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=en.test.competence.istqb.fundation.developer.android

TestCompetence ISTQB - Android Apps on Google Play TestCompetence Mobile is a mechanism which allows you to view and answer sample exam questions. Version ISTQB includes 2 exams with 40 questions from ISTQB® (Internat...

Condition Determination Testing and Coverage. ISTQB White-box Techn... 21/02/2013

Calculating minimal number of test cases for condition determination coverage now available!

Prepare yourself for the ISTQB exams with TestCompetence.

Need more information? Check out the slideshare presentation:


Condition Determination Testing and Coverage. ISTQB White-box Techn... Condition Determination Testing and Coverage with TestCompetence. Prepare yourself for the ISTQB exams.

Multiple Condition Testing and Coverage. ISTQB Whitebox Techniques 19/02/2013

The pseudocode generator provides you the option to calculate the minimal number of test cases for multiple condition coverage.

Try yourself at TestCompetence.com and view the slideshare below:


Multiple Condition Testing and Coverage. ISTQB Whitebox Techniques Whitebox techniques - Multiple Condition Testing and Multiple Condition Coverage - prepare yourself for the ISTQB Advanced Level exam for Technical Test Analyst and Test Analyst.

Condition Testing and Condition Coverage. ISTQB White-Box Technique... 14/02/2013

"Condition testing is a white box test design technique in which test cases are designed to execute condition outcomes".

TestCompetence allows you to generate sample pseudocode to practise whitebox techniques including condition coverage.

View the slideshare below to get more information!


Condition Testing and Condition Coverage. ISTQB White-Box Technique... Whitebox techniques - Condition Testing and Condition Coverage - prepare yourself for the ISTQB Advanced Level Technical Test Analyst and Test Analyst exams.

Decision Testing and Decision Coverage. ISTQB Whitebox techniques w... 11/02/2013

Need to know how to calculate minimal number of test cases for decision coverage? Visit TestCompetence.com to check out a new pseudocode generator, or view the slideshare:


Decision Testing and Decision Coverage. ISTQB Whitebox techniques w... Whitebox techniques - Decision Testing and Decision Coverage - prepare yourself for the ISTQB exam with TestCompetence.

Statement Testing and Statement Coverage. ISTQB whitebox techniques... 11/02/2013

A new version of pseudocode generator on TestCompetence now available!
Exercise how to calculate minimal number of test cases for statement coverage.

Need more information? Check out our slideshare presentation:


Statement Testing and Statement Coverage. ISTQB whitebox techniques... Statement Testing and Statement Coverage with TestCompetence.com.

TestCompetence ISTQB - Android Apps on Google Play 14/01/2013

Check out the latest TestCompetence ISTQB update! This version with the ISTQB Foundation Level sample exams helps to prepare for the exact ISTQB exam.

What's new:
- Polish and English versions merged,
- new Polish and English exams,
- viewable exam questions,
- developed mechanism for sample exams with countdown,
- support for large screens (inc. tablets)
- new layout.

Download free app from

TestCompetence ISTQB - Android Apps on Google Play TestCompetence Mobile is a mechanism which allows you to view and answer sample exam questions. Version ISTQB includes 2 exams with 40 questions from ISTQB® (Internat...


Nowe egzaminy próbne w TestCompetence już dostępne!

Tym razem dodaliśmy egzaminy poświęcone wyłącznie technikom białoskrzynkowym, dostępne na poziomach podstawowym oraz zaawansowanym i oparte są na aktualnych sylabusach ISTQB oraz słownikach terminów testerskich.

Cena egzaminu podstawowego to tylko 10 zł, a egzaminu zaawansowanego - 20 zł.



Nowe aktualizacje w TestCompetence!

Tym razem dodaliśmy zupełnie nowy typ usługi - zestawy ćwiczeń.

Zaletą ćwiczeń jest możliwość samodzielnego generowania zadań. W ramach udostępnionych opcji użytkownik określa zakres ćwiczenia, a następnie generuje jego treść. Weryfikacja odpowiedzi możliwa jest zaraz po jej udzieleniu.

Pierwszy opublikowany zestaw ćwiczeń dotyczy technik białoskrzynkowych w oparciu o wytyczne ISTQB.
Zapraszamy do rozwiązywania!


Timeline photos 30/10/2012

Tańsze egzaminy próbne ISTQB i nie tylko... Zapraszamy!


Timeline photos 10/02/2012

Our certificates.


New exams REQB on our platforms: http://testcompetence.com/shop/description/reqb

TestCompetence - REQB REQB


Nasza najnowsza aktualizacja to: optymalizacja wydajności, poprawki po testach bezpieczeństwa, ulepszona nawigacja po egzaminach, dwa nowe egzaminy, poprawiony wygląd certyfikatu, klawisze linkujące certyfikat z Twoją stroną internetową lub elektronicznym CV.


Kto jest najlepszym testerem oprogramowania? Premiera strony testcompetence.com już w lipcu 2011!

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