

Najbliższe usługi komputerowe i elektroniczne

Jerzego Janosika

Dane kontaktowe, mapa i wskazówki, formularz kontaktowy, godziny otwarcia, usługi, oceny, zdjęcia, filmy i ogłoszenia od Wrzasq.pl, Firma internetowa, Szczecin.

Boosting CloudFormation with pl.wrzasq.cform macro 19/03/2023

Recently this week our CloudFormation macro transform got a very helpful new feature.

Boosting CloudFormation with pl.wrzasq.cform macro I bet you have missed mentioning CloudFormation. And now I have good reason for that - since some time I'm working on a project that delivers a macro transform for CloudFormation templates. Macro is not a tool you run on your side, or in the pipeline to pre-process your template - macro for CloudFor...

X-Ray tracing for Kotlin Ktor client 10/03/2023

Yesterday it was about X-Ray in Rust SDK. Today I wanted to share also some X-Ray integration implementation, but this time for Kotlin with Ktor.

X-Ray tracing for Kotlin Ktor client Just yesterday I wrote about X-Ray integration for Rust SDK. Tracing is very important in serverless microservice architecture - if you have tens or hundreds of AWS Lambda functions behind API Gateway communicating via SQS queues looking into logs in single place will not be enough - with the main i...

X-Ray tracing for AWS Rust SDK in Lambda runtime 09/03/2023

Long time without updates but it doesn't mean nothing was in progress. With a multiple commercial projects I hardly had time for any public open-source activities, but recently started to get back on track. At first something from my Rust playground.

X-Ray tracing for AWS Rust SDK in Lambda runtime Rust becomes more and more widely used in many places and AWS cloud is no exception. With AWS SDK for Rust (currently in preview) and Rust runtime for Lambda it's possible to build regular Lambda functions. Rust gives those serverless components safety and runtime speed but it's still quite new and....

Easy disk cloning and imaging | Rescuezilla (Clonezilla GUI) 18/01/2022

If you ever used Clonezilla, you will love Rescuezilla!

Easy disk cloning and imaging | Rescuezilla (Clonezilla GUI) Free bare metal restore solution with graphical interface on a live CD. Point-and-click to backup and restore an entire computer. Bare metal disaster recovery restores all programs, documents and settings. GPL open source.

CloudFormation custom resource providers - with any runtime, any toolchain, any deployment pipeline 28/05/2021

CloudFormation is our main IaaC tool. AWS constantly works on improving it by adding new features. This time we dug into custom resource providers.

CloudFormation custom resource providers - with any runtime, any toolchain, any deployment pipeline Yes, CloudFormation again. It may seems funny how many trouble case-studies and troubleshooting guides I can write for a tool I claim is best IaaC solution for AWS cloud… but I bet this is how it works for most of popular tools - you always have some edge cases and new features that require stabil...

Blue-green deployments with Terraform 24/12/2020

Merry Christmas everyone and in you free time you can read about doing blue-green deployments with Terraform! :)

Blue-green deployments with Terraform Blue-green deployments are not always easy, but cloud environments and tools that manage them make it much easier. One of the leading tools in the DevOps world designed to help you manage your resources in infrastructure-as-code manner is Terraform. This tool is just brilliant and at the same time e...

Variables namespaces in CodePipeline for multi-stage deployment pipelines 16/07/2020

Pipelines are vital part of modern DevOps/Infrastructure-as-a-Code approach - designing and building pipelines is our everyday job. Having a handy tools for making pipelines work enables teams to work more efficient (especially, but not only, in the cloud).

Variables namespaces in CodePipeline for multi-stage deployment pipelines In November 2019 AWS CodePipeline introduced variables namespaces to allow passing outcomes of one pipeline action into another. Previously passing values between stages was very tricky and required involving of additional services (eg. S3 or DynamoDB). Things worked however little different if you....


Serving our partners with best AWS skills and practices - now proven by AWS (again)!

Provisioning AWS Athena queries with Lambda and StepFunctions 01/06/2020

Long time since last activity. But working on some interesting stuff - collected interesting experience for you and hopefully soon more of it will be available on our website.

Provisioning AWS Athena queries with Lambda and StepFunctions Amazon Athena is a brilliant tool for data processing and analytics in AWS cloud. Under the hood it utilizes Presto engine to query and process data in your


If you can't reach us today - it's because everyone deserves a little break.

If you can't reach us but you are from Bayern - just join us @ Oktoberfest!

Monitoring Lambda memory usage - X-Ray aware version 30/07/2019

Monitoring is one of the crucial DevOps aspects. And probably no other environment than cloud is as DevOps-friendly.

"There, we fixed it."

Monitoring Lambda memory usage - X-Ray aware version In serverless architecture on AWS Lambda is a basic computing service. AWS provides some basic metrics related to it, like ex*****on time, invocations count etc. but one....

Wrzasq.pl - Home page 20/06/2019

After dropping Chillout Development we proceed to unify all of our activities with Wrzasq.pl brand. Today - refreshed website will explain better what and how we do.

Wrzasq.pl - Home page Wrzasq.pl was founded in 2009. Over years we participated in numerous software projects at any scale and stage - from building MVPs up to long-running maintenance; from early startup bootstrapping to corporate scale. We helped many companies start their digital journey....



This time, on the trip to serverless cloud, I'm explaining how to handle Lambda@Edge deployment in a flexible way with CloudFormation.

wrzasq.pl 09/06/2018

Do you know that with CloudFormation you can provision your AWS entirely and in an automated fashion? Infrastructurer-as-a-code, Continuous Delivery, full automation - in just few steps, from the first AWS step.

Today I publish the bootstrapping part, I will try to describe the oposite edge later.

wrzasq.pl {"name":"Bootstrapping AWS account with CloudFormation and CodePipeline","slug":"bootstrapping-aws-account-with-cloudformation-and-codepipeline","content":"

Wrzasq.pl - blog i portfolio 02/12/2017

If you wonder what I've been doing lastly.

Wrzasq.pl - blog i portfolio


Even though FaaS model is on the market already for quite some time, it's still fresh. Switching to it may not be easy.

Wrzasq.pl - blog i portfolio


Czas płynie, trzeba się rozwijać.

FrontPageFilter - SPA with server side pages in Java Time flies, browsers become more and more modern, they are more and more up-to-date. As the common web standards and new frontend technologies are being adopted you can shift more stuff to the client-side. Particularily it means nowadays you can leave most of the frontend part on your JavaSc...


Dawno nie było nic nowego, a teraz jest okazja :). Może kogoś zainteresuje również "making of".

PopStack - copy-pasting from StackOverflow has never been as easy I work in Berlin but live in Szczecin - commute to work by train and have something like 2 hours per day to spend on doing something on my laptop. I also cannot sleep until late hours (just like today) so I have few more hours. That gives me few hours per day after…

JSON-RPC services with pl.chilldev.commons 16/05/2015

Tworzenie projektów internetowych często niesie ze sobą potrzebę wydzielania części systemów do osobnych usług dziedzinowych. Świetnym wyborem przy takiej architekturze jest protokół JSON-RPC.

JSON-RPC services with pl.chilldev.commons Yesterday a new version of pl.chilldev.commons (0.0.3) introduced a completely new component - pl.chilldev.commons:commons-jsonrpc. It is designed to ease building JSON-RPC services. It glues Apache MINA networking library with JSON-RPC 2.0 Base library. Thanks for using MINA, unlike most of the oth…

ChillDev-Facelets - various Spring-based Facelets handlers 12/11/2014

Kilka przydatnych rzeczy jeśli chce się korzystać z widoków Facelets w aplikacjach pisanych w Springu.

ChillDev-Facelets - various Spring-based Facelets handlers Digging more and more into Java and building more and more apps with Spring I began to discover more and more technologies. One of my, probably key, decisions was to use Facelets as a view technology. Seems to be quite simple, but it isn't so - first of all Spring has a very limited integration poss…

Symfony2 your way 27/06/2014

I już po TechFusion, więc prezentacja na necie. Było super, czekamy na następną edycję!

Symfony2 your way Symfony2 your way by Rafał Wrzeszcz, 2014 [email protected] http://wrzasq.pl/ http://chilldev.pl/ https://github.com/rafalwrzeszcz https://linkedin.com/…


As I'm swhitching more and more towards Java, I also have more and more solutions related to it. Last time I was working on a stand-alone version of my view-helpers solution and finally I released it's first version.

Be careful though - for now it's more like a play with Java to migrate from PHP. There are probably some dragons in the code, that may burn your app if you use it without a caution ;).

Except further progress in development (when only I find some time).

ChillDev-Web - web page model library for Java Last time I'm trying to migrate more and more towards technologies different than PHP, which I always found primitive and messed-up, but was skilled enought to do some fancy stuff with it. Even though I often play with different technologies and languages, I always liked Java and I'm moving more and…


This time Java instead of PHP - I use it more and more in private projects and just decided to share at least some base concepts. For now these are just a random snippets, but hope to build some more concrete solutions!

ChillDev-Commons Java library Last time I'm playing more and more with Java. And like always some parts of project I'm working on were absolutely generic. As an enthusiast of technologry and open-source I decided to publish them as ChillDev-Commons - losely coupled general-purpose routines library for Java. There is no particula...


When working on one of the projects I'm developing I had to deal with spintax texts (SEO guys love them ;) ). Unfortunately none of available PHP libraries were at decent level (in my opinion). I published own library, written from scratch, under Chillout Development logo and here is a little more descriptive guide about it :).


A week of symfony #368 (13->19 January 2014) - Symfony 19/01/2014

Wrzasq.pl (ponownie) w Week of Symfony :).

A week of symfony #368 (13->19 January 2014) - Symfony Symfony - Open-Source PHP web framework


New version (0.1.8) of ChillDevViewHelpersBundle is available. From all the changes one is the most important, as it's a solution for quite a common problem related to PHP templates in Symfony2 - possibility to configure pre-defined global templates variables. Similar feature is available for Twig templates with TwigBundle out of the box, but there is no such option for PHP templates. Now we provide a solution for that!

Symfony2 - global templating variables in PHP renderer with ChillDevViewHelpersBundle Short time ago, while working on one of my projects i faced a problem with PHP templating engine in Symfony2 (again the same) - passing pre-defined variables to view renderer. For some reason it's not possible to define global variables for PHP templating engine. It is possible for Twig (with TwigBu...


For those, who (like me) use Pivotal Tracker, especially in more than one project - I use it for own projects, open source projects and collaborated freelance projects.

Had it for a long time on my checklist, finally found time for play with it and it's awesome!


A week of Symfony #350 (9->15 September 2013) - Symfony 15/09/2013

Symfony2 article from my blog included in post of "A week of Symfony" cycle. How nice :).

A week of Symfony #350 (9->15 September 2013) - Symfony Symfony - Open-Source PHP web framework


Working with forms, probably in every web framework, is a real ordeal. Even though in Symfony2 done in a very convenient way there are still some aspects that are not always obvious.

If you ever needed to make a form with variable structure, this may help you.

Symfony2 - creating adapter-dependent sub-forms I think this is quite commonly needed feature - form structure that vary depending on some other field(s). The project, on which I'm currently working, is integrated with a lot of external APIs which usually require additional per-user options for each of them. It's a SEO tool and - to pick an examp...

webhostinggeeks.com 30/06/2013

Few days ago Anja Skrba published Serbo-Croatian translation of my article about ChillDevViewHelpersBundle for Symfony2. It's always nice to see that your ideas are spreading and people appreciate your work.

Thanks a lot Anja!

webhostinggeeks.com Da bi moji projekti bili ažurirani pre nekog vremena izabrao sam Symfony 2 kao bazni okvir za zamenu zastarelog Zend Framework (verzija 1 je stara i veoma nazadna, a verzija 2 je daleko iza Symfony i novog ZF2). Symfony 2 je sajan okvir, ali postoji jedna stvar koju ne mogu da razumem - zašto uopšte...


Kilka rzeczy, o których mogą Wam się przydać "w pradziwym życiu" z Symfony2.

Symfony2 - simple, yet useful tips It's been a while since my last article and activity, as I was mainly concentrated on my private life and commercials projects, but even though my top commitment was updating projects dependencies on GitHub I also experimented with some different approaches for organising Symfony2 projects. I want t...


Bundle od ChillDevu uaktualnione na GitHubie, aby działały z Symfony 2.3 (w sensie, że zależności w Composerze uaktualnione ;)). Ale tagów nie ma, bo nie wszystkie pozostałe bundle mają stabilne releasy jeszcze :(.


Tworzenie bundli do Symfony 2 potrafiących współpracować z systemami wykorzystującymi różne silniki szablonów to częsty problem. Natknąłem się na niego przy tworzeniu ChillDevFileManagerBundle.

Ponieważ jest to dość generyczne rozwiązanie postanowiłem wyodrębnić je do osobnego repozytorium.

ChillDevProxyTemplatingBundle - make your vendor bundle independent on templating engine When working on ChillDevFileManagerBunde I faced a problem of implementing template engine switch to allow using it in systems that maybe use different templating engine then bundle was created for. Some common vendor bundles (like FOSUserBundle) try to provide such feature by manually creating temp...

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