Chair of the North and Sub-Saharan Africa at the Jagiellonian University

Katedra Afryki Północnej i Subsaharyjskiej - Instytut Bliskiego i Dalekiego Wschodu UJ Przemysław Turek, prof. Obecny skład Katedry: prof. dr hab P. Turek, prof. B.

Katedra Afryki Północnej i Subsaharyjskiej UJ, której kierownikiem jest dr hab. UJ, działa przy Instytucie Bliskiego i Dalekiego Wschodu UJ od lutego 2023 r. Do głównych zadań Katedry należy wspieranie rozwoju studiów afrykańskich prowadzonych w IBiDW UJ, a także prowadzenie interdyscyplinarnych badań nad wybranymi państwami Afryki oraz ich relacji z krajami azjatyckimi - zwłaszcza z zakresu nauk

Tanzania - praktyczny poradnik dla turysty, atrakcje turystyczne 18/08/2024

Do weryfikacji

Tanzania - praktyczny poradnik dla turysty, atrakcje turystyczne Tanzania, położona w Afryce Wschodniej, jest krajem o niezwykłym bogactwie naturalnym, kulturowym i historycznym. Graniczy z Kenią i Ugandą od północy, Rwa

NBA: Najbiedniejszy kraj Świata prawie ograł reprezentację USA! - Z Krainy NBA 23/07/2024

Reprezentacja Sudanu Południowego była o krok od ogrania gwiazd NBA w przedolimpijskim meczu towarzyskim🤩

NBA: Najbiedniejszy kraj Świata prawie ograł reprezentację USA! - Z Krainy NBA Za nami kolejny sparing reprezentacji USA przed Igrzyskami w Paryżu, który prawie skończył się sensacją. Południowy Sudan był o krok od ogrania kadry złożonej z gwiazd NBA. Według raportu wykonanego dla portalu Global Finance, najbiedniejszym krajem Świata w 2024 roku jest Południowy Su...


Kevin Shillington, Kevin Shillington, History of Africa, 4th edition, 2021, 993 pages.

This fourth edition of this best-selling core history textbook offers a richly illustrated, single volume, narrative introduction to African history, from a hugely respected authority in the field. The market-leading range of illustrated material from prior editions is now further improved, featuring not only additional and redrawn maps and a refreshed selection of photographs, but the addition of full colour to make these even more instructive, evocative and attractive.

Already hugely popular on introductory African History courses, the book has been widely praised for its engaging and readable style, and is unrivalled in scope, both geographically and chronologically – while many competitors limit themselves to certain regions or eras, Shillington chronicles the entire continent, from prehistory right up to the present day. For this new edition, both content and layout have been thoroughly refreshed and restructured to make this wealth of material easily navigable, and even more appealing to students unfamiliar with the subject.

Zeinab Badawi: An African History of Africa - Welcome to Bath 10/07/2024

Zeinab Badawi is a Sudanese-British television and radio journalist. Her first book, An African History of Africa, was published in April 2024.

Zeinab Badawi: An African History of Africa - Welcome to Bath Award-winning broadcaster Zeinab Badawi introduces her ground-breaking and epic history of Africa, An African History of Africa told through the voices of the Africans themselves – and charting the history of the oldest inhabited continent on the planet.

Sudan Kusini inaadhimisha miaka 13 tangu kupata uhuru kutoka kwa Sudan 09/07/2024

South Sudan is celebrating 13 years since gaining independence from Sudan

Sudan Kusini inaadhimisha miaka 13 tangu kupata uhuru kutoka kwa Sudan Nchi ya Sudan Kusini leo inaadhimisha miaka 13 tangu ilipojitenga na Sudan na kuwa taifa huru, kumbukizi inaofanyika huku taifa hilo likiendela kupitia changamoto mbalimbali za kiusalama na kisiasa.



8 Aprili 2023

Rwanda inashika nafasi ya sita duniani katika Fahirisi ya Pengo la Jinsia Duniani
Ikiwa na asilimia 55 ya bunge lake linaloundwa na wabunge wanawake, Rwanda inashika nafasi ya kwanza duniani kwa usawa wa kijinsia bungeni, kulingana na Fahirisi ya Amani na Usalama ya Wanawake. Pia inashika nafasi ya juu katika mtazamo wa faharasa ya ustawi wa jamii, na inashika nafasi ya sita duniani katika Fahirisi ya Pengo la Jinsia Ulimwenguni, ambayo hupima jinsi nchi ilivyo na haki katika masuala ya uchumi, elimu, huduma za afya, na ushiriki wa kisiasa.
Rebecca Hansen alijionea hili alipohamia Rwanda kutoka Denmark mwaka wa 2019, na akaona ni salama sana kusafiri mwenyewe. "Kuna polisi, usalama na jeshi karibu maeneo yote na wakati wote wa mchana na usiku," alisema. "Inaweza kuonekana kuwa ya kutisha mwanzoni, lakini utajifunza haraka kuwa watu hawa wote waliovaa sare ni watu wa urafiki na wako tayari kusaidia kila wakati."
Alisema kuwa watu kwa ujumla hawakusumbui lakini wanaweza kufunza Kiingereza chao kwa "Habari yako?" au "Habari za asubuhi", hasa kutoka kwa watoto wa shule. Kiingereza na Kifaransa ni lugha mbili rasmi nchini Rwanda, pamoja na Kinyarwanda na Kiswahili, ambayo inapunguza kizuizi cha lugha hapa. Hata watu ambao hawazungumzi Kiingereza wanafurahi kukusaidia na kukuonyesha maelekezo ukipotea, alisema.
Rwanda kwa muda mrefu imekuwa ikizingatiwa kuwa mwanzilishi katika kazi yake ya amani na maridhiano kufuatia mauaji ya kimbari ya Watutsi mwaka 1994. Nchi ina kumbukumbu nyingi, lakini Hansen anapendekeza wageni kutembelea Kumbukumbu ya Mauaji ya Kimbari ya Kigali katika mji mkuu, ambayo sio tu inaonyesha historia ya mauaji ya kimbari hapa, lakini Pia mifano mingine duniani kote na hatari ambazo dunia bado inakabiliwa na tishio hili.
Ingawa ni ghali, kutembelea sokwe wa milimani nchini humo ni jambo la lazima kwa msafiri yeyote. Lakini Hansen pia anapendekeza Mbuga ya Kitaifa ya Nyungwe iliyo kusini-magharibi na Mbuga ya Kitaifa ya Volcano upande wa kaskazini kuona nyani, au Mbuga ya Kitaifa ya Akagera iliyo mashariki kwa ajili ya safari.

Rwanda ranks sixth in the world in the Global Gender Gap Index
With 55 percent of its parliament made up of women parliamentarians, Rwanda ranks first in the world for gender equality in parliament, according to the Women's Peace and Security Index. It also ranks high in the perception of social welfare index, and ranks sixth in the world in the Global Gender Gap Index, which measures how fair a country is in terms of economy, education, health care, and political participation.
Rebecca Hansen experienced this when she moved to Rwanda from Denmark in 2019, and found it very safe to travel alone. "There are police, security and army in almost all places and at all times of the day and night," she said. "It may seem intimidating at first, but you'll quickly learn that all these people in uniform are friendly and always willing to help."
She said that people generally don't bother her but they can practice their English with "How are you?" or "Good morning", especially from school children. English and French are the two official languages in Rwanda, along with Kinyarwanda and Kiswahili, which reduces the language barrier here. Even people who don't speak English are happy to help you and show you directions if you get lost, she said.
Rwanda has long been considered a pioneer in its work on peace and reconciliation following the Tutsi genocide in 1994. The country has many monuments, but Hansen recommends visitors visit the Kigali Genocide Memorial in the capital, which not only displays history of genocide here, but also other examples around the world and the dangers that the world still faces from this threat.
Although expensive, visiting the country's mountain gorillas is a must for any traveler. But Hansen also recommends Nyungwe National Park in the southwest and Volcano National Park in the north to see monkeys, or Akagera National Park in the east for a safari.

Getty Images

Photos from Chair of the North and Sub-Saharan Africa at the Jagiellonian University's post 13/06/2024

Sprache ist der volle Athem menschlicher Seele. (Jacob Grimm)
Language is the full breath of the human soul. Lugha ni pumzi kamili ya nafsi ya mwanadamu. اللغة هي النفس الكامل للروح الإنسانية

Beautiful World - Wonderful World 09/06/2024

Musically, a beatiful song, pretty popular. Considering the language: it is theoretically Swahili but in my humble opinion it's a gibberish. Look the lyrics below:

(Chorus) Kiseo sobet Mwan gaza nguvu kyeni mbololo Mwangaza maridadi dunia Kiseo sobet Mwangaza nguvu kiseo uima Mwangaza loboiyet Kiseo mumbiwle (Verse) Indet sobet maisha kimnatet Mwangaza mbololo maridadi Tangus maumbile nguvu kiseo sobet Maridadie loboiyet Nyororo mumbilwe

Any idea? I recognized few Swahili words: mwanga 'light', nguvu 'force, strenght', dunia 'world', 'maisha 'life'. BTW, the text is just copied from the web sites and if I am not wrong from the CD cover.
Another song from that CD is written and sung in quite acceptable Swahili.

Beautiful World - Wonderful World Beautiful World - Wonderful World World


Methali ya Kiswahili ya leo. Today's Swahili proverb: Aliyeko juu, mngojee chini. Wait below for the one who is above.


All governments suffer a recurring problem: Power attracts pathological personalities. It is not that power corrupts but that it is magnetic to the corruptible. Such people have a tendency to become drunk on violence, a condition to which they are quickly addicted.
— Frank Herbert, Chapterhouse: Dune
Serikali zote zinakabiliwa na tatizo la mara kwa mara: Nguvu huvutia watu wa patholojia. Sio kwamba nguvu huharibu bali ni sumaku kwa wale inaoharibika. Watu wa aina hiyo huwa na tabia ya kulewa unyanyasaji, hali ambayo wao hulewa haraka.
— Frank Herbert, Jengo la Mikutano ya Kidini: Rundo la Mchanga
تعاني كافة الحكومات من مشكلة متكررة: السلطة تجتذب الشخصيات المرضية. ليس الأمر أن السلطة مفسدة، بل إنها تجتذب الفاسدين. ويميل هؤلاء الأشخاص إلى أن يصبحوا في حالة سُكر بسبب العنف، وهي حالة سرعان ما يدمنون عليها
فرانك هربرت، بيت الاجتماع الديني: الكثبان

Photos from Chair of the North and Sub-Saharan Africa at the Jagiellonian University's post 01/06/2024

Nelson Mandela's favorite poem. Shairi pendwa la Nelson Mandela


William Ernest Henley

Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds and shall find me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate,
I am the captain of my soul.

William Ernest Henley

Kutoka usiku unaoziba mimi,
Mweusi k**a shimo kutoka ncha hadi ncha,
Nashukuru miungu yoyote iwayo
Kwa roho yangu isiyoshindwa.

Katika makucha makali ya hali
Sijakunja uso wala kulia kwa sauti.
Chini ya mapigo ya bahati
Kichwa changu kimejaa damu, lakini hakijainama.

Zaidi ya mahali hapa pa hasira na machozi
Yanachomoza ila Janga la kivuli,
Na bado kitisho cha miaka
Kinapata na kitaendelea kunikuta nisiyeogopa.

Si muhimu ni jinsi gani lango ni finyu,
Jinsi gani ilivyojaa adhabu zilizoandikwa,
Mimi ni bwana wa hatima yangu,
Mimi ni nahodha wa roho yangu.

lingoXpress. Short stories in Swahili with English translations: Improve your Swahili by reading (Time to learn Swahili Book 4) (pp. 10-11). UNKNOWN. Kindle Edition.

Photos from Chair of the North and Sub-Saharan Africa at the Jagiellonian University's post 29/05/2024

Instytut Bliskiego i Dalekiego Wchodu
Wydział Studiów Międzynarodowych i Politycznych UJ ❤️


kierownik: dr hab. Przemysław Turek, prof. UJ

prof. dr hab. Bogusław Pacek
dr hab. Joanna Bar, prof. UJ
dr hab. Maciej Kurcz, prof. UJ
dr hab. Agnieszka Kuszewska-Bohnert, prof. UJ
dr Michał Lipa

współpracownik: mgr Kamil Kozak (doktorant)


Instytut Bliskiego i Dalekiego Wschodu UJ

Libya Desert Quiet - Free photo on Pixabay 30/04/2024

Do you wrestle with dreams?
Do you contend with shadows?
Do you move in a kind of sleep?
Time has slipped away.
Your life is stolen.
You tarried with triffles,
Victim of your folly.

Frank Herbert, Dune

Je, unapambana na ndoto?
Je, unashindana na vivuli?
Je, unasogea katika aina fulani ya usingizi?
Muda umeenda.
Maisha yako yameibiwa.
Ulibaki na mambo madogo madogo,
ukiwa mwathirika wa ujinga wako.

هل تتصارع مع الأحلام؟
هل تتنافس مع الظلال؟
هل تتحرك في نوع من النوم؟
لقد انزلق الوقت بعيدا.
لقد سرقت حياتك.
لقد تأخرت مع تفاهات
وأنت ضحية حماقاتك

Libya Desert Quiet - Free photo on Pixabay Download this free photo of Libya Desert Quiet from Pixabay's vast library of royalty-free stock images, videos and music.

The Sound of the Hassaniya Arabic dialect (Numbers, Greetings, Words & Sample Text) 28/04/2024

Hassaniya Arabic is a variety of Maghrebi Arabic spoken by the Mauritanian Arab-Berbers and the Sahrawi people mainly in Algeria and in Mauritania, and also in Western Sahara, southern Morocco, Senegal, northwestern Mali, Libya and northern Niger. In 2017 there were about 9.5 million speakers of Hassaniya Arabic, including 4.8 million in Algeria, mainly in Tindouf province in the west of the country, 3.5 million in Mauritania, 424,000 in Western Sahara, 282,000 in Morocco, 196,000 in Senegal and 123,000 in Mali. (Omniglot)

The Sound of the Hassaniya Arabic dialect (Numbers, Greetings, Words & Sample Text) Welcome to my channel! This is Andy from I love languages. Let's learn different languages/dialects together. I created this for educational purposes to spre...


Riwaya ya Mungu Hakopeshwi inaelezea maisha ya familia moja ya Unguja iliyoingia katika mitafaruku na mikasa mingi. Kila kitu huwa na chanzo na khatima; basi ni nini chanzo cha mitafaruku hiyo na khatima yake ilikuwaje? Simulizi ni juu ya baba, Bw. Ahmed, mwenye hasira kali zisizo na mipaka, aliyeongoza familia yake kwa utashi wa nafsi yake, bila kujali hisia za mkewe wala wanawe. Kumbe moyoni mwake alihifadhi siri, na hiyo siri ndiyo iliyomfanya Bw. Ahmed kuwa mkali bila kiasi, ikimsukuma azuie kurejea kwa yale yaliyomfika zamani. Lakini kivuli cha historia ya maisha yake ya nyuma hakikuacha kumuandama. Riwaya hii i meandikwa kwa lugha nzuri na fasaha, kwa ufundi wa msanii makini na mwelewa wa maisha ya jamii za Kizanzibari na za mwambao kwa jumla.
The novel God Is Not Loaned describes the life of a family in Unguja that has entered many conflicts and tragedies. Everything has a source and an end; then what is the source of the differences and what was its fate? The story is about the father, Mr. Ahmed, with a fierce anger without limits, who led his family by his own will, regardless of the feelings of his wife or sons. But in his heart he kept a secret, and that secret is what made Mr. Ahmed becomes excessively harsh, prompting him to prevent the return of what happened to him in the past. But the shadow of his past history did not stop haunting him. This novel is written in a beautiful and eloquent language, with the skill of a careful artist who understands the life of Zanzibari and coastal communities in general.

Photos from Chair of the North and Sub-Saharan Africa at the Jagiellonian University's post 27/04/2024

Naǧīb Maḥfūẓ and Thousand and One Night in in Swahili

Hii ni tafsiri ya kitabu, Al-Tariq, riwaya ya mwandishi maarufu wa Misri Naguib Mahfouz, raia wa Misri (1911 – 2006) iliyoandikwa katika lugha ya Kiarabu. Kwa kipindi cha miaka sabini, aliandika riwaya hamsini, hadithi fupifupi mia tatu na hamsini na tamthilia tano. Alitunukiwa tuzo ya Nobel ya Fasihi mwaka 1988 akawa Mwafrika wa kwanza kupata tuzo hiyo.
This is a translation of Al-Tariq, a novel by Egyptian author Naguib Mahfouz (1911 -2006), Africa’s first winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature (1988) and one of the most admired writers worldwide. Mahfouz wrote some forty novels, more than 100 short stories, 5 plays and numerous film scripts. The Arabic original of Al-Tariq was published in 1964. This Swahili translation is from the English translation.
About the author
Naguib Mahfouz was an Egyptian writer who won the 1988 Nobel Prize for Literature. He published over 50 novels, over 350 short stories, dozens of movie scripts, and five plays over a 70-year career. Many of his works have been made into Egyptian and foreign films.

Swahili with Mariana - YouTube 21/04/2024

Masomo ya Kiswahili na Mariana

Jina langu ni Mariana Kweyu. Mimi ni mzaliwa wa Kenya na ninaishi Nairobi. Mimi ni mwalimu na mwanaisimu. Nilianza kufundisha lugha mwaka wa 2016, wakati huo, nilipendezwa sana na lugha yangu ya Kiswahili. Ninafurahia sana nyimbo na tamaduni zetu. Ninapenda kufunza watoto kwa wakubwa. Ninazungumza lugha ya mama, Kiswahili, Kiingereza, Kifaransa na Kijerumani kidogo. Mimi ninapenda kusafiri na kusoma vitabu vipya, fauka ya hayo, ninavutiwa sana na vyakula vya kitamaduni na densi. Huku kwetu, watu wanaishi kwa amani na upendo na wanapenda sana wageni.

Wakati sina kazi na niko huru, mimi hupenda kuunda video za Youtube ili kufurahisha na kuelimisha watu. Hii hapa kiunganishi kitakachokupeleka moja kwa moja mpaka katika idhaa yangu. . Jina ni Swahili with Mariana. Nitafurahi sana ukitembelea na kujiunga ili upate video mpya pindi ninapounda.

Swahili with Mariana - YouTube Katika Swahili with Mariana, utafurahia lugha adhimu ya Kiswahili k**a wenyeji wanavyokifurahia. Tucheke, tusome na tujifunze pamoja. Hii idhaa ni ya lugha m...


Olaudah Equiano (c. 1745 – 31 March 1797), known for most of his life as Gustavus Vassa, was a writer and abolitionist. According to his memoir, he was from the village of Essaka in modern southern Nigeria. Enslaved as a child in West Africa, he was shipped to the Caribbean and sold to a Royal Navy officer. He was sold twice more before purchasing his freedom in 1766.
As a freedman in London, Equiano supported the British abolitionist movement, in the 1780s becoming one of its leading figures. Equiano was part of the abolitionist group the Sons of Africa, whose members were Africans living in Britain. His 1789 autobiography, "The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano", sold so well that nine editions were published during his life and helped secure passage of the British Slave Trade Act 1807, which abolished the slave trade. The Interesting Narrative gained renewed popularity among scholars in the late 20th century and remains a useful primary source. (Wikipedia)
Book availlable at:
Olaudah Equiano (takriban 1745 - 31 Machi 1797), aliyejulikana kwa muda mwingi wa maisha yake k**a Gustavus Vassa, alikuwa mwandishi na mkomeshaji. Kulingana na kumbukumbu yake, alitoka katika kijiji cha Essaka kusini mwa Nigeria ya kisasa. Akiwa mtumwa akiwa mtoto huko Afrika Magharibi, alisafirishwa hadi Caribbean na kuuzwa kwa afisa wa Jeshi la Wanamaji la Kifalme. Aliuzwa mara mbili zaidi kabla ya kununua uhuru wake mnamo 1766.
K**a mtu aliyeachiliwa huko London, Equiano aliunga mkono vuguvugu la kukomesha sheria la Uingereza, katika miaka ya 1780 na kuwa mmoja wa watu wake wakuu. Equiano alikuwa sehemu ya kikundi cha kukomesha sheria cha Wana wa Afrika, ambacho washiriki wake walikuwa Waafrika wanaoishi Uingereza. Wasifu wake wa 1789, "Simulizi ya Kuvutia ya Maisha ya Olaudah Equiano" (iliyoandikwa kwa Kiingereza), uliuzwa vizuri sana hivi kwamba matoleo tisa yalichapishwa wakati wa uhai wake na kusaidia kupitishwa kwa Sheria ya Biashara ya Utumwa ya Uingereza ya 1807, ambayo ilikomesha biashara ya utumwa. Simulizi ya Kuvutia ilipata umaarufu mpya miongoni mwa wasomi mwishoni mwa karne ya 20 na inasalia kuwa chanzo muhimu cha msingi.


A painting c.1830 by the German artist Johann Moritz Rugendas depicts a scene below deck of a slave ship headed to Brazil; Rugendas had been an eyewitness to the scene.
Mchoro wa mwaka wa 1830 wa msanii wa Kijerumani Johann Moritz Rugendas unaonyesha tukio chini ya sitaha ya meli ya watumwa iliyokuwa ikielekea Brazili; Rugendas alikuwa ameshuhudia tukio hilo.


A plan of the British slave ship Brookes, showing how 454 slaves were accommodated on board after the Slave Trade Act 1788. This same ship had reportedly carried as many as 609 slaves and was 267 tons burden, making 2.3 slaves per ton.[1] Published by the Society for Effecting the Abolition of the Slave Trade (click to enlarge)
Mpango wa meli ya watumwa ya Uingereza Brookes, inayoonyesha jinsi watumwa 454 walivyowekwa ndani ya meli baada ya Sheria ya Biashara ya Utumwa ya 1788. Meli hii iliripotiwa kubeba watumwa 609 na ilikuwa mzigo wa tani 267, na kufanya watumwa 2.3 kwa tani. Imechapishwa na Jumuiya ya Kutekeleza Ukomeshaji wa Biashara ya Utumwa (bofya ili kupanua)


# # Olimpiada Znajomości Afryki i nasza wizytująco-pomagająca "afrykańska" ekipa z IBiDW (4-10 od lewej 😀) - Oblacka Przystań, Lubliniec

Revisiting Rwanda 30 Years After the Genocide 08/04/2024

30th anniversary of The Rwandan genocide against the Tutsi * Maadhimisho ya miaka 30 ya Mauaji ya Kimbari ya Rwanda dhidi ya Watutsi
The Rwandan genocide against the Tutsi, occurred between 7 April and 15 July 1994 during the Rwandan Civil War. During this period of around 100 days, members of the Tutsi minority ethnic group, as well as some moderate Hutu and Twa, were killed by armed Hutu militias. The most widely accepted scholarly estimates are around 500,000 to 800,000 Tutsi deaths.
The scale and brutality of the genocide caused shock worldwide, but no country intervened to forcefully stop the killings. Most of the victims were killed in their own villages or towns, many by their neighbors and fellow villagers. Hutu gangs searched out victims hiding in churches and school buildings. The militia murdered victims with machetes and rifles. Sexual violence was rife, with an estimated 250,000 to 500,000 women r***d during the genocide.

Mauaji ya kimbari ya Rwanda dhidi ya Watutsi, yalitokea kati ya 7 Aprili na 15 Julai 1994 wakati wa Vita vya wenyewe kwa wenyewe vya Rwanda. Katika kipindi hiki cha takriban siku 100, watu wa kabila la Watutsi walio wachache, pamoja na baadhi ya Wahutu na Watwa wenye msimamo wa wastani, waliuawa na wanamgambo wa Kihutu wenye silaha. Makadirio ya kitaalamu yanayokubalika zaidi ni kati ya vifo 500,000 hadi 800,000 vya Watutsi.
Kiwango na ukatili wa mauaji ya kimbari ulisababisha mshtuko duniani kote, lakini hakuna nchi iliyoingilia kati kwa nguvu kukomesha mauaji hayo. Wengi wa wahasiriwa waliuawa katika vijiji au miji yao wenyewe, wengi na majirani zao na wanakijiji wenzao. Magenge ya Wahutu waliwatafuta waathiriwa waliokuwa wamejificha katika makanisa na majengo ya shule. Wanamgambo hao waliwaua waathiriwa kwa mapanga na bunduki. Ukatili wa kijinsia ulikuwa umeenea, huku takriban wanawake 250,000 hadi 500,000 walibakwa wakati wa mauaji ya kimbari.

Revisiting Rwanda 30 Years After the Genocide Today marks the 30th anniversary of the Rwanda genocide on April 7, 1994. A phoenix is rising from the ashes.


Where coffee comes from: Southern Ethiopia, including Sidamo, Kaffa, Arsi and Harar. Below: Kingdom of Kaffa (1390-1897) in Ethiopia


Tukatae chuki na vita, tuchague amani na furaha
Let us reject hatred and war, let us choose peace and happiness


Pasaka njema kwako na familia yako
Happy Easter to you and your family
عيد فصح سعيد لك ولعائلتك

Afryka na Koszykowej. Wojna domowa w Sudanie 28/03/2024

Jakiś czas temu mieliśmy okazję porozmawiać o dramatycznej sytuacji w Sudanie, oto nagranie:

Afryka na Koszykowej. Wojna domowa w Sudanie Rozmówcy:- Amb. Michał Murkociński, Ambasador RP w Sudanie;- Dr hab. Maciej Kurcz, Katedra Afryki Północnej i Subsaharyjskiej, Instytut Bliskiego i Dalekiego...

studia afrykańskie - Instytut Bliskiego i Dalekiego Wschodu - Wydział Studiów Międzynarodowych i Politycznych 27/03/2024

To już trzeci rok rok studiów afrykańskich w Instytucie Bliskiego i Dalekiego Wschodu UJ. Oby tak dalej!

studia afrykańskie - Instytut Bliskiego i Dalekiego Wschodu - Wydział Studiów Międzynarodowych i Politycznych Studia Afrykańskie Kto nie słyszał o Abu Simbel, Aksum, Dakarze, Gizie, Kapsztadzie, Kartaginie, Kilimandżaro, Lalibeli, Marakeszu, Mauritiusie, Mombasie, Nubii, Okawango, Omdurmanie, Serengeti, Seszelach, Timbuktu czy Zanzibarze? Za każdą z tych nazw kryją się istotne i interesujące treśc...

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Inne Szkoła wyższa w Kraków (pokaż wszystkie)
M.A. in TransAtlantic Studies, Jagiellonian University, Kraków M.A. in TransAtlantic Studies, Jagiellonian University, Kraków
Władysława Reymonta 4
Kraków, 30-059

The Master of Arts in Transatlantic Studies is a two-year full-time interdisciplinary program, which comparatively examines ever-changing relationships between culture and politics...

Koło Naukowe Studentów Etnologii i Antropologii Kulturowej UJ Koło Naukowe Studentów Etnologii i Antropologii Kulturowej UJ
Ulica Gołębia 9
Kraków, 31-007

Koło Naukowe Etnologów UJ (KNSEiAK UJ). Academic Society of Ethnologists, Jagiellonian University, Krakow

Instytut Religioznawstwa UJ Instytut Religioznawstwa UJ
Grodzka 52
Kraków, 31-044

Instytut Religioznawstwa, Wydział Filozoficzny, Uniwersytet Jagielloński

Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie
Ulica Rakowicka 27
Kraków, 31-510

Oficjalny serwis Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Krakowie, uczelni z 100-letnią tradycją.

Szkoła Retoryki Szkoła Retoryki
Podyplomowe Studium Retoryki, Wydział Polonistyki UJ, Ulica Gołębia 16
Kraków, 31-007

Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza w Krakowie Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza w Krakowie
Aleja Mickiewicza 30
Kraków, 30-059

AGH Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. St. Staszica w Krakowie / AGH University of Krakow

Uniwersytet Jagielloński Uniwersytet Jagielloński
Ulica Gołębia 24
Kraków, 31-007

660 lat tradycji! Jedna z najlepszych polskich uczelni, znajdująca się w Krakowie 👨‍🎓 👩‍🎓

Koło Naukowe Prawa Cywilnego i Handlowego UEK Koło Naukowe Prawa Cywilnego i Handlowego UEK
Ulica Rakowicka 27
Kraków, 31-510

Koło zrzeszające studentów Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Krakowie.

Disability Studies in Eastern Europe: Reconfigurations Disability Studies in Eastern Europe: Reconfigurations
Gołębia 24

Disability studies that investigate complex and nuanced interrelations between disability and societ

Katedra Studiów nad Społeczeństwem i Technologią WH AGH Katedra Studiów nad Społeczeństwem i Technologią WH AGH
Kraków, 30-054

Strona Katedry Studiów nad Społeczeństwem i Technologią na Wydziale Humanistycznym AGH

Rakowicka 27
Kraków, 31-510

Biuro udziela pomocy i wparcia G/głuchym i słabosłyszącym studentom, zarówno w sprawach związanych z kształceniem jak i integracją w środowisku akademickim. Udziela również niezbę...

Instytut Ekonomii, Finansów i Zarządzania Uniwersytet Jagielloński Instytut Ekonomii, Finansów i Zarządzania Uniwersytet Jagielloński
Ulica Łojasiewicza 4
Kraków, 30-348

Instytut Ekonomii, Finansów i Zarządzania Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego łączy wspaniałą, 650 letnią tradycję i prestiż Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego z najnowszymi standardami kształc...