Alexander Bal Massage Krakow

Massage therapist in center of Krakow Hello everyone! My name is Alex and I am a professional massage therapist with more than 4 years of experience.

I want to offer you the best price-quality option for a range of different massage techniques such as:
Classic (Swedish) massage - one of the most famous types of manual treatment in the world. It improves general health and mood. Deep tissue massage (myofascial release) - relatively modern techniques that are based on reestablishing the role of fascia tissue in body movement (biomechanics). In ma


Hello everyone!
My name is Alex and I am a professional massage therapist with more than 4 years of experience. I want to offer you the best price-quality option for a range of different massage techniques such as:
Classic (Swedish) massage - one of the most famous types of manual treatment in the world. It improves general health and mood.
Deep tissue massage (myofascial release) - relatively modern techniques that are based on reestablishing the role of fascia tissue in body movement (biomechanics). In many cases such as strains and sports injuries, this massage has a tremendous effect on movement rehabilitation. Performing this massage properly requires a specialist: being familiar with muscular and fascial anatomy, having a great sense of touch, and strong hands. Hopefully, I possess all of these skills, and although I finished a special course in deep tissue massage.
I like this technique the most.
Relaxing massage - pain-free massage that is based on soft stroking. As you may know that our skin is one of the main sensory organs so this message has a powerful effect on the patient's mood. Relaxing massage helps with stress moderation, insomnia, and anxiety.
Sports massage - an irreplaceable massage technique for preparing your body for exhausting physical training. It's the most painful but effective massage for those who try to avoid traumas and maximize the quality of their sports activity. I am constantly working with people that provide an active lifestyle and specifically for them, I use massage guns and natural sport balsams to improve the quality of that type of treatment.
Lymphatic drainage massage - techniques that are used in case of problems with the lymphatic system, the main symptom of which is swelling. Because the diseased lymphatic system is very sensitive, the best way to prepare for this massage is to consult with your medical doctor.
I work in Krakow by arriving at a specified address with all the required tools (massage table).
60 min session in strefa 1 is 90 pln
60 min session in strefa 2 is 110 pln
(If on one address is more than one patient I offer a 10% discount)


Today playing with stones =)


Massage is well known in ancient history practice, that's even in modern-day taking place in our life. Today I will explain why it's so popular and show how it works.

First of all, let's start from the definition: Massage - is the manipulation of the body's soft tissues. Actually, that’s it. Masseur just applies different manual techniques or devices on the surface of the body.

One of the main purposes of using massage is to relax muscle tension (about which we talked in previous posts). Obviously, it’s not the only reason for massage but today we will concentrate only on this specific goal.

In most EU one of the main types of massage is called “classic massage” or “Swedish massage”. Both of them share the same approach to patients with muscle tension and we will discuss it right now.

The list of manual techniques can range from country or author but it’s more or less stick to one basis.

1. Stroking - main technique. Probably every type of massage starts from slow gentle stroking that helps to prepare the patient for a sense of touch and gives the masseur a first impression about the patient's soft tissue condition.

2. Friction - fast and repetitive moves on the surface of the skin that allow to release of heat and increase blood circulation in massaged areas.

3. Kneading - in classic massage, this technique takes the most percentage of the time. It’s comparable with squeezing the muscle. That technique allows it to move: intracellular fluid, lymph, and blood from squished space. And this temporary emptiness is fulfilled with new arterial blood that helps to increase the regeneration process.

4. Tapping - this technique affects underlying tissues the most. Usually, intensive tapping can cause involuntary muscle contraction but the benefit is that tapping rapidly decreases pain sensation and increase blood flow. It's often used in an attempt to prepare someone for physical activity, mainly in sports massage.

5. Vibration - now this technique can be performed with the use of vibration tools so effects really will depend on friction and intensity. Usually, vibration by hand takes the smallest part of massage because it's hard to perform but it causes the reflective relaxation of muscle fibers.

All of the above are 101 explanations of how massage works. Everyone who is familiar with this topic can correct or complete this short explanation. But my goal is to explain such a complicated theme for the common users of massage.

If you find this post useful, please like it and you are welcome to ask any questions in the comments. Stay healthy.


This video is related to a previous post on my page so I highly recommend checking it before watching this.

I'm gonna show you some stretching exercises that will help to release tension in the neck but don't expect fast results.

All these techniques have a list of contraindications. So if you expect or know that you have some contraindications you should consult with your physiotherapist or physician.

1. Flexion Stretch (generally affects trapezius muscle) - bring chin to chest until a slight stretch is felt in the back of the neck.
2. Lateral flexion stretch (generally affects on scalene muscles) - tilt ear to shoulder until stretch is felt in the side of the neck.
3. Levator scapulae stretch - Bring chin to opposite collarbone until stretch is felt in the back and side of the neck.
4. scm sternocleidomastoid muscle stretch - rotation to side and tilt head back

For all of the above exercises use 4 simple rules

1. Hold the stretch for 30 seconds, then gently back your head towards neutral.
2. Then repeat on the opposite side.
3. Try to repeat each side 2-3 times, holding each time for 30 seconds.
4. Try to repeat the stretch 1-2 times per day.

used materials

Thanks for watching and stay healthy.


Today I will share with you some of my knowledge, skills, and findings of muscular pain. This post is related to the previous post so I highly recommend you to look at it.

As we already know our goal is releasing muscle tension. How to achieve it? First of all, the main function of muscles is movement and stabilising the body in some position usually voluntarily.

Physiologically all muscles need to go through contraction and relaxation sequence during their work, but sometimes our position or activity requires the same long term standing, sitting, walking, lifting.

And this is a source of our problems! We won't allow our muscles to relax after contraction so in this case we need to help them and force them to relax.
And the holy grail of this type of activity is STRETCHING.

For example, a typical movable joint in the body contains 2 groups of muscles : flexors and extensors. So if one group of muscles that respond to move the joint, is in tension the best way to help them is to contract the opposite muscle group to stretch that tension in another. In a nutshell that's it.

Even after small stretching the blood circulation will gradually return to normal and bundles of muscle tissue will relax. With understanding of that mechanism you will know how to apply this in your life and enormously improve your condition.

In further posts I will show some examples of most common issues that can be cured by specific gimnastic.

If you find this post useful, please like it and you are welcome to ask any questions in the comments. Stay healthy.


Today I will share with you some of my knowledge, skills, and findings of muscular pain. What does it cause? First of all, the most common cause of neck pain is muscular tension (when the muscle can’t fully relax even after the ending of contraction). That’s meant that some specific muscule or even groop of them don’t have a rest. In a physiological sense, musculus don’t get rid of metabolites and don’t get proper nutrition due to poor blood circulation. Also, long-term tension affects musculus attachment to the bones that on the surface have a lot of nociceptors (pain receptors) and proprioceptors (sense of motion receptors). In a nutshell that’s it: just get rid of tension and relief will come.

In the further posts - I will explain how to relax tense musculus by yourself.
Will made 101 courses of anatomy.
Show which techniques you can apply at home and why massage is so useful in an attempt to get rid of the pain etc.

If you find this post useful, please lite it and you are welcome to ask any questions in the comments. Stay healthy.


All types of massage in KRK
60 min - 120
45 min - 100

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