American Investor Desk at AmCham Poland

Polish-American business community at the American Chamber of Commerce in Poland.

Program supporting Polish companies interested in expanding to the United States.


Wszystkich przedsiębiorców, który chcą rozwijać działalność eksportową zapraszamy na spotkanie dotyczące zamówień publicznych organizacji międzynarodowych, 2 czerwca 2022 r. w godzinach 10:00-14:30, w siedzibie Krakowski Park Technologiczny (Kraków, ul. Podole 60). Organizatorami wydarzenia są Centrum Business in Małopolska oraz Ministerstwo Rozwoju i Technologii. Patronat nad wydarzeniem objęła Polska Agencja Inwestycji i Handlu - PAIH.

Wystąpienia ekspertów przybliżą tematykę zamówień publicznych organizacji międzynarodowych, w tym United Nations, World Bank, NATO i armii amerykańskiej. W programie zaplanowano także wystąpienie reprezentanta Polskiej Agencji Inwestycji i Handlu na temat wsparcia w procesie internacjonalizacji działalności oraz reprezentanta Banku Gospodarstwa Krajowego na temat oferty BGK w zakresie gwarancji oraz innych instrumentów trade finance.

Wydarzenie jest bezpłatne. Warunkiem udziału jest wcześniejsza rejestracja przez formularz dostępny tutaj:


The Equality State of Wyoming got its nickname from its civil-rights history. The state is clearly known for its equal right as in 1924, Wyoming became the first state to elect a female governor, Nellie Tayloe Ross, who took office in January 1925.

Wyoming is a state in the Mountain West subregion of the Western United States. The first settlements in Wyoming were influenced by European gentlemen fond of beaver top hats exported to Europe due to their abundance in the Rocky Mountains, where trappers searched for the prized pelts.

Wyoming was a latecomer when joining the United States as it only joined the Union in 1890 as the 44th state. Although they were a latecomer, Wyoming was the first U.S. state to allow women to vote, an absolute achievement in terms of equal rights and a victory for the American women's suffrage movement.

Concerning industry sectors, Wyoming is known for mining and extraction such as oil and gas, coal, trona, uranium, diamonds, and coal bed methane; tourism where each year about 6 million people travel to the state to see Grand Teton and Yellowstone national parks; agriculture farming such as beef production; and manufacturing petroleum refinement, chemical products, fabricated metal, non-metal mineral products, machinery, electrical appliances, and rubber.

More about Wyoming can be found at the following links:

Wyoming Clusters:

Wyoming Economic Development Directory:

Wyoming Economic Development Association:

Wyoming Business Council:


The Badger State of Wisconsin got its nickname from the caves in which miners lived, called badgers. The Wisconsin Territory was created in 1836 and was composed of Wisconsin, Iowa, Minnesota, and parts of North and South Dakota. However, later the territory got smaller when some sections of that territory joined the Iowa Territory. The territory turned into a state in 1848 as it entered the Union as its 30th state. Today, it is geographically the 23rd-largest state by total area located in the upper Midwestern parts of the United States.

When it comes to the state's specialization, they specialize in the following industry sectors: advanced manufacturing (i.e., food products machinery, tractors & trailers, household refrigerators & freezers, appliances, metal manufacturing, and plastics); agriculture, food & beverage (i.e., dairy product manufacturing, animal food manufacturing, fruit & vegetable preserving & specialty food manufacturing, animal processing, and agricultural chemical manufacturing); healthcare and life sciences (i.e., healthcare information technology, scientific research & development services, pharmaceutical, and medicine manufacturing); and information technology (i.e., software publishing, computer systems design, games development, and direct-to-consumer & specialty retail).

More about Wisconsin can be found at the following links:

Wisconsin Clusters:

Think-Make-Happen In Wisconsin:

Madison Region Economic Partnership:

Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation:


The Mountain State of West Virginia got this nickname as it is the only state entirely within the Appalachian Mountain region. When it comes to early settlements, it is claimed that it was first settled by German settlers in 1727.

As the nation progressed post, early settlements West Virginia joined the Union as the 35th state in 1863. West Virginia is situated in the Appalachian, Mid-Atlantic, and Southeastern regions of the United States, with Charleston city as the state capital.

In terms of industry sectors, today, West Virginia goes beyond resource extraction. It also grows within various sectors such as aerospace parts manufacturing, production of different food and agricultural products, automotive component manufacturing, wood manufacturing technologies, chemical industrial parks benefiting companies in the sector, wood products manufacturing, fulfillment distribution centers supporting supply chains through low energy costs and a highly skilled workforce, among other sectoral benefits.

More information about West Virginia can be found at the following links:

West Virginia Clusters:

West Virginia Economic Development Directory:

West Virginia Department of Commerce:

West Virginia Economic Development Council:

West Virginia Department of Commerce:


The Evergreen State of Washington is the only state named after a president. Its nickname was chosen since the state has abundant evergreen forests. Washington state was granted statehood in 1889 as the 42nd state. Due to its location in the Pacific Northwest region of the Western United States and its excellent harbors, the state has contributed to its role as a leader in trade with Alaska, Canada, which it borders with the Canadian province of British Columbia to the north as well as countries of the Pacific Rim. The city of Olympia is its capital, and the state's largest city is Seattle.

Washington state's key industry sectors are the aerospace sector which focuses on aircraft and unmanned aerial systems (UAS); the agriculture sector, which focuses on its extensive crop commodities; clean technologies becoming one of the top priorities as greener technology is in higher demand to reduce greenhouse gases and create an economic climate where innovation and entrepreneurship can continue to thrive in Washington; forest products which have historical ties to the region being the 3rd largest manufacturing sector in Washington; information and communication technology (ICT) which include software, networks, gaming, e-commerce and big data; the life science sector is comprised of world-class research institutions; the maritime sector focusing through its roots on promoting marine economic development; and the security and defense sector focusing on defense missions, military installations, contractors & vendors and military-friendly communities.

More about the state of Washington can be found at the following links:

Washington traded cluster:

Washington economic development directory:

Washington State Department of Commerce:

Washington Economic Development Association:


The Old Dominion State of Virginia, located in the Mid-Atlantic and Southeastern regions of the United States, is also referred to as the Mother of Presidents and Mother of States. It got its nicknames because Virginia was the first permanent English settlement being the birthplace of a new nation, and therefore the oldest, of the overseas dominions of the kings and queens of England. Historically, Virginia is a significant state as Eight Virginia-born gentlemen succeeded to the highest office in the land, including four of the first five presidents.

Geographically, it has a climate favorable to flora and fauna of the state as it is shaped by the Blue Ridge Mountains and the Chesapeake Bay. Urban-wise, the city of Richmond is its capital, and Virginia Beach is its most populous city. According to the 2020 census, Virginia's population reached 8.65 million, with 36% living in the Baltimore-Washington metropolitan area.

Virginia has a long-standing reputation for its traditional sectors with a modern twist with a rich history, culture, and business climate. We start with corporate services with 39 Fortune 1000 companies with headquarters in Virginia. Next, we have food & beverage processing due to its abundant access to raw materials and a large customer base at competitive costs. Third, information technology such as cloud computing and cybersecurity have been in high demand, particularly since the COVID-19 pandemic began. Fourth is life sciences, with Virginia having access to 11 federally funded R&D Centers. Fifth is the manufacturing of advanced materials, aerospace & automotive parts, and wood products. Sixth is cleantech, particularly offshore wind technology. Seventh is its supply chain management, with Virginia having access to the 3rd-largest port on the East Coast. Finally, we have unmanned systems that fall within the most modern air, land, and sea products, positioning Virginia as a leader in this emerging industry.

More information about Virginia can be found at the following links:

Virginia Economic Clusters:

Virginia Economic Development Partnership:

Martinsville-Henry County Economic Development Corporation:

Hampton Roads Alliance:

The Port of Virginia:

Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services:

Arlington Economic Development:

Fairfax County Economic Development Authority:


The Green Mountain State of Vermont got its nickname from two French words, "Les Monts Verts," French for the Green Mountains. During the Revolutionary War, Ethan Allen and the Green Mountain Boys defended their homeland from the British. Vermont joined the original 13 colonies in 1791 to become the 14th state. Originally, Vermont was an independent republic for 14 years.

In the New England region of the United States, Vermont is known for its 67 mountains that give its landscape a remarkable view. The state is a popular location for tourism and hospitality, especially when it comes to skiing for U.S. citizens and Canadians as it borders the French Canadian province of Quebec. Vermont is a small state with a low population according to the 2020 census (643,503 people). Its Capital Montpelier is the capital with the lowest population in the United States. Even its most populous city Burlington has a relatively low population compared to other small cities across the country. However, the state has an excellent climate in rural villages, suburban towns, and small cities.

Vermont has multiple sectoral opportunities, including aerospace and precision manufacturing, designing, building, and delivering innovative products. Agriculture and food & beverages are part of Vermont's tradition with a highly creative mentality within the sector as over 80% of open farmland are devoted to dairy production and crops grown for dairy feed. Forestry products are one of their oldest industry, however with keeping in mind environmental protection; software & technology is also developing within its relatively small population; they also operate within sectors such as consumer goods, creative economy, digital media, high-quality education, financial services, quality healthcare, non-profit organizations, construction, outdoor spaces & recreation, professional services such as legal services, and the energy sector.

More information about Vermont can be found at the following links:

Vermont Economic Clusters:

Vermont Economic Development Directory:


Vermont Department of Economic Development:


The U.S. Virgin Islands have three nicknames the Twin City for St. Croix, the Rock City for St. Thomas, and the Love City for St. John. Christopher Columbus discovered the Virgin Islands and named them as such after Saint Ursula and the 11,000 Virgins. Originally part of the Danish West Indies, the United States only took possession of the islands in 1917, paying Denmark $25 million for them. The first residents of the islands were Ciboney, Caribs, and Arawaks. Still, after their discovery, it is believed that Spanish settlers raided the islands, forcing the local population to work or flee the islands.

Geographically, the islands are a group of Caribbean islands and an unincorporated and organized territory of the United States. They are not classified as a state and geographically are part of the Virgin Islands archipelago and are located in the Leeward Islands of the Lesser Antilles to the east of Puerto Rico and west of the British Virgin Islands.

The key industries of the U.S. Virgin Islands include financial services, information technology, advanced manufacturing, and tourism. The island has large distilleries of rum, being one of their significant export sectors in manufacturing. They also manufacture electronics and pharmaceuticals.

More about the U.S. Virgin Islands can be found at the USVI Economic Development Authority:

Photos from American Investor Desk at AmCham Poland's post 16/11/2021

The American Investor Desk cooperates with various Economic Development Organizations in the United States and their European offices to inform you about beneficial events for your organization in their state.

As we support the promotion of our partners, Enterprise Florida, Inc. will host Select Florida Expo 2021, Florida's first-ever virtual event focused on attracting foreign direct investment (FDI) to the state between November 30th and December 2nd, 2021, through their virtual platform.

Don't miss out on the opportunity to interact with Enterprise Florida teams, Florida communities and regions, trade and economic development organizations, statewide businesses, Florida's colleges, universities and research institutions, Florida's Seaports, Airports, Space Florida, Florida's Government Agencies, High-Tech Accelerators & Incubators, and Soft-Landing Service Providers.

Registration is free at the following link:


The Beehive State of Utah originally was named The State of Deseret by the first Mormons who arrived on the territory. The religious group used that name to reference the honeybee in The Book of Mormon. This name was the official name of the colony from 1849 to 1850. The symbolism behind the beehive is about cooperation work that was required to make the desert bloom.

Historically, in 1847, Brigham Young traveled to Utah in the companionship of 148 Mormon pioneers. The chosen settlement was the Salt Lake Valley naming their settlement the Great Salt Lake City. By 1850, the settlement grew to over 11,000 Mormons moving to the area. Utah joined the Union as the 45th state in 1896, naming Salt Lake City as its capital.

Utah is a mountainous state in the Western United States, receiving on average 500 inches of snow per year. The state is the 13th-largest by area with an urban concentrated in two areas: the Wasatch Front in the north-central part of the state, which includes the capital city, Salt Lake City, and Washington County in the south, with more than 170,000 residents.

Utah's advantage rests around emerging and mature sectors such as advanced manufacturing (i.e. advanced materials, manufacturing, technology development, and design sectors), supporting one-fifth of Utah's jobs. Another important industry is aerospace and defense, with prestigious companies such as Boeing, Lockheed Martin, and Northop Grumman. Traditionally, the state has solid financial roots, home to 51 banking institutions (valued at over $800 billion), including national, regional, community, and industrial banks. However, the state is also modernizing its financial institutions with a flourishing fintech sector. When it comes to healthcare innovation, they have a life science sector providing approximately 40,000 jobs. Finally, after silicon valley in California, we have Silicon Slopes in Utah, hosting national IT companies as well as homegrown ones worth billions of dollars.

More information about Utah can be found at the following links:

Utah Governor's Office of Economic Opportunity:



The Lone Star State of Texas got its nickname from the Lone Star flag, which was adopted after Texas became independent from Mexico in 1836. Historically, the state's story started with the Spanish conquistadors in North America. At that time, the region was occupied by numerous Native American tribes.

Texas did not remain a Mexican territory for long. Texas was its own country known as the Republic of Texas for a period of its history, from 1836 until it agreed to join the United States in 1845. Sixteen years after joining the Union in 1861, it seceded along with ten other states to form the Confederacy, which eventually led these states toward civil war with the states which were part of the Union.

Texas, located in South Central USA, is the second-largest U.S. state by area after Alaska and population after California. Texas shares borders with the Mexican states of Chihuahua, Coahuila, Nuevo León, and Tamaulipas to the south and southwest and has a coastline with the Gulf of Mexico to the southeast.

In terms of industry sectors, Texas specializes in various specialties both in goods production and services offered. Texas is a leader in advanced manufacturing technologies producing goods such as computers, motor vehicles, and food & beverage production. They are well known for their aerospace, aviation & defense sector, with great companies in Texas such as Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Blue Origin, SpaceX, and other well-known companies. They are also known for their biotechnology & life sciences, where Texas is one of the leading biotech states in the country. When it comes to energy, Texas has been a leader in energy production since 1901; nonetheless, they are also known for petroleum refining & chemical products. The Texan information technology sector has a strong reputation attracting talent for companies such as Texas Instruments. Since the pandemic began, we have seen a surge of talent moving from states such as California toward Texas. Finally, with services, the state offers corporate services and a robust creative industry where Texas has quickly become a global leader, touching sectors such as music, film, and video games.

More about Texas can be found at the following links:

Texas Economic Development:

Greater Houston Partnership:

Austin Chamber of Commerce:

Brazos Valley Economic Development Corporation:

- Polish American Chamber of Commerce in Texas:

Buda Economic Development Corporation:


The Volunteer State of Tennessee, a state in the Southeastern region of the United States, received its nickname after the state got involved in the War of 1812, where Tennesseans famously avenged the death of Davy Crockett, a U.S. congressman from the American West. He ultimately became the most heralded person to die at the infamous Battle of the Alamo in Texas. Due to this incident, he created a long-lasting relationship between the two Southern states and solidified in its history's nickname as the Volunteer State.

Tennessee is the 36th largest by area and the 16th most populous where geographically, culturally, and legally divided into three Grand Divisions of East, Middle, and West Tennessee.

Historically, the state was part of the new state of North Carolina following the Revolution. Tennessee made a bid for admission to the Union as a state named Franklin. In 1796, Tennessee became a state, the first admitted from territorial status, with Knoxville as its first capital. In modern history, in the 1920s, the state's capital and the largest city Nashville became known for its country music, becoming the country music capital of the world with the nickname "Music City."

The state of Tennessee has a diverse mix of industries, starting with healthcare home to more than 500 healthcare companies located in the Nashville region; music & entertainment with its eclectic music and creative sector; advanced manufacturing with an abundant skilled workforce and low cost of conducting business as well as an excellent transportation connection within the state; corporate operations being a state that attracts companies to establish their headquarters such as Nissan, iHeartMedia, and Amazon among others; supply chain management with superior distribution, competitive and affordable transportation costs.

More about Tennessee can be found here:

Tennessee Traded Clusters:

Nashville Area Chamber of Commerce:

TN Dept. of Labor & Workforce Development:

Greater Chattanooga Economic Partnership (GCEP):

Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development:

Memphis Area Association of Governments - MAAG:


The Mount Rushmore State of South Dakota is a U.S. state in the upper Midwestern parts of the United States. Yet, that nickname is its latest nickname. They were previously known as the Sunshine State, Coyote State, Artesian State, Blizzard State, The Land of Plenty, and The Land of Infinite Variety. But, the actual name of the state comes from the Lakota and Dakota Sioux Native American tribes, who constitute a large portion of the population within the territory. The Dakota Territory was added to the United States in 1803 as part of the Louisiana Purchase. However, South Dakota became the 39th or 40th state only in 1889 with North Dakota. The reason for us not knowing if they were 39 or 40 is due to the fact that President Benjamin Harrison shuffled the statehood papers before signing them for no one to know who was chosen to join first.

South Dakota is the seventeenth largest by area. Still, it is the 5th least populous and the 5th least densely populated in the United States, with Pierre as its capital and Sioux Falls as its largest city.

The state's key industries are manufacturing (i.e. precision agriculture products); a bioscience infrastructure including cGMP-compliant facilities among others; value-added agriculture meaning products and services from agricultural science and innovation; livestock development is one of their vital industries; precision agriculture such as GPS technologies and a variety of computerized monitoring and application equipment for the agricultural sector; and cybersecurity basically anything related to data breaches, malware infections and identity theft technology to counter it and reduce vulnerabilities to consumers.

More about South Dakota can be found here:

South Dakota Traded Clusters:

South Dakota Governor's Office of Economic Development:

Aberdeen Development Corporation:

Brookings Economic Development Corporation:

# Cybersecurity


The Palmetto State of South Carolina got its nickname in honor of its state tree. The state's actual name came from King Charles the I and King Charles the II of England. Still, its nickname came from Colonists who built a small fort from the wood of palmetto trees, which was symbolic of the defeat of a British fleet near Charleston in 1776.

South Carolina is one of the original thirteen colonies with a rich history. When the Spanish and French started exploring the area in the 16th century, they found many small Native American tribes inhabiting the land. But, in 1860, the state became the first state to secede from the Union and join the Confederacy. A year later, the Civil War began at the Battle of Fort Sumter near Charleston. After their defeat, in 1868, South Carolina was readmitted into the Union.

Geographically, South Carolina is a state in the Southeastern region of the United States which borders the Atlantic Ocean. South Carolina is the 40th most extensive and 23rd most populous U.S. state with a recorded population above 5 million residents according to the 2020 census. As a state alone, in 2019, its GDP was USD 213.45 billion. South Carolina comprises 46 counties, with the Greenville-Anderson-Mauldin metropolitan area being the largest, Columbia as its capital, and Charleston as its largest city.

The five leading industries in the state are agriculture with 4.9 million acres dedicated to farmland producing goods such as soybeans, wheat, corn, cotton, eggs, turkeys, and cattle; aerospace and aviation; automotive; advanced manufacturing; and tourism.

More about South Carolina can be found here:

South Carolina Clusters:

South Carolina Economic Development Directory:

South Carolina Economic Developers' Association:

S.C. Department of Commerce:

Beaufort County Economic Development Corporation:

Beaufort County Government SC:


The Ocean State of Rhode Island got its nickname due to its large bays and inlets that amount to about 14% of its total area boasting over 400 miles of coastline.

Rhode Island was the first colony in America to declare independence in 1776, two months before the United States Declaration of Independence. Rhode Islanders are the ones who enacted an act of war on a British warship which led this act to the American Revolution. The state was founded by Roger Williams in 1636, formerly living in the Massachusetts colony until he was banished due to his religious tolerance and advocating for the separation of church and state.

Rhode Island is located in the New England region, being the smallest U.S. state by area and the seventh-least populous. Still, it is also the second-most densely populated behind New Jersey. The state has land borders with various states and also shares a small maritime border with New York. Providence is the state capital and most populous city in Rhode Island.

Rhode Island is full of opportunities when it comes to its sectoral branches such as life sciences with its major strength in biomedical innovation; IT software, cyber-physical systems such as the internet of things, autonomous underwater vehicles cybersecurity, data analytics, engineering, design, and computer science; defense, shipbuilding, and maritime where Rhode Island's historical foundation is based on seafaring with the state having a robust and diverse naval industry, this expertise is positive for areas such as defense-related ship and submarine building, marine tourism, environmental preservation, and ocean cartography; advanced business services are also crucial for the state such as web services, client management, financial services; sectors such as design, food, and custom manufacturing are in place due to the state's tradition of innovation, business-friendly policies, and world-renowned educational institutions; finally, travel and hospitality is lively due to its vibrant vacation destination for more than a century.

More about Rhode Island can be found here:

Rhode Island Traded Clusters:

Rhode Island Commerce:

Northern Rhode Island Chamber of Commerce:

Central RI Chamber of Commerce:

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