Legal English Centre,,, przeprowadzającym egzaminy TOLES.

Legal English Centre jest autoryzowanym Centrum Egzaminacyjnym Global Legal English Ltd. Centrum zostało utworzone w celu świadczenia wysokospecjalistycznych usług w zakresie nauczania i doskonalenia umiejętności posługiwania się językiem angielskim w takich dziedzinach, jak prawo i finanse. LEC jest odpowiedzią na rosnące zainteresowanie kursami legal i financial English, przygotowującymi do międ


🇬🇧 I must admit that number 5 is often neglected while it can definitely improve your confidence in speech

🇬🇧 Writing is a skill you can practise on your own, at any moment during the day, with any topic of your choice:


Give it a try, devote a couple of minutes and experiment 🤗


There are a lot of myths surrounding the concept of fluency 🇬🇧
It is worth reflecting for a moment on what this means for you and your goals in English.

Have a great summer holiday 🤗


When I have come across this part of the interview with Jordan Peterson, I thought of my legal English student 🇬🇧 After all, legal professionals appreciate the powerful use of the language, be it their mother tongue or a foreign one.

🇬🇧 Have a listen and take away some ideas for yourself:

🇬🇧 If you have enjoyed the talk, you can find useful vocabulary bits here:
Keep educating yourself🤗


We are told that determination and persistence are the key when learning English 🇬🇧
But what if you have a worse day? Read Luca’s article to find out:
🇬🇧 Remember that the time with English should be fun and meaningful for you rather than a torture


Once again Vicky comes to your rescue with speaking strategies:

These simple tips can definitely reduce the stress level when meeting a new person and having to talk in a foreign language 🤗


Here is another website with excellent book summaries if you are short on time and need to make smarter decisions on what to add to your reading list:

👉🏻 The distinctive feature is the extra notes and comments added as you read to show you the connections to other ideas expressed by other writers.

👉🏻 And this comes with the high quality language used.

Enjoy your next read 🤗


Learn how to learn from the best in the field:

I guarantee that the list of “I don’t have time” excuses will start to shorten dramatically.


I cannot stress enough how important notes are in the learning process.

🇬🇧 Another video to hone this much needed skill:

Mind you – the same applies to the illusion of memorising
Have a great watch and change your habits 🤩


Legal English Centre has become ILETA Ambassador for Poland in2024 🎖️

The primary goal is to promote higher standards of education among legal English teachers 🎓


🇬🇧 Greek mythology in everyday English 🇬🇧

The article for anglophiles

➡️ If you couple it with Stephen Fry’s „Mythos”, then you have a summer treat.
Get inspired and read more in English 👌🏻


➡️ For those advanced students wishing to improve their intonation I can recommend a true gem:

➡️ The materials and all the recordings of unrivalled quality.
Hope you’ll enjoy these 👌🏻


Learn vocabulary in natural use
🇬🇧 For those who cannot live without a daily dose of natural English, the English actually used by native speakers


Please, note Hugh’s exquisite accent and his story packed with collocations.
My absolute favourite among all the materials so far.
Have a good listen 🤗


Learn real English from movies 🎬
An excellent course for those who would like to improve listening comprehension and speaking skills while enjoying watching English movies 🇬🇧

🇬🇧 Even if you do not decide on a 15-minute lesson a day, watch the introductory webinar for the vital tips on how to learn effectively.
It’s one of the best courses I have ever seen.

Enjoy your learning 🤗


Virtual instructors for multiple languages
🇬🇧 Will it soon become our reality?
🇬🇧 If you want unlimited speaking practice in English or other languages, you can now test what AI-based tools are able to do for you.

The development of such educational aids over the last year has been at breakneck speed


A truly revealing article! 💥
Passive, active and pro-active learning:

Enjoy improving your English 🙌🏻


🇬🇧 Be selective. Make sure that your list covers only the vocabulary worth memorising. Are the words useful and essential? Can you ever imagine yourself using them in a real conversation?
Know why you have to learn them (for an exam, for work etc.)

🇬🇧 Always put the whole phrase, NEVER one word. Check if you need any articles (a/the/ zero) or prepositions to use it.

🇬🇧 Use your phrases to write complete sentences. If you run out of ideas, refer to the Longman online dictionary for inspiration:
You can even listen to the whole sentence recorded in this dictionary.

If you choose the vocabulary list as your memorising tool because it appeals to you, make sure that your time and effort are not wasted! 👌🏻🤗


Wordlists can be a powerful learning tool or a colossal waste of time if not followed by further practice 📝

1️⃣ If you prepare a vocabulary list and then it stays comfortably in your notebook, it will only soothe conscience. The magic will not happen.

2️⃣ You have a vocabulary list ready and then absently stare at a piece of paper. Take a break.

3️⃣ Taking your colourful markers is not enough.

4️⃣ When you keep reading the vocabulary list a few times silently. Basically, a waste of time. Rote-learning is rarely for long term memorising.
Even if you add your enthusiastic reciting, trying to learn this way creates an illusion of memorising. Your mind is a brilliant device that uses triggers to ease the work. Word A triggers word B and then the following one. But at a business meeting these words will not appear in the exact order.

5️⃣ If you prepare an alphabetical list, you literally damage your brain cells. It creates a health hazard. How is it different from a traditional dictionary? And you do not learn vocabulary from your dictionary.

6️⃣ When you put down one word, you are doomed to failure. You will need extra time in the future to check how to put the word into your sentence.


👉🏻 If you want to know the mechanics of learning any language, there is no better title than Radek Kotarski’s “Włam się do mózgu” 📚

👉🏻 You will learn why some methods are more effective, and why some you should not waste your time on.

Have a plan and follow it persistently 🙂


Are you different in another language?

For those curious to find out the answer to the above:

To support you in enriching your vocabulary, the word list is available on the Legal English Boost website:


🇬🇧 One peculiar aspect from the field of sociolinguistics:

🇬🇧 Even native English speakers can be perceived differently depending on the language they use. As always the vocab will be available on:

Have you considered mastering your English pronunciation and accent features?
If you would like to have an initial needs analysis meeting, contact Legal English Centre.

➡️ ⬅️


It seems like a never ending issue for learners of English: how to master small talk in a professional context.

The conversation is a bit lengthy, but absolutely worth it!

👉🏻 Remember to make notes on the way


Just a reminder of how wonderfully mind maps can support you in language learning:

👉🏻 Make sure you engage all your senses when learning or studying.
Have fruitful vocab revisions 🤗



🇬🇧 For those language lovers, this is a real treat:

🇬🇧 If you want the selection of phrases, please go to:

Maybe one day you will create your own glossary of professional phrases ♥️


Five words a day
Have you ever thought about a systematic vocabulary increase? 🤔

✅ This resource can help you tackle that:

Enjoy a listen and make notes 🤗


Accounting terminology

✅ If you ever need to consult an accounting phrase, this is a good place to start:

✅ and here are the bilingual resources (Polish-English)

Enjoy exploring new professional fields 🙌🏻


🇬🇧 Language is so much more than just the vocabulary or grammar rules that you study.

💙 Another tip to keep your learning routine alive, select a TED talk once a week. That will enrich you both linguistically and personally.


TOLES Professional – a new online exam available from March 2024 📣
International lawyers who want quick and convenient certification

B1/B2 legal English level

Online, on demand, 24/7

75 minutes

Speaking, listening, reading and writing

Client, Contract, Corporate, Negotiation and ADR, and Cases

⬇️ For more information go to ⬇️


Remember if you get stuck or have no time to look for your own listening materials, I am more than happy to help.

🇬🇧 Each episode comes with a collection of phrases, a starting point to increase your own vocabulary.

Have an enjoyable listening routine! 💙


🇬🇧 Do you need more motivation or better strategies to keep on learning?
Daily short episodes may help you do just that ⬇

💙 Emily Richardson does a great job enhancing learners’ awareness as to the whole business of learning.

💙 I hope it will be as inspiring a source as it has become for me.


It is always a good idea to practise retelling your life events.
🇬🇧 After all, this is what people naturally do in any setting – business or personal.

💙 Choose such episodes once a week to keep yourself motivated and keep in touch with the real language.

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