TVP Weekly

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Journalist purge to restore media monopoly 18/12/2023

Selected, “trusted” journalists were allowed to work in the editorial offices. Others were put on leave, over 100 journalists and other media workers were interned.

Journalist purge to restore media monopoly Only “trusted people” were allowed to work; over 100 employees were interned.

The mastery gene 17/12/2023

Tomasz Świątek and Iga Świątek. Relay races between generations.

The mastery gene The kid is not a racehorse.

Two Frances facing each other. People are furious, authorities fear “Arab street” 16/12/2023

More than a dozen patriotic demonstrations were banned in various French cities, as if solidarity with the victim of the racist murder were a greater threat to the Republic than the hordes of immigrants terrorising the country. Repressive measures against patriotic reactions went as far as to arrest people for simply putting up posters with the victim’s likeness. When the police searched the home of a young woman accused of putting up posters, they confiscated a national flag… as evidence.

Two Frances facing each other. People are furious, authorities fear “Arab street” Today we are living next to each other but soon we will be facing each other – warned Macron’s first minister of the interior.

Half the world similarly names mothers, fathers, numerals, and has common vocabulary related to... the wheel 16/12/2023

How do we know what Latin sounded like in Caesar’s mouth? Did Caesar pronounce /c/ or /k/? The traditional pronunciation was developed and handed down over many centuries of teaching Latin. It is most similar to the mediaeval pronunciation, based on the Frankish variant of Latin from the 9th century. But wasn’t Cicero actually pronounced “Kikero”? – asks prof. Kinga Paraskiewicz, director of the Institute of Oriental Studies at the Jagiellonian University.

Half the world similarly names mothers, fathers, numerals, and has common vocabulary related to... the wheel Did there exist one proto-language for all of us, like one primaeval father Adam?

Diplomats rebelled against Jaruzelski 12/12/2023

13 December marks the anniversary of introduction of Martial Law in Poland. An authoritarian government, led by General Wojciech Jaruzelski and the Military Council of National Salvation (WRON), introduced severe political oppression in an attempt to crush political opposition in 1981.

Diplomats rebelled against Jaruzelski In the second week of martial law, news circulated in the Communist Poland that two ambassadors had asked for political asylum in the USA.

Hybrid Winter War. Migrants on the Russian-Finnish border 11/12/2023

Finland faces a hybrid migratory attack from Russia. It is a vivid reminder of what has been happening on the borders of Belarus with Poland, Lithuania and Latvia since 2021, even though for the time being the scale of events seems much smaller.

Hybrid Winter War. Migrants on the Russian-Finnish border The Kremlin's bicycle offensive

Somosierra and women. Stories from the times of the Grand Duchy of Warsaw 10/12/2023

In the Polish language, instead of "vivandierka", the concept of "markietanka" (a female sutler or victualer) has survived. It appears, for example, in "Pan Tadeusz" - in the original version of the epic poem by Adam Mickiewicz and in the film adaptation by Andrzej Wajda. Here is young Tadeusz Soplica - trying to cool Telimena's matrimonial zeal and ready to follow him "everywhere; every corner of the world" – and saying the line: "How come? […] Have you lost your mind? Where? Why?/Follow me? I am a simple soldier myself, / Should I be a tramp or drag a female sutler/"markietanka"? This statement is significant as it shows that although going to war in the company of one's wife was not unthinkable at that time, it was a rather unusual phenomenon. The vast majority of men - voluntarily or as part of conscription – performed their military services alone. Sometimes, they could be accompanied by servants – only if finances allowed it – and again, they were of the same gender.

Somosierra and women. Stories from the times of the Grand Duchy of Warsaw Maria Walewska wrote to Napoleon about the battle. He replied: "You can be proud."

Clues lead to Russia 09/12/2023

Valuable books have gone missing from university libraries in Poland, Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia. Some of the stolen ones were found in a prestigious Russian antiquarian bookshop. Is this merely a criminal matter?

Clues lead to Russia Valuable books have disappeared from university libraries in Poland, Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia.


In Moscow restaurants are full, real estate prices are rising, the construction market is booming, and the elites, who a year ago were convinced that Putin was on the verge of collapse, have recognized that he has won and will stay.

Russian-speaking, Polish-praying 02/12/2023

The ancient Olęder customs have survived in villages many thousands of kilometres to the east of Poland rather than in our country.

Russian-speaking, Polish-praying Their German surnames became a problem after 1941 – they were treated as slaves.

Big little man. Napoleon's epopoeia cast a long shadow over the entire 19th century 02/12/2023

The scope and effects of the French Emperor's wars were much more significant than previously thought. The Little Corporal ploughed through the economy, international trade, human consciousness and mentality. Bonapartism became a constant temptation for politicians. The legacy of that turbulent era was also the codification of law and faith in science, a course towards modernisation and meritocracy.

Big little man. Napoleon's epopoeia cast a long shadow over the entire 19th century He contributed to the spreading of nationalist ideas in Germany and Italy.

Not Berlin but the Wolf’s Lair was the real capital of the Third Reich 29/11/2023

"It was here that the fate of Warsaw was decided; that the message came stating there were no more bullets for the further Massacre of Wola; here was where the orders to liquidate the ghettos, blockade Leningrad and starve its inhabitants were given. From here, Hi**er managed his empire and waged war, yet he did not like this place, because it was also here that he experienced the defeats of his troops on the Eastern Front," says Wojciech Kozioł, a tourism and education expert at the Srokowo Forest District of the State Forests Regional Directorate in Olsztyn.

Not Berlin but the Wolf’s Lair was the real capital of the Third Reich Adolf Hi**er spent 836 days in the Wolf's Lair. Two thousand five hundred people faithfully served him in its 200 reinforced concreto buildings.

Older, but not inferior. Secrets of longevity 29/11/2023

Athletes don't work for adventure, they work for bread. They have families to take care of. They make money on what they can do. The longer they can cope, the better for them and their loved ones.

Older, but not inferior. Secrets of longevity He withdrew when he reached his 104th birthday.

The Jesuits - along with the Indians - built a "land of happiness", the most perfect utopian communities in history 27/11/2023

The mission villages created a real nation, a quasi-state with high autonomy. The number of Indians in these Reductions could range between 140,000 and 200,000 inhabitants. By creating villages and admitting representatives of the indigenous population to the clergy, missionaries supported Creoles and Mestizos in their emancipatory aspirations - says Mirosław Oleszycki, traveller and journalist, author of the book "ORE RU. Christianization and Evangelization of Latin America".

The Jesuits - along with the Indians - built a "land of happiness", the most perfect utopian communities in history The mission villages created a quasi-state with high autonomy.

Invasion without a single shot. Is the strategy of Soviet services still in use? 27/11/2023

The USSR has disappeared, but the diversion of services operates unchanged. The rules of the game were popularised by Yuri Bezmenov, a KGB officer who worked as a journalist for the Novosti agency. Trained in actions aimed at disinformation, he was one of the agents spreading propaganda leading to an ideological coup in the West. In 1970, he decided to change sides. As he claims in the book Love Letter to America, the event that prompted him to make such a decision was the “fraternal assistance” of the Soviet Union and its allies in 1968. To call a spade a spade, it was about the invasion of the Warsaw Pact troops on Czechoslovakia, which wanted socialism with a human face.

Invasion without a single shot. Is the strategy of Soviet services still in use? Yuri Bezmenov’s theses were ridiculed, and he himself was called a paranoiac.

This is not a scene from „Fauda”, this is real life. Death for families, homes, values… 27/11/2023

The production affirms valiance, courage and patriotism. And it swims against the tide of political correctness. When Hamas attacked Israel, friends from the film plan moved on to the tasks of the war.

This is not a scene from „Fauda”, this is real life. Death for families, homes, values… When Hamas attacked Israel, friends from the film plan moved on to the tasks of the war.

Mayor of Zhytomyr: Refugees having seen different reality in Poland will bring it to Ukraine 26/11/2023

What percentage of Ukrainians knew what Poland was in 2002? A very small one. And in the last 20 years Poland has made a huge development leap. Recently, more than 5 million Ukrainians have come to Poland, where they have seen and experienced a different reality. I hope they will return to Ukraine and what they bring with them – the memory of Polish kindness, of what Poland did for them during the war – will also have an impact on our politicians – says Serhii Ivanovych Sukhomlyn, Mayor of Zhytomyr.

Mayor of Zhytomyr: Refugees having seen different reality in Poland will bring it to Ukraine “It will also have an impact on our politicians”.


Demonstrations of thousands of people, clashes with the police and increased social unrest - this is not an image from a disaster movie but the track record of the last month in the country beyond our western border. Security is currently one of the most burning issues in Germany.

Jewish enemies of Israel 16/11/2023

Palestinians are seen by the contemporary left as the "cursed people of the earth", along with women, Blacks and homosexuals.

The Israeli policy towards Palestinians has long been criticised sharply by certain leftist elements around the world. The foremost argument levelled against Israel in this regard is that it is a nationalist regional power committing crimes against defenseless civilians with intent to exterminate them. Israelis are even being accused of genocide.

Jewish enemies of Israel A short list of left-wing "self hating Jews".

"Je suis Hamas". How the French Left came to love Islamists 10/11/2023

As the working class shrank and its remnants began to support the right, the left desperately searched for a new electorate, and found it in the growing population of Muslim suburbs.

"Je suis Hamas". How the French Left came to love Islamists In the heart of Paris, the crowd is chanting the same cry as the Muslim terrorists.


Long gone were the days when the United States military budget was larger than the combined budgets of the rest of the world. However, the problem is not only money but also people. A new progressive generation of young people is coming for whom fighting for American interests or battling to defend the homeland is no longer as attractive as it was for their predecessors.

War of narratives. How Israel and Palestine endeavour to impose their worldview 29/10/2023

Will the Palestinian story of a desire for peace, of friendship and brotherhood, those noble feelings subjected to unjust oppression, prove stronger than the Jewish story of people who escaped the Holocaust, created and defended a state, and are now trying to catch terrorists who killed their loved ones?

War of narratives. How Israel and Palestine endeavour to impose their worldview Even a cookbook can be a weapon.

Megatsunami on land. The lake waters flooded the city 24/10/2023

A huge, 27-million-cubic-meter mass of rocks and earth fell into the lake, moving at a dizzying speed of 100 km per hour. A gigantic column of water shot up in the air to an unimaginable height of 250 meters, then poured over the dam and fell on Longarone. Everything happened quickly. All it took was a few dozen seconds. People stood no chance.

Megatsunami on land. The lake waters flooded the city Sixty years ago a giant disaster took place in the Dolomites.

The only man to refuse Peace Nobel 23/10/2023

A forgotten story of a Vietnamese communist general from Vietnam who outmanoeuvred the most eminent American diplomat and ignored the laurels (and vast sums) of the West.

The only man to refuse Peace Nobel How a communist general outwitted an American diplomat.

Yeltsin, Putin's worthy predecessor 22/10/2023

According to widespread opinion, the construction of the authoritarian system in Russia - after the collapse of the USSR - began with Vladimir Putin's first presidential term. Previously, until 1999, the head of the Russian state was Boris Yeltsin - a politician considered an advocate of liberal and democratic solutions.

Yeltsin, Putin's worthy predecessor It was the previous president of Russia who executed democracy.

Time of political solistice in Kyiv. Will “hybrid peace” emerge? And will Europe shoulder burden of supporting Ukraine? 21/10/2023

Kyiv has enough money to ensure the country’s functioning in October. In November it won’t be possible without payments from abroad. The situation is dramatic.

Time of political solistice in Kyiv. Will “hybrid peace” emerge? And will Europe shoulder burden of supporting Ukraine? Zelenskyy has enough money to keep the country going only in October. The situation is dramatic.

The end of global warming? As if a new... ice age was coming 21/10/2023

There is a puzzling gap in the well-known narrative about constantly rising temperatures and melting glaciers. Well, more and more distinguished scientists from various parts of the world claim, based on many years of research, that the Earth's immediate future is not global warming but... cooling.

The end of global warming? As if a new... ice age was coming Temperatures on Earth are falling for the third year in a row. Solar minimum has begun and will last until 2053.

Swedes go to war. The enemy attacks from the residential area 20/10/2023

After successive murders, shootings, and bombings, Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson delivered a dramatic address to the nation and announced the deployment of the military to the streets to fight gangs. “Such a thing has never happened in Sweden. No country in Europe is in a similar situation,” he justified his decision.

Swedes go to war. The enemy attacks from the residential area Violence and mutual dislike have divided the country into hostile tribes.

A thousand years' legacy 13/10/2023

The basic idea of the Polish History Museum is to present more than a thousand years of Polish history through the prism of the history of freedom. Its absence or the struggle to regain it have been important distinguishing features of Polishness - say historians working in the Polish History Museum's just-opened new building. The impressive building in Warsaw's Żoliborz district, which is one of the largest history museums in Europe, opened its doors to visitors on Friday.

Muzeum Historii Polski
TVP World

A thousand years' legacy A black oak from a thousand years ago and a toppled Dzerzhinsky monument are the biggest exhibits

The last word belongs to the Pope anyway 08/10/2023

Will the eyes of the whole world in the coming weeks be focused on the Vatican, where the meetings of the Synod, already marked by much controversy, will take place? Will the discussion be dominated by the “German Synodal Way” with its extreme postulates on the subject of homosexual couples, women’s priesthood, or the exercise of authority in the Church? And are the Catholics really “living for the Synod”?

The last word belongs to the Pope anyway Will the discussion be dominated by the “German Synodal Way” with its extreme postulates?

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