Filologia Angielska na Uniwersytecie Ignatianum w Krakowie

Strona Instytutu Neofilologii Wydziału Pedagogicznego Uniwersytetu Ignatianum w Krakowie niemiecki, jęz. francuski lub jęz.

Filologia angielska bezpłatne studia pierwszego stopnia stacjonarne, specjalność:

• Nauczanie języka angielskiego w przedszkolach i szkołach podstawowych,
• Redakcja tekstów anglojęzycznych. Specjalność: Nauczanie języka angielskiego w przedszkolach i szkołach podstawowych
Absolwent studiów pierwszego stopnia o profilu praktycznym na kierunku Filologia angielska na Wydziale Pedagogicznym Akade

Photos from Filologia Angielska na Uniwersytecie Ignatianum w Krakowie's post 11/07/2024

On 1-4 July 2024, Dr. Dominika Ruszkiewicz (Department of Literary Studies) took part in the International Medieval Congress at the University of Leeds, where she presented a paper: “The Crisis of the Self in Geoffrey Chaucer’s The Book of the Duchess”.
Enjoy the photos from the Congress and from Kirkstall Abbey - one of England's best preserved Cistercian monasteries, which is located in Leeds, and which has provided inspiration to many painters, among them, William Turner.

Photo credit: Dominika Ruszkiewicz

Photos from Filologia Angielska na Uniwersytecie Ignatianum w Krakowie's post 10/07/2024


On 4-6 July, prof. Sylwia Janina Wojciechowska attended The 51st Annual International Conference of The Joseph Conrad Society (UK). The conference was held at the Polish Cultural Centre (POSK), Hammersmith. A few photos taken at the conference are included below, alongside several other glimpses into the house of Charles Dickens and his wife. Below please find the pictures of the married couple, of the engagement ring, as well as of their letters and Charles Dickens' publications.

Text & photos: Sylwia J. Wojciechowska


Time capsule?! 😱

If a Victorian historian had his way, there'd be a giant time capsule under Stonehenge.

Oferta - IRK 09/07/2024


Oferta - IRK Uniwersytet Ignatianum w Krakowie

Photos from Filologia Angielska na Uniwersytecie Ignatianum w Krakowie's post 09/07/2024

Filologia Angielska & Bella Italia 😎☀️

W dn. 26-28.06.24, mgr Anna Dybiec (Katedra Nauk o Języku i Kulturze) uczestniczyła w 22nd International Conference on New Directions in the Humanities: The Transfer and Translation of Ideas in the Humanities. Konferencja odbyła się w Sapienza University of Rome w Rzymie. P. Dybiec wygłosiła referat pt. "The Original versus Translations over the Years: Faithful Copies or Translators' Interpretations?"



The famous Cliffs of Moher (Aillte an Mhothair)... ☘️
The song's title: "Dúlamán".
Bíodh lá maith agaibh! ☀️

Photos from Filologia Angielska na Uniwersytecie Ignatianum w Krakowie's post 26/06/2024

W ubiegły piątek Filologia Angielska wzięła udział w Gali Transatlantyk! 🤩 Reprezentowala nas dr hab. Krystyna Zabawa, prof. UIK (Katedra Nauk o Literaturze). 👏👏👏

Poniżej relacja:

W tym roku nagroda Transatlantyk została wręczona po raz dwudziesty. Jest ona przyznawana prze Instytut Książki za wybitne osiągnięcia w popularyzacji literatury polskiej za granicą. W 2018 roku otrzymała ją zasłużona brytyjska tłumaczka, Antonia Lloyd-Jones, mająca na swoim koncie Korczaka, Iwaszkiewicza, Lema, Kapuścińskiego, Tokarczuk. Tym razem jury wyróżniło dwoje niezwykłych tłumaczy: na włoski – Verę Verdiani i na hiszpański – Abla Murcię. Oboje mogą się poszczycić ogromnym dorobkiem. Zajmująca się od lat 50. przekładem 89-letnia Włoszka, której matka była Polką, a ojciec włoskim polonistą, udostępniła czytelnikom w Italii dzieła Gombrowicza, Witkacego, Schulza, Mrożka, Lema, Kapuścińskiego. Abel Murcia od dwudziestu kilku lat mieszka w Polsce, a jego przekłady polskiej poezji ( Różewicza, Szymborskiej) i prozy są publikowane nie tylko w Hiszpanii, ale również w krajach Ameryki Południowej.
Gala Nagrody Transatlantyk 2024 odbyła się w Muzeum Sztuki i Techniki Japońskiej Manggha i była niezwykłym przeżyciem. Zachęcam do wysłuchania przede wszystkim wystąpień obojga laureatów. Warto posłuchać nieskazitelnej i wyrafinowanej polszczyzny osób, dla których nie jest to język ojczysty! Ich refleksje na temat pracy tłumacza są, moim zdaniem, bezcenne i warte zapamiętania. Innego rejestru naszego języka można było posłuchać podczas koncertu, na którym wystąpili Pablopavo (także pisarz, autor tekstów piosenek) i Ludziki.

Nagranie z Gali dostępne jest tu:

Tekst i zdjęcia: Krystyna Zabawa

Photos from British Poles's post 23/06/2024

The launch of Adam Zamoyski's new book, on Izabela Czartoryska: a woman who initiated what we know as the Czartoryski Museum in Krakow.

Zamoyski is a British historian, a descendant of the Czartoryski family, which for centuries has had links with Great Britain and who cared for the popularization of the Polish culture abroad.

Inspired by: Krystyna Zabawa


Migration studies, anyone? A new CFP from Filoteknos!

We would like to share with you information about a special issue of Filoteknos titled "Migration Narratives: Staying, Leaving, and Returning in Children's and Young Adult Literature."

Abstracts of 200-300 words should be submitted to [email protected] (in .doc or .docx file) by July 31, 2024.

After notification of acceptance, full manuscripts of 4,000–6,000 words (reviews 1,000-1,200 words) should be submitted to [email protected] (in .doc or .docx file) by October 31, 2024. We only accept submissions in English.

Photos from Góral Studies Center - Centrum Badań Góralskich's post 20/06/2024

Brawa dla zespołu Góral Studies Center - Centrum Badań Góralskich oraz dla naszych wspaniałych Studentów! 👏👏👏

Photos from Filologia Angielska na Uniwersytecie Ignatianum w Krakowie's post 17/06/2024

Dziś, 17 czerwca, miał miejsce wykład otwarty Prof. Gerarda Kilroya, zorganizowany przez Katedrę Nauk o Literaturze! 🤩👏👏👏

Profesor Kilroy zabrał nas w fotograficzną podróż po współczesnej Anglii, w której zachowane zniszczenia, posągi bez głów czy ruiny opowiadają historię o polityce, religii i o emocjach przeszłości. Tak jak rozsławione przez Wordswortha opactwo Tintern, tworzą one nie tylko estetyczne napięcie pomiędzy pięknem a przemijaniem, w szczególnej poetyce braku i pustki, ale i stanowią źródło wiedzy o przeszłych wydarzeniach oraz pobudzają do refleksji nad człowiekiem.

Photos from Filologia Angielska na Uniwersytecie Ignatianum w Krakowie's post 16/06/2024

Filologia Angielska taking part in BIP in Lithuania! 👍🇱🇹

In the first week of June, Mr. Michael Doherty participated in an intensive training programme with an international team of academic teachers. Read about his impressions below:

A great week and a lot of learning and networking with new colleagues from across Europe at the Blended Intensive Program hosted by VMUlive in Kaunas, Lithuania. The programme included plurilingual approaches in language classes; mediation in the language classroom; ICT-based innovative approaches in language teaching; AI-generated materials for language classes; flippedclassroom approach; effective online tools in teaching and learning English; non-formal and informal approaches to language learning. All in all a healthy dose of teacher development and CPD.
The team of us worked together producing materials for teaching and learning based on what we had learned during the week.
For me it was very useful to exchange ideas and to work alongside colleagues from many countries including Germany, Ukraine, Denmark, Lithuania, Poland and even across the corridor here at UIK!

Text and photos: Michael Doherty

Photos from Filologia Angielska na Uniwersytecie Ignatianum w Krakowie's post 16/06/2024

Filologia Angielska świętuje Bloomsday w Dublinie! 😁😎 🇮🇪

Zdjęcia: Jolanta Rzegocka


Katedra Nauk o Literaturze poleca :)

A Polish migrant writer, author, among others, of "Letters from America", where he describes his impressions from living in the United States.

Today, we pay tribute to the literary legacy of Marek Hłasko - the prolific author and screenwriter. His work, a mirror to the life in Poland during the 1950s, has left a mark on the cultural landscape of the country. Despite his untimely departure in 1969, Hłasko's rich, tumultuous, and fruitful life and work continues to resonate culturally, even after many years. 🏛️

The year 2024 has been designated as the year of Marek Hłasko, among others, by the Polish Parliament. In their proclamation, the Parliament underscored the universal appeal of Hłasko's work, which transcends the specific context of post-WWII Poland. 'With his unwavering stance, even in the face of communist reality, he has drawn in generations of young people from all corners of the globe,' the MPs noted, justifying their decision. ✍️

If you wish to read some of Hłasko's work for yourself, consider diving into the autobiographical "Beautiful Twentysomethings", a narrative that retells the author's life both in Poland and abroad. You can also explore "Next Stop - Paradise", a gripping tale that delves into the bizarre and turbulent lives of truck drivers, offering a unique perspective on the reality of early socialism in Poland. These are just a glimpse into the rich and diverse writing of Hłasko, which remains relevant to this day. 📚

‘Brexit made Polish culture more visible’: how the diaspora is changing Britain 16/06/2024

About Polish diaspora in Britain - about the invisibility and blending on the one hand, and about connecting the "tiny bits of Polishness" and its essence that is difficult to pin down, on the other. 🤔

‘Brexit made Polish culture more visible’: how the diaspora is changing Britain Although barely visible on TV, the UK’s 700,000-strong community has a growing presence in music, books and film. We meet some of its hidden stars

Photos from Filologia Angielska na Uniwersytecie Ignatianum w Krakowie's post 15/06/2024

Filologia Angielska at the famous Dalkey Book Festival in Dublin! 🤩 Here, with Colm Tóibin, who signs for us "Long Island" - his new release and a sequel to "Brooklyn". ❤️📚

Colm Tóibín is the author of eleven novels, including Long Island; The Magician, winner of the Rathbones Folio Prize; The Master, winner of the Los Angeles Times Book Prize; Brooklyn, winner of the Costa Book Award; The Testament of Mary; and Nora Webster; as well as two story collections and several books of criticism. He is the Irene and Sidney B. Silverman Professor of the Humanities at Columbia University and has been named as the Laureate for Irish Fiction for 2022–2024 by the Arts Council of Ireland. Three times shortlisted for the Booker Prize, Tóibín lives in Dublin and New York

Text from:

Photos: Jolanta Rzegocka

Photos from Góral Studies Center - Centrum Badań Góralskich's post 14/06/2024

Konferencja z (bardzo) aktywnym udziałem Filologii Angielskiej! 💪

Photos from Filologia Angielska na Uniwersytecie Ignatianum w Krakowie's post 11/06/2024


Dziś - 11 czerwca 2024 - mocna reprezentacja Filologii Angielskiej wzięła udział w Studencko-Doktoranckiej Konferencji Naukowej JĘZYK-TEATR-LITERATURA XV: Od słowa do słowa. Konferencja odbyła się na Wydziale Humanistycznym na Uniwersytecie Jana Długosza w Częstochowie, a zorganizowana została przez Instytut Językoznawstwa, Instytut Literaturoznawstwa oraz Szkołę Doktorską UJD.

Nasze studentki wygłosiły referaty:

🎓Paulina Podobińska "Linguistic Challenges and Its Consequences in the Process of Migration"
🎓Kamila Rutkowska "Language Barriers Among Students in Mixed-Proficiency ESL Classes"
🎓Julia Styrkosz "Animals in Proverbs and Idioms in Polish and English"
🎓Aleksandra Ziarko "Cultural and Linguistic Contexts in Shaping the Language of the Polish Diaspora in the United States"

Brawo!!! 👏👏👏

Zdjęcia: Paulina Podobińska, Julia Styrkosz, Aleksandra Ziarko

Join conversation 11/06/2024

W najbliższy poniedziałek, 17 czerwca, o godz. 10.00, Katedra Nauk o Literaturze zaprasza na wykład otwarty Prof. Gerarda Kilroya pt. "1548: Smashed Statues and Emptied Churches," wokół jego najnowszych badań, prowadzonych w Anglii.

Opis tematyki:
The last seventy-five years before the Reformation saw an extraordinary flowering of parish life in England, exemplified by the Tree of Jesse reredos in St Cuthbert’s, Wells, commissioned from Master Mason, John Stowell, for £40 in 1470 by the fraternity of Our Lady. From 1450 to 1547 parishes saw scores of new fraternities being formed, legacies left by wealthy individuals for new chantries, obits or rood-screens and vestments. Injunction 28 if the first year of Edward VI changed all that: “all images [were] pulled down throughout all England”. Churches were cleared of their statues and altars: decalogues replaced the whitewashed wall paintings; medieval sculpture was smashed to bits; John Stowell’s reredos was reduced to 450 fragments, discovered by chance in 1848. This iconoclasm was accompanied by the Chantries Act (1547), which took in not just chantries, but fraternities, brotherhoods and guilds. The land and tenements that funded chantry or fraternity masses became the property of the Crown and disappeared into the pockets of the Lord Protector or his supporters, while 450 chantry priests in London alone were pensioned off. The late medieval parish, so full of lights, ritual and colour, a model of lay participation in the church’s religious life that a modern synodal church can only dream of, disappeared and was erased from the national memory as surely as the statues from the churches, now “bare ruin’d choirs where late the sweet birds sang”.

Poniżej link do Teams:

Join conversation

Photos from Filologia Angielska na Uniwersytecie Ignatianum w Krakowie's post 11/06/2024

On June 6–7, Prof. Grażyna M. T. Branny and Prof. Sylwia Janina Wojciechowska participated in a ceremony commemorating a leading Polish Conradian scholar, Professor Zdzisław Najder (1930-2021). The unveiling of the memorial plaque at the University of Opole was followed by a conference, Joseph Conrad and Zdzisław Najder: twórczość, analiza, interpretacja. Some photos of the event are included below.

Text and photos: Sylwia J. Wojciechowska


Już w przyszłym tygodniu zapraszamy na wykład dr hab. Anny Bugajskiej, prof. UIK. 👍🤩

Rejestracja do 18.06!

[PL niżej]
The Centre for Research on Children’s and Young Adult Literature at the University of Wrocław invites you to the twenty-fourth talk in the “International Voices in Children’s Literature Studies” series. This time, our guest will be Anna Bugajska, who will deliver a lecture titled “Ethical Choices of Health Care Practitioners About Future Children in Selected Young Adult Dystopia.”

The lecture will be held on June 20, 2024, at 6 p.m. Warsaw time (TEAMS).

If you are interested in taking part in the lecture, please register using this link or scan the QR code on the poster by June 18.

For more information, please see the attached poster.

Zapraszamy na kolejny wykład z serii “International Voices in Children’s Literature Studies”. Tym razem będziemy gościć prof. Annę Bugajską, która wygłosi wykład pt. "Ethical Choices of Health Care Practitioners About Future Children in Selected Young Adult Dystopia". Wykład odbędzie się 20 czerwca na platformie MS Teams. Link do rejestracji:

Olesya Mamchych / Ukraine | International Literature Corporation MERIDIAN CZERNOWITZ 08/06/2024

On Wednesday 12th June, you are heartily welcome to participate in a class given by Olesya Mamchych, poet and author of books for children. She will talk about poetry in Ukraine, in time of war. She will read a selection of her poems, including some recent ones, talk a little about the war on culture and the defiance of the Kyiv book fair.
The class is a part of Prof. Gerard Kilroy's Master's course on literature and culture.

If you want to participate, come on Wednesday at 9.45 to the Room 422.

Read more about the guest here:

Olesya Mamchych / Ukraine | International Literature Corporation MERIDIAN CZERNOWITZ Young poets 2014 Olesya Mamchych / Ukraine 10 years ago Olesya Mamchych is a Ukrainian poet who writes for adults and children; born in 1981. Her first publication was in 1992 (she was 11 years old at the time) in “Sonyashnyk” magazine. Since then her works have been regularly printed in literar...

Podręczny słowniczek młodomowy 07/06/2024

Ile anglicyzmów znajdziecie? 😄
Jak zaklasyfikujecie następujące?
➡️"elton john"

Podręczny słowniczek młodomowy Jak mówią zetki i alfy oraz dlaczego boomersi nie czają bazy? Lepiej krindżować czy bindżować? Być borowikiem, kasztaniakiem czy szklanką? Oto pierwsza pomoc w języku młodzieży.

Dane Badawcze UW 07/06/2024

Właśnie ukazał się wywiad ekspercki z dr hab. Krystyną Zabawą, prof. UIK, przeprowadzony 8 lutego 2024 r. w Krakowie przez Krzysztofa Rybaka w ramach projektu „Dziecięca książka informacyjna w XXI wieku: tendencje – metody badań – modele lektury” (Preludium NCN, 2020/37/N/HS2/00312).

Polecamy! 👏👏👏

Dane Badawcze UW Lindenhayn-Fiedorowicz, Agnieszka, 2024, "St John's Church in Stargard. New insights into the chronology and dating of its construction",, Dane Badawcze UW, V1

Hollywood director Darren Aronofsky embraces Polish roots with citizenship 06/06/2024

Aronofsky's oeuvre includes "Requiem for a Dream", and "Black Swan", among others. 😊🇵🇱 🇺🇸

Hollywood director Darren Aronofsky embraces Polish roots with citizenship Renowned American filmmaker Darren Aronofsky, known for his hits like "Requiem for a Dream," "Black Swan," and "The Whale," has officially been granted Polish citizenship.

Photos from Uniwersytet Ignatianum w Krakowie's post 05/06/2024

Dziś pomaga literka "S" jak Sochacki 💇💇‍♀️oraz literka "F" jak Filologia i Filozofia! 😍😍😍 Brawo! 👏👏👏

Dziękujemy wszystkim za włączenie się w akcję! 🫶

Photos from English Philology Society Ignatianum's post 05/06/2024


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