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OPWNAI : Cybercriminals Starting to Use ChatGPT – Check Point Research 08/01/2023


✅ In the modern world, it is very important to ensure the cybersecurity of the company. Visit our site, we will help you build information security.

☝️ At the end of November 2022, released ChatGPT, the new interface for its Large Language Model (LLM), which instantly created a flurry of interest in AI and its possible uses. However, ChatGPT has also added some spice to the modern cyber threat landscape as it quickly became apparent that code generation can help less-skilled threat actors effortlessly launch cyberattacks.

OPWNAI : Cybercriminals Starting to Use ChatGPT – Check Point Research Latest Research by our Team

BlindEagle Targeting Ecuador With Sharpened Tools – Check Point Research 05/01/2023


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* APT-C-36, also known as Blind Eagle, is a financially motivated threat group that has been launching indiscriminate attacks against citizens of various countries in South America since at least 2018.
* In a recent campaign targeting Ecuador based organizations, CPR detected a new infection chain that involves a more advanced toolset.
* The backdoor chosen for this campaign is typically used by espionage campaigns, which is unusual for this group

BlindEagle Targeting Ecuador With Sharpened Tools – Check Point Research Latest Research by our Team

Why Data Hygiene is Key to Industrial Cybersecurity 05/01/2023

Why Data Hygiene is Key to Industrial Cybersecurity

✅ In the modern world, it is very important to ensure the cybersecurity of the company. Visit our site, we will help you build information security.

👀 How can highly distributed organizations with complex, integrated supply chains defend against cyber threats? By practicing good data hygiene based on zero-trust principles.

Why Data Hygiene is Key to Industrial Cybersecurity In this article, learn how data hygiene plays a big role in industrial cybersecurity

Unraveling the techniques of Mac ransomware - Microsoft Security Blog 05/01/2023

☝️ Unraveling the techniques of Mac ransomware

✅ In the modern world, it is very important to ensure the cybersecurity of the company. Visit our site, we will help you build information security.

👀 Ransomware continues to be one of the most prevalent and impactful threats affecting organizations, with attackers constantly evolving their techniques and expanding their tradecraft to cast a wider net of potential targets. This is evident in the range of industries, systems, and platforms affected by ransomware attacks. Understanding how ransomware works across these systems and platforms is critical in protecting today’s hybrid device and work environments.

Unraveling the techniques of Mac ransomware - Microsoft Security Blog Understanding how Mac ransomware works is critical in protecting today’s hybrid environments. We analyzed several known Mac ransomware families and highlighted these families’ techniques, which defenders can study further to prevent attacks.

Microsoft research uncovers new Zerobot capabilities - Microsoft Security Blog 21/12/2022

Microsoft research uncovers new Zerobot capabilities

✅ In the modern world, it is very important to ensure the cybersecurity of the company. Visit our site, we will help you build information security.

🎁 Botnet malware operations are a constantly evolving threat to devices and networks. Threat actors target Internet of Things (IoT) devices for recruitment into malicious operations as IoT devices’ configurations often leave them exposed, and the number of internet-connected devices continue to grow. Recent trends have shown that operators are redeploying malware for a variety of distributions and objectives, modifying existing botnets to scale operations and add as many devices as possible to their infrastructure.

Microsoft research uncovers new Zerobot capabilities - Microsoft Security Blog The Microsoft Defender for IoT research team details information on the recent distribution of a Go-based botnet, known as Zerobot, that spreads primarily through IoT and web-application vulnerabilities.

OpwnAI: AI That Can Save the Day or HACK it Away - Check Point Research 19/12/2022

🎄 OpwnAI: AI That Can Save the Day or HACK it Away

✅ In the modern world, it is very important to ensure the cybersecurity of the company. Visit our site, we will help you build information security.

🎁 Due to ChatGPT, OpenAI’s release of the new interface for its Large Language Model (LLM), in the last few weeks there has been an explosion of interest in General AI in the media and on social networks. This model is used in many applications all over the web and has been praised for its ability to generate well-written code and aid the development process. However, this new technology also brings risks. For instance, lowering the bar for code generation can help less-skilled threat actors effortlessly launch cyber-attacks.

OpwnAI: AI That Can Save the Day or HACK it Away - Check Point Research Research by: Sharon Ben-Moshe, Gil Gekker, Golan Cohen Introduction Due to ChatGPT, OpenAI’s release of the new interface for its Large Language Model (LLM), in the last few weeks there has been an explosion of interest in General AI in the media and on social networks. This model is used in many ...


🎄 MCCrash: Cross-platform DDoS botnet targets private Minecraft servers

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⭕️ Malware operations continue to rapidly evolve as threat actors add new capabilities to existing botnets, increasingly targeting and recruiting new types of devices. Attackers update malware to target additional operating systems, ranging from PCs to IoT devices, growing their infrastructure rapidly. The Microsoft Defender for IoT research team recently analyzed a cross-platform botnet that originates from malicious software downloads on Windows devices and succeeds in propagating to a variety of Linux-based devices.

Attackers Set Sights on Active Directory: Understanding Your Identity Exposure 15/12/2022

🎄 Attackers Set Sights on Active Directory: Understanding Your Identity Exposure

✅ In the modern world, it is very important to ensure the cybersecurity of the company. Visit our site, we will help you build information security.

🎉 Identify the architectural limitations of Microsoft Active Directory by assessing identity threats with CrowdStrike’s complimentary Active Directory Risk Review

Attackers Set Sights on Active Directory: Understanding Your Identity Exposure Learn how to identify the architectural limitations of Microsoft Active Directory by assessing identity threats with CrowdStrike’s complimentary Active Directory Risk Review.

Ransomware Business Models: Future Pivots and Trends 15/12/2022

🎄 Ransomware Business Models: Future Pivots and Trends

✅ In the modern world, it is very important to ensure the cybersecurity of the company. Visit our site, we will help you build information security.

🎉 Ransomware groups and their business models are expected to change from what and how we know it to date. In this blog entry, we summarize from some of our insights the triggers that spark the small changes in the short term (“evolutions”) and the bigger deviations (“revolutions”) they can redirect their criminal enterprises to in the long run.

Ransomware Business Models: Future Pivots and Trends Ransomware groups and their business models are expected to change from what and how we know it to date. In this blog entry, we summarize from some of our insights the triggers that spark the small changes in the short term (“evolutions”) and the bigger deviations (“revolutions”) they can re...

SMS Scams Exposed: A Look at Ongoing Campaigns Worldwide 14/12/2022

🎄 SMS Scams Exposed: A Look at Ongoing Campaigns Worldwide

✅ In the modern world, it is very important to ensure the cybersecurity of the company. Visit our site, we will help you build information security.

🎉 SMS phishing might not sound like much of a threat. People could think that, after all, who still uses SMS nowadays? In reality, though, SMS remains a vital channel of communication for many businesses and even some institutions. Criminals often try to spread their fraudulent campaigns using SMS and messages relevant to our times.

SMS Scams Exposed: A Look at Ongoing Campaigns Worldwide SMS phishing might not sound like much of a threat.

Probing Weaponized Chat Applications Abused in Supply-Chain Attacks 14/12/2022

🎄 Probing Weaponized Chat Applications Abused in Supply-Chain Attacks

✅ In the modern world, it is very important to ensure the cybersecurity of the company. Visit our site, we will help you build information security.

⭕️ This report examines the infection chain and the pieces of malware used by malicious actors in supply-chain attacks that leveraged trojanized installers of chat-based customer engagement platforms.

Probing Weaponized Chat Applications Abused in Supply-Chain Attacks Use the CRI to assess your organization’s preparedness against attacks, and get a snapshot of cyber risk across organizations globally.

Unify your security with Microsoft Purview - Microsoft Security Blog 14/12/2022

🎄 4 things to look for in a multicloud data protection solution

✅ In the modern world, it is very important to ensure the cybersecurity of the company. Visit our site, we will help you build information security.

🎉 What does it mean to be a multicloud organization? As the name implies, the term describes a model of cloud computing where an organization uses multiple clouds—two or more public clouds, private clouds, or a combination of public, private, and edge clouds—to distribute applications and services. Subscribing to multiple cloud vendors can help your business access best-of-breed solutions along with competitive pricing.

Unify your security with Microsoft Purview - Microsoft Security Blog Discover four solutions for multicloud data protection and how Microsoft Purview helps unify security, compliance, and data protection.

Fantasy – a new Agrius wiper deployed through a supply‑chain attack | WeLiveSecurity 11/12/2022

🔥 Fantasy – a new Agrius wiper deployed through a supply‑chain attack

✅ In the modern world, it is very important to ensure the cybersecurity of the company. Visit our site, we will help you build information security.

⭕️ ESET researchers analyzed a supply-chain attack abusing an Israeli software developer to deploy Fantasy, Agrius’s new wiper, with victims including the diamond industry

Fantasy – a new Agrius wiper deployed through a supply‑chain attack | WeLiveSecurity ESET researchers analyzed a supply-chain attack abusing an Israeli software developer to deploy Fantasy, Agrius’s new wiper.

Cyber Insurance Policy Underwriting Explained 08/12/2022

🔥 Cyber Insurance Policy Underwriting Explained

✅ In the modern world, it is very important to ensure the cybersecurity of the company. Visit our site, we will help you build information security.

⭕️ Cybersecurity insurance is a must have for organizations of any size. John Hennessy, RVP at Cowbell discusses cyber insurance policy underwriting process, market trends, and the key security controls for businesses.

Cyber Insurance Policy Underwriting Explained John Hennessy, RVP at Cowbell discusses cyber insurance policy underwriting process, market trends, and the key security controls for businesses.


🔥 The “Top 10 CI/CD Security Risks” initiative
This document helps defenders identify focus areas for securing their CI/CD ecosystem. It is the result of extensive research into attack vectors associated with CI/CD, and the analysis of high profile breaches and security flaws.

✅ In the modern world, it is very important to ensure the cybersecurity of the company. Visit our site, we will help you build information security.

⭕️ Numerous industry experts across multiple verticals and disciplines came together to collaborate on this document to ensure its relevance to today’s threat landscape, risk surface, and the challenges that defenders face in dealing with these risks.

Tractors vs. threat actors: How to hack a farm | WeLiveSecurity 06/12/2022

🔥 Tractors vs. threat actors: How to hack a farm

✅ In the modern world, it is very important to ensure the cybersecurity of the company. Visit our site, we will help you build information security.

⭕️ Forget pests for a minute. Modern farms also face another – and more insidious – breed of threat.

Tractors vs. threat actors: How to hack a farm | WeLiveSecurity The adoption of new technology and inadequate security precautions create fertile ground for a new breed of threat facing modern farms.

DEV-0139 launches targeted attacks against the cryptocurrency industry - Microsoft Security Blog 06/12/2022

🔥 DEV-0139 launches targeted attacks against the cryptocurrency industry

✅ In the modern world, it is very important to ensure the cybersecurity of the company. Visit our site, we will help you build information security.

⭕️ Over the past several years, the cryptocurrency market has considerably expanded, gaining the interest of investors and threat actors. Cryptocurrency itself has been used by cybercriminals for their operations, notably for ransom payment in ransomware attacks, but we have also observed threat actors directly targeting organizations within the cryptocurrency industry for financial gain. Attacks targeting this market have taken many forms, including fraud, vulnerability exploitation, fake applications, and usage of info stealers, as attackers attempt to get their hands on cryptocurrency funds.

DEV-0139 launches targeted attacks against the cryptocurrency industry - Microsoft Security Blog Microsoft security researchers investigate an attack where the threat actor, tracked DEV-0139, used chat groups to target specific cryptocurrency investment companies and run a backdoor within their network.

What Is Cloud Computing? — Strategies and Importance for Business 06/12/2022

🔥 What is Cloud Computing? — Strategies and Importance for Business

✅ In the modern world, it is very important to ensure the cybersecurity of the company. Visit our site, we will help you build information security.

⭕️ Cloud computing is a style of computing in which scalable and elastic IT-enabled capabilities are delivered as a service using Internet technologies.

What Is Cloud Computing? — Strategies and Importance for Business What are the most important elements of cloud strategy? Gartner answers this and more in this latest guide to all you need to know on cloud computing 📄

Smart Contract Security Audit - The Ultimate Step by Step Guide 29/11/2022


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⭕️ Smart contract vulnerabilities make them prone to hacking leading to the loss of stored crypto assets. Hence, it is imperative to consider their security aspect seriously. Therefore, comes the need for a smart contract security audit to provide a safety shield to your blockchain project.

Smart Contract Security Audit - The Ultimate Step by Step Guide what is a smart contract security audit? It is the audit process to ensure that there is no error found in the written code of the Smart contract

WannaRen Returns as Life Ransomware, Targets India 24/11/2022

🔥 WannaRen Returns as Life Ransomware, Targets India

⭕️ This blog entry looks at the characteristics of a new WannaRen ransomware variant, which we named Life ransomware after its encryption extension.

WannaRen Returns as Life Ransomware, Targets India This blog entry looks at the characteristics of a new WannaRen ransomware variant, which we named Life ransomware after its encryption extension.

Security Culture Matters when IT is Decentralized 24/11/2022

🔥 Security Culture Matters when IT is Decentralized

✅ In the modern world, it is very important to ensure the cybersecurity of the company. Visit our site, we will help you build information security.

⭕️ Decentralization can make enterprises more agile but it also makes IT and network security more complex. Creating a strong security culture, deploying the right tools, and defining an incident response plan are key to keeping the business protected.

Security Culture Matters when IT is Decentralized Creating a strong security culture is even more important in a decentralized IT environment - learn some of the challenges & strategies to stay strong.

DEV-0569 finds new ways to deliver Royal ransomware, various payloads - Microsoft Security Blog 17/11/2022

🔥 DEV-0569 finds new ways to deliver Royal ransomware, various payloads

✅ In the modern world, it is very important to ensure the cybersecurity of the company. Visit our site, we will help you build information security.

⭕️ Recent activity from the threat actor that Microsoft tracks as DEV-0569, known to distribute various payloads, has led to the deployment of the Royal ransomware, which first emerged in September 2022 and is being distributed by multiple threat actors. Observed DEV-0569 attacks show a pattern of continuous innovation, with regular incorporation of new discovery techniques, defense evasion, and various post-compromise payloads, alongside increasing ransomware facilitation.

DEV-0569 finds new ways to deliver Royal ransomware, various payloads - Microsoft Security Blog DEV-0569’s recent activity shows their reliance on malvertising and phishing in delivering malicious payloads. The group’s changes and updates in delivery and payload led to distribution of info stealers and Royal ransomware.

Token tactics: How to prevent, detect, and respond to cloud token theft - Microsoft Security Blog 16/11/2022

🔥 Token tactics: How to prevent, detect, and respond to cloud token theft

✅ In the modern world, it is very important to ensure the cybersecurity of the company. Visit our site, we will help you build information security.

⭕️ As organizations increase their coverage of multifactor authentication (MFA), threat actors have begun to move to more sophisticated techniques to allow them to compromise corporate resources without needing to satisfy MFA. Recently, the Microsoft Detection and Response Team (DART) has seen an increase in attackers utilizing token theft for this purpose. By compromising and replaying a token issued to an identity that has already completed multifactor authentication, the threat actor satisfies the validation of MFA and access is granted to organizational resources accordingly. This poses to be a concerning tactic for defenders because the expertise needed to compromise a token is very low, is hard to detect, and few organizations have token theft mitigations in their incident response plan.

Token tactics: How to prevent, detect, and respond to cloud token theft - Microsoft Security Blog As organizations increase their coverage of multifactor authentication (MFA), threat actors have begun to move to more sophisticated techniques to allow them to compromise corporate resources without needing to satisfy MFA. Recently, the Microsoft Detection and Response Team (DART) has seen an incre...

FIFA World Cup 2022 scams: Beware of fake lotteries, ticket fraud and other cons | WeLiveSecurity 16/11/2022

🔥 FIFA World Cup 2022 scams: Beware of fake lotteries, ticket fraud and other cons

✅ In the modern world, it is very important to ensure the cybersecurity of the company. Visit our site, we will help you build information security.

⭕️ When in doubt, kick it out, plus other tips for hardening your cyber-defenses against World Cup-themed phishing and other scams

FIFA World Cup 2022 scams: Beware of fake lotteries, ticket fraud and other cons | WeLiveSecurity When in doubt, kick it out, plus other tips for hardening your cyber-defenses against World Cup-themed phishing and other scams.

2022 holiday DDoS protection guide - Microsoft Security Blog 15/11/2022

2022 holiday DDoS protection guide

✅ In the modern world, it is very important to ensure the cybersecurity of the company. Visit our site, we will help you build information security.

⭕️ The holiday season is an exciting time for many people as they get to relax, connect with friends and family, and celebrate traditions. Organizations also have much to rejoice about during the holidays (for example, more sales for retailers and more players for gaming companies). Unfortunately, cyber attackers also look forward to this time of year to celebrate an emerging holiday tradition—distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks.

2022 holiday DDoS protection guide - Microsoft Security Blog The holiday season is an exciting time for many people as they get to relax, connect with friends and family, and celebrate traditions. Organizations also have much to rejoice about during the holidays (for example, more sales for retailers and more players for gaming companies). Unfortunately, cybe...


🔥 10 common security mistakes and how to avoid them

✅ In the modern world, it is very important to ensure the cybersecurity of the company. Visit our site, we will help you build information security.

⭕️ Do you put yourself at greater risk for successful attacks by making one of these security mistakes?


🔥 Hacking baby monitors can be child’s play: Here’s how to stay safe

✅ In the modern world, it is very important to ensure the cybersecurity of the company. Visit our site, we will help you build information security.

⭕️ Make sure that the device that’s supposed to help you keep tabs on your little one isn’t itself a privacy and security risk

Check Point CloudGuard Spectral exposes new obfuscation techniques for malicious packages on PyPI - Check Point Research 09/11/2022

🔥 Check Point CloudGuard Spectral exposes new obfuscation techniques for malicious packages on PyPI

✅ In the modern world, it is very important to ensure the cybersecurity of the company. Visit our site, we will help you build information security.

* Check Point Research (CPR) detects a new and unique malicious package on PyPI, the leading package index used by developers for the Python programming language
* The new malicious package was designed to hide code in images and infect through open-source projects on Github
* CPR responsibly disclosed this information to PyPI, who removed the packages immediately

Check Point CloudGuard Spectral exposes new obfuscation techniques for malicious packages on PyPI - Check Point Research Highlights: Check Point Research (CPR) detects a new and unique malicious package on PyPI, the leading package index used by developers for the Python programming language The new malicious package was designed to hide code in images and infect through open-source projects on Github CPR responsibly....

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