
Branding for humans. The creative director team for your brand. To instill confidence, navigate change, captivate hearts.

Photos from BNI PERŁA Lublin's post 13/06/2024
Photos from Lublin przedsiębiorczy i kreatywny's post 11/06/2024

Thank you for having us at Skills Up! Lublin. It was inspiring in so many ways.


A jutro...

XI Ogólnopolska Konferencja Naukowa Innowacje w praktyce (Arena Lublin), bezcenne miejsce spotkań biznesu z nauką.

O godzinie 14;00 zapraszam na swoją prezentację o zastosowaniu procesu kreatywnego w biznesie.

Dowiecie się dlaczego najczęściej kreatywność kończy się na przeciętnych pomysłach i jak w biznesie pogodzić operacyjność z kreatywnością i innowacją (bo to wcale nie to samo). Pojawi się też informacja co według badań z ostatnich lat rzeczywiście wpływa na poziom innowacyjności w przedsiębiorstwach, z przykładami.

Polecam cały panel prezentacji, moi wybitni koledzy zdradzą sekrety nienachalnego płacenia podatków (JASNA 3 spółka komandytowo - akcyjna), ulg podatkowych związanych z innowacjami (TKM Rachunkowość), skutecznej windykacji należności w firmie (Kancelaria Radcy Prawnego Marek Duszyński) oraz możliwości otrzymania dotacji unijnych dla startupów i na prace B+R (Agnieszka Janiszewska)

Wstęp na konferencję (i międzynarodową wystawę wynalazków) jest bezpłatny.


You can still make it :)

📢Zapraszamy na szkolenie📢

Seria szkoleń Plan na Start od KNE rusza dalej, pora na kolejne spotkanie.
Już jutro szkolenie: „Wizerunek marki od podstaw”

📅4 czerwca 2024
🕐11:30 - 13:00
📍Wydział Ekonomiczny UMCS, Aula III
🗣️ Prowadząca: Małgorzata Kornijów partner zarządzający Smith&Baboon

Na najbliższym szkoleniu dowiemy się:
- jak przeprowadzić branding od pomysłu do gotowego wizerunku marki.
- Omówimy elementy wizualne oraz sposoby komunikacji marki.
- Przeanalizujemy gotowe projekty.
- Weźmiemy udział u case study - w grupach stworzymy własny wizerunek produktu lub usługi.

Zapraszamy do zapisów pod linkiem:

Lublin Skills Up! - Przedsiębiorczy Lublin 03/06/2024

Curious about our inhouse creative and branding process?

We're spilling all the beans at the upcoming workshop (in English) organized by Miasto Lublin. You will go through the entire process from a business idea to branding implementation and will have the opportunity to pick our brains on top of that on Friday. Entrance is free, but you'll need to reserve a seat at

See you there :)

Lublin Skills Up! - Przedsiębiorczy Lublin Lublin Skills Up! to cykl bezpłatnych warsztatów wspierających kompetencje mieszkańców Lublina na rynku pracy. Warsztaty mają charakter otwarty i realizowane są w obszarze wspierania kompetencji w zakresie przedsiębiorczości oraz kreatywności. Spotkania mają na celu inspirowanie m...


The interaction between business and science is what shapes the future. We're grateful to be able to contribute our experience in the upcoming XI Polish Conference Innovation in Practice in Lublin, Poland, on 6 June. Gosia Kornijów will be talking about the application of the creative process in business.
Entry to the conference is free, including the International Exhibition of Inventions. Place: Arena Lublin

We'll see you there :)


Love working with culture. Last weekend with the Miasto Poezji festival, we made "Trolejbus Poezji" serve as a space for poetry in the city centre. If you looked around town, you must have noticed poems by Ryszard Krynicki in the windows of Trybunał, or bird-shaped stickers. You probably grabbed some postcards as a souvenir.

The art and design concept for the festival was to create or find space for poems in urban surroundings. We therefore looked up at the trolley lines and sparrows that do form a specific urban landscape on their own. To expand the space further, we explored the very fabric the city is made of and looked for elements that accompany us every day as an intrinsic part of our environment, but are often seen as mundane or ugly, or just unseen. We aimed at turning them into something beautiful, so that the city can become poetry itself. The secret of the familiar feel of the festival colours is getting inspired by the blocks of flats in Tatary. Beauty is sometimes in the context.

We hope this cosy city of ours continues to be a space for poetry in the eyes of the participants. The potential is looking back at us from every corner here.

For more inspiration follow us at Smith&Baboon

Photos from Liderzy Zmian's post 23/05/2024

It's a privilege to do something important. - Leaders of Change for a better future for persons with disabilities is just getting started. Inclusive, proactive, and bold, with eye on the ball.
Happy to be part of it through the branding concept and design.
You can be a Leader of Change in your own environment. The first step might be to register your support at

Photos from Smith&Baboon's post 22/05/2024

You're not left alone with our branding design. We're happy to recommend production partners and coordinate works to save your time and money. Good design needs good implementation, we want you to look your best and celebrate launch instead of stressing out about it.

Surprise installation for tomorrow's Miasto Poezji festival in progress here. Hope to enjoy it :)

Natalia Rudenco Fotografia - Najlepsza Wersja Ciebie 19/04/2024

A beautiful testimonial from an inspiring Client. Work is pleasure when the vision is this clear, and the service is of such quality as Natalia's photography.

Natalia Rudenco Fotografia - Najlepsza Wersja Ciebie Natalia Rudenco - fotografia kobieca, wizerunkowa, kreatywna i plenerowa w Lublinie. Umów się na sesję w studio lub plenerze.


Whatever line of you represent, it doesn't have to be boring, or technical, or look like all of your competitors. No business is too small or too ordinary to have an extraordinary . We talk to so many businesses that give up on any activities because they don't believe their business can be interesting, or that it can amount to anything more than the current daily activities. There are also those that show us a website of their competitor they are aspiring to match, and ask for almost exactly the same look and feel.

We need you to know you have untapped potential as long as you're dedicated to your business. Your business is unique and your brand should be too. It's what makes you different that defines you. It's the concept of communication of your business that makes you attractive. As long as you know why you run your business, you can find the how.

If you struggle with the confidence, let's talk. We’re offering a free, no-strings-attached . Take a sneak peek at what your brand could become. Who knows? It might just be the start of something incredible. Drop us a line, we'll come back to you to arrange a call.

(Featured client: Kaufman Search & Consulting, recruiter of construction teams for projects of the future, USA)


The art of branding is a unique human endeavour.

Did you know that the creation of brands is an activity unique to humans? It's not just a business strategy, but a deeply intrinsic part of our culture and communication. This distinctive trait highlights our natural desire to tell stories, connect emotionally, and create memorable experiences. That's what makes branding so pivotal in the business world.

In today’s fast-paced market, a strong brand can be the difference between blending in and standing out. It's not merely about logos or slogans; it's about weaving a compelling narrative that resonates with people on a personal level. A well-crafted brand has the power to evoke emotions, build communities, and inspire loyalty. It serves as a beacon, guiding customers through their journey, ensuring they feel aligned with the values and message your business embodies.

Creating a brand isn’t just about selling products or services - it’s about crafting a legacy. It's how your business leaves its mark on the world, how it connects with human emotions, and how it remains etched in the memories of your customers.

What's the story your brand is telling? Let's discuss the power of branding and how it can elevate your business. Drop your thoughts below or message us directly to explore how we can help you create a brand that stands the test of time.


The underestimated power of font in shaping brand personality!

In the world of branding colours often steal the spotlight, influencing the mood and consumer behaviour. The choice of font tends to be an unsung hero here, quietly shaping consumer perception and brand identity.

Fonts offer a more subtle, but equally powerful, form of communication. They shape the tone of voice, readability, and even the perceived value of the brand. Choosing the typography that accurately represents the brand is a strategic and truly satisfying challenge.

Custom typography is often times the way to go in branding. Below an example of typography we devised for The Light of Things - a family workshop making beautiful lamps out of salvaged scrap metal in the UK.


Branding is a complex and fascinating field that encompasses much more than just a logo or a visual identity. It's about creating a meaningful connection with your audience and distinguishing your business in a crowded market.

Bringing brands to life and helping them achieve their best potential is what we do best. As long as you know WHY you run your business, we can work with you on HOW to communicate it effectively at every stage of your business development.

Follow us for guidance on how to elevate your own brand no matter the size of your company.

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