The B

Top ranking management and personal development media in the CEE region


🎙🔥 How essential it is to have Disaster Management Plan or, as commonly known, Business Continuity Plan - New podcast coming up next, Tuesday 5 PM CET ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣


🔥💣🎙️ Communication dilemma, how effective is your business communication? ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣


🔥🎙New episode #37 of the talking to about customer-centricity, transformation, automation, Rossum, and more.

Now available on Spotify and apple podcast. ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣


⁣ 🎙️🔥I’m hosting Ally Newbigging in a new episode of the Break Podcast to talk customer-centricity.

⏩ ⌨️ voice out your questions in the comments ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣


🎙️🔥 Covid is a Black Swan - when I asked Sergiusz about his book published in early 2013 and how he predicted events played out. One of the critical elements was he didn't expect the change in our work environment to happen that fast. Hence, he called Covid a Black Swan event equally to WWII or the discovery of the internet. ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣

Break Interview - Design Thinking with Kevin Hayes 25/01/2022

🔥🎙 Operation excellence, productivity, and efficiency are very high in almost every business globally. Design Thinking could be a key enabler to achieve that, and that is why BEN ESMAEL is talking to Kevin Hayes, a Sr. Operation Manager and Design Thinking Practitioner.

In this interview, you will learn more about:

1️⃣ Key priority for the business in 2022.

2️⃣ How to best leed a Design Thining session?

3️⃣ People's intuitions are often incorrect, and it is often difficult for people to revise their Thinking. How could we avoid that while applying Design Thinking?

4️⃣ How could we build a culture in the business that supports Design Thinking and taking a measurable risk?

Break Interview - Design Thinking with Kevin Hayes

Break Interview - Design Thinking with Kevin Hayes 🔥🎙 Operation excellence, productivity, and efficiency are very high in almost every business in the world. Design Thinking could be a key enabler to achiev...


🔥🎙 Operation excellence, productivity, and efficiency are very high in almost every business globally. Design Thinking could be a key enabler to achieve that, and that is why I'm talking to Kevin Hayes, a Sr. Operation Manager and Design Thinking Practitioner.

💡 Listen to what Kevin said when I asked him about his thoughts on business priorities in 2022.


🔥🎙️ Design Thinking - NEW INTERVIEW COMING UP NEXT, Tomorrow at 5 PM CET


📌 I came to Poland in mid-2015 and worked in one of the biggest businesses in the BPO sector in Krakow, maybe Poland. I vividly remember working from home was a privilege to senior managers, and we have gone through a long debate to start with distributing laptops.

💡 It is astonishing how far we have gone but also surprising that we have pioneers who understood that it is possible to have remote workers. I'm talking about JetBlue's decision as early as 2004, allowing 700 staff from customer services to work from home.

Should we see "workshifting" happening next, or are businesses ready for workshifting?


🔥🎙️ More on that coming soon an interview with Sergiusz Prokurat to talk about Work 2.0. Nowhere to hide!



Do you disagree ❓





🔥 One survey reported 83% of the meetings are unproductive. The US-based professional-rated meetings as the "number one office, productivity killer."

⁉️One company found a single weekly meeting of middle managers costs the organization 15 million dollars a year.

💡 Researchers identified six drivers that cause the plague in our calendars. Those are meeting FOMO, selfish Urgency, mere urgency effect, meeting amnesia, and pluralistic ignorance.

🎙 However, when I surveyed my network, meetings as a commitment device appeared to be the main driver for unproductive meetings.

Meeting as a commitments device means using meetings as a mechanism to make sure people deliver on their commitment.

⁉️ How to deal with that?

💡 To address this issue without losing the motivating effect of meetings as commitment devices, tell your team in advance that the meeting will be canceled if the deadline is met — essentially framing cancellation as the reward for reaching the goal.

👉 If the work isn't done in time, the meeting will likely be helpful since the unforeseen factors that led to the delay will probably benefit from the discussion. Send a congratulatory email and save everyone an hour if the work is done. And if everyone is done except Ben, don't have the meeting; instead, find another way to hold Ben accountable without wasting everyone else's time. ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣


⁉️ How did you fare for 2021? Are you ready for 2022 and beyond?

You are taking time to pause, relax, and recharge at this time of the year. More importantly, moments for self-reflection and planning the year or the years to come.

⚠️ That process isn't that easy, and it could quickly end by being unsatisfied, lost for not achieving what you planned in the previous year, and overestimating what you can do in the following years to come. It is that vicious cycle you lived and gone through, probably more times than you remember.

📌 We all do, and I think forgetting sometimes is a curse. It is, after all, the primary function of the brain to protect us from that negative feeling.

👉 That is why I'm having Jamie McBrearty back to the show to talk self-reflections, goals, how to succeed, and have the right mindset for the future.

💡 In this session, you will learn more about:

1️⃣ Should we take time to reflect on the past year or years, for that matter?

2️⃣ What is the best way to be what we choose to be in 2022 and beyond? Could you walk us through the process?

3️⃣ Should we have a checkpoint down the road to ensure we are on track?

4️⃣ How could we avoid disappointment if we have missed our target?

5️⃣ What is your plan, Jamie, for 2022, and how could he help you prepare for the future.


Link to the interview in the comment ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣


⁉️ How did you fare for 2021? Are you ready for 2022 and beyond?

You are taking time to pause, relax, and recharge at this time of the year. More importantly, moments for self-reflection and planning the year or the years to come.

⚠️ That process isn't that easy, and it could quickly end by being unsatisfied, lost for not achieving what you planned in the previous year, and overestimating what you can do in the following years to come. It is that vicious cycle you lived and gone through, probably more times than you remember.

📌 We all do, and I think forgetting sometimes is a curse. It is, after all, the primary function of the brain to protect us from that negative feeling.

👉 That is why we are having Jamie McBrearty back to the show to talk self-reflections, goals, how to succeed, and have the right mindset for the future.

You can't afford to miss this one,

🎙 Tune in Tuesday at 5 PM CET.



💡 To Retain New Hires, Spend More Time Onboarding Them. You got to have passionate people to do it, though

A few years ago, our co-founder was working in one of the corporations in Krakow. He came to realize how essential to invest in onboarding employees. He wasn't doing that in his professional capacity, nor was it part of his roles and responsibilities. He did volunteer to do it, though.

Oh boy, that love of doing it and the desire to meet and help people find their place pays back. It didn't only pay back to him but also the onboard ones.

Here is the story. 👇

Ben has the habit of spending a few seconds congratulating his network each time they advance in their career. Today, He did the same for one of his colleagues, and what a pleasure.

That colleague replied, " Thank you, I remember at my onboarding you said that we have a lot of opportunities for growth as the company is new to the market. I remembered that advice."

That made Ben's day. 🙏

Behind that story, we had three winners:

1️⃣ The business won the attrition war. It retains a talent.
2️⃣ The colleague, the employee, got the opportunity to grow and develop professionally.
3️⃣ And Ben got to feel that satisfaction even though he left that company a while ago.

📌 The key priority isn't just investing in reviewing and improving the onboarding process. Finding the right team to deliver the onboarding is vital too.


🔥 Do businesses need a delivery manager?

A week ago. I surveyed my audience asking: Suppose you are promoted to lead a team and offered to choose the title. What is your preference?

📌 55% choose delivery manager over the delivery lead.

But is it a manager or a lead role that businesses need?

The business needs more of a leadership role than managers. In particular, while companies are transitioning to a hybrid working environment.


1️⃣ People aren't a thing to manage. Bad luck or other external factors causes most of the failures. That explains why manager performance fluctuates year over year. Performance can't change overnight and become "better." We should look at the environment as the main driver.

2️⃣ For the winners, they owe the success to being something other than a "manager." The winners can't be lucky forever. Otherwise, they should all head to Vegas!

Do businesses need a delivery manager or not. The answer depends on the nature of the role. Is it a responsibility or accountability role?

💡 A manager can't be responsible for actually completing a task, which is the team's role. Instead, a manager is accountable for the delivery.

Hence, businesses don't need delivery managers. They need a delivery lead accountable and enabler for teams to deliver.



Sound off in the comments 🎙


🔥The Great Resignation

Why is it happening?

Do we see the same phenomena in Poland?

Two questions were answered in this short video

A recast from my podcast with Sylwia about how to lead people


🆘 Some of you struggle with understanding others and bringing value to their communities, and the main reason is a lack of active listening that leaves a lot of unanswered questions. Hence, you feel unheard and demotivated to bring any value to your community.

So, how can we fix that?

📻 That's what Barbara and Ben talked about in Ep32.

🔥 Nourishing a culture of active listening and creating a safe space and environment to ask questions will help address this problem. After all, it is a win-win where everyone gives their best by being in the right place and heading in the right direction.

💡 We got to keep the loop of questions and answers alive. That is our North Star! ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣


⚠️ 75% of transformations projects fail to improve business performance, either short-term or long-term. BCG says. 

🎙What kills transformation, then?  

🔥 Many factors challenge transformation projects' success, which we can't always influence. But, we can mitigate with good planning and ex*****on.

However, planning and mitigation will need a good understanding of what kills transformation. 

As a transformation leader, BEN ESMAEL is convinced that the unclarity of what executives mean by "transformation" is to blame. 

Let's be honest. Many transformation projects focus on fancy slides, bold goals, and PR campaigns. All are driven in a top-down style. It ignores two fundamental things, 

▶️ The importance of bottom-up feedback and 
▶️ The alignment on the how across the organization.  

During Break Podcast, the last episode with Barbara Kecskés. Ben had a sort of 🔥"Eureka Moment." When Barbara explained the human factors in the transformation, I thought there was a way out. 

💡 It is finding a sweet spot, a middle ground between the top-down vision and the bottom-up feedback. ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣


⚠️ As a leader. Do you recognize the gap between executives saying transformation and what that means for a staff? When team engagement already decreases at alarming levels, do you see the risk of failing?

🆘 What about you, staff, team members, SME, and individuals. Do your business consider your voice and feedback while driving transformation projects?

▶️ According to BCG, 75% of transformation projects fail to improve business performance.

📻 Join Barbara Kecskés and BEN ESMAEL in episode 32 of the Break Interview to discuss all these challenges and more.

🔥 We talked, among other things, about:

1️⃣ What kills transformation?

2️⃣ What could we do in our workplace, communities, and private life to fix the lack of active listening?

3️⃣ A map for everyone to use for Problem-Solving

4️⃣ Storytelling Can Make or Break Your Leadership.

Links to the Interview in the comments


Transformation, The Journey

A new episode is coming up next with .

We talked about what kills transformation, the importance of people in driving change, problem-solving methodology, and more.

The interview airing Tue 7th at 5 PM CET ⁣ ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣

Break Interview - How To Lead with Sylwia Krolikowska 30/11/2021

🔥 Do you struggle with leading people? Or, let's narrow that question to, do you have a challenge with leading millennials?

🆘 Well, if the answer is I'm not sure or a definite YES. Wait until you see the share of generating "Z" increases in your team. That will be entirely a new ball game.

⚠️ The challenge with leading people is becoming a focus area for businesses nowadays, especially while navigating the "Great Resignation" era with 20 million in the US alone, often resigning without having another one lined up.

⚠️ Today, business executives speak about the need to invest in upskilling their leaders. It is about being ready to lead generation Z and Alpha.

🎙 That is why the Break Podcast is happy to announce an exclusive episode with 👉 Sylwia Krolikowska talking to BEN ESMAEL about:

1️⃣ The drivers behind the great resignation, what businesses leaders have to do to mitigate that risk to be widespread. Do we see that happening in Poland?

2️⃣ The most prominent challenges leaders face Today—a reflection point on her book, seven challenges for a leader.

3️⃣ How to lead generation "Z" and get ready for "Alpha."

Break Interview - How To Lead with Sylwia Krolikowska 🔥 What an exciting interview with Sylwia Krolikowska talking to BEN ESMAEL about: 🆘 How to lead people? We talked 🎤▶️ Great resignation and what is potent...


🔥 Do you feel anxious about leading teams in the new working environment?

🆘 When was the last time you felt the heat while leading "Z" (1995 - 2015)?

⚠️ The challenge with leading people is becoming a focus area notably while businesses and leaders are navigating the new working environment challenges.

⚠️ Business executives speak of not giving the toolkit needed for leading their teams as a must-fix area.

How to lead people?

That is what Sylwia Krolikowska and BEN ESMAEL have discussed in episode 31 of Break Podcast.

They talked:

▶️ Great resignation and what is driving it and why it isn't that big in Poland.

▶️ Challenges and qualities leaders need to get and deal with.

▶️ learn from past mistakes and be ready for leading generation Z and alpha.

Tune-in for the full interview coming up next, tomorrow at 5 PM CET


🔥 What an exciting interview with Sylwia Krolikowska talking to BEN ESMAEL about:

🆘 How to lead people?

We talked 🎤

▶️ Great resignation and what is potentially driving it and why it isn't that big in Poland.

▶️ Challenges and qualities leaders need to acquire and deal with.

▶️ How to learn from leaders' mistakes while managing millennials, catch up with generation Z, and get ready for generation alpha.

🗓 Stay tuned for the interview airing on Nov 30th at 5 PM CET.


Photos from The B's post 24/11/2021

📌 80% of our communication is nonverbal. Regardless of your competence with reading people's emotions, you'll still receive them, and your body will trigger a response "even unconsciously."

⚠️ The difference is your ability to understand those emotions you constantly receive and become conscious of your emotional response.

📌 I like Darisuz's reference to "emotions are always true, but they aren't always right." In essence, you can't rely on what people tell but on their feelings and expressed emotions.

▶️ In the good old days of working with people face-to-face, all of that was easy to learn, practice and experience. Now, it is an entirely new ball game in town. Working remotely and through cameras, screens, and whatever technology has brought us since 2019 made that exercise extremely hard and complex.

🎙 That is precisely what BEN ESMAEL and Dariusz Klupi discussed during the interview, trying to answer the one million dollar question.

🎙 How could we excel through emotional intelligence and navigate that dynamic while leading teams in a hybrid working environment?

🔥 The answer puts much emphasis on four key areas:

1️⃣ You have to be aware of your emotions. It would be best to learn how to channel them from an energy drainer to a positive propeller for professional and private life. Both are connected.

2️⃣ How important it is for you as a business leader to prioritize investment in the people development curriculum. Many emphases are on the role of HR, learning, and development functions.

3️⃣ Efficiency is a big theme for the upcoming years. It is about aligning business goals and finding the balance with individuals' emotions. That's essential to avoid problems as disengagement and attritions. There is a sweet spot between being a jerk and being a confident leader.

4️⃣ For you leaders, feedback isn't a static process tied into a date in the calendar. It is instead a continuous and dynamic process. It is also essential to have empathy and apathy with your staff. Abusing staff openness will kill both honesty and trust.

🆘 Check out the full interview on Spotify, Apple Podcast (link in the comment section), and don't forget to follow us in there so you'll never miss Break Podcast's content.📻

Break Interview - Be Logically Emotional with Dariusz Klupi 23/11/2021

🔥 You are tired of managing people and their emotions. You feel helpless when emotions appear in your workplace. You are constantly overworked because what you delegate doesn't happen. Do you feel uncomfortable working and leading disengaged teams

🔥 You struggle with leading remote teams. You face a challenge with client engagement behind screens or working as a consultant and collaborating with teams you know nothing about.

🆘 Twenty million people resigned from their jobs between spring and summer. In April, the number of workers who quit their job in a single month broke an all-time U.S. record. Highest. Ever. But then it did that again in July. And again in August. People who just up and leave their job, often without having another one lined up. That put many things in perspective. Though the big part of this phenomenon is economically driven, it has to do with emotions, empathy, and the employer-employee relationship.

⚠️ Everything has to do with emotion and how to manage them. Our own and the others we lead or with.

Here is the thing,👇👇👇

Becoming logically emotional is the light at the end of the tunnel.

🎙 And that is what Dariusz Klupi has discussed with BEN ESMAEL in a 60 min interview that gives you clarity on what to do next while dealing with emotions.

During the interview, you will 🎙

👉 Get to know the challenges business faces today and what skills leaders like you need to develop.

👉 Through practical steps, help you manage fear, and how could you make it your friend instead of a foe?

👉 Why it is ok to be vulnerable

🙏 Don't forget to hit like and follow our YouTube channel so you'll never miss any of Break Podcast's content.

Break Interview - Be Logically Emotional with Dariusz Klupi 🔥 You are tired of managing people and their emotions. You feel helpless when emotions appear in your workplace. You are constantly overworked because what ...


🔥 Do you struggle with leading people? Or, let's narrow that question to, do you have a challenge with leading millennials?

🆘 Well, if the answer is I'm not sure or a definite YES. Wait until you see the share of generating "Z" increases in your team. That will be entirely a new ball game.

⚠️ The challenge with leading people is becoming a focus area for businesses nowadays, especially while navigating the "Great Resignation" era with 20 million in the US alone, often resigning without having another one lined up.

⚠️ Today, many business executives speak about not investing enough in upskilling their leaders to lead their workforce with a single message. If we screwed up with millennials, let us mitigate the same mistakes with generation "Z" and get ready for "Alpha."

🎙 That is why the Break Podcast is happy to announce an exclusive episode with 👉 Sylwia Krolikowska

BEN ESMAEL will be talking to Sylwia Krolikowska about,

1️⃣ The drivers behind the great resignation, what businesses leaders have to do to mitigate that risk to be widespread. Do we see that happening in Poland?

2️⃣ The most prominent challenges leaders face today—a reflection point on her book, 7 challenges for a leader.

3️⃣ How to lead generation "Z" and get ready for "Alpha."

And that is not all,

🔥 Beak Podcast is opening the space for you to ask a question. Sylwia and Ben will do their best to address as much as possible during the interview.

Stay tuned and follow our page,

🗓 The interview is airing, Nov 30 - 5 PM CET.


Twenty million people resigned from their jobs between spring and summer. In April, the number of workers who quit their job in a single month broke an all-time U.S. record. Highest. Ever. But then it did that again in July. And again in August. People who just up and leave their job, often without having another one lined up. That put a lot of things in perspective. Though the big part of this phenomenon is economically driven, it has to do with emotions, empathy, and the employer-employee relationship.

Everything has to do with emotion and how to manage them. Our own and the others we lead or with.

Here is the thing,

What we talked about after the last episode was all about the voices. It's the stories. Like when you look at your life today, and you don't like what you see, well, take a look at what's going on because you've created it.

You are tired of managing people and their emotions. You feel helpless when emotions appear in your workplace. You are constantly overworked because what you delegate doesn't happen.

Becoming logically emotional is the light at the end of the tunnel.

And that is what I have discussed with Dariusz in a 60 min interview that gives you clarity on what to do next while dealing with emotions.

Stay tuned for the full interview coming up next Tuesday, 5 PM on our channel on YouTube, LinkedIn, Spotify, and other podcasts.


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